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Colorado River Delta
Upper Gulf of California
Lower Colorado River
Forty-four most-cited articles from a Google Scholar search for “Colorado River Delta” and “Colorado Delta”February 5, 2007 1. Briggs, M. K. and S. Cornelius (1998). "Opportunities for ecological improvement along the lower Colorado River and delta." Wetlands 18(4): 513-529. 2. Carriquiry, J. D. and A. Sanchez (1999). "Sedimentation in the Colorado River delta and Upper Gulf of California after nearly a century of discharge loss." Marine Geology 158(1): 125-145. 3. Carriquiry, J. D., A. Sanchez, et al. (2001). "Sedimentation in the northern Gulf of California after cessation of the Colorado River discharge." Sedimentary Geology 144(1): 37-62. 4. Cohen, M. J. and C. Henges-Jeck (2001). Missing Water: The Uses and Flows of Water in the Colorado River Delta Region, Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security. 44pp. 5. Cohen, M. J., C. Henges-Jeck, et al. (2001). "A preliminary water balance for the Colorado River delta, 1992-1998." Journal of Arid Environments 49(1): 35-48. 6. Fradkin, P. L. (1996). A River No More: The Colorado River and the West, Expanded and Updated Edition, University of California Press. 360pp. 7. Galindo-Bect, M. S., E. P. Glenn, et al. (2000). "Penaeid shrimp landings in the upper Gulf of California in relation to Colorado River freshwater discharge." Fishery Bulletin 98(1): 222-225. 8. Garcia-Hernandez, J., K. A. King, et al. (2001). "Selenium, selected inorganic elements, and organochlorine pesticides in bottom material and biota from the Colorado River delta." Journal of Arid Environments 49: 65-89. 9. Gleick, P. H. (2003). “Global Freshwater Resources: Soft-Path Solutions for the 21st Century.” Science 28: 1524-1528. 10. Glenn, E., R. Tanner, et al. (1998). "Growth rates, salt tolerance and water use characteristics of native and invasive riparian plants from the delta of the Colorado River, Mexico." Journal of Arid Environments 40(3): 281-294. 11. Glenn, E. P., R. S. Felger, et al. (1992). "Ciénega de Santa Clara: Endangered Wetland in the Colorado River Delta, Sonora, Mexico." Natural Resources Journal 32(4): 817-824. 12. Glenn, E. P., J. Garcia, et al. (1999). "Status of wetlands supported by agricultural drainage water in the Colorado River Delta, Mexico." HortScience 34(1): 39-45. 13. Glenn, E. P., C. Lee, et al. (1996). "Effects of Water Management on the Wetlands of the Colorado River Delta, Mexico." Conservation Biology 10(4): 1175-1186. 14. Glenn, E. P., F. Zamora-Arroyo, et al. (2001). "Ecology and conservation biology of the Colorado River Delta, Mexico." Journal of Arid Environments 49(1): 5-15. 15. Glennon, R. J. and P. W. Culp (2002). "The Last Green Lagoon: How and Why the Bush Administration Should Save the Colorado River Delta." Ecology Law Quarterly 28(4): 903-988. 16. Hinojosa-Huerta, O., S. DeStefano, et al. (2000). "Abundance, distribution, and habitat use of the Yuma clapper rail (Rallus longirostris yumanensis) in the Colorado River Delta, Mexico." Final Report. Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Arizona, Tucson 78. 17. Holden, P. B. and C. B. Stalnaker "Distribution and Abundance of Mainstream Fishes of the Middle and Upper Colorado River Basins, 1967-1973." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 104(2): 217-231. 18. Jennings, S. and G. R. Thompson (1986). "Diagenesis of Plio-Pleistocene sediments of the Colorado River Delta, Southern California." Journal of Sedimentary Research 56(1): 89-98. 19. Kniffen, F. (1931). "Lower California Studies, III: The Primitive Cultural Landscape of the Colorado Delta." University of California Publications in Geography 5(2): 43-66. 20. Kowalewski, M., G. A. Goodfriend, et al. (1998). "High-resolution estimates of temporal mixing within shell beds; the evils and virtues of time-averaging." Paleobiology 24(3): 287. 21. Kowalewski, M., G. E. A. Serrano, et al. (2000). "Dead delta's former productivity: Two trillion shells at the mouth of the Colorado River." Geology 28(12): 1059. 22. Lavín, M. F. and S. Sanchez (1999). "On how the Colorado River affected the hydrography of the upper Gulf of California." Continental Shelf Research 19(12): 1545-1560. 23. Luecke, D. F. and Environmental Defense Fund (1999). A Delta Once More: Restoring Riparain and Wetland Habitat in the Colorado River Delta, Environmental Defense Fund. 24. MacDougal, D. T. and G. Sykes (1907). "The Desert Basins of the Colorado Delta." Bulletin of the American Geographical Society 39(12): 705-729. 25. Meckel, L. D. (1975). "Holocene sand bodies in the Colorado delta area, northern Gulf of California." Deltas—Models for Exploration. Houston, Texas: Houston Geological Society: 239–265. 26. Mellink, E., E. Palacios, et al. (1997). "Non-breeding waterbirds of the delta of the Rio Colorado, Mexico." Journal of Field Ornithology 68(1): 113-123. 27. Merriam, R. and O. L. Bandy (1965). "Source of upper Cenozoic sediments in Colorado Delta region." Journal of Sedimentary Research 35(4): 911-916. 28. Muffler, L. J. P. and B. R. Doe (1968). "Composition and mean age of detritus of the Colorado River delta in the Salton Trough, southeastern California." Journal of Sedimentary Research 38(2): 384-399. 29. Nagler, P. L., E. P. Glenn, et al. (2001). "Assessment of spectral vegetation indices for riparian vegetation in the Colorado River delta, Mexico." Journal of Arid Environments 49(1): 91-110. 30. Payne, J. M., F. A. Reid, et al. "Feasibility Study for the Possible Enhancement of the Colorado Delta Wetlands: Baja California Norte, Mexico." Prepared by Ducks Unlimited. 31pp. 31. Pitt, J. (2001). "Can we restore the Colorado River delta?" Journal of Arid Environments 49(1): 211-220. 32. Pitt, J., D. F. Luecke, et al. (2000). "Two Nations, One River: Managing Ecosystem Conservation in the Colorado River Delta." Natural Resources Journal 40(4): 819-864. 33. Postel, S. (1997). Last Oasis: facing water scarcity, WW Norton & Company. 239pp. 34. Postel, S. L., J. I. Morrison, et al. (1998). "Allocating fresh water to aquatic ecosystems: The case of the Colorado River delta." Water international 23(3): 119-125. 35. Rodriguez, C. A., K. W. Flessa, et al. (2001). "Effects of upstream diversion of Colorado River water on the estuarine bivalve Mollusc Mulinia coloradoensis." Conservation Biology 15(1): 249-258. 36. Rodriguez, C. A., K. W. Flessa, et al. (2001). "Macrofaunal and isotopic estimates of the former extent of the Colorado River estuary, upper Gulf of California, Mexico." Journal of Arid Environments 49(1): 183-193. 37. Silber, G. K. and D. Fertl (1995). "Intentional beaching by bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Colorado River Delta, Mexico." Aquatic Mammals 21: 183-186. 38. Sykes, G. (1937). The Colorado Delta, Pub. jointly by Carnegie Institution of Washington and the American Geographical Society of New York. 193pp. 39. Thompson R. W. (1968). Tidal flat sedimentation on the Colorado River delta, Northwestern Gulf of California; Geological Society of America Memoir 107: 133. 40. van Heijst, M., G. Postma, et al. (2001). "Quantitative analogue flume-model study of river-shelf systems: principles and verification exemplified by the Late Quaternary Colorado river-delta evolution." Basin Research 13(3): 243-268. 41. Winker, C. D. (1987). Neogene stratigraphy of the Fish Creek-Vallecito section, Southern California: implications for early history of the Northern Gulf of California and Colorado Delta, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Arizona. 494pp. 42. Zamora-Arroyo, F., P. L. Nagler, et al. (2001). "Regeneration of native trees in response to flood releases from the United States into the delta of the Colorado River, Mexico." Journal of Arid Environments 49(1): 49-64. 43. Zengel, S. A., V. J. Meretsky, et al. (1995). "Cienega de Santa Clara, a remnant wetland in the Rio Colorado delta (Mexico): vegetation distribution and the effects of water flow reduction." Ecological Engineering 4(1): 19-36.
Thirty most-cited articles from a Google Scholar search for “Upper Gulf of California”February 5, 2007 1. Alvarez, L. G. and S. E. Jones (2002). "Factors influencing suspended sediment flux in the Upper Gulf of California." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 54(4): 747-759. 2. Alvarez-Borrego, S. (2000). "The Colorado River Estuary and Upper Gulf of California, Baja, Mexico." Coastal Marine Ecosystems of Latin America. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg: 331–340. 3. Aragón-Noriega, E. A. and L. E. Calderon-Aguilera (2001). "Age and growth of shrimp postlarvae in the Upper Gulf of California." Aqua Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology 4: 99–104. 4. Aragón-Noriega, E. A. and L. E. Calderón-Aguilera (2000). "Does damming of the Colorado River affect the nursery area of blue shrimp Litopenaeus stylirostris (Decapoda: Penaeidae) in the Upper Gulf of California?" Revista de Biologa Tropical 48(4): 867-871. 5. Aubert, H. and D. V. Lightner (2000). "Identification of genetic populations of the Pacific blue shrimp Penaeus stylirostris of the Gulf of California, Mexico." Marine Biology 137(5): 875-885. 6. Calderon-Aguilera, L. E., S. G. Marinone, et al. (2003). "Influence of oceanographic processes on the early life stages of the blue shrimp (Litopenaeus stylirostris) in the Upper Gulf of California." Journal of Marine Systems 39: 117-128. 7. Carriquiry, J. D., A. Sanchez, et al. (2001). "Sedimentation in the northern Gulf of California after cessation of the Colorado River discharge." Sedimentary Geology 144(1): 37-62. 8. Galindo-Bect, M. S., E. P. Glenn, et al. (2000). "Penaeid shrimp landings in the Upper Gulf of California in relation to Colorado River freshwater discharge." Fishery Bulletin 98(1): 222-225. 9. Gaxiola-Castro, G., S. Alvarez-Borrego, et al. "Spatial variability of the photosynthetic parameters and biomass of the Gulf of California phytoplankton." Journal of Plankton Research 21: 231-245. 10. Goodwin, D. H., K. W. Flessa, et al. (2001). “Cross-Calibration of daily growth increments, stable isotope variation, and temperature in the Gulf of California bivalve mollusk Chione cortezi: Implications for paleoenvironmental analysis.” Palaios 16(4): 387-398. 11. Graham, H. W. (1943). "Gymnodinium catenatum, a new dinoflagellate from the Gulf of California." Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 62(3): 259-261. 12. Guevara, J. C. B. (1990). "The conservation of Totoaba macdonaldi (Sciaenidae), in the Gulf of California, Mexico." Journal of Fish Biology 37: 201-202. 13. Gutiérrez-Galindo, E. A., G. Flores-Muñoz, et al. (1988). "Chlorinated hydrocarbons in molluscs of the Mexicali Valley and Upper Gulf of California." Ciencias Marinas 13(3): 91-113. 14. Hammann, M. G., T. R. Baumgartner, et al. (1988). "Coupling of the Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax caeruleus) life cycle with the Gulf of California pelagic environment." California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Report 29: 102-109. 15. Lavín, M. F., V. M. Godínez, et al. (1998). "Inverse-estuarine features of the Upper Gulf of California." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 47(6): 769-795. 16. Lavín, M. F. and S. Sanchez (1999). "On how the Colorado River affected the hydrography of the Upper Gulf of California." Continental Shelf Research 19(12): 1545-1560. 17. Littler, M. M. and D. S. Littler (1981). "Intertidal macrophyte communities from Pacific Baja California and the Upper Gulf of California: Relatively Constant vs. Environmentally Fluctuating Systems." Marine Ecology Progress Series 4: 145-158. 18. McGuire, T. R. and J. B. Greenberg (1993). Maritime Community and Biosphere Reserve: Crisis and Response in the Upper Gulf of California, Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology, University of Arizona. 169pp. 19. McGuire, T. R. and G. C. Valdez-Gardea (1997). "Endangered species and precarious lives in the Upper Gulf of California." Culture & Agriculture 19(3): 101-107. 20. Norris, K. S. and W. N. McFarland (1958). "A new harbor porpoise of the genus Phocoena from the Gulf of California." Journal of Mammalogy 39(1): 22-39. 21. Pantoja, C. R., D. V. Lightner, et al. "Prevalence and geographic distribution of infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV) in wild blue shrimp Penaeus stylirostris from the Gulf of California, Mexico." Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 11(1): 23-34. 22. Present, T. M. C. (1987). "Genetic differentiation of disjunct Gulf of California and Pacific outer coast populations of Hypsoblennius jenkinsi." Copeia 1987(4): 1010-1024. 23. Rodriguez, C. A., K. W. Flessa, et al. (2001). "Macrofaunal and isotopic estimates of the former extent of the Colorado River Estuary, Upper Gulf of California, Mexico." Journal of Arid Environments 49(1): 183-193. 24. Rodriguez, R. (1997). "Age and growth of totoaba, Totoaba macdonaldi (Sciaenidae), in the Upper Gulf of California." Fishery Bulletin 95(3): 620-628. 25. Santamaría del Angel, E., S. Alvarez-Borrego, et al. (1994). "Gulf Of California biogeographic regions based on coastal zone color scanner imagery." Journal of Geophysical Research 99(C4): 7411-7422. 26. Silber, G. K., M. W. Newcomer, et al. (1994). "Cetaceans of the northern Gulf of California: distribution, occurrence, and relative abundance." Marine Mammal Science 10(3): 283-298. 27. Stepien, C. A., R. H. Rosenblatt, et al. "Phylogeography of the spotted sand bass, Paralabrax maculatofasciatus: Divergence of Gulf of California and pacific coast populations." Evolution 55(9): 1852-1862. 28. Thomson, D. A., L. T. Findley, et al. (2000). Reef Fishes of the Sea of Cortez: the Rocky-Shore Fishes of the Gulf of California, University of Texas Press. 354pp. 29. Vidal, O. and J. P. Gallo-Reynoso (1996). "Die-offs of marine mammals and sea birds in the Gulf of California, Mexico." Marine Mammal Science 12(4): 627-635. 30. Walker, B. W. (1960). "The distribution and affinities of the marine fish fauna of the Gulf of California." Systematic Zoology 9(3/4): 123-133. Twenty-eight most-cited articles from a Google Scholar search for “Lower Colorado River.”February 6, 2007 1. Anderson, B. W. and R. D. Ohmart (1977). "Vegetation structure and bird use in the lower Colorado River valley." Importance, Preservation and Management of Riparian Habitat: A Symposium July 9, 1977, Tuscon, Arizona, USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RM-43: 23-34. 2. Anderson, B. W. and R. D. Ohmart (1985). "Habitat use by Clapper Rails in the lower Colorado River valley." The Condor 87(1): 116-126. 3. Anderson, B. W., R. D. Ohmart, et al. (1983). "Avian and vegetation community structure and their seasonal relationships in the lower Colorado River valley." The Condor 85(4): 392-405. 4. Angradi, T. R. (1994). "Trophic linkages in the lower Colorado River: Multiple stable isotope evidence." Journal of the North American Benthological Society 13(4): 479-495. 5. Briggs, M. K. and S. Cornelius (1998). "Opportunities for ecological improvement along the lower Colorado River and delta." Wetlands 18(4): 513-529. 6. Buising, A. V. (1990). "The Bouse Formation and bracketing units, southeastern California and western Arizona: Implications for the evolution of the proto-Gulf of California and the lower Colorado River." Journal of Geophysical Research 95(B12): 20111-20132. 7. Cart, V. and F. Password "The ecology of the lower Colorado River from Davis Dam to the Mexico-United States international boundary: A community profile." Arizona State University Tempe Center For Environmental Studies. 316pp. 8. Clarkson, R. W. and J. C. deVos Jr (1986). "The Bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana Shaw, in the lower Colorado River, Arizona-California." Journal of Herpetology 20(1): 42-49. 9. Cole, K. L. (1986). "The lower Colorado River valley: A Pleistocene desert." Quaternary Research 25(3): 392-400. 10. Congalton, R. G., M. Balogh, et al. (1998). "Mapping and monitoring agricultural crops and other land cover in the lower Colorado River basin." Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 64(11): 1107-1113. 11. Dill, W. A. (1941). “The fishery of the lower Colorado River.” California Fish and Game 30: 109:211. 12. Glenn, E. P., C. Lee, et al. (1996). "Effects of water management on the wetlands of the Colorado River delta, Mexico." Conservation Biology 10(4): 1175-1186. 13. Holden, P. B. and C. B. Stalnaker "Distribution and abundance of mainstream fishes of the middle and upper Colorado River basins, 1967-1973." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 104(2): 217-231. 14. Kowalewski, M., G. E. A. Serrano, et al. (2000). "Dead delta's former productivity: Two trillion shells at the mouth of the Colorado River." Geology 28(12): 1059. 15. Marsh, P. C. and W. L. Minckley (1989). "Observations on recruitment and ecology of razorback sucker: lower Colorado River, Arizona-California-Nevada." Great Basin Naturalist 49(1): 71-78. 16. Minckley, W. L. (1983). "Status of the razorback sucker, Xyrauchen texanus (Abbott), in the lower Colorado River basin." Southwestern Naturalist 28(2): 165-187. 17. Minckley, W. L., P. C. Marsh, et al. "A conservation plan for native fishes of the lower Colorado River." BioScience 53(3): 219-234. 18. Morrison, J. I., S. Postel, et al. (1996). The Sustainable Use of Water in the Lower Colorado River Basin, Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security. 226pp. 19. Mueller, G. A. and P. C. Marsh (2002). "Lost, a desert river and its native fishes: A historical perspective of the lower Colorado River." US Geological Survey Information and Technology Report USGS/BRD/ITR-2002-0010 69. 20. Radtke, D. B., W. G. Kepner, et al. (1988). "Reconnaissance investigation of water quality, bottom sediment, and biota associated with irrigation drainage in the lower Colorado River valley, Arizona, California, and Nevada, 1986-87." U. S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigation Report 88-4002. Tucson AZ. February 1988. 77 p, 7 fig, 18 tab, 97 ref. 21. Repking, C. F. and R. D. Ohmart (1977). "Distribution and density of black rail populations along the lower Colorado River." The Condor 79(4): 486-489. 22. Rice, J., B. W. Anderson, et al. (1980). "Seasonal habitat selection by birds in the lower Colorado River valley." Ecology 61(6): 1402-1411. 23. Rosenberg, K. V. (1991). Birds of the Lower Colorado River Valley, University of Arizona Press Tucson. 416pp. 24. Spencer, J. E. and P. J. Patchett (1997). "Sr isotope evidence for a Lacustrine origin for the upper Miocene to Pliocene Bouse Formation, lower Colorado River trough, and implications for timing of Colorado Plateau uplift." Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 109(6): 767. 25. Spencer, J. E. and J. W. Welty (1986). "Possible controls of base-and precious-metal mineralization associated with tertiary detachment faults in the lower Colorado River trough, Arizona and California." Geology 14(3): 195. 26. Suarez, D. L. (1983). "Calcite supersaturation and precipitation kinetics in the lower Colorado River, All-American Canal and East Highline Canal." Water Resources Research 19(3). 27. Vandersande, M. W., E. P. Glenn, et al. (2001). "Tolerance of five riparian plants from the lower Colorado River to salinity drought and inundation." Journal of Arid Environments 49(1): 147-159. 28. Weiss, S. J., E. O. Otis, et al. (1998). "Spawning ecology of flannelmouth sucker, Catostomus lattipinnis (Catostomidae), in two small tributaries of the lower Colorado River." Environmental Biology of Fishes 52(4): 419-433. |