*For the ANGL-ARHDL site click here.*

Arizona Radiogenic Helium Dating Laboratory

(U-Th)/He geochronology & thermochronology applied to Earth and planetary science
Founded November 2006

Decay of uranium and thorium to helium provides a versatile chronometer for examining the timing and rates of a wide variety of events and processes in earth and planetary science. (U-Th)/He dating is often used to constrain thermal histories of rocks and the timing and rate of orogenic events and the topographic evolution. Using (U-Th)/He thermochronology in this way we work with a wide range of geomorphologists and tectonicists to address problems related to uplift, erosion, faulting, and other orogenic issues. He dating is also used in a wide range of other applications, including dating young volcanic rocks, estimating meteorite thermal histories, thermal histories of sedimentary basins, and tracing the effects of wildfire on the earth's surface. In the ARHDL we work on applications such as these all over the world, and develop new ways to do and use He dating.

(U-Th)/He Research Projects (from days of yore) in the ARHDL

Our Element2 HR-ICP-MS Lab

Affiliated Geochronology Centers at the UofA:
The Arizona Laserchron Center

Element2 ICP-MS Lab
Founded August 2007

The Element2 HR-ICP-MS is a high-resolution (single-collector) inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometer.
It's used for high-precision and -accuracy measurement of trace and major elements in a wide variety of natural materials. We make routine high precision measurements of U, Th, Sm, REE, Ca, and Zr for (U-Th)/He chronometry, and the instrument is also capable of analyzing a very broad range of trace and major elements in solutions and solids. Contact us with questions about using the E2.


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Last revised 15 June 2009; and a little bit on 26 June 2020