Sankha Subhra Mahanti

I am currently pursuing PhD in Geoscience at the University of Arizona. I am working with Dr. Eric Kiser in the Global Seismology and Tectonics (GSAT) group. Originally, I am from the state of West Bengal in India. I have started my PhD journey from Fall 2021 after completing my Bachelor’s and Master’s degree (BS-MS) in Physics from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Kolkata in India (2016-2021).
In terms of research, I am interested in Computational Seismology which primarily includes earthquake source study, earthquake detection & location and seismic tomography. Currently, I am working on the TANGO project to understand the earthquake distribution and subsurface structure in central Andes in South America using nodal seismic data. I am using Deep-learning based methods for earthquake detection and performing local earthquake tomography to image the shallow crustal structures. Please check my personal website for additional details.