*For the ANGL-ARHDL site click here.*
Arizona Radiogenic Helium Dating Laboratory
(U-Th)/He geochronology & thermochronology applied to Earth and planetary science
Founded November 2006
Decay of uranium and thorium to helium provides a versatile chronometer for examining the timing and rates of a wide variety of events and processes in earth and planetary science. (U-Th)/He dating is often used to constrain thermal histories of rocks and the timing and rate of orogenic events and the topographic evolution. Using (U-Th)/He thermochronology in this way we work with a wide range of geomorphologists and tectonicists to address problems related to uplift, erosion, faulting, and other orogenic issues. He dating is also used in a wide range of other applications, including dating young volcanic rocks, estimating meteorite thermal histories, thermal histories of sedimentary basins, and tracing the effects of wildfire on the earth's surface. In the ARHDL we work on applications such as these all over the world, and develop new ways to do and use He dating.
Our Element2 HR-ICP-MS Lab
Affiliated Geochronology Centers at the UofA:
The Arizona Laserchron Center
Element2 ICP-MS Lab
Founded August 2007
The Element2 HR-ICP-MS is a high-resolution (single-collector) inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometer.
It's used for high-precision and -accuracy measurement of trace and major elements in a wide variety of natural materials. We make routine high precision measurements of U, Th, Sm, REE, Ca, and Zr for (U-Th)/He chronometry, and the instrument is also capable of analyzing a very broad range of trace and major elements in solutions and solids. Contact us with questions about using the E2.
- Our Element2 high-resolution ICP-MS was installed in August 2007

Our new HR-ICP-MS, being installed in the new ICP-MS lab. |

Intrepid Thermo Engineer Sean Thomson installs the ol' Element2 (for the second time). |
- Below: Alright, not a lab shot, but some nice hedgehog cacti in the Chiricahuas, May 2009.
Old, way-out-of-date, but still interesting from a historical perspective stuff
- (Not-so Recent; sorry we stopped keeping track) Visitors:
- Sean Long, November 2010, Univ. of Nevada, Bhutan and central Nevada
- Trent Newkirk, November 2010, Univ. of British Columbia, Nevada mineralization
- Moira Cruickshanks, November 2010, Univ. of British Columbia, Carlin-trend mineralization dynamics
- Nicole Schoolmeesters, Oct 2010, Univ. of Wyoming, oceanic zircons
- Xavier Robert, Oct-Dec 2010, UQAM, Colorado Plateau
- Rike Bauer, Sept-Oct 2010, Univ. of Heidelberg, East Africa
- Benedetta Andreucci, March-May 2010, Univ. of Padova, Carpathians
- Yuan Chang, March-May 2010, Tongji Univ., Dabie Shan
- Nicole Schoolmeesters, January 2010, Univ. of Wyoming, oceanic zircons
- Alexander Rohrmann, November 2009, University of Potsdam, Tibetan yardangs
- Florea Anea, Summer 2009, University of Bucharest, Carpathians
- Moira Cruickshanks, November 2009, Univ. of British Columbia, Carlin-trend mineralization dynamics
- Agustin Cardona, Spring 2009, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama, Orogenic evolution of northen Colombia.
- Sean Long, June 2009, Princeton, Bhutan
- Qiu Nansheng and Chang Jian, June-Aug 2009, Chinese University of Petroleum, Tien Shan
- Clay Painter, May 2009, Univ. of Wyoming, western U.S.
- Elisa Fitz-Dias, Jan 2009, Univ. of Minnesota, Mexico
- Clay Painter, Dec 2008, Univ. of Wyoming, western U.S.
- Kathy Licht and Andrea Schilling, Dec 2008, IUPUI, Antartica
- Julia Lindow, Nov 2008, GFZ Potsdam, European Alps
- Rike Bauer, Oct 2008, Univ. of Heidelberg, East Africa
- Sidney Hemming, Stephen Cox, Elizabeth Pierce, May 2008, Columbia-LDEO, East Antarctica
- David Gombosi, May 2008, Univ. of South Carolina, Tierra del Fuego
- Tibo Simon-Labric, April 2008, University of Lausanne, North Cascades
- Qiu Nansheng and Tao Chang, April 2008, Chinese University of Petroleum, Tarim Basin
- Catherine Riihimaki, January 2008, Bryn Mawr College, Clinker geochronology and geomorphic evolution of the Powder River Basin
- Jessica Stanley, December 2007, MIT, Exhumational history of the Alps.
- Dan Pace , November 2007, University of Nevada, Reno, Mineralization in Nevada.
- Agustin Cardona, October 2007, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama, Orogenic evolution of northen Colombia.
- Jeff Rahl, June 2007, Assistant Professor at Washington & Lee University, Detrital thermochronology of the Pyrenees
- HeDWaAZ 2007 Participants (not including co-instructors Stuart Thomson (Yale University), and Stefan Nicolescu (UofA):
- Yuan Chang, Tongji University (Shanghai, China)
- Chris Earnest, Univ. of Arizona
- Alexandra-Selene Jarvis, Dickinson College
- Nicole Longinotti, Occidental College
- Katie Marks, Carleton College
- Stephen Cox, Columbia University
- Melanie Michalak, Univ. of California, Santa Cruz
- Nat Wilson, Yale University
- Jérémie Van Melle, Grenoble University
- Cristian Vasquez, April 2007, PhD student at Univ. of Chile, Glacial erosion and orogenic evolution, southern Patagonian Andes
- Antonio Pignalosa, Jan-May 2007, PhD student at Univ. of Bologna, Paleotopography of the Simplon tunnel area, central Alps
- Owen Callahan, Dec-Jan, 2006-2007 MS student at Western Washington University: Paleotopography of the Okanogan Range
- Zoe Ruge, Jan 2007, BA student at Bryn Mawr College: Clinker geochronology and geomorphic evolution of the Powder River Basin

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Last revised 15 June 2009; and a little bit on 26 June 2020