Andrew Cohen | Publications


Cohen, A.S., (2003) Paleolimnology. History and Evolution of Lake Systems. Oxford Univ. Press, 500pp.

Peer-Reviewed Articles

1. Cohen, A.S. 1981  Paleolimnological Research at Lake Turkana, Kenya.  Paleoecology of Africa 113: 61-82.

2. Cohen, A.S. 1982  Paleoenvironments of Root Casts from the Kobi Fora Formation, Kenya.  Jour. Sed. Pet. 52: 401-414.

3. Cohen, A.S., Dussinger, R. and Richardson, J. 1983  Lacustrine Paleochemical Interpretations Based on East and South African Ostracodes.  Paleogeog., Paleoclim., Paleoecol. 43: 129-151.

4. Cohen, A.S. and Schwartz, H. 1983  Speciation in Molluscs from Turkana Basin.  Nature 304: 659-660.

5. Cohen, A.S. 1984  The Significance of Zoobenthic Standing Crop for Laminae Formation in Tropical Lake Sediments.  Jour. Paleo. 58: 499-510.

6. Mount, J.F. and Cohen, A.S. 1984  Petrology and Geochemistry of Rhizoliths Plio-Pleistocene Fluvial and Marginal Lacustrine Deposits, East Lake Turkana, Kenya.  Jour. Sed. Pet. 54: 263-275.

7. Cohen, A.S., Ferguson, D., Gram, P.M., Hubler, S. and Sims, K. 1986  The Distribution of Coarse Grained Sediments in Modern Lake Turkana:  Implications for Clastic Sedimentation Models of Rift Lakes.  In Frostick, L.E. (ed.) Sedimentation in the African Rifts, Geological Society of London Spec. Pub. 25, p. 127-139.

8. Cohen, A.S. 1986  Distribution and Faunal Associations of Benthic Invertebrates at Lake Turkana, Kenya.  Hydrobiologia 74: 179-197.

9. Cohen, A.S. and Nielsen, C. 1986  Ostracodes as Indicators of Paleohydrochemistry in Lakes:  A Late Quaternary Example from Lake Elmenteita, Kenya.  Palaios 1: 601-609.

10. Cohen, A.S. and Thouin, C. 1987  Nearshore Carbonate Deposits in Lake Tanganyika.  Geology 15: 414-418.

11. Noblett, J., Cohen, A., Leonard, E., Loeffler, B. and Gevirtzman, D. 1987  The Garden of the Gods and Basal Phanerozoic Nonconformity In and Near Colorado Springs, CO.  In Beuss, S. (ed.) Centennial Field Guide vol. 2, Geol. Soc. Amer., Rocky Mtn. Sect., p. 335-338.

12. Cohen, A.S. 1987  Fossil Ostracodes from Lake Mobutu (L. Albert):  Paleoecologic and Taphonomic Implications.  Paleoecology of Africa 18: 271-281.

13. Cohen, A.S. and Johnston, M.R. 1987  Speciation in Brooding and Poorly Dispersing Lacustrine Organisms.  Palaios 2: 426-435.

14. Johnston, M.R. and Cohen, A.S. 1987  Modes of Speciation in Gastropods from Lake Tanganyika.  Palaios 2: 413--25.

15. Cohen, A.S. 1989  The taphonomy of gastropod shell accumulations in large lakes:  An example from Lake Tanganyika, Africa.  Paleobiology 15: 26-44.

16. Cohen, A.S. 1989  Facies Relationships and Sedimentation in Large Rift Lakes:  Examples from Lakes Turkana and Tanganyika.  Paleogeog., Paleoclim., Paleoecol. 70: 65-80

17. Cohen, A.S. 1990  A Tectonostratigraphic Model for Sedimentation in Lake Tanganyika , Africa.  In Katz, B. Lacustrine Basin Exploration — Case Studies and Modern Analogs, AAPG Mem. 50: 137-150.

18. West, K., Cohen, A.S. and Baron, M. 1991  Morphology and Behavior of Crabs and Gastropods from Lake Tanganyika, Africa:  Implications for Lacustrine Predator-Prey Coevolution.  Evolution 45: 589-607.

19. Cohen, A.S. and Johnson, T. 1991  Penrose Conference Report — Large Lake Systems and their Stratigraphic Record.  GSA Today 1.

20. Cohen, A.S. 1991  Criteria for Developing Viable Underwater Natural Reserves in Lake Tanganyika.  S.I.L. Mitteilungen Series.

21. Cohen, A.S., Lockley, M., Halfpenny, J. and Michel, A. 1991  Modern Vertebrate Track Taphonomy at Lake Manyara, Tanzania.  Palaios 6: 371-389.

22. Michel, A.E., Cohen, A.S., West, K., Johnston, M. and Kat, P. 1991  Large African Lakes as Natural Laboratories for Evolution:  Examples from the Endemic Gastropod Fauna of Lake Tanganyika.  S.I.L. Mitteilungen Series 23: 109-116.

23. Tiercelin, J.-J., Soreghan, M., Cohen, A.S., Lezzar, K.E. and Bouroullec, J.-L. 1992  Sedimentation in Large Rift Lakes:  Example from the Middle Pleistocene - Modern Deposits of the Tanganyika Trough, East African Rift System.  Bull. Centres Rech. Explor.-Prod. Elf Aquitaine 16: 83-111.

24. Cohen, A.S., Soreghan, M. and Scholz, C. 1993  Estimating the Age of Ancient Lake Basins:  An Example from L. Tanganyika.  Geology 21: 511-514.

25. Cohen, A., Bills, R., Cocquyt, C. and Caljon, A. 1993.  The Impact of Sediment Pollution on Biodiversity in Lake Tanganyika.  Conservation Biology 7: 667-677.

26. Palacios-Fest, M., Cohen, A.S., Ruiz, J. and Blank, B. 1993  Comparative Paleoclimatic Interpretations from Nonmarine Ostracodes using Faunal Assemblages, Trace Element Shell Chemistry and Stable Isotope Data.  In Swart, P., Lohman, K., McKenzie, J. and Savin, S. (eds.) Climate Change in Continental Isotopic Records.  AGU Monograph 78: 179-190.

27. Cohen, A., Halfpenny, J., Lockley, M. and Michel, E. 1993  Modern Vertebrate Tracks from Lake Manyara, Tanzania and their Paleobiological Implications.  Paleobiology 19: 433-458.

28. Soreghan, M.J. and Cohen, A.S. 1993  The Effects of Basin Asymmetry on Sand Composition:  Examples from Lake Tanganyika, Africa.  In Johnson, M. and Basu, A. (eds.) Geol. Soc. Amer. Spec. Publ. 284: 285-302.

29.Kaufman, L. and Cohen, A.S., 1993, The Great Lakes of Africa. Conservation Biology 7:632-633.

30. Cohen, A.  1994  Extinction in Ancient Lakes:  Biodiversity Crises and Conservation 40 Years after J.L. Brooks.  In Martens, K., Gooderis, B., and Coulter, G. (eds.) Speciation in Ancient Lakes.  Arch. Hydrobiol. 44: 453-481.

31. Palacios-Fest, M., Cohen A. and Anadon, P.  1994  Use of Ostracodes as Paleoenvironmental Tools in the Interpretation of Ancient Lacustrine Records.  Rev. Paleo. Espanola 9: 145-164.

32. Tiercelin, J.J., Cohen, A., Soreghan, M. and Lezzar, K.E.  1994  Pleistocene-Modern Deposits of the Lake Tanganyika rift basin, E. Africa:  An Example of Lacustrine Source Rocks and Reservoirs.  In Harris, P. et al. (eds.) Lacustrine Reservoirs and Depositional Systems.  1994 SEPM Core Workshop 19: 37-60.

33. West, K. and Cohen, A.  1994  Predator-Prey Coevolution as a Model for the Unusual Morphologies of the Crabs and Gastropods of Lake Tanganyika.  In Martens, K. et al. (eds.) Speciation in Ancient Lakes.  Arch. Hydrobiol. 44: 267-283.

34. Cohen, A.  1995  Paleoecological Approaches to the Conservation Biology of Benthos in Ancient Lakes:  A Case Study from Lake Tanganyika.  Jour. North Amer. Benthological Soc. 14: 654-668.

35. Lezzar, K., Tiercelin, J.J., DeBatist, M., Cohen, A.S., Bandora, P., Van Rensberger, P., Le Turdu, C., Mifundu, W. and Klerkx, J.  1996  New seismic stratigraphy and Late Tertiary history of the North Tanganyika Basin, East African Rift System, deduced from multichannel and high resolution reflection seismic data and piston core evidence.  Basin Research 8: 1-28.

36. Soreghan, M. and Cohen, A.  1996  Textural and compositional variability across littoral seg­ments of Lake Tanganyika:  The effect of asymmetric basin structure on sedimentation in large rift lakes.  American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 80: 382-409.

37. West, K. and Cohen, A.S.  1996  Shell microstructure of gastropods from Lake Tanganyika, Africa.  Adaptation, convergent evolution and escalation:  Evolution 50: 672-681.

38. Cohen, A., Kaufman, L. and Ogutu-Ohwayo, R.  1996  Anthropogenic threats, impacts and conservation strategies in the African Great Lakes — A review, inThe Limnology, Climatology and Paleoclimatology of the East African Lakes (T. Johnson and E. Odada, editors):  Gordon & Breach Publ., Newark, N.J., p. 575-624

39. Cohen, A.S., Talbot, M.R., Awramik, S.M., Dettman, D.L. and Abell, P.  1997  Lake level and paleoenvironmental history of Lake Tanganyika, Africa as inferred from Late Holocene and modern stromatolites.  Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. 109: 444-460.

40. Cohen, A.S., Lezzar, K.E., Tiercelin, J.-J. and Soreghan, M.R.  1997  New palaeogeographic and lake level reconstructions of Lake Tanganyika:  Implications for tectonic, climatic and biologic evolution in a rift lake.  Basin Research 9: 107-132.

41. Cohen, A.S., 1998  Reflections on commmunity ecology and the community of ecology: The view from a 1998 Penrose Conference on “Linking Spatial and Temporal Scales in Paleoecology and Ecology”. Palaios 13:603-605.

42. Kowalewska, A. and Cohen, A.  1998  Reconstruction of paleoenvironments of the Great Salt Lake Basin during the late Cenozoic. Jour. Paleolimnology, 20:381-407.

43. Alin, S., Cohen, A., Bills, R., Gashagaza, M.M., Michel, E., Tiercelin, J.J., Martens, K., Coveliers, P., Mboko, S., West, K., Soreghan, M., Kimbadi, S. and Ntakimazi, G.  1999  Effects of landscape disturbance on animal communities in Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. Conservation Biology 13:1017-1033.

44. Wells, T., Cohen, A.S., Park, L.E.,  Dettman, D. and McKee, B. 1999 Ostracode stratig­raphy and paleoecology from surficial sediments of Lake Tanganyika, Africa. Jour Paleolimnology 22:259-276.

45. Cohen, A.S. 1999 Evolution at Lake Tanganyika. McGraw Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology, New York.

46. Cohen, A.S., 2000,  Linking spatial and temporal change in the diversity structure of ancient lakes: Implications for both theoretical ecology and conservation biology. In Rossiter, A. and Kawanabe, H. (eds.) The Biology of Ancient Lakes, Academic Press, San Diego, p. 521-538.

47. Cohen, A.S., Palacios, M., Negrini, R.M., Wigand, P. and Erbes, D., 2000, A high resolution continental paleoclimate record for the Middle-Late Pleistocene from Summer Lake, Oregon, II: Sedimentology, Paleontology and Geochemistry. Jour. Paleolimnology. 24:151-182.

48. Cohen, A.S., Scholz, C.A., and Johnson, T.C., 2000, The International Decade of East African Lakes (IDEAL) drilling initiative for the African great lakes.  Jour. Paleolimnology 24:231-235.

49. Negrini, R.M., Erbes, D.B., Faber, K., Herrera, A. M., Roberts, A.P., Cohen, A.S., Wigand, P.E. and Foit, F.F., 2000, A high resolution continental paleoclimate record for the Middle-Late Pleistocene from Summer Lake, Oregon, I: Age control and magnetic climate proxies. Jour. Paleolimnology. 24:125-149.

50. Park, L.E., Cohen, A.S., and Martens, K.,  2000. Ecology and speciation of the ostracod clade, (Gomphocythere) in Lake Tanganyika, East Africa.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27:2665-2669.

51. Park, L.E., Cohen, A.S., and Martens, K.,  2000. Ecology and speciation of the ostracod clade, (Gomphocythere) in Lake Tanganyika, East Africa.  Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27:2665-2669.

51a. Park, L.E., Cohen, A.S., and Martens, K., 2001, Ecology and speciation of the ostracode clade Gomphocythere in Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. Proc. XXVII Soc. Intl. Limnol. Congress, Dublin, 27:1-5.

52. Alin, S.R., O’Reilly, C.M., Cohen, A.S., Dettman, D.L., Palacios-Fest, M.R., and McKee, B.A., 2002, Effects of land use change on aquatic biodiversity: A view from the paleorecord at Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. Geology 30:1143-1146.

53. Dean, W., Rosenbaum, J., Haskell, B., Kelts, K., Schnurrenberger, D., Valero-GarcJs, B., Cohen, A., Davis, O., Dinter, D. and Nielsen, D., 2002 Progress in global lake drilling holds potential for global change research. EOS 83:85,90-91.

54. O’Reilly, C., Hecky, R.E., Cohen, A.S., and Plisnier, P.D., 2002, Interpreting stable isotopes in food webs: Recognizing the role of time averaging at different trophic levels. Limnol. Oceanogr. 47:306-309.

55. Lezzar, K.E., Tiercelin, J.J., Le Turdu, C., Cohen, A.S., Reynolds, D.J., Le Gall, B., and Scholz, C. 2002, Control of normal fault interaction on the distribution of major Neogene sedimentary depocenters, Lake Tanganyika, East African Rift.  Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol.Bull. 86:1027-1059

56. Dettman, D., Palacios-Fest-M. and Cohen, A.S., 2002, Comment on G. Wansard and F. Mezquita, The response of ostracode shell chemistry to seasonal change in a Mediterranean freshwater spring environment. Jour. Paleolimnology 27:487-491.

57. Park, L.E., Martens, K., and Cohen, A.S.,  2002.  Phylogenetic Relationships of Gomphocythere (Crustacea: Ostracoda) in Lake Tanganyika, East Africa.  Journal of Crustacean Biology. 22:15-27.

58. O’Reilly, C.M., Alin, S.R., Plisnier, P.D., Cohen, A.S., and McKee, B.A., 2003 Climate change decreases aquatic ecosystem productivity of Lake Tanganyika, Africa. Nature 424:766-768.

59. Park, L.E., Cohen, A.S., Martens, K., and Bralek, R., 2003 The impact of taphonomic processes on interpreting paleoecologic changes in large lake ecosystems: Ostracodes in Lake Tanganyika and Malawi. Jour. Paleolim. 30:127-138.

60. O’Reilly, C. M., P. Verburg, R. E. Hecky, P.-D. Plisnier, and A. S. Cohen. 2003. “Food web dynamics in stable isotope ecology: Time integration of different trophic levels” pp. 125-134, In:  L. Seuront  and P. Sutton (eds.), Handbook of scaling methods in aquatic ecology: Measurement, analysis, simulation. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.

61. Alin, S.R., and Cohen, A.S., 2003, Lake-level history of Lake Tanganyika, East Africa, for the past 2500 years based on ostracode-inferred water-depth reconstruction.  . Palaeogeog., Palaeoclim., Palaeoecol. 199:31-49.

62. Alin, S.R., and Cohen, A.S., 2004, The live, the dead and the very dead: taphonomic calibration of the recent record of paleoecological change in Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. Paleobiology 30:44-81.

63. O’Reilly, C.A., Plisnier, P.D., Cohen, A.S. and Alin, S.R.,  2004,  Reply to “Climate change not shown to affect Lake Tanganyika” Brief Communications Arising Nature doi: 10.1038/nature02737.

64. Michel, E., Todd, J.A., Cleary D.F.R., Kingma, I., Cohen, A.S. & Genner, M.J., 2004, Scales of endemism: Challenges for conservation and incentives for evolutionary studies in a gastropod species flock from Lake Tanganyika. Journal of Conchology Special Publication 3, 155-172.

65. Balch, D.P., Cohen, A.S., Schnurrenberger, D.W., Haskell, B.J., Valero Garcos, B.L., Beck, J.W., Cheng, H. and Edwards, R.L., 2005 Ecosystem And  Paleohydrological Response To Quaternary Climate Change In The Bonneville Basin, Utah. Palaeogeog., Palaeoclim. Palaeoecol. 221:99-122.

66. Cohen A.S., Palacios-Fest M.R., McGill J., Swarzenski P., Verschuren D., Sinyinza R., Songori T., Kakagozo B., Syampila M., O'Reilly C.M. and Alin S.R. 2005. Paleolimnological investigations of anthropogenic environmental change in Lake Tanganyika: I. An introduction to the project. J. Paleolim. 34:1-18.

67. McKee B.A., Cohen A.S., Dettman D.L., Palacios-Fest M.R., Alin S.A. and Ntungumburangye G. 2005. Paleolimnological investigations of anthropogenic environmental change in Lake Tanganyika: II: Geochronologies and mass sedimentation rates based on 14C and 210Pb data. J. Paleolim. 34:19-29.

68. Palacios-FestM.R., Cohen A.S., Lezzar K.E., Nahimana L. and Tanner B.M. 2005a. Paleolimnological investigations of anthropogenic environmental change in Lake Tanganyika: III. Physical stratigraphy and charcoal analysis. J. Paleolim. 34:31-49.

69. Palacios-Fest M.R., Alin S.R., Cohen A.S., Tanner B. and Heuser H. 2005b. Paleolimnological investigations of anthropogenic environmental change in Lake Tanganyika: IV. Lacustrine paleoecology. J. Paleolim. 34:51-71.

70. O’Reilly C.M., Dettman D.L., and Cohen A.S. 2005. Paleolimnological investigations of anthropogenic environmental change in Lake Tanganyika:  VI. Geochemical indicators from lacustrine organic matter. J. Paleolim. 34:85-91.

71. Dettman D., Palacios-Fest M.R., Nkotagu H.H. and Cohen A.S. 2005. Paleolimnological investigations of anthropogenic environmental change in Lake Tanganyika: VII. Carbonate isotope geochemistry and riverine runoff. J. Paleolim.34:93-105.

72. Cohen A.S., Palacios-Fest, M.R., Msaky, E.S., Alin, S.R., McKee, B., O’Reilly, C.M., Dettman, D.L., Nkotagu, H.H., and Lezzar, K.E. 2005. Paleolimnological investigations of anthropogenic environmental change in Lake Tanganyika: IX. Summary of paleorecords of environmental change and catchment deforestation at Lake Tanganyika and impacts on the Lake Tanganyika ecosystem. J. Paleolim. 34:125-145.

73. Bailey, J.V., Cohen, A.S., and Kring, D.A., 2005, Lakes in well-buffered catchments: Implications for fossil preservation and survival of freshwater organisms following the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary acid rain trauma. Palaios. 20:376-389.

74. McIntyre, P.B., Michel, E., France, K., Rivers, A., Hakizimana, P. and Cohen, A.S. 2005, Effects of anthropogenic sedimentation on snails in Lake Tanganyika: comparing individual and assemblage level measures Conservation Biology 19:171-181.

75. Cohen, A.S., Lezzar, K.E., Cole, J., Dettman, D., Ellis, G.S., Eagle, M., Plisnier, P.D., Langenberg, V., Blaauw, M. and Zilifi, D. 2006. Late Holocene linkages between decade-century scale climate variability and productivity at Lake Tanganyika, Africa. Jour. Paleolimnology DOI 10.1007/s10933-006-9004-y

76. Scholz, C.A., Cohen, A.S., Johnson, T.C. and King, J. W., 2006 The 2005 Lake Malawi Scientific Drilling Project. Scientific Drilling Mar 2006:17-19, doi:10.2204/

77. Cohen, A.S., Ashley, G.M., Potts, R., Behrensmeyer, A.K.,  Feibel, C., and Quade. J. 2006, Paleoclimate and Human Evolution Workshop. EOS 87:161.

78. Felton, A., Russell, J.M., Cohen, A.S., Baker, M.E., Chesley, J.T., Lezzar, K.E., McGlue, M.M., Pigati, J.S., Quade, J., Stager, J.C., and Tiercelin, J.J. (2007) Paleolimnological evidence for the onset and termination of glacial aridity from Lake Tanganyika, Tropical East Africa. Palaeogeog., Palaeoclim., Palaeoecol.

79. Scholz, CA, Johnson, TC, Cohen, AS, King, JW, Peck, J, Overpeck, JT, Talbot, MR, Brown, ET, Kalindekafe, L, Amoako, P, et al. 2007, East African megadroughts between 135-75 kyr ago and implications for early human history Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 104:16416-16421.

80. Cohen, A.S., Stone, J.R., Beuning, K.R., Park, L.E., Reinthal, P.N., Dettman, D., Scholz, C.A., Johnson, T.C., King, J.W., Talbot, M.R., Brown, E.T., and Ivory, S.J., 2007, Ecological Consequences of Early Late-Pleistocene Megadroughts in Tropical Africa. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 104:16422-16427.

81. Brown, E.T. Johnson, T.C., Scholz, C.A., Cohen, A.S. and King, J. 2007, Abrupt Change in Tropical African Climate Linked to the Bipolar Seesaw Over the Past 55,000 Years. In Press, Geophys. Res. Let. 34, L20702, doi:10.1029/2007/GL031240.

82. McGlue, M.M., Lezzar, K.E., Cohen, A.S., Russell, J.M., Tiercelin, J.J., Felton, A.A., Mbede, E., Nkotagu, H.H., 2007, Seismic records of late Pleistocene aridity in Lake Tanganyika, tropical East Africa J Paleolimnol DOI 10.1007/s10933-007-9187-x.

83. Brown, E.T. Johnson, T.C., Scholz, C.A., Cohen, A.S. and King, J.W., 2008, Reply to comment by Yannick Garcin on ??Abrupt change in tropical African climate linked to the bipolar seesaw over the past 55,000 years. Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L04702, doi:10.1029/2007GL033004.

84. Tierney, J.E., Russell, J.M., Huang, Y., Sinningh Damstz, J.S., Hopmans, E.C., and Cohen, A.S., 2008, Northern Hemisphere Controls on Tropical Southeast African Climate During the Past 60,000 Years. Science 11 September 2008 / Page 1 / 10.1126/science.1160485

85. Eggermont H., Kennedy D., Hasiotis S.T., Verschuren D., and Cohen A.S., 2008, Distribution of living larval Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) along a depth transect at Kigoma Bay, Lake Tanganyika: implications for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. African Entomology 16(2): 162–184 (2008).

86. Cohen A.S. and Umer M. 2008, Connecting Scientific Drilling and Human Evolution Scientific Drilling for Human Origins: Exploring the Application of Drill Core Records to Understanding Hominin Evolution; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 17–21 November 2008. Eos, Vol. 90, No. 14, 7 April 2009.

87.  Cohen, A.S., Arrowsmith, R., Behrensmeyer, A.K., Campisano, C., Feibel, C,. Fisseha, S., Bedaso, Z., Lockwood, C., Mbua, E., Olago, D., Potts, R., Reed, K., Renaut, R., Tiercelin, J.J., and Umer, M. 2009 Understanding paleoclimate and human evolution through the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project. Scientific Drilling no. 8:60-65.

88.  McGlue, M.M., Soreghan, M.J., Michel, E., Todd, J.A., Cohen, A.S., Mischler, J., O’Connell, C.S., Castaneda, O.S., Hartwell, R.J.,. Nkotagu, H.N., and Lezzar, K.E., 2009 Environmental Controls On Rift Lake Shell Carbonates: A View From Lake Tanganyika’s Littoral. Palaios 25:426-438.

89. Tierney, J.E., Mayes, M.M., Meyer, N., Johnson, C., Swarzenski, P., Cohen, A.S., and  Russell, J.M. 2010, The Unprecedented Warming of Lake Tanganyika. Nature Geoscience 16 May 2010 DOI: 10.1038/NGEO865

90. Committee on the Earth System Context For Hominin Evolution (I was one of 13 committee members), 2010. Understanding Climate’s Influence On Human Evolution. National Research Council, The National Academies Press. Washington, D.C., 115pp.

91.  Scholz, C.A., Cohen, A.S. and Johnson, T.C., 2011, Southern hemisphere tropical climate over the past 145ka: Results of the Lake Malawi Scientific Drilling Project, East Africa Palaeogeog., Palaeoclim. Palaeoecol. 303:1-2.

92. Scholz, C.A., Cohen, A.S., Johnson, T.C., King, J., Talbot, M.R. and Brown, E.T., 2011, Scientific Drilling in the Great Rift Valley: The 2005 Lake Malawi Scientific Drilling Project - An overview of the past 145,000 years of climate variability in Southern Hemisphere East Africa. Palaeogeog., Palaeoclim. Palaeoecol. 303:3-19, doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2010.10.030.

93. Stone, J.R., Westover, K.S. and Cohen, A.S., 2011,  Late Pleistocene Diatom Paleoecology of the Central Basin of Lake Malawi, Africa. Palaeogeog., Palaeoclim. Palaeoecol.  303:51-70, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2010.01.012

94. Beuning, K.M., Zimmerman, K.A.,. Ivory, S.J., and Cohen, A.S. 2011, Vegetation response to glacial-interglacial climate variability near Lake Malawi in the southern African tropics. Palaeogeog., Palaeoclim. Palaeoecol. 303:81-92,  doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2010.01.025.

95. McHargue, L., Jull, A.T. and Cohen, A.S., 2011, Measurement of 10Be from Lake Malawi sediments, Africa Palaeogeog., Palaeoclim. Palaeoecol. 303:110-119, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2010.02.012

96. Park. L.E., and Cohen, A.S., 2011, Paleoecological Response of Ostracods to Early-Late Pleistocene Lake Level Changes in Lake Malawi, East Africa. Palaeogeog., Palaeoclim. Palaeoecol.  303:71-80, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2010.02.038.

97. Reinthal, P. N., Cohen, A.S. and Dettman, D. L., 2011, Fish fossils as paleo-indicators of ichthyofauna composition and climatic change in Lake Malawi, Africa. Palaeogeog., Palaeoclim. Palaeoecol. 303:126-132, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2010.01.004.

98. Cohen, A.S., 2011, Scientific drilling and evolution in ancient lakes: Lessons learned and recommendations for the future. Hydrobiologia. doi 10.1007/s10750-010-0546-7.

99. McGlue, M.M., Silva, A., Corradini, F.A., Zani, H., Trees, M.A., Ellis, G.S., Parolin, M., Swarzenski, P.W., Cohen, A.S. and Assine, M.L., 2011, Limnogeology in Brazil’s ‘‘forgotten wilderness’’: a synthesis from the large floodplain lakes of the Pantanal. J. Paleolim. 46:273-289, doi 10.1007/s10933-011-9538-5.

100. McGlue, M.M., Ellis, G.S., Cohen, A.S., and Swarzenski, P.W., 2011 Playa-lake sedimentation and organic matter accumulation in an Andean piggyback basin: The recent record from the Cuenca de Pozuelos, NW Argentina. Sedimentology. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2011.01304.x

101. Ivory, S.J., Cohen, A.S. and Lézine, A.-M., 2011, Effect of aridity and rainfall seasonality on vegetation in East Africa during the Late Pleistocene. Quaternary Research. doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2011.11.005.

102. Conaway, C.H. Swarzenski, P.W. and Cohen, A.S. 2012, Recent paleo-records document rising mercury contamination in Lake Tanganyika. Applied Geochemistry 27:352-359. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.11.00.

103. Blome, M.W., Cohen, A.S., Tryon, C.A., Brooks, A. and Russell, J., 2012, The environmental context for the origins of modern human diversity: A synthesis of regional variability in African climate 150,000-30,000 years ago. Journal of Human Evolution. doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2012.01.011.

104. Russell, J.M., Cohen, A.S., Johnson, T.C., and Scholz, C.A., 2012, Scientific Drilling in the East African Lakes: A strategic planning workshop. Scientific Drilling n.14:49-54.

105.  McGlue, M.M., Silva, A., Zani, H., Corradini, F., Paurolin, M., Abel, E., Cohen, A.S., Assine, M.L., Ellis, G.S., Trees, M.A., Kuerten, S., dos Santos Gradella, F., and Rasbold, G.G., 2012, Lacustrine records of Holocene flood pulse dynamics in the Upper Paraguay River watershed ((Pantanal wetlands, Brazil). Quaternary Research doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2012.05.015.

106. McGlue, M.M., Cohen, A.S., Ellis, G.S., and Kowler, A., 2013, Late Quaternary stratigraphy, sedimentology, and geochemistry of an underfilled lake basin in the Puna Plateau (northwest Argentina). Basin Research 25:638-658 doi: 10. 1111/bre.12025

107. Cohen, A.S., Van Bocxlaer, B., Todd, J.A., McGlue, M., Michel, E., Nkotagu, H., Grove, A.T., and Delvaux, D.,  2013, Quaternary ostracodes and molluscs from the Rukwa Basin (Tanzania) and their evolutionary and paleobiogeographic implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 392:79-97.

108. Ivory, S., Russell, J. and Cohen, A.S. 2013, In the hot seat: Insolation, ENSO and vegetation in the African tropics. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeoscience. 118:1-12.doi:10.1002/jgrg.20115, 2013

109. Soreghan, G.S. and Cohen, A.S., 2013, Scientific Drilling and the Evolution of the Earth System: Climate, Biota, Biogeochemistry and Extreme Systems. Scientific Drilling. N. 16:63-72. doi:10.5194/sd-16-63-2013.

110. McGlue, M.M., Ellis, G.S., and Cohen, A.S., 2015, The modern muds of Laguna Mar Chiquita (Argentina): particle size and organic matter geochemical trends from a large saline lake in the “broken” Andean foreland. In Larsen, D., Egenoff, S. and Fishman, N., eds., Paying attention to mudstones – priceless! GSA Special Paper 515

111. Wright, D.K., Thompson, J., MacKay, A., Welling, M., Forman, S.L., Price, G., Zhao, J., Cohen, A.S., Malijani, O. and Gomani-Chindebvu, E., Renewed geoarchaeoloigcal investigations of Mwanganda’s Village (Elephant butchery site), Karonga, Malawi. Geoarchaeology.29:98-120.

112. Blome, M.W., Cohen, A.S., and Lopez, M., 2014, Modern distribution of ostracodes and other limnological indicators in southern Lake Malawi: Implications for paleoecological studies. Hydrobiologia. doi:10.1007/s10750-014-1817-5

113. Salzburger, W., Van Bocxlaer, B., and Cohen, A.S., 2014 invited review. The ecology and evolution of the African Great Lakes and their faunas. Annual Reviews of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 45:519-545. doi: 10.1146/annurev-ecolsys-120213-091804

114. Odigie, K., Cohen, A.S., Swarzenski, P.W., and Fleagal, A.R., 2015 Using lead isotopes and trace element records from two contrasting Lake Tanganyika sediment cores to assess watershed-lake exchange. Applied Geochemistry, 51:184-190. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2014.10.007.

115. Ivory, S.J., McGlue, M.M., Ellis, G.S., Lézine, A.M., Cohen, A.S., and Vincens, A., 2014, Vegetation Controls on Weathering Intensity during the Last Deglacial Transition in Southeast Africa. PLOS ONE, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0112855.

116. Cohen, A.S., McGlue, M., Ellis, G., Zani, H., Swarzenski, P., Assine, M. Silva, A., 2015, Lake formation, characteristics and evolution in retroarc deposystems: A synthesis of the modern Andean Orogen and its associated basins” in  DeCelles, P.G., Ducea, M.N., Carrapa, B., and Kapp, P.A. (eds.) Geodynamics of a Cordilleran Orogenic System: The Central Andes of Argentina and Northern Chile: Geol. Soc. America Memoir 212, 29pp. doi: 10.1130/2015.1212(16).

117. Jackson, L.J., Stone, J.R., Cohen, A.S. and Yost, C.L., 2015, High resolution paleoecological records from Lake Malawi show no significant cooling associated with the Mount Toba supereruption at ca. 75 ka. Geology doi:10.1130/G36917.1.

118. McManus, J., Severmann, S., Cohen, A.S., McKay, J.L., Montanye, B.R., Hartwell, A.M., Brucker, R.L.P., and Wheatcroft, R., 2015, The sedimentary response to a rapid change in lake level in Lake Tanganyika. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 440 (2015) 647–658.

119.  DiMaggio, E.N., Arrowsmith, J.R., Campisano, C.J., Johnson, R., Deino, A.L., Warren, M., Fisseha, S., and Cohen, A.S., 2015, Tephrostratigraphy and depositional environment of young (<2.94 Ma) Hadar Formation deposits at Ledi-Geraru, Afar, Ethiopia. Journal of African Earth Sciences 112 (2015) 234e250

120. Lyons, R.P., Scholz, C.A., Cohen, A.S., King, J.W., Brown, E.T., Ivory, S.J., Johnson, T.C., Deino, A.L., Reinthal, P.N., McGlue, M.M., and Blome, M.W., 2015. Continuous 1.3-million-year record of East African hydroclimate, and implications for patterns of evolution and biodiversity. PNAS doi: 10.1073/pnas.1512864112.

121. Crossey, L.C., Karlstrom, K.E., Dorsey, R., Pearce, J., Wan, E., Beard, L.S., Asmerom, Y., Polyak, V., Crow, R.S., Cohen, A.S., Bright, J., and Pecha, M.E., 2015, Importance of groundwater in propagating downward integration of the 6–5 Ma Colorado River system: Geochemistry of springs, travertines, and lacustrine carbonates of the Grand Canyon region over the past 12 Ma. Geosphere doi:10.1130/GES01073.1.

122. Cohen, A., Campisano, C., Arrowsmith, R., Asrat, A., Behrensmeyer, A. K., Deino, A., Feibel, C., Hill, A., Johnson, R., Kingston, J., Lamb, H., Lowenstein, T., Noren, A., Olago, D., Owen, R. B., Potts, R., Reed, K., Renaut, R., Schäbitz, F. Tiercelin, J.J., Trauth, M.H., Wynn, J., Ivory, S., Brady, K., O’Grady, R., Rodysill,  J., Githiri, J., Russell, J., Foerster, V., Dommain, R., Rucina, S., Deocampo, D., Russell, J., Billingsley, A., Beck, C., Dorenbeck, G., Dullo, L., Feary, D., Garello, D., Gromig, R., Johnson, T., Junginger, A., Karanja, M., Kimburi, E., Mbuthia, A., McCartney, T., McNulty, E., Muiruri, V., Nambiro, E., Negash, E.W., Njagi, D., Wilson, J. N., Rabideaux, N., Raub, T., Sier, M.J., Smith, P., Urban, J., Warren, M., Yadeta, M., Yost, C., and Zinaye, B., 2016, The Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project: inferring the environmental context of human evolution from eastern African rift lake deposits. Scientific Drilling doi:10.5194/sd-21-1-2016

123. Wright, D.K., Thompson, J.C., Schilt, F., Cohen, A.S., Choi, J.H., Mercader, J., Nightingale, S., Miller, C.E., Mentzer, S.M., Walde, D., Welling, M., and Gomani-Chindebvu, E., 2016, Approaches to Middle Stone Age landscape archaeology in tropical Africa. Journal of Archaeological Science,

124. Bright, J., Cohen, A.S., Dettman, D.L., Pearthree, P.A., Dorsey, R.J., and Homan, M.B., 2016, Did a catastrophic lake spillover integrate the late Miocene early Pliocene Colorado River and the Gulf of California?: microfaunal and stable isotope evidence from Blythe Basin, California-Arizona, USA. Palaios, v. 31, 81–91. doi:

125. Cohen, A.S., Gergurich, E.L., Kraemer, B.M., McGlue, M.M., McIntyre, P.B., Russell, J.M., Simmons, J.D., and Swarzenski, P.W., 2016, Climate warming reduces fish production and benthic habitat in Lake Tanganyika, one of the most biodiverse freshwater ecosystems. PNAS, doi:10.1073/pnas.1603237113/-/DCSupplemental.

126. Cohen, A.S., and Salzburger, W., 2016, Scientific drilling at Lake Tanganyika, Africa: A transformative record for understanding evolution in isolation and the biological history of the African continent, University of Basel, 6-8 June 2016. Scientific Drilling 4, 1-6, 2016 doi:10.5194/sd-4-1-2016

127. Ivory, S.J., Blome, M.W., King, J.W., McGlue, M.M., Cole, J.E., and Cohen, A.S., 2016, Environmental change explains cichlid adaptive radiation at Lake Malawi over the past 1.2 million years. PNAS 113:11895-11900.

128. Buatois, L.A., Labandeira, C.C., Mángano, M.G., Cohen, A.S., and Voigt, S., 2016 The Mesozoic Lacustrine Revolution. in Buatois, L.A. and Mángano, M.G. (eds.) The Ichnologic Record of Major Evolutionary Changes. Springer-Topics in Geobiology, v.2, ch. 11, p.179-263.

129. McGlue, M.M., Smith, P.H., Zani, H., Silva, A., Carrapa, B., Cohen, A.S., and Pepper, M. B., 2016, An integrated sedimentary systems analysis of the Río Bermejo (Argentina): Megafan character in the overfilled southern Chaco Foreland Basin. Jour. Sed. Res. 86:1359-1377.
130. Campisano, C.J., Cohen, A.S., Arrowsmith, J.R., Asrat, A., Behrensmeyer, A.K., Brown, E.T., Deino, A.L., Deocampo, D.M., Feibel, C.S., Kingston, J.D., Lamb, H.F., Lowenstein, T.K., Noren, A., Olago, D.O., Owen, R.B., Pelletier, J.D., Potts, R., Reed, K.E., Renaut, R.W., Russell, J.M., Russell, J.R., Schäbitz, F., Stone, J.R., Trauth, M.H., Wynn, J.G., 2017, The Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project: Acquiring High-Resolution Paleoclimate Records from the East African Rift System and Their Implications for Understanding the Environmental Context of Hominin Evolution. Paleoanthropology. 2017:1-43, doi:10.4207/PA.2017.ART104.

131. Hudson, A.M., Quade, J., Ali, G., Boyle, D., Bassett, S., Huntington, K.W., De los Santos, M.G., Cohen, A.S., Lin K. and Wang, X., 2017 Stable C, O and clumped isotope systematics and 14C geochronology of carbonates from the Quaternary Chewaucan closed-basin lake system, Great Basin, USA: Implications for paleoenvironmental reconstructions using carbonates. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 212:274-302.

132. Ivory, S.J. McGlue, M.M., Ellis, G.S., Boehlke, A., Lézine, A.-M., Vincens, A, and Cohen, A.S., 2017, East African weathering dynamics controlled by vegetation-climate feedbacks. Geology 45:823-826.

133. Sier, M.J., Langereis, C.G., Dupont-Nivet, G., Feibel, C.S., Joordens, J.C.A., van der Lubbe, J.H.J.L., Beck, C.C., Olago, D., Cohen, A.S. and WTK Science Team Members, 2017 The top of the Olduvai Subchron in a high resolution magnetostraitgraphy from the West Turkana core WTK13, Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP). Quat. Geochron. 42:117-129.

134. Cohen, A.S., 2017, The past is the key to the future: Lessons paleoecological data can provide for management of the African Great Lakes. Jour. Great Lakes Res.

135. Yost, C., Cohen, A.S., Jackson, L., and Stone, J., 2018, Subdecadal phytolith and charcoal records from Lake Malawi, East Africa imply minimal effects on human evolution from the ~74ka Toba supereruption. Jour. Human Evol. 116:75-94

136. Ivory, S.M. et al. Waxing and waning of forests: Late Quaternary Biogeography of southeast Africa Global Change Biology doi:10.1111/gcb.14150.

137. Lupien, R., Russell, J.M., Feibel, C., Beck, C., Castañeda, I., Deino, A., and Cohen, A.S. 2018 A leaf wax biomarker record of early Pleistocene hydroclimate from West Turkana, Kenya, Quaternary Science Reviews 186:225-235.

138. Bright, J., Cohen, A.S., Dettman, D.L., Pearthree, P.A. in press Freshwater plumes and brackish lakes: Integrated microfossil and O-C-Sr isotopic evidence from the late Miocene and early Pliocene Bouse Formation (CA-AZ) support a lake overflow model for the integration of the lower Colorado River corridor. Geosphere.

139. Busch, J., Soreghan, M., de Beurs, K., McGlue, M., Kimirei, I.,Cohen, A.,and Ryan, E. 2018, Linking watershed disturbance with nearrshore sedimentation and the shell beds of Lake Tanganyika (Mahale Mountains, Tanzania). Environmental Earth Sciences 77:154.

140. Bright, J., Cohen, A.S., and Starratt, S., 2018 Distinguishing brackish lacustrine from brackish marine deposits in the stratigraphic record: A case study from the late Miocene and early Pliocene Bouse Formation, Arizona and California, USA. Earth-Science Reviews 185:974-1003

141. Owen, R.B., Muiruri, V.M., Lowenstein, T.K., Renaut, R.W., Rabideaux, N., Luo, S., Deino, A.L., Sier, M.J., Dupont-Nivet, G., McNulty, E.P., Leet, K., Cohen, A., Campisano, C., Deocampo, D., Shen, C.-C., Billingsley, A., and Mbuthia, A., 2018, Progressive aridification in East Africa over the last half million years and implications for human evolution. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 115:11174-11179.

142. Owen, R.B., McNulty, E., Muiruri, V., Billingsley, A., Luo, S., Deino, A., Deocampo, D., Rabideaux, N., Stockhecke, M., Lowenstein, T., Leet, K., Shen, C.C., Cohen, A.S.,  Campisano, C., Sier, M., Mbuthia, A., Renaut R., 2019, Quaternary history of the Lake Magadi basin, southern Kenya Rift: evidence from outcrop and cores. Palaeogeog., Palaeoclim. Palaeoecol. 518:97-118.

143. Deino, A.L., Sier, M.J., Garello, D., Keller, B., Kingston, J., Scott, J., Dupont-Nivet, G., and Cohen, A. 2019. Chronostratigraphy of the Baringo-Tugen-Barsemoi (HSPDP-BTB13-1A) core -- 40Ar/39Ar dating, magnetostratigraphy, tephrostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy and Bayesian age modeling. Palaeo3, 532.

144. Billingsley, A. Reinthal, P., Dettman, D.L., Kingston, J.D., Deino, A.L.,  Ortiz, K., Mohler, B., Cohen, A.S., 2019, δ13C records from fish fossils as paleo-indicators of ecosystem response to lake levels in the Plio-Pleistocene lakes of Tugen Hills, Kenya. Palaeogeog., Palaeoclim., Palaeoecol. 532.

145. Cohen, A.S., Cassidy, C., Crow, R., Bright, J., Crossey, L., Dorsey, R., Gootee, B., House, K., Howard, K., Karlstrom, K. and Pearthree, P., 2019, The Bouse Formation, a controversial Neogene archive of the evolving Colorado River: a scientific drilling workshop report (28 February-3 March 2019- BlueWater Resort & Casino, Parker, AZ, USA). Scientific Drilling 26:59-67.

146. Lupien, R., Russell, J.M., Yost, C.L., Kingston, J.D., Deino, A.L., Logan, J., Schuh, A., and Cohen, A.S., 2019, Vegetation change in the Baringo Basin, East Africa across the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation 3.3–2.6 Ma. Palaeogeog., Palaeoclim. Palaeoecol.

147. Westover, K.S., Stone, J.R., Yost, C.L., Scott, J.J., Cohen, A.S., Rabideaux, N.M., Stockhecke, M., and Kingston, J.D., 2019, Diatom paleolimnology of late Pliocene Baringo Basin (Kenya) paleolakes Palaeogeog., Palaeoclim. Palaeoecol.

148. Kutzbach, J.E., Guan, J., He, F., Cohen, A.S., Orland, I.J., and Chen, G., 2020, African climate response to insolation and glaciation: 140,000-year climate simulation with implications for early human environments. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.

149. Russell, J.M., Barker, P., Cohen, A.S.,  Ivory, S., Kimirei, I., Lane, C., Leng, M., Maganza, N., McGlue, M., Msaky, E., Noren, A., Park Boush, L., Salzburger, W., Scholz, C., Tiedemann, R., and the Tanganyika Scientific Drilling Project Team, 2020, ICDP Workshop on the Lake Tanganyika Scientific Drilling Project: A late Miocene-present record of climate, rifting, and ecosystem evolution from the world’s oldest tropical lake. Scientific Drilling. 2020 150. 

150. Yost, C.L., Ivory, S.J., Deino, A.L., Rabideaux, N., Kingston, J.D. and Cohen, A.S., 2020, Phytoliths, pollen, and microcharcoal from the Baringo Basin, Kenya reveal savanna dynamics during the Plio-Pleistocene transition. Palaeogeo., Palaeoclim. Palaeoecol.

151. Lupien, R.L., Russell, J.M., Grove, M., Beck, C.C., Feibel, C.S., and Cohen, A.S.,2020, Impacts of abrupt and high-frequency climate change on hominin evolution during the early Pleistocene in the Turkana Basin, Kenya. Quat. Sci. Rev. 245.

152. Gravina, A., Soreghan, M., Bogan, M., Busch, J.,  Kimirei, I., McGlue, M., McIntyre, P., and Cohen, A.S., 2020 Relationship of Sediment Influx to Ostracode Populations on the Variably Deforested Luiche and Mahale Platform Coasts of Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania. Jour. Great Lakes Res. 46:1207-1220

153. McGlue, M., Ivory, S.J., Stone, J.R., Cohen, A.S., Kamulali, T.M.,.Latimer, J., Brannon, M., Kimirei, I.A., and Soreghan, M.J., 2020,  Solar irradiance and ENSO impacts food security in Lake Tanganyika, a major African inland fishery. Science Advances  (41), eabb2191, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abb2191.

154. R. Potts, R. Dommain, J. W. Moerman, A. K. Behrensmeyer, A. L. Deino, S. Riedl, E. J. Beverly, E. T. Brown, D. Deocampo, R. Kinyanjui, R. Lupien, R. B. Owen, N. Rabideaux, J. M. Russell, M. Stockhecke, P. deMenocal, J. T. Faith, Y. Garcin, A. Noren, J. J. Scott, D. Western, J. Bright, J. B. Clark, A. S. Cohen, C. B. Keller, J. King, N. E. Levin, K. Brady Shannon, V. Muiruri, R. W. Renaut, S. M. Rucina, K. Uno, 2020, Increased ecological resource variability during a critical transition in hominin evolution. Science Advances 6, eabc8975 DOI:10.1126/sciadv.abc8975

155. Muiruri, V.M., Owen, R.B., Lowenstein, T.K., Renaut, R.W., Marchant, R., Rucina, S.M., Cohen, A., Deino, A.L., Sier, M.J., Luo, S., Leet, K., Campisano, C., Rabideaux, N.M., Deocampo, D., Shen, C.-C.,Mbuthia, A., Davis, B.C., Aldossari, W., and Wang, C., 2021,  A million year vegetation history and palaeoenvironmental record from the Lake Magadi Basin, Kenya Rift Valley. Palaeogeog., Palaeoclim., Palaeoecol. 567,

156. Sier, M.J., Dupont-Nivet, G., Langereis, C. Deino, A.L., Kingston, J.D. and Cohen, A.S., 2021 Magnetostratigraphy of the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP) Baringo-Tugen Hills Barsemoi core (Kenya). Palaeogeog. Palaeoclim. Palaeoecol. 570

157.  McGlue, M.M., Yeager, K.M., Soreghan, M.J., Behm, M., Kimirei, I.A., Cohen, A.S., Apse, C., Limbu, P., Smiley, R., Doering, D., Lucas, J.S., Mbonde, A., McInytre, P.B. 2021, Spatial variability in nearshore sediment pollution in Lake Tanganyika (East Africa) and implications for fisheries conservation. Anthropocene 33.

158. Ivory, S.J., McGLue, M., Peterman, C., Baldwin, P., Lucas, J., Cohen, A.S., Russell, J., Saroni, J., Msaky, E., Kimerei, I. and Soreghan, M., 2021 Climate, vegetation, and weathering across space and time in Lake Tanganyika (tropical eastern Africa) Quaternary Science Advances. 3,

159. Thompson, J.C., Wright, D.K., Ivory, S.J., Choi, J.H., Nightingale, S., Mackay, A., Schilt, F., Otarola-Castillo, E., Mercader, J., Forman, S.L., Pietsch, T., Cohen, A.S.,Arrowsmith, J.R., Welling, M., Davis, J., Schiery, B., Kaliba, P., Malijani, O., Blome, M.W., O’Driscoll, C., Mentzer, S.M., Miller, C., Heo, S., Choi, J., Tembo, J., Mapemba, F., Simengwa, D., and Gomani-Chindebvu, E., 2021 Chronology of early human impacts and ecosystem reorganisation in central Africa  Science Advances 7: eabf9776.

160. Muiruri, V., Owen, R.B., de Cort, G., Renaut, R.W., Rabideaux, N., Lowenstein, T.K., Sier, M., Leet, K., Deocampo, D., Cohen, A.S., Campisano, C.J., Billingsley, A., and Mbuthia, A., 2021, Middle Pleistocene to recent diatoms and stratigraphy of the Magadi Basin, south Kenya Rift. Jour. Paleolimnology. 65:315–333

161. Kaboth-Bahr, S., Gosling, Vogelsang, R., W., Bahr, A., Scerri, E.M.L., Asrat, A., Cohen, A.S., Düsing, W., Foerster, V., Lamb, H.F., Maslin, M.A., Roberts, H.M., Schäbitz, F., and Trauth, M.H., 2021 Paleo-ENSO influence on African environments and early modern humans Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 118 No. 23 e2018277118,

162. Leet, K., Lowenstein, T.K., Renaut, R.W., Owen, R.B., Cohen, A.S.,2021, Labyrinth patterns in Magadi cherts: Evidence for early formation from siliceous gels Geology 49,

163. Schäbitz, F., Asrat, A., Lamb, H.F., Cohen, A.S., Foerster, V., Duesing, W., Kaboth-Bahr, S., Opitz, S., Viehberg, F., Vogelsang, R., Dean, J., Leng, M.J., Junginger, A., Ramsey, C.B., Chapot, M.S., Deino, A., Lane, C.S., Roberts, H.M., Vidal, C., Tiedemann, R., and Trauth, M.H., 2021, Hydroclimate changes in eastern Africa over the past 200,000 years may have influenced early human dispersal Communications Earth and Environment.  2:123 (2021).

164. Trauth, M., Asrat, A., Cohen, A.S., Duesing, W., Foerster, V., Kaboth-Bahr, S., Kraemer, H., Lamb, H.F., Marwan, N., Maslin, M. and Schaebitz, F., 2021, Recurring types of variability and transitions in the ~620 kyr record of climate change from the Chew Bahir basin, southern Ethiopia. Quaternary Science Reviews. 266

165. Muiruri, V., Owen, R.B., Potts, R., Deino, A.L., Behrensmeyer, A.K., Riedl, S., Rabideaux, N., Beverly, E.J., Renaut, R.W., Moerman, J.W., Deocampo, D., Faith, J.T., Noren, A., Cohen, A.S., Shannon, K.B., Dommain, R., 2021, Quaternary diatoms and palaeoenvironments of the Koora Plain, southern Kenya Rift. Quat. Sci. Rev.

166. Roberts, H.M., Ramsey, C.B., Chapot, M.S., Deino, A.L., Lane, C.S., Vidal, C., Asrat, A., Cohen, A.S., Foerster, V.E., Lamb, H.F., Schäbitz, F. and Trauth, M.H., 2021Using multiple chronometers to establish a long, directly-dated lacustrine record: constraining >600,000 years of environmental change at Chew Bahir, Ethiopia. Quat. Sci. Rev. 266,

167. Yost, C.L., Lupien, r.L., Beck, C., Feibel, C.S., Archer, S.R., and Cohen, A.S. 2021, Orbital influence on precipitation, fire, and grass community composition from 1.87 to 1.38 Ma in the Turkana Basin, Kenya. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9.

168Deocampo, D.M., Owen, R.B., Lowenstein, T.K., Renaut, R.W. Rabideaux, N.M., Billingsley, A., Cohen, A.S., Deino, A.L., Sier, M.J., Luo, S., Shen, C.-C., Gebregiorgis, D., Campisano, C., Mbuthia, A.,  2021, Orbital control of Pleistocene euxinia in Lake Magadi, Kenya, Geology 49,

169.  Kamulali, T.M., McGlue, M.M., Stone, J.R., Kimirei, I.A., Goodman,P.J., and Cohen, A.S., 2021Paleoecological analysis of Holocene sediment cores from the southern basin of Lake Tanganyika: Implications for the future of the fishery in one of Africa’s largest lakes. Jour. Paleolimnology, s10933-021-00219-4.

 170. Duesing, W., Kaboth-Bahr, S., Asrat, A., Cohen, A.S., Foerster, V., Lamb, H.F., Schaebitz, F., Trauth, M.H., and Viehberg, F., 2021 Changes in the cyclicity and variability of the eastern African paleoclimate over the last 620 kyrs. Quat. Sci. Rev. 273,

171. Lupien, R.L., Russell, J.M., Pearson, E.J., Castañeda, I.S., Asrat, A., Foerster, V., Lamb, H.F., Roberts, H.M., Schäbitz, F., Trauth, M.H., Beck, C.C., Feibel, C.S. and Cohen, A.S. 2022 Orbital-scale controls on the Pleistocene hydroclimate of eastern Africa. Scientific Reports. 12,

172. Cohen, A.S., Campisano, C., Arrowsmith, R., Asrat, A., Beck, C., Behrensmeyer, A.K., Deino, A., Feibel, C., Foerster, V., Kingston, J., Lamb, H.F., Lowenstein, T., Lupien, R., Muiruri, V.,  Olago, D., Owen, R.B., Potts, R., Russell, J.,  Schaebitz, F., Stone, J., Trauth, M., and Yost, C. In press 2022, Reconstructing the Environmental Context of Human Origins in Eastern Africa through Scientific Drilling. Accepted Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci.

173. Cohen, A.S., Du, A., Rowan, J., Yost, C.L. Billingsley, A.L.,. Campisano, C.J., Brown, E.T., Deino, A.L., Feibel, C.S., Grant, K., Kingston, J.D., Lupien. R., Muiruri, V., Owen, R.B., Reed, K.E., Russell, J., & Stockhecke, M.  2022 Plio-Pleistocene African environmental variability and mammalian evolution Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 119,

174. Foerster, V., Asrat, A., Bronk Ramsey, C. Brown, E.T., Chapot, M.S., Deino, A., Deocampo, D.M., Duesing, W., Hahn, A., Junginger, A., Kaboth-Bahr, S., Lane, C.S., Noren, A., Roberts, H.M., Stockhecke, M., Tiedemann, R., Vidal, C., Vogelsang, R., Cohen, A.S., Lamb, Schaebitz, F., Trauth, M.H., 2022, Pleistocene climate variability in eastern Africa influenced hominin evolution. Nature Geoscience, 15,



Verheyen, E. et al., 2016 Oil Extraction Imperils Africa’s Great Lakes.  Science 354: 561-562

Cohen, A.S. 2017 The Fate of Africa’s Lake Tanganyika Hangs in the Balance. The Conversation (Published 27 April, 2017).

Non-Refereed Publications

Cohen, A.S. and Scott, L. 1982  A Geological Roadguide to Parts of Kenya.  Univ. of California-Davis Extension Publ., 93 pp.

Cohen, A.S.  1998  Penrose Conference Report “Linking spatial and temporal change in paleoecology and ecology. GSA Today

Cohen, A.S., and Reinthal, P. (B. Blundell Producer) CD-ROM Biodiversity: The Great Lakes Of Africa

Cohen, A.S. (ed.), 1998-2005, The Nyanza Project 2000 Annual Report Series (extended abstracts of Nyanza Project Research). Non-refereed.

Cohen, A.S. and Nielson, D. 2003, Final Report Workshop On Best Practices In The Development Of Scientific Drilling Projects, DOSECC Report, 41pp.


Cohen, A.S. 1975  Paleoecology of the Glens Falls Ls. (M. Ord.) in Eastern N.Y.  Green Mtn. Geologist v. 2 (abst.).

Cohen, A.S. 1976  Conodont Biostratigraphy of the Central Champlain Valley, Eastern N.Y.-Western Vt.  Green Mtn. Geologist v. 3 (abst.).

Cohen, A.S. 1979  Evolution of Late Tertiary-Modern Benthic Communities in Lake Turkana Basin, Northern Kenya.  GSA Cordilleran Sect. Mtg. (San Jose) abst. w/prog. p. 72-73.

Cohen, A.S. 1979  Environmental Significance of Fossil Root Casts from the Koobi Fora Fm. (Plio-Pleistocene) East Turkana, Kenya.  AAPG-SEPM Nat. Mtg. (Houston) abst. w/prog. p. 70.

Cohen, A.S., Higgins, K.E. and Dickinson, N.G. 1979  The Paleolimnological History of Lake Turkana, A Review of Current Evidence.  Soc. Int. du Limnol. — Workshop on African Lakes.  U.N. Envir. Prog. — Nairobi abst. w/prog. p. 7.

Cohen, A.S. 1980  Diversity of Regulation of Benthic Faunas in Paleolake Turkana, Eastern Rift Valley, Kenya.  GSA Natl. Mtg. (Atlanta) abst. w/prog. p. 404.

Cohen, A.S. 1981  Ostracodes as Paleoenvironmental Indicators in the Rift Valley Lakes of East Africa.  GSA Natl. Mtg. (Cincinnati) abst. w/prog. p. 428.

Cohen A.S. and Mount, J.F. 1982  Paleoenvironmental Setting and Pedodiagenesis of Root Casts from the Upper Koobi Fora Fm., Kenya.  GSA Natl. Mtg. (abst.) p. 465.

Cohen, A.S. 1983  The Significance of Standing Crop on Laminae Formation in Tropical Lake Sediments.  GSA Cordilleran/Rocky Mtn. Joint Regional Mtg. (Salt Lake City) abst. w/prog. p. 394.

Cohen, A.S., Ferguson, D., Gram, P.M., Hubler, S. and Sims, K. 1984  The Distribution of Coarse Grained Sediments in Modern Lake Turkana:  Implications for Clastic Sedimentation Models of Rift Lakes.  Geol. Soc. Lond. Symp. on Sed. in Afr. Rift Lakes.

Cohen, A.S. 1985  Evolution of Predator Prey Interactions in Ancient Lakes.  Implications for Coevolution in Marine Environments.  GSA Natl. Mtg. (Orlando) abst. w/prog. p. 550.

Cohen, A.S. and Johnston, M.R. 1986  Dispersal and Brooding Behavior as Factors in the Evolution of Lacustrine Species Swarms.  North Amer. Paleo. Convention IV abst. w/prog. p. A10.

Johnston, M.R. and Cohen, A.S. 1986  Modes of Lacustrine Speciation as Revealed by Patterns of Morphological Variability in Two Endemic Gastropods from Lake Tanganyika.  North Amer. Paleo. Convention IV abst. w/prog. p. A22.

Cohen, A.S. and Gevirtzman, D. 1986  Littoral Carbonate Sedimentation in Modern Lake Tanganyika, Africa.  GSA Natl. Mtg. (San Antonio) abst. w/prog. 18: 568.

Cohen, A.S. 1987  Skeletal Accumulations and the Taphonomy of Lacustrine Coquinites:  Evidence from Modern Lakes.  GSA Rocky Mtn. Sect. Invited Symp. on Nonmarine Depositional Systems, Boulder, CO, p. 267.

Cohen, A.S. 1987  Modern Sedimentation in Large African Rift Lakes.  IGCP #219 Workshop-Invited Paper, Kehrsiten, Switzerland, p. 19.

Cohen, A.S. 1987  Facies Architecture in Modern African Rift Lakes:  Responses to Tectonism, Volcanism and Climate.  GSA Natl. Mtg. (Phoenix) abst. w/prog. 19: 622.

West, K. and Cohen, A.S. 1987  Experimental Studies of Decapod-Gastropod Interactions at Lake Tanganyika:  Implications for Predator-prey Coevolution.  GSA Nat'l. Mtg. (Phoenix) abst. w/prog. 19: 887.

Cohen, A.S. and Awramik, S. 1988  Recent Stromatolites from Lake Tanganyika, Africa.   I.A.S.-I.G.C.P. Symp. on Sedimentology Related to Mineral Deposits, Beijing, China, abst. w/prog., p. 40.

Cohen, A.S. 1988  Modern and Late Holocene distribution of the endemic genus Paramelania in Lake Tanganyika:  Implications of taphonomic complexity for the study of species flock evolu­tion.  American Malacological Union Ann. Mtg., Charleston, S.C., abst. w/prog., p. 27.

Michel, E. and Cohen, A. 1988  Species radiation in an African Rift Lake:  A biogeographic out­line of the Lavigeria gastropod assemblage in Lake Tanganyika.  American Malacological Union Ann. Mtg., Charleston, S.C., abst. w/prog., p. 26.

Cohen, A.S. 1988  Models for lacustrine source and reservoir rock facies relationships:  New sedimentologic evidence from Lake Tanganyika.  AAPG Research Conference on Lacustrine Exploration, Snowbird, Utah, p. 8.

Palacios, M. and Cohen, A.S. 1988  Nonmarine ostracodes as paleohydrochemical indicators in ancient irrigation canals of the Phoenix Basin, Ariz.  Archaeol. Council Symp. on Prehistoric Irrigation in Arizona, Phoenix, Arizona, p. 25.

Cohen, A.S. and Talbot, M. 1989  Lacustrine stromatolites and the record of hydroclimate change in Lake Tanganyika, Africa during the Late Holocene.  GSA Natl. Mtg. abst. w/prog. 21: 126.

Cohen, A.S. 1989  Criteria for developing viable underwater natural reserves in Lake Tanganyika.  Soc. Internat. du Limnologie, Workshop on African Lakes, abst. w/prog., p. 11-12.

Michel, E., Cohen, A., West, K., Johnston, M. and Kat, P. 1989  Large African lakes as natural laboratories for evolution:  Examples from the endemic gastropod fauna of Lake Tanganyika.  Soc. Internat. du Limnologie, Workshop on Africa Lakes, abst. w/prog., p. 25-26.

Cohen, A., Lockley, M., Halfpenny, J. and Michel, A. 1990  Vertebrate track and trackway taphonomy:  Field/experimental data from L. Manyara, East African Rift System, Tanzania.  GSA Natl. Mtg. abst. w/prog. 22: A84.

Lockley, M., Cohen, A., Halfpenny, J. and Michel, A. 1990  Vertebrate trackway distribution at Lake Manyara, Tanzania:  Implications for the fossil record.  GSA Natl. Mtg. abst. w/prog. 22: A84.

West, K. and Cohen, A. 1990  Morphology and behavior of gastropods and crabs from L. Tanganyika, Africa:  Implications for lacustrine predator-prey coevolution.  IV Congr. Syst. and Evol. Biol., Univ. of Maryland, abst. w/prog.

Cohen, A.S. 1991  Patterns and controls of biodiversity within Lake Tanganyika.  First International Conference on Conservation and Biodiversity of Lake Tanganyika, Bujumbura, Burundi, p. 50-53.

Cohen, A.S. 1991  Conservation of the Lake Tanganyika fauna:  Problems and strategies.  Symp. on Limnol. and Fisheries of Lake Tanganyika, Kuopio, Finland.

Cohen, A.S. 1991  Excess sediment discharge caused by watershed deforestation and its effect on the Lake Tanganyika ecosystem:  International Conference on Land-Lake Interactions, New Delhi, India, p. 21-22.

Palacios, M. and Cohen, A. 1991  Comparative paleoclimatic interpretations from nonmarine ostracodes using faunal assemblages, trace element shell chemistry and stable isotope data.  AGU Chapman Conf. on Continental Isotopic Indicators of Climate abst. w/prog.

Palacios, M. and Cohen, A. 1991  Summer Lake paleohydrochemistry:  A case study based on ostracode assemblages and shell chemistry.  XIII Intl. Quat. Assoc. Mtg. abst. w/prog.

Palacios, M. and Cohen, A. 1991  Paleoecologic record of climatic variation on Pleistocene pluvial Lake Chewaucan, Lake County, Oregon.  GSA abst. w/prog. 23: A356.

Palacios, M. and Cohen, A. 1991  Comparative paleoclimatic interpretations from nonmarine ostracodes using faunal assemblages, trace element shell chemistry and stable isotope data.  AGU Chapman Conf. on Cont. Isotopic Indicators of Climate abst. w/prog.

Soreghan, M. and Cohen, A. 1991  Effect of basin structure on the composition of rift-lake sands:  Tectonic influence of transport and depositional processes.  GSA abst. w/prog. 23: A71.

Soreghan, M. and Cohen, A. 1991  Facies distribution within contrasting structural components of a rift lake:  Lake Tanganyika, Africa.  AAPG Ann. Mtg. abst. w/prog.  AAPG Bull. 75: 674.

Palacios, M., Cohen, A. and Wigand, P.E. 1992  A paleoclimatic reconstruction of south-central Oregon based on the fossil record of Pluvial Lake Chewaucan.  GSA Cordilleran Mtg., Eugene, Oregon, May 10-13, abst. w/prog.

Cohen, A. 1993  Extinctions in ancient lakes.  Speciation in Ancient Lakes Conference, Mont-Rigy, Belgium.

Cohen, A., Ogutu-Ohwayo, R. and Kaufman, L. 1993  Anthropogenic impacts on the African great lakes.  Int. Decade of E. Afr. Lakes Conf., Jinja, Uganda.

Ogutu-Ohwayo, R., Cohen, A. and Kaufman, L. 1993  Anthropogenic impacts on African lakes.  Great Lakes of the World Symp., Guelph, Canada.

West, K. and Cohen, A. 1993  Predator-prey coevolution in Lake Tanganyika.  Int. Decade of E. Afr. Lakes Conf., Jinja, Uganda.

Cohen, A., Chase, C. and Anadon, P. 1993  Three dimensional sequence stratigraphic modeling of the Miocene Rubielos de Mora Basin.  GSA Ann. Mtg. abst. w/prog. 25: A113.

Cohen, A., Bills, R., Gashagaza, M., Michel, E., Tiercelin, J., Martens, K., Soreghan, M., Coveliers, P., West, K., Ntakimazi, G., Moboko, S. and Kimbadi, S. 1993  Preliminary observations of sedimentation impacts on benthic environments and biodiversity using an ROV submersible in Lake Tanganyika.  PARADI Conf., Dakkar, Senegal, abst. w/prog., p. 12-13.

Cohen, A. 1994  Ancient lakes, Modern extinctions.  North Amer. Benthological Soc. Ann. Mtg. Plenary Address, Orlando, Florida, abstr. w/prog. 11: 32.

Cohen, A., Bills, R., Gashagaza, M., Michel, E., Tiercelin, J-J., Martens, K., Soreghan, M., Coveliers, P., West, K., Ntakimazi, G., Moboko, S. and Sona, K. 1994  Sedimentation impacts on biodiversity in Lake Tanganyika, Africa.  Society for Conservation Biology Ann. Mtg., Guadalajara, Mexico, Abst. w/mtg. 1994, p. 70.

Jurgens, J., Cohen, A. and Chase, C.  1994  Compuer modelling of lake basin stratigrpahy through a humid-semihumid climatic cylce.  GSA Ann. Mtg. abst. w/prog. 26: 82.

Michel, E. and Cohen, A.  1994  Sedimentation threats to mollusc diversity in Lake Tanganyika.  North Amer. Benthological Soc. Ann. Mtg. Plenary Address, Orlando, Florida, abstr. w/prog. 11: 67.

Park, L. and Cohen, A.  1994  Ostracode diversity changes during the Late Holocene in Lake Tanganyika, Africa.  GSA Ann. Mtg. abst. w/prog. 26: 57.

Tiercelin, J-J., Cohen, A., Soreghan, M. and Lezzar, K-E. 1994  Pleistocene-Modern deposits of the Lake Tanganyika rift basin, E. Africa:  An example of lacustrine source rocks and reser­voirs.  SEPM Core Workshop, Denver, Colorado, June 1994.

Wells, T. and Cohen, A.  1994  Human impacts and background controls of faunal diversity and community structure in L. Tanganyika, Africa.  GSA Ann. Mtg. abst. w/prog. 26: 488.

West, K., Kat, P. and Cohen, A.  1994  Comparing neontological and paleontological data from L. Tanganyika gastropods:  Implications for species definitions and phylogeny reconstruction.  GSA Ann. Mtg. abst. w/prog 26: 53.

West, Kelly; Kat, Pieter and Cohen, Andrew, 1994, Do molecular and paleontological data sets yield the same phylogeny? An example using thiarid gastropods. California paleontology conference; abstracts.(Bell, CJ.ed.)PaleoBios. 16; 1, Suppl., Page 14.

Cohen, A., Lezzar, K. and Tiercelin, J.J.  1995  The cyclostratigraphic history of northern Lake Tanganyika:  Climate, tectonics and relationship to the marine oxygen isotope record.  1st SEPM Congress on Sedimentary Geology, St. Petersburg, FL, abst. w/prog.

Cohen, A., Wells, T., Dettman, D., Park, L. and McKee, B.  1995  Paleolimnology and conservation biology problem solving.  XXVI SIL International Congress, Sao Paulo, Brazil, abst. w/prog.

Alin, S., Cohen, A., Bills, R., Gashagaza, M., Michel, E., Tiercelin, J., Martens, K., Soreghan, M., Coveliers, P., West, K., Ntakimazi, G., Mbako, S. and Sona, K.  1995  Biodiversity analysis of fish, ostracode and mollusc census data from Lake Tanganyika in relation to sediment disturbance level.  Symp. on Lake Tanganyika Research, Kuopio, Finland.

Dettman, D., Cohen, A.S., Wells, T., Talbot, M., Abell, P., and McKee, B.  1995  Isotopic records from the last 1000 years in Lake Tanganyika, implications for the paleoenvironmental interpretation of carbonates in cores from the African rift lakes.  GSA Ann. Mtg. abst. w/prog. 27: 131.

Kowalewska, A., and Cohen, A.S.  1995  Ostracode-based reconstruction of the lacustrine environments in the Great Salt Lake Basin during the Late Cenozoic.  GSA Ann. Mtg. abst. w/prog. 27: 206.

Soreghan, M., Chase, C., Cohen, A., Lezzar, K., and Tiercelin, J.-J.  1995  Tectonic and climatic controls on the stratigraphy of the northern Lake Tanganyika Basin, Africa, inferred from three-dimensional stratigraphic modeling.  GSA Ann. Mtg. abst. w/prog. 27: 130.

Cohen, A., and Alin, S.  1996  Linking ecological and paleoecological data across spatial and temporal scales:  Lessons from the evolutionary ecology of rift lake:  GSA Ann. Mtg. abst. w/prog. 28.

Alin, S., Cohen, A., Bills, R., Mukwaya, G., Michel, E., West, K., Mboko, S., and Ntakimazi, G.  1996  Rapid assessment of diversity in Lake Tanganyika:  Soc. Conservation Biology Ann. Mtg.

Cohen, A.S.  1997  Linking spatial and temporal change in the diversity structure of ancient lakes: Implications for both theoretical ecology and conservation biology. International Conference on Ancient Lakes, Lake Biwa Museum, Kusatsu, Japan, abstracts w/ prog., p. 105.

Cohen, A.S., Davis, O.K., Kowalewska, A., and Moutoux, T.  1997  Late Cenozoic paleolakes and paleoclimate in the Bonneville Basin. GSA Abstr. w/prog. 29: A-254.

Dettman, D. and Cohen, A.  1997  Oxygen and carbon isotope stratigraphy and paleoenvironmen­tal inferences in rift lakes: An example from Lake Tanganyika. International Conference on Ancient Lakes, Lake Biwa Museum, Kusatsu, Japan, abstracts w/ prog., p. 210.

Park, L.E., Cohen, A.S., Alin, S. and Martens, K.   1998  Ecology and speciation of the ostracod  clade, Gomphocythere in Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. XXVII SIL International Congress.  Abstracts with Programs. Dublin, Ireland, p. 176.

Alin, Simone R; Palacios-Fest, Manuel R; Cohen, Andrew S. 1999. The live, the dead, and the very dead; translating live ostracod assemblages into the fossil record in Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. GSA1999 annual meeting. Abstracts with Programs 31; 7, Pages 438

Cohen, A.S., Palacios, M., Msaky, E., Dettman, D., O’Reilly, C., Alin, S., Tanner, B. and Heuser, H.  1999  Paleolimnological evaluation of cause and effect hypotheses in ecology: Preliminary results from a high resolution paleoecological investigation of Lake Tanganyika, Africa. 2nd Intl. Limnologeological Congress, Brest, France. Abstr. w/prog. p. 25.

Park, L.E., Cohen, A.S. and Martens, K. 1999 Little things in a big lake:  What integrating phylogeny and ecology of an ostracod clade can tell us about speciation processes in Lake Tanganyika.  Abstr. w/prog. 31:(7).

Cohen, A.S., 1999 The Nyanza Project: A research experience for undergraduates (REU) in tropical lake studies. Amer. Soc. Limnol. And Oceanogr. Ann. Mtg Abstr. w/prog. p.46.

Park, L.E., Hays, M.A., Cohen, A.S. and Martens, K. 1999 The impact of time-averaging and ecological scaling in biodiversity and conservation assessments of a tropical lake ecosystem:  Ostracods in Lake Tanganyika.  LENNOU Congress on Paleolimnology, Brest, France.

Alin-Simone-R; Cohen-Andrew-S; Palacios-Fest-Manuel; Msaky-Emma; Dettman-David; McKee-Brent. 2000, A multi-indicator study of watershed disturbance and paleoecological change in Lake Tanganyika, East Africa, through c. 500 years. AGU 2000 fall meeting.Eos, Trans.ons, American Geophysical Union. 81; 48, Suppl., Pages 263.

Alin, S., A. Cohen, and M. Palacios-Fest. 2001.  Paleoecology, biodiversity, and human impact: ostracods as indicators in Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. Society for Conservation Biology 15th Annual Meeting Abstracts: 6.

Alin, S.R. and A.S. Cohen. Late Holocene records of invertebrate diversity and turnover from Lake Tanganyika, East Africa, and their conservation implications. North American Paleontological Convention 2001 Program and Abstracts, 21(Supplement to 2): 22.

Cardinal, D., André, L., Plisnier, P.-D., Lezzar, K., and Cohen, A., 2001, Geochemistry of two sediment cores from the Lake Tanganyika:  Weathering, biological and redox processes. European Union of Geosciences, abstr. w/prog. Strasbourg, France.

Cohen, A.S., Lezzar, K.E., Cole, J.E., Dettman, Eagle, M., D.L., Michelo, V., Zilifi, D., Chororoka, K., Plisnier, P.D., and Ellis, G., 2001, Paleolimnologic evidence for decadal to centurial scale climate and productivity linkages in Lake Tanganyika. EOS Trans. AGU Fall. Mtg. Suppl. F759.

O’Reilly, C. M., D. L. Dettman, and A. S. Cohen.  2001.  Using carbon and nitrogen isotopes in lake sediments to detect land use change.  EOS Trans. American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting Supplement. Abstract B22A-08.

O’Reilly, C. M. and A. S. Cohen.  2001.  One fish, two fish, who eats who fish?  Using stable isotopes in food webs.  GeoDaze Symposium Program and Abstracts, p. 40.

O’Reilly, C. M., R. E. Hecky, and A. S. Cohen.  2001.  An upside-down food web:  The problem of time-integration across trophic levels.  American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Conference Program, p. 29.

Park, L.E., Bralek, R., Cohen, A.S., Martens, K. and Johnson, T.C., 2001, How we interpret the record: The impact of taphonomic processes on interpreting paleobiological changes in large lake ecosystems (Tanganyika and Malawi) PAGES-PEP III Past Climate Variability in Europe and Africa, Aix-en Provence, France, abstr. w/prog.

Todd, J., Michel, E., Cohen, A., McIntyre, P., Kingma, I., Grill, A., Cleary, D., 2001, Point endemicity confounds diversity and impact assessment for gastropod species flocks in Lake Tanganyika. Soc. Conserv. Biol. Ann Mtg., Hilo, Hawaii, abstr. w/prog.

Baldwin, S.; Halfman, J. D.; and Cohen, A.S. 2001, A comparison of chlorophyll-a patchiness in Kigoma Bay, Lake Tanganyika Africa and Seneca Lake, Geneva New York. GSA 2001 annual meeting. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America. 33; 6, Pages 365

Alin, S.R., and A.S. Cohen.  2002.  Little Ice Age drought history in East Africa.  American Quaternary Association, 17th Biennial Meeting, Anchorage, Alaska

Alin, S.R. and Cohen, A.S., 2002, High-resolution geochemical and paleoecological records of climate change since the Late Glacial at Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. AGU Ann. Mtg. Abstr. w/prog.

Cohen, A.S., 2002, Paleolimnological insights on ecosystem change at Lake Tanganyika. Species in Ancient Lakes (SIAL-3), Irkutsk, Russia, Abstr. w/prog., p.38.

Gans, C.R., Brislen, M., Lezzar, K.E., Ellis, G.E., Cohen, A.S., Henderson, A., Chororoka, K. 2002, New Structural Data Constraining the Kinematic Evolution of the Kalya Ridge, Slope and Platform, Lake Tanganyika Rift Basin, East Africa. AAPG Annual Meeting, Convention Abtracts Volume, Houston, TX

Hartwell, R.J., K. Guiles., G.S. Ellis., K.E. Lezzar & A.S. Cohen (2002). Organic carbon contrast between two nearby but different rift lake depositional environments:  The Kalya Ridge and Slope, Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. Abstracts Volume, AAPG Annual Convention, Houston, TX.

Hartwell, R.J., Cohen, A.S., Lezzar, K.E., Guiles, K., Gans, C.R., Ellis, G.S., Michelo, V., Chororoka, K., Eagle, M. and Zilifi, D., 2003 (in press) Organic carbon variability as a paleoclimate indicator at the Kalya Ridge and slope of Lake Tanganyika: Results from the 2001 Nyanza Project field season.  Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. Ann. Mtg., Salt Lake City Abstr. w/prog., p. 63.

O’Reilly, C.M., Alin, S.R., Plisnier, P.D., Cohen, A.S., and McKee, B.A., 2003, Climate warming decreases aquatic ecosystem productivity of Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. . Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. Ann. Mtg., Salt Lake City Abstr. w/prog., p. 100.

Todd, J., Michel, E., Cleary, D., Kingma, I. and Cohen, A.S. 2002, Point endemicity confounds diversity and impact assessment for gastropod species flocks in Lake Tanganyika. Great Lakes of the World AEHMS mtg., Arusha, Tanzania. Abstr w/prog.

Alin, S.R., and Cohen A.S., 2003, Ostracode-inferred lake-level history of Lake Tanganyika, East Africa, for the past 2500 years. GSA Ann. Mtg. (Seattle) Abstr. w/prog.

Bailey, J.V., Cohen, A.S. and Kring, D.A., 2003, Experimentally derived constraints on calcareous lacustrine fossil preservation following the Chicxulub acid trauma. 3rd Int. Limnogeol. Congress (Tucson) abstr. w/prog., p.14-15.

Balch, D.P., and Cohen, A.S., 2003, A paleoclimatic and paleoecological study of the northeastern Great Basin using the fossil ostracode and sedimentological record from the GLAD-800 core site GSL-00-04, Great Salt Lake, Utah. 3rd Int. Limnogeol. Congress (Tucson) abstr. w/prog., p.18.

Gans, C.R., Lezzar, K.E., Cohen, A.S., Hartwell, R.J., Guiles, K., Ellis, G., Chororoka, K., Henderson, A., Brislen, M., Tiercelin, J.-J., and Scholz, C.A., 2003, A modern analog of horst segmentation and sediment distribution in an active rift basin: Excellent potential paleoclimate drilling site on the Kalya Horst, Southern Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. ).  3rd Int. Limnogeol. Congress (Tucson) abstr. w/prog., p. 96-97.

Hartwell, R.J., Cohen, A.S., Lezzar, K.E., Guiles, K., Gans, C.R., Ellis, G.S., Michelo, V., Chororoka, K., Eagle, M. and Zilifi, D., 2003 Organic carbon variability as a paleoclimate indicator at the Kalya Ridge and slope of Lake Tanganyika: Results from the 2001 Nyanza Project field season. . Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. Ann. Mtg., Salt Lake City Abstr. w/prog.

Van Alstine, J.M. and Cohen, A.S., 2003 Nyanza Project research on the relationship of ostracode abundance and taphonomy to environmental variables on the Luiche Delta Platform, Lake Tanganyika. Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. Ann. Mtg., Salt Lake City Abstr. w/prog.

Van Alstine, J.M., and Cohen, A.S., 2003, Relationship of ostracode abundance and taphonomy to environmental variables on the Luiche Delta Platform, Lake Tanganyika (Nyanza Project 2001).  3rd Int. Limnogeol. Congress (Tucson) abstr. w/prog., p. 303.

Van Alstine, J.M., and Cohen, A.S., 2003 A taphonomic study of lacustrine subfossil ostracodes and application to paleo-lake level: Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. GSA Ann. Mtg. (Seattle) Abstr. w/prog.

O’Reilly, C.M., and Cohen, A.S., 2004, The Nyanza Project: An international interdisciplinary ressearch training program on Lake Tanganyika. Bull. North Amer. Benthol. Soc. 52nd Ann. Mtg. Abstr. w/prog. 21 (1) 168.

O’Reilly, C.M., Plisnier, P.D., and Cohen, A.S., 2004 Climate change affects the East African Rift Valley Lakes. EOS Trans. AGU Fall Mtg. Supplement Abstract GC51D-1076.

Cohen, A.S., Lezzar, K.E., Russell, J., Scholz, C.A., Tiercelin, J.J., Gans, C., and Helfrich, C.L., 2004, The Lake Tanganyika Accomodation Zone Structural Highs: Probable Archive of Continuous Miocene to Recent Paleoenvironmental and Paleoclimatic Information for East Africa. AGU Ann. Mtg. Abstr. w/ Prog.

Helfrich, L.C., Balch, D.P. and Cohen, A.S., 2005, Stable isotope analysis of ostracode valves: a record of climate change in the Bonneville Basin, Great Salt Lake, Utah. ASLO Ann. Mtg., abstr. w/prog.

Cohen, A.S., Lezzar, K.E., Michel, E., O’Reilly, C.M., Russell, J.M., Nkotagu, H. and Kimirei, I., 2005. The Nyanza Project: Interdisciplinary research training in tropical lakes. Pan-REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) 25th Anniversary NSF Workshop, Washington D.C. abstr. w/prog.

Cohen, A.S., Balch, D.P., Helfrich, L.C., Schnurrenberger, D.W., Haskell, B.J., Valero-Garcés, B.L., Beck, J.W., Cheng, H., Edwards, R.L. and Dettman, D.L. 2005 A ~280ka paleoecologic and paleoclimatic record for the bonneville basin derived from the glad800 drilling campaign at great salt lake, utah. Geol. Soc. Amer. Ann. Mtg. abstr. w/prog. Paper 148-9.

Johnson, T.C., Scholz, C.A., King, J., and Cohen, A.S., 2005, Preliminary results of the Lake Malawi drilling program. Geol. Soc. Amer. Ann. Mtg. abstr w/prog. Paper 248-14.

Scholz, C.A., Johnson, T.C., King, J., Cohen, A.S., Lyons, R.P., Kalindekafe, L., Forman, S.L., McHargue, L.R., and Singer, B.S., 2005, Initial results of scientific drilling on Lake Malawi, East African Rift. Eos Trans. AGU 86(52), Fall. Mtg. Suppl. Abstract PP13C-03.

Lyons, R.P., Scholz, C.A., King, J.W., Johnson, T.C., and Cohen, A.S., 2005, Correlations of scientific drillcores and seismic reflection data from Lake Malawi, Africa. Eos Trans. AGU 86(52), Fall. Mtg. Suppl. Abstract PP21A-1551.

Soreghan, M.J., Scholz, C.A., and Cohen, A.S., 2005, Lithogenic sediments as a proxy record of tropical aridity and monsoon intensity: An example from Lake Tanganyika, Africa. Eos Trans. AGU 86(52), Fall. Mtg. Suppl. Abstract PP21A-1552.

Felton, A.A., Russell, J.M., Cohen, A.S., Baker, M.E., McGlue, M.M., and Lezzar, K.E., 2005, Geochemical and sedimentological records of Late Quaternary climate change, Lake Tanganyika, tropical East Africa. Eos Trans. AGU 86(52), Fall. Mtg. Suppl. Abstract PP21A-1553.

Cohen, A.S., Lezzar, K.E., Michel, E., O’Reilly, C.M., Russell, J.M., Nkotagu, H. and Kimirei, I., 2005. The Nyanza Project: Interdisciplinary research training in tropical lakes. Eos Trans. AGU 86(52), Fall. Mtg. Suppl. Abstract ED31A-1200.

Cohen, A.S., Park, L.E., Martens, K., Reinthal, P., Dettman, D., Stone, J., Beuning, K., Scholz, C., Johnson, T., and King, J., 2006, Preliminary paleoecological results from the lake malawi scientific drilling project. Geol. Soc. Amer. Ann. Mtg. abstr w/prog. Paper 28-21.

Stone, J., Cohen, A.S., Scholz, C., Beuning, K., Johnson, T.C., and KING, J., 2006 Preliminary diatom stratigraphy of core Mal-05-1C, Lake Malawi, Africa. Geol. Soc. Amer. Ann. Mtg. abstr w/prog. Paper 202-14.

Scholz, C.A., Cohen, A.S., King, J., Johnson, T.C., Lyons, R.P., and Talbot, M.R., 2006, Scientific drilling on Lake Malawi: A long, high-resolution record of climatic and limnological change from southern tropical East Africa. Geol. Soc. Amer. Ann. Mtg. abstr w/prog. Paper 28-17.

Beuning, K.R., Ivory, S., Lor, K., Cohen, A.S., Scholz, C.A., Johnson, T.C., King, J., Forman,, S.L., and McHargue, L., 2006, Preliminary evidence of vegetation change around Lake Malawi, Africa over the last 1.5 million years. Geol. Soc. Amer. Ann. Mtg. abstr w/prog. Paper 28-20.

McGlue, M. and Cohen, A.S., 2006, The evolution of topographic closure and foreland basin lakes: A modern time-slice perspective from the Andes. Geol. Soc. Amer. Ann. Mtg. abstr w/prog. Paper 148-4.

Strickler, M.L.,Lezzar, K.E., Soreghan, M., Cohen, A.S., Swarzenski, P.W., Berke, M. and Mcheni, M., 2006 Effects of Local Farming and Deforestation on Sediment Discharge Inferred From Sediment Accumulation Rates and Patterns in Lake Core Records From Coastal Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. AGU Ann. Mtg. abstr. w/prog. H13B-1378.

Brown, E.T., Johnson, T.C., Scholz, C.A. King, J. and Cohen, A.S., 2006, D-O Events in the Southern Tropics of East Africa? Initial XRF Results From the Lake Malawi Drilling Project. AGU Ann. Mtg. abstr. w/prog. PP13A-1587.

Cohen, A.S., Scholz, C.A., Johnson, T.C., King, J.W., Beuning, K., Stone, J., Talbot, M.R., and Brown, E., 2007 Drill Core Records of Early Late Pleistocene Megadrought in Tropical Africa: Ecological Consequences and Implications for Early Modern Human Demography, Paleoanthropology Soc. Ann. Mtg., Philadelphia, p. A7.

Cohen, A.S., 2007, Drilling For Human Origins: A Frontier Area of Scientific Drilling. DOSECC XIth Annual Scientific Drilling Workshop.

Scholz, C., Cohen, A.S., Johnson, T.C., King, J., Peck, J., and Talbot, M., 2007, Lake Drilling across Africa in 2004 and 2005: Results of Scientific Drilling on Lakes Malawi and Bosumtwi. IVth Limnogeol. Congress, Barcelona, abstr. w/prog., p.64-65.

McGlue, M. and Cohen, A.S., 2007, Controls on the development of lacustrine deposystems in foreland basins. IVth Limnogeol. Congress, Barcelona, abstr. w/prog., p. 112-113.

McGlue, M., Lezzar, K., Cohen, A.S., Russell, J., Tiercelin, JJ., and Felton, A., 2007 Late Quaternary seismic stratigraphy and paleobathymetry of central Lake Tanganyika, tropical East Africa. IVth Limnogeol. Congress, Barcelona, abstr. w/prog., p.143-144.

Brown, E.T, Johnson, T., Scholz, C., King, J. and Cohen, A.S., 2007, D-O events in southern tropical Africa? XRF results from the Lake Malawi Drilling Project. IVth Limnogeol. Congress, Barcelona, abstr. w/prog., p.159-160.

Felton, A., Russell, J., Cohen, A.S., Baker, M., Chesley, J., Lezzar, K., McGlue, M., Pigati, J., Quade, J., Stager, J.C., and Tiercelin, J.J, 2007, Paleolimnological evidence for the onset and termination of glacial aridity from Lake Tanganyika, tropical East Africa. IVth Limnogeol. Congress, Barcelona, abstr. w/prog., p. 160.

Cohen, A.S., Behrensmeyer, A.K., Campisano, C., Feibel, C., Kubsa, Z., Johnson, R., Olago, D., Potts, R., and Renaut, R., 2007, Drilling African lake beds to improve our understanding of human origins: A frontier scientific drilling initiative and research direction in limnogeology. IVth Limnogeol. Congress, Barcelona, abstr. w/prog., p.211.

Cohen, A.S., Scholz, C.A., Beuning, K., Stone, J., Johnson, T.C., Tryon, C., Brooks, A., King, J., Brown, E. and Ivory, S., 2007, Early Late-Pleistocene megadroughts in Africa and their ecological consequences for Homo sapiens. Geol. Soc. Amer ann. mtg.

Stone, J.R., Cohen, A.S., Beuning, K.R., Scholz, C.A., Johnson, T.C., and King, J., 2007, Paleoecological evidence of response to Early and Late Pleistocene severe climate change, Lake Malawi, Africa. Geol. Soc. Amer ann. mtg.

Beuning, K.R., Zimmerman, K.A., Ivory, S.J., and Cohen, A.S. 2007, Vegetation Response to Climatic Variations in the southern African tropics during the Late-Pleistocene and Holocene. AGU Ann. Mtg.

Shi, J., Brown, E.T., Johnson, T.C., Scholz, C.A., Cohen, A.S., and King, J.W., 2007, Precessional(?) Variability in East African Aridity During the Past ca. 200,000 Years. AGU Ann. Mtg.

Scholz, C.A., Cohen, A.S., Johnson, T.C., King, J.W., Brown, E.T., Lyons,R.P., Stone, J.R., and Beuning, K.R.M., 2007, Orbital- versus Glacial-mode forcing of tropical African climate: Results of scientific drilling in Lake Malawi, East Africa. AGU Ann. Mtg.

Scholz, C.A., Cohen, A.S., Johnson, T.C., Brown, E.T., King, J., 2008, New Constraints on the Evolution of the Lake Malawi (Nyasa) Rift from Scientific Drilling. AAPG Ann Mtg. . San Antonio TX

Ashley, G.M., Cohen, A.S., and Feibel, C.S., 2008, Paleoclimate research and human evolutionary studies, AAPG Ann Mtg. San Antonio TX.

Stone, J.R., Cohen, A.S., Scholz, C.A., Johnson, T.C., Beuning, K.R.M., and King, J.W., Early late Pleistocene megadroughts in Africa: evidence of extreme aridity from Lake Malawi. Euro. Geol. Union Ann. Mtg.

Helfrich, M.M., Lezzar, K.E., Cohen, A.S., Biswas, Abir, Rashid, M., Uwesu, M., Athumani, Y., Guerra, W., Husson, J., and Romano, A., 2008, Physical Evidence Of Deforestation Along A Modern Rift Lake: An On Land And Nearshore Comparative Study Between Two Watersheds At Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania. Geol. Soc. Amer Northeast Mtg., 43rd Ann. Meeting.

Blome, M.W., Cohen, A.S., Tryon, C., Stone, J.R., Russell, J., Cox, M. and Brooks, A., 2008, A Synthesis of African Paleoclimate from 150-35ka and Possible Implications for Middle Stone Age Archaeology. Geol. Soc. Amer. Ann. Mtg., Houston.

McGlue, M.M., Soreghan, M.J., Mischler, J., O'Connell, C.S., Castaneda, O.S., Hartwell, R.J., Michel, E., Todd, J., Cohen, A.S., and Lezzar, K.E., 2008 Lacustrine Shell Accumulations in Continental Rifts: Actualistic Examples of Depositional Style and Taphonomy from the Littoral of Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. Geol. Soc. Amer. Ann. Mtg., Houston.

Reinthal, P.N., Cohen, A.S. and Dettman. D.L., 2008. Fish fossils and stable isotopes as paleo-indicators of ichthyofauna composition and climatic change in Lake Malawi, Africa. Desert Fish Council, 40th Ann. Mtg., Nov. 2008, Cuatrocienegas, Coahuila, Mexico.

Tierney, J.,Russell, J., Huang, Y., Sinninghe Damste, J., Hopmans, E. and Cohen, A., 2008, The Enigma of Millennial-scale Rainfall Variations in the Southeast African Tropics: a Breakdown of the ITCZ Paradigm. AGU Ann. Mtg, Dec. 2008, San Francisco.

Cohen, A.S., 2008, Keynote Address: Rationale for the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project. ICDP/NSF Workshop: Scientific Drilling for Human Origins: Exploring the Application of Drill Core Records to Understanding Hominid Evolution, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Nov. 2008.

Blome, M. and Cohen, A.S., 2009, Preliminary paleoecological results of Core 1B from the Lake Malawi Drilling Project. NSF-sponsored Continental Scientific Drilling Workshop, Denver CO.

McGlue, M., Cohen, A.S., Ellis, G., Swarzenski, P., and Kirschbaum, A., 2009 Nonmarine Depositional Patterns in an Arid Piggyback Basin: Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Paleoenvironments from Monumento Natural Laguna de los Pozuelos, Argentina . AAPG ann. Mtg Abstr w/program, Denver CO.

Cohen, A. S., Stone, J., Beuning, K., Ivory, S., Park. L.E., Reinthal, P., Blom, M., McGlue, M., Scholz, C.A., Johnson, T., Brown, E., and King, J., 2009 The Lake Malawi Scientific Drilling Project (LMSDP): Historical ecology of an ancient lake and lessons learned for speciation studies using scientific drilling. Species In Ancient Lakes (SIAL) Workshop. Ohrid, Macedonia, Sept 6-11, 2009.

Ivory, S.J., Lézine, A.M., and Cohen, A.S., 2009, Vegetation and climate of Lake Malawi, Southeast Africa during the last deglaciation. Geol. Soc. Amer. Ann. Mtg.  134-8.

Lyons, R.P., Scholz, C.A.,King, J.W., Brown, E.T., Cohen, A.S., and Johnson, T.C.,  2009 Scientific drilling in continental East Africa: The dominance of eccentricity-modulated precession and half-precession on continental tropical climate: AGU Ann. Mtg PP11B-1315

Tierney, J.E., Oppo, D., Rosenthal, Y., Linsley, B.K., Russell, J.M., Cohen, A.S., Sinninghe Damsté,, J.S., and Verschuren, D. 2009 Synoptic shifts in tropical Indo-Pacific hydrology during the past two millennia: AGU Ann. Mtg. PP11G-02

Ivory, S., Lézine, A., and Cohen, A.S., 2009 Effect of aridity and rainfall seasonality on vegetation in East Africa during the Late Pleistocene: AGU Ann. Mtg. PP14A-06

Cohen, A.S., Arrowsmith, R., Behrensmeyer, K., Campisano, C.J., Feibel, C.S., Fisseha, S., Johnson, R.A., Kingston, J., Kubsa, Z., Lamb, H., Mbua, E., Olago, D., Potts, R.,  Renaut, R., Schaebitz, F., Tiercelin, J., Trauth, M.H., WoldeGabriel, G.W., and Umer, M., 2009 The Hominin Sites And Paleolakes Drilling Project: Using High Resolution Paleoclimate Records From African Lake Deposits To Interpret Human Evolution:  AGU Ann. Mtg. PP14A-08.

Cohen, A.S., 2010, The Lake Malawi Drilling Project (LMDP): A continuous and high resolution record of environmental change for tropical Africa covering the last ~550ka. Invited Keynote Speaker Stage 6-2 Workshop, U. Cambridge, July 2010.

McGlue, M.M, Silva, A., Coradini, F.A., Ellis, G.S., Swarzenski, P.W., Ash, J., Trees, M.A., Cohen A.S., and Assine, M.L., 2011, Limnogeology in Brazil’s forgotten wilderness: A synthesis from the large lakes of the Pantanal. PAGES Floodplains Lakes-Wetlands Workshop, Faeyetteville, AR, Sept 2010.

Cohen, A.S., Todd, J., McGlue, M.M., Michel, E., Nkotagu, H. and Grove, A.T., 2010, Paleobiogeographic connections between African rift lakes: An example from the Lake Rukwa Basin and implcations for the intralacustrine dispersal of species flocks. GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 42, No. 5.

 Troll, C.J., Liddy, H.M., O'Reilly, C.M., and Cohen, A.S., 2010 Reconstruction Of The Paleoenvironments Of Late-Quaternary Lake Bonneville, Utah Between ~60 And 11 Ka. GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 42, No. 5.

Ivory, S., Russell, J., and Cohen, A.S., 2010, In the hot seat: Controls on tropical African vegetation. AGU Ann. Mtg., San Francisco, CA.

Ivory, S.J., Lézine, A.-M., Vincens, A., and Cohen, A.S., 2011, Tropical vegetation and high-amplitude climate variability: the Last Interglacial at Lake Malawi, southeast Africa. International Quaternary Assoc. Mtg, Bern, Switzerland.

Blome, M., Cohen, A.S., and Lopez, M.L., 2011, A 500,000 year paleoecological record from ostracodes, charcoal and other paleoclimate indicators from Lake Malawi, East Africa. Vth Intl. Limnogeology Congress, Constanz, Germany, Abstr. w/prog. p.33-34.

Cohen, A.S., and the HSPDP Science Team, 2011, The Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project: Investigating the environmental context of human origins using high resolution lacustrine records. Vth Intl. Limnogeology Congress, Constanz, Germany, Abstr. w/prog. p. 76.

McGlue, M.M., Trees, M.A., Cohen, A.S., and E. Abel, 2011 Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous lakes and wetlands of the Cordilleran backbulge depozone, South Dakota (USA). Vth Intl. Limnogeology Congress, Constanz, Germany, Abstr. w/prog. p. 171.

Blome, M.W., Cohen, A.S., and Lopez, M.J., 2011, A 1,200,000 year paleoecological record from ostracodes, charcoal and other paleoclimatic indicators from Lake Malawi, East Africa. Geol. Soc Amer. Ann. Mtg Abstr 132-7.

Odigie, K.O., Cohen, A.S., Swarzenski, P.W. and Flegal, A.R., 2011, Temporal changes in lead depositions in East Africa: A case study of Lake Tanganyika. AGU Ann Mtg.

Cohen, A.S. and Blome, M.W., 2012, A ~1.25Ma continuous record of ostracode paleoecology from the African tropics at Lake Malawi.GSA Ann Mtg, Charlotte NC

McGlue, M., Ivory, S.J., Ellis, G.S., Boehlke, A., Blome, M.W., Cohen, A.S., Lyons, R.P., and Scholz, C.A., 2013, On climate, weathering, and siliciclastic sedimentation in tropical lacustrine rift basins. AAPG Ann. Meeting.

Dorsey, R.J., Crossey, L. J., Cohen, A.S., Howard, K.A. Karlstrom, K.E.,, Bright, J., Homan, M., McDougall, K., and Retallack, G. J., 2013, Lake-Estuary Hypothesis For The Bouse Formation: New Look At An Old Problem. GSA Ann. Mtg, Denver CO paper 97-6.

McGlue, M., Ellis, G., Cohen, A.S., and Kowler, A.L., 2013 Integrated stratigraphic analysis and petroleum source-rock potential of an underfilled lake basin in the Puna Plateau (Northwestern Argentina) GSA Ann. Mtg., Denver CO paper 137-9.

Smith, P., McGlue, M., Zani, H., Carrapa, B. and Cohen, A.S., 2013, The modern Rio Bermejo Megafan, Chaco Foreland Basin (Argentina). GSA Ann. Mtg., Denver paper 247-63

Cohen, A.S., and the HSPDP Research Team, 2013, The Hominin Sites And Paleolakes Drilling Project: A progress report on documenting the paleoenvironmental context of human origins through scientific drilling. East African Quaternary Assoc., Nanyuki, Kenya

Cohen, A.S., Asrat, A., Campisano, C.J., Feibel, C.S., Ivory, S., Kingston, J.D., Lamb, H.F., Olago, D.O., Renaut, R.W., Scahbitz, F., and HSPDP field team, 2013, The Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP): Documenting the paleoenvironmental context of human origins in East Africa through scientific drilling. GSA Ann. Mtg., Denver, CO paper 327-10.

Cohen, A.S., Arrowsmith, R., Asrat, A., Campisano, C., Deino, A., Feibel, C., Foerster, V., Hill, A., Ivory, S., Kingston, J., Lamb, H., Lowenstein, T., Olago, D., Owen, R.B.,   Renaut, R., Schäbitz, F., and the HSPDP Research Team, 2013, The Hominin Sites And Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP): A progress report on documenting the paleoenvironmental context of human origins through scientific drilling. International Continental Drilling Program Science Conference 2013, Potsdam, Germany.

Joordens, J., Feibel, C., Dupont-Nivet, G., Cohen, A., Beck, C., van der Lubbe, J., Sier, M., Langereis, C., Vonhof, H., 2013, Combining the HSPDP West Turkana core with outcrop samples to provide a climate framework for hominin evolution between ca. 2.1 - 1.4 Ma. International Continental Drilling Program Science Conference 2013, Potsdam, Germany.

Ivory, S.J., McGlue, M., Ellis, G.S., Lézine, A.-M., Cohen, A., and Vincens, A., 2013, Vegetation controls on weathering intensity in southeast Africa. AGU Ann. Mtg., San Francisco, CA.

Cohen, A.S., 2014, AAAS Annual Meeting Symposium: The Evolving Great Lakes: New Techniques, Discoveries, and Management Implications. "A 1.3 million year record of extraordinary climatic and ecological variability.”, Chicago, IL.

Feibel, C.S., Van Der Lubbe, J., Yost, C., Beck, C., Vonhof, H.B., Joordens, J.C., and Cohen, A.S., 2014, An integrated multi-proxy investigation of outcrop and core records from an Early Pleistocene lacustrine sequence in West Turkana, Kenya. Northeastern Section Geol. Soc. Amer. 23-25 March, Lancaster, PA USA.

Sier, M.J., Langereis, C., Dupont-Nivet, G., Vonhof, H., Joordens, J., Yost, C., Beck, C., Feibel, C., van der Lubbe, J. and Cohen, A., 2014, ICDP Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project, an Introduction. NAC12, 8-9 April Veldhoven, The Netherlands

Kingston, J., Deino, A., Hill, A., Cohen, A., Doman, J., Njagi, D., Noren, A., Ivory, S., and Yost, C., 2014, Linking hominin evolution and climate in the Baringo Basin, Kenya: The Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP) Soc. Vertebrate Paleo. Ann. Mtg., Berlin, Germany

Stockhecke, M., Brown, E.T., Campisano, C.J. and Cohen A.S., 2014, Future insights into East African continental climate variability and human evolution over 3.5 Ma: the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP), Multiproxy approach to the reconstruction of the Pliocene climate, September 17th to 19th, 2014, Barcelona, Spain.

Campisano, C. J., Cohen, A. S., Asrat, A., Feibel, C. S., Kingston, J. D., Lamb, H. F., Olago, D. O., Owen, R. B., Renaut, R. W., and SchÄbitz, F., 2014. The Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP) drilling campaigns: the trials and triumphs of trying the unique and new, GSA Ann. Mtg. Abstr. w/prog., Vancouver, B.C.

Beck, C. C., Feibel, C. S., Henderek, R. L., Gravina, A., Sier, M. J., Cohen, A. S., and Campisano, C. J., 2014, A fluctuating Pleistocene lake margin: updates from the HSPDP West Turkana Kaitio drill leg, GSA Ann. Mtg. Abstr. w/prog., Vancouver, B.C.

Yost, C. L., Cohen, A.S., Feibel, C. S., and Campisano, C. J., 2014, Preliminary phytolith results from the early Pleistocene West Turkana, Kenya, drill core of the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP). GSA Ann. Mtg. Abstr. w/prog., Vancouver, B.C.

Ortiz, K., Plange, K., Cohen, A. S., Feibel, C. S., Kingston, J. D., Deino, A., Hill, A., and Smith, Preston, 2014, Preliminary TOC/TIC and geophysical data from two HSPDP drill core sites in Kenya, with implications for Pliocene hominin paleoenvironments. GSA Ann. Mtg. Abstr. w/prog., Vancouver, B.C.

McCartney, T., Scholz, C., and Cohen, A.S., 2014, Correlations between natural spectral gamma and magnetic susceptibility logs at Kenyan HSPDP sites: The search for a magnetic susceptibility proxy. GSA Ann. Mtg. Abstr. w/prog., Vancouver, B.C.

Mitsunaga, B.A., Mering, J., Petryshyn, V., Dunbar, R., Cohen, A.S., Liu, X., Kaufman, D.S., Eagle, R. and Tripati, A., 2014, A clumped isotope calibration for lacustrine carbonates. GSA Ann. Mtg. Abstr. w/prog., Vancouver, B.C.

Bright, J., Cohen, A.S., Dettman, D.L., and Dorsey, R., 2014, Ostracode-based faunal and stable isotope data suggest a mixed marginal marine to stratified lacustrine waterbody interpretation for the southern Bouse Formation, AZ, GSA Ann. Mtg. Abstr. w/prog., Vancouver, B.C.

Cohen, A.S., 2014, The geological, ecological and paleoclimatological significance of “exotic” continental ostracodes: Rick Forester’s legacy in understanding ostracode evolution in long-lived lakes. GSA Ann. Mtg. Abstr. w/prog., Vancouver, B.C.

Yost, C.L. and Cohen, A.S., 2014, Phytoliths used to investigate the effects of the Indonesian Mount Toba Super-Eruption (~75kyr) in East Africa: A subdecadal record from Lake Malawi. AGU Ann. Mtg. Abstr. w/prog., San Francisco, CA

Cohen, A.S., 2014, A review of new and anticipated high-resolution paleoclimate records from the East African Rift System and their implications for homiin evolution and demography.  AGU Ann. Mtg. Abstr. w/prog., San Francisco, CA

Jackson, L.J., Stone, J., and Cohen, A.S., 2014, Fine resolution analysis of Lake Malawi sediment record shows no significant climatic impacts from the Mount Toba Super-Eruption of ~75ky. . AGU Ann. Mtg. Abstr. w/prog., San Francisco, CA.

Ivory, S., Lézine, A.-M., Vincens, A., and Cohen, A.S., 2014, Waxing and waning of forests: Late Quaternary Biogeography of Lake Malawi, Southeast Africa. AGU Ann. Mtg. Abstr. w/prog., San Francisco, CA.

Lund, S., Platzman, E., Johnson, T.C., Scholz, C., Cohen, A.S., and Russell, J., 2014, Full vector Holocene paleomagnetic secular variation records from East Africa. AGU Ann. Mtg., San Francisco, CA

Cohen, A.S., Campisano, C., Arrowsmith, R., Asrat, A., Deino, A., Feibel, C., Hill, A., Kingston, J., Lamb, H.F., Lowenstein, T., Olago, D., Owen, R.B., Renaut, R.,  Schabitz, F., Tiercelin, J.J. , Wynn, J. and the HSPDP Science team, 2015, The Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP): Collecting paleolake drill cores from the East African Rift Valley to document the environmental context of human origins, African Quaternary Conference and Workshop., Capetown, South Africa Jan 30-Feb 7, 2015

Schäbitz, F., Wagner, B., Viehberg, F., Wennrich, V., Rethemeyer, J., Just, J., Klasen, N.,  Asrat, A., Lamb, H., Förster, V., Trauth, M., Junginger, A., Cohen, A.S. and the HSPDP science team, 2015, First results from the deep drilling at Chew Bahir (S-Ethiopia). African Quaternary Conference and Workshop., Capetown, South Africa Jan 30-Feb 7, 2015

Johnson, T.C., Werne, J.P., Brown, E.T., Abbott, A., Berke, M., Halbur, J., Contreras-Quintana, S., Grossheusch, S., Schouten, S., Sinninghe Damsté, J.,  Lyons, R., Scholz, C.A., Cohen, A.S., and King, J. 2015 A progressively wetter climate in Southern East Africa over the past million years. ). African Quaternary Conference and Workshop., Capetown, South Africa Jan 30-Feb 7, 2015.

Lamb, H., Cohen, A.S., Schäbitz, F., Asrat, A., Barker, P., Bates, R., Davies, S., Deino, A.,  Förster, V., Grove, M., Huws, D., Junginger, A., Konrad-Schmolke, M., Lane, C., Leng, M., Mark, D., Martin-Jones, E., Pearce, N., Pearson, E., Ramsey, C., Raub, T., Rethemeyer, J., Roberts, H., Rogass, C., Trauth, M., Viehberg, F., Wagner, B., Woldegabriel, G., 2015, The Hominin sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project: testing hypotheses of climate-driven human evolution and dispersal at Chew Bahir, Ethiopia. African Quaternary Conference and Workshop., Capetown, South Africa Jan 30-Feb 7, 2015.

Cohen, A.S., Campisano, C., Asrat, A., Arrowsmith, R., Deino, A., Feibel, C., Hill, A., Kingston, J., Lamb, H., Lowenstein, T., Olago, D., Owen, R.B., Renaut, R., Schäbitz, F., Trauth, M., and the HSPDP Project Members. The Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP): Understanding the paleoenvironmentaland paleoclimatic context of human origins through continental drilling. European Geoscience Union Mtg., Vienna, Austria, 12-17 Apr., 2015.

Campsiano, C., Cohen, A.S., Asrat, A., Feibel, C., Kingston, J.D., Lamb, H.F., Olago, D., Owen, R.B., Renaut, R., Schäbitz, F., Arrowsmith, J. Ramon, and Ivory, S.J., 2015, Drilling campaign summary and preliminary results of the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP). Paleoanthropology Society Mtg. San Francisco, 14-15 April, 2015.

Foerster, V. Asrat, A.  Cohen,A.S.,  Junginger, A., Schäbitz, F., Trauth, M.H., Lamb, H.F., the HSPDP science team, 2015, Three promising tons of sedimentary deposits from Chew Bahir [south Ethiopia] to reconstruct 0.5 Ma of climatic history. ICDP Colloquium, Bonn, Germany, March, 2015.

Schäbitz, F., Viehberg, F., Wenrich, V., Rathmeyer, J., Just, J., Klasen, N., Asrat, A., Lamb, H., Foerster, V., Trauth, M., Junginger, A. and Cohen, A.S., 2015, Preliminary results from the deep drilling at Chew Bahir, south Ethiopia. ICDP Colloquium, Bonn, Germany, March, 2015.

Cohen, A., Campisano, C., Asrat, A., Arrowsmith, R., Deino, A., Feibel, C., Hill, A., Kingston, J., Lamb, H., Lowenstein, T., Olago, D., Owen, B., Renaut, R., Schäbitz, F., Trauth, M. And the HSPDP Project Team. 2015, The Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP): Understanding the paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic context of human origins through continental drilling. Continental Scientific Drilling Coordination Office (CSDCO) Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, June 2015.

Foerster, V., Asrat, A., Cohen, A., Junginger, A., Gromig, R., Lamb,H.F., Schäbitz, F., Trauth, M.H., and the HSPDP Science Team.2015, Toward a half million year environmental record from the HSPDP deep drilling project in Chew Bahir, southern Ethiopia. VIth International Limnogeology Congress, Reno, NV June 2015.

Yost, C., Cohen, A.S., and Feibel, C.S., 2015, Using phytoliths to reconstruct paleolimnological and terrestrial vegetation history at orbital time scales from the Early Pleistocene West Turkana, Kenya, drill core of the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP). ILIC abstract VIth International Limnogeology Congress, Reno, NV June 2015.

Ivory, S.J., Blome, M., Cohen, A.S., McGlue, M., Lézine, A.-M., Lyons, R., Scholz, C., and King, J., 2015, Quaternary hydroclimatic and ecological change at Lake Malawi, Southeast Africa. VIth International Limnogeology Congress, Reno, NV June 2015.

Stockhecke, M., Behrensmeyer, A.K., Brown, E., Cohen, A.S., Deino, A., Dommain, R., Potts, R., and the Olorgesailie Drilling Project research team, 2015, Scanning x-ray fluorescence results from a ~1 Ma paleoenvironmental record adjacent to the Olorgesailie archaeological sites (Kenya). VIth International Limnogeology Congress, Reno, NV June 2015.

Lowenstein, T.K., Renaut, R.W., Owen, R.B., Deocampo, D., Cohen, A.S., McNulty, E., Muiruri, V.M., Rabideaux, N.M., Billingsley, A., Mbuthia, A., 2015, The sedimentary and paleoenvironmental history of Lake Magadi, Southern Kenya Rift: New evidence from drill cores in the axial graben. VIth International Limnogeology Congress, Reno, NV June 2015.

Billingsley, A., Cohen, A.S., Kingston, J., Deino, A., Hill, A., Ortiz, K. And Plange, K., 2015, Time series analysis of the HSPDP drill core from the Tugen Hills, Kenya to determine effects of external forcing on local climate in the context of hominin evolution. 2015 VIth International Limnogeology Congress, Reno, NV June 2015.

Beck, C.C., Feibel, C.S., Hendek, R.L., Cohen, A.S., Campisano, C.J., and Members of the HSPDP Project Team, 2015, A facies interpretation of the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project West Turkana core: Dynamic fluctuations on a shallow lacustrine margin.  VIth International Limnogeology Congress, Reno, NV June 2015.

Rabideaux, N.M., Deocampo, D.M., Potts, R., Behrensmeyer, A.K., Lowenstein, T.K., Renaut, R.W., Owen, R.B. and Cohen, A.S., 2015, Zeolitic alteration in saline, alkaline paleolake basins in the southern Kenya Rift as evidenced by analysis of minerals from Koora Graben (ODP) and Lake Magadi (HSPDP) core samples. VIth International Limnogeology Congress, Reno, NV June 2015.

Cohen, A.S., Campisano, C., Asrat, A., Arrowsmith, R., Deino, A., Feibel, C., Foerster, V., Hill, A., Ivory, S.,  Kingston, J.,  Lamb, H., Lowenstein,T.,  Olago, D., Owen, R.B., Renaut, R. Schäbitz, F., and the HSPDP Project Members. 2015, Initial results of the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP): Collection and interpretation of high resolution lacustrine drill cores from key Plio-Pleistocene paleoanthropological sites in East Africa. International Quaternary Association Meeting, Nagoya, Japan, 27 July-2 August, 2015.

Cohen, A.S., 2015, Lakes and Watersheds in “Deep Time”: What we can learn about ecological and evolutionary history using lacustrine drill core records.  Invited Plenary Address. International Paleolimnology Symposium, Lanzhou, China, 3-7 August, 2015.

Kingston, J.D.. Deino, A.L.. Hill, A,. Campisano, C.J., Garello, D.,. Sier, M.J., Yost, C.L.  Stone, J.R., Cohen, A.S. and Billingsley, A.L. 2015,  A Plio-Pleistocene Drill Core From The Baringo Basin, Central Kenyan Rift Valley  Geological Society of America Ann. Mtg., Baltimore, MD.

Feibel, C.S.,Beck, C.C.,. Stockhecke, M., Gravina, A. Ortiz, K.,. Campisano, C.J. and  Cohen, A.S., 2015 Seeing Deeper Into The Mud: Insights From The WTK13 Core, West Turkana, Kenya Geological Society of America Ann. Mtg., Baltimore, MD.

Lupien, R.,Russell, J.M., Castañeda, I., Cohen, A.S. and Feibel, C.S., 2015, Leaf Wax Biomarkers As Proxies For Regional Climate Variation During Hominin Evolution Geological Society of America Ann. Mtg., Baltimore, MD.

Yost, C.L., Cohen, A.S. and Feibel, C.S., 2015 Using Phytoliths To Reconstruct Late Pleistocene Vegetation History From The Hominin Sites And Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP) West Turkana, Kenya, Drill Core Geological Society of America Ann. Mtg., Baltimore, MD.

Rabideaux, N., Deocampo, D.M., Lowenstein, T.K., Renaut, R.W., Owen, R.B., Muiruri, V.M. and Cohen, A.S.,  2015 Authigenic Minerals As Paleosalinity Indicator From Lake Magadi, Kenya: Based On Xrd Analysis Of HSPDP-Mag Core Material Geological Society of America Ann. Mtg., Baltimore, MD.

Ortiz, K., Arrowsmith, R., Cohen, A.S., Feibel, C.S., Deino, A., Hill, A., Beck, C.C., Campisano, C.J., Valachovic, J., Kingston, J., 2015, Paleoclimate And Paleoenvironmental Forcing On Early Humans: Loi Analysis Of Three HSPDP Drill Core Sites In Kenya And Ethiopia. Geological Society of America Ann. Mtg., Baltimore, MD.

Dean, J.R., Asrat, A., Cohen, A.S., Foerster, V., Just, J., Lamb, H.F., Leng, M., Schäbitz, F., Trauth, M., Viehberg, F., 2015, New Stable Isotope Record From Chew Bahir, Ethiopia Covering Past 100ka. Geological Society of America Ann. Mtg., Baltimore, MD.

van der Lubbe, J., Sier, M., Feibel, C.S., Beck, C., Dupont-Nivet, G., Vonhof, H., Joordens, J.J., Cohen, A.S., Prins, M.A., and Olago, D., 2015,  Sr isotope stratigraphy and lithogenic grain-size distributions of the Pleistocene Turkana Basin, Kenya. Amer. Geophys. Union Ann. Mtg., San Francisco, CA USA

Schaebitz, F., Asrat, A., Lamb, H.F., Trauth, M.H., Foerster, V.E., Junginger, A., Raub, T.D., Gromig, R., Viehberg, F.A., Roberts, H.M., Cohen, A.S. and HSPDP Science Team,, 2015. Chew Bahir: A Key Site within the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project, towards a Half Million-Year Climate Record from Southern Ethiopia . Amer. Geophys. Union Ann. Mtg., San Francisco, CA USA

Montanye, B., Hartwel, A.M., Cohen, A.S., McKay, J.L., Severmann, S. and  McManus, J., 2015. Changes in Biological Production and Lake Chemistry in Lake Tanganyika over the Past 400 Years  Amer. Geophys. Union Ann. Mtg., San Francisco, CA USA

Stockhecke, M., Beck, C.C., Brown, E.T., Cohen, A.S., Deino, A.L., Feibel, C.S. and the HSPDP Drilling Project research team, 2015, A~600 kyr duration Early Pleistocene record from the West Turkana (Kenya) HSPDP drill site: elemental XRF variability to reconstruct climate change in Turkana Boy’s backyard  Amer. Geophys. Union Ann. Mtg., San Francisco, CA USA

Minkara, K. E.; Rabideaux, N. M.; Deocampo, D. M.; Kingston, J. D.; Cohen, A.S., 2016, Minerals as Climate Change Proxies: Developing a Paleoenviornmental Interpretation of the BTB Tugen Hills Drill Core: Part of the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project South East GSA Ann. Mtg, Columbia, S.C.

Chaudhary, M.S., Rabideaux, N.M., Deocampo, D.M., Feibel, C. and Cohen, A.S., 2016, Reconstructing Paleoenvironmental Conditions from Hydrothermally Altered Lacustrine Sediments from HSPDP West Turkana-Kaitio Core Material via Coupled Mineralogical and Geochemical Analysis . South East GSA Ann. Mtg., Columbia, S.C.

Foerster, V., Asrat, A., Cohen, A., Gromig, R., Günter, C., Junginger, A.,. Lamb, H.F., Schäbitz, F., Trauth, M.H. and, the HSPDP science team, 2016 The long HSPDP-Chew Bahir record from southern Ethiopia:Scientific Drilling in search of the environmental context of human evolution  German ICDP  Annual Colloquium, Heidelberg, Germany.

Cohen, A.S., Blome, M.W., Ivory, S., King, J., McGlue, M., and Cole, J.E., 2016 A ~1.3Ma paleoecological record from scientific drilling at Lake Malawi, East Africa . European Geosciences Union Ann. Mtg., Vienna, Austria

Leng, M., Dean, J., Asrat, A., Cohen, A.S., Foerster, V., Just, J., Klasen, N., Lamb, H., Schäbitz, F., Trauth, M., Viehberg, F., and Wagner, B., 2016 The ICDP-Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP): new data from the Chew Bahir site in Ethiopia. European Geosciences Union Ann. Mtg., Vienna, Austria.

Joordens, J., Beck, C., Sier, M, Van der Lubbe, J., Dupont-Nivet, G., Langereis, C., Vonhof, H., Cohen, A.S., Olago, D., Campisano, C., and Feibel, C., 2016, Climate-driven lacustrine dynamics from the Early Pleistocene Lorenyang Lake, Turkana Basin, Kenya. European Geosciences Union Ann. Mtg., Vienna, Austria.

Foerster, V., Asrat, A., Cohen, A.S., Gromig, R., Günter, C., Junginger, A., Lamb, H.F., Schaebitz, F., Trauth, M. and the HSPDP Science Team, 2016, Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project. Chew Bahir, southern Ethiopia: How to get from three tonnes of sediment core to > 500 ka of continuous climate history? European Geosciences Union Ann. Mtg., Vienna, Austria.

Stockhecke, M., Beck, C. Brown, E., Cohen, A.S., Feibel, C.S., Rabideaux, N., Sier, M., and the HSPDP Drilling Project research team, 2016, An  Early Pleistocene high-resolution paleoclimate reconstruction from the West Turkana (Kenya) HSPDP drill site. European Geosciences Union Ann. Mtg., Vienna, Austria.

Bright, J., Cohen, A.S., and Pearthree, P., 2016, Stable isotope (d18O, d13C) data from paired inorganic calcite and biologic calcite analyses suggest a lacustrine origin for the southern Bouse formation, southwestern AZ and southeastern CA.Desert Symposium, Zzyzx, CA, Apr. 13, 2016.

Ferland, T.M., Werne, J.P., Cohen, A.S., Lowenstein, T.K., Deocampo, D.M., Renaut, R.W., Owen, R.B., De Cort, G. and Verschuren, D., 2016, Preliminary results of a molecular isotope study of sediments from Lake Magadi, Kenya over the past ~million years. Gordon Organic Geochemistry Research Seminar, Holderness, NH July 23-24, 2016.

Davies, S., Robson, P., Lamb, H., Asrat, A., Barker, P., Cohen, A.S., Schaebitz, F., Trauth, M. and the HSPDP project team. 2016 Preliminary diatom results from Chew Bahir, Ethiopia – a contribution to the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project. International Diatom Symposium, Qubec City, Canada.

Busch, J., Soreghan, M.J., De Beurs, K., McGlue, M.M., Kimeerei, I., and Cohen, A.S., 2016. The enigmatic quaternary shell bed deposits of lake tanganyika, tanzania: a story of anthropogenic or environmental change? Geol. Soc. Amer. Ann. Mtg. Denver, CO, 26-29 Sept., 2016.

Lowenstein, T.K., Owen. B.R., Renaut, R.W., Deocampo, D.M., Cohen, A.S., McNulty, E.P., Leet, K., Muiruri, V.M., Rabideaux, N.M., Billingsley, A.,L., and Mbuthia, A., 2016. Lake Magadi, Kenya: Modern-Pleistocene analog for alkaline saline deposits. Geo. Soc. Amer. Ann. Mtg., Denver, CO 26-29 Sept., 2016.

Beck, C.C., Feibel, C.S., Gravina, A.N., Van Der Lubbe, J.H., Joordens, J., Cohen, A.S., and Campisano, C.J., 2016 What do you do with “homogeneous” fine-grained intervals? Lessons learned from comparing facies and ostracod records between core and outcrop, West Turkana, Kenya. Geo. Soc. Amer. Ann. Mtg., Denver, CO 26-29 Sept., 2016.

McNulty, E.P., Lowenstein, T.K., Owen, R.B., Renaut, R.W., Deocampo, D., Cohen, A.S., Muiruri, V.M., Leet, K., Rabideaux, N.M., Billingsley, A.L., and Mbuthia, A.,2016, The sedimentary record of the Lake Magadi Basin: Core analysis from HSPDP-MAG14 Cores 1A, 1C and 2A. Geo. Soc. Amer. Ann. Mtg., Denver, CO 26-29 Sept., 2016.

Minkara, K.E., Rabideaux, N.M., Deocampo, D.M., Kingston, J.D. and Cohen, A.S., 2016, Minerals as climate change proxies: a paleoenvironmental interpretation of the BTB Tugen Hills drill core; part of the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project. Geo. Soc. Amer. Ann. Mtg., Denver, CO 26-29 Sept., 2016.

Leet, K., Lowenstein, T.K., Owen, R.B., Renaut, R.W., Deocampo, D.M., Cohen, A.S., McNulty, E.P., Muiruri, V.M., Rabideaux, N.M., Billingsley, A.L., and Mbuthia, A.,, 2016. Origins of Magadi-type chert: New clues from the HSPDP Lake Magadi drill cores. Geo. Soc. Amer. Ann. Mtg., Denver, CO 26-29 Sept., 2016.

Owen, R.B., Muiruri, V.M., Lowenstein, T.K., Renaut, R.W., Cohen, A.S., Deocampo, D.M., McNulty, E.P., Leet, K., Rabideaux, N.M., Billingsley, A.L. and Mbuthia, A., 2016. Quaternary environments of the Magadi Basin: Geochemical and microfossil stratigraphic variability. Geo. Soc. Amer. Ann. Mtg., Denver, CO 26-29 Sept., 2016.

Feibel, C.S., Beck, C.C., Van der Lubbe, J.H., Joordens, J.C., Sier, M.J., Beverly, E.J., Campisano, C.J., and Cohen, A.S., 2016, The Lorenyang Lake at Kaitio: Outcrop and core perspectives on an Early Pleistocene lake margin. Geo. Soc. Amer. Ann. Mtg., Denver, CO 26-29 Sept., 2016.

Cohen, A.S., 2016, Comparative Mid-Late Pleistocene Environmental Records From Africa, Eastern Europe and Western Asia Covering The Last 400ka And Their Implications For Human Dispersal. Workshop on Human Dispersals in the Late Pleistocene Interdisciplinary Approaches Towards Understanding the Worldwide Expansion of Homo sapiens, Max Planck Inst. For The Study of Human History, Jena, Germany, 8-10 Nov., 2016.

Schäebitz, F., Asrat, A., Lamb, H.F., Trauth, M., Junginger, A., Foerster, V.E., Günter, C., Viehberg, F., Just,J., Roberts, H.M., Chapot, M.S., Leng, M.J., Dean, J., and Cohen, A.S. (2016) Chew Bahir, southern Ethiopia: an archive of environmental history during the evolution and dispersal of anatomically modern humans. AGU Annual Mtg., San Francisco, CA.

Minkara, K.E., Rabideaux, N.M., Deocampo, D.M., Kingston, J.D. and Cohen, A.S. (2016) Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of drill core from Tugen Hills, Kenya through X-ray Diffraction. AGU Annual Mtg., San Francisco, CA.

Werne, J.P., Ferland, T., Cohen, A.S., Lowenstein, T.K., Deocampo, D.M., Renaut, R.W., and Owen, R.B. (2016) A climate and environmental context for hominid evolution: Preliminary biomarker and compound specific isotope data from Lake Magadi, Kenya. AGU Annual Mtg., San Francisco, CA.

Junginger, A., Vonhof, H., Foerster, V.E., Asrat, A., Cohen, A.S., Lamb, H.F., Schaebitz, F., and Trauth, M. H. (2016) How wet is wet? Strontium isotopes as paleo-lake level indicators in the Chew Bahir basin (S-Ethiopia). AGU Annual Mtg., San Francisco, CA.

Foerster, V.E., Asrat, A., Cohen, A.S., Junginger, A., Lamb, H.F., Schaebitz, F., Trauth, M. H., and Vogelsang R. (2016) How Dry was too Dry? Evaluating the Impact of Climatic Stress on Prehistoric Human Populations in southern Ethiopia. AGU Annual Mtg., San Francisco, CA.

Lupien, R., Russell, J.M., Cohen, A.S., Feibel, C.S., Beck, C.C., and Castañeda, I. (2016) Leaf wax biomarker reconstruction of Early Pleistocene hydrological variation during hominin evolution in West Turkana, Kenya. AGU Annual Mtg., San Francisco, CA.

Lane, C. Asrat, A., Cohen, A., Cullen, V., Johnson, T., Lamb, H., Martin-Jones, C., Poppe, S.,  Schaebitz, F., and Scholz, C., 2017, Explosive eruption records from Eastern Africa: filling in the gaps with tephra records from stratified lake sequences, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Foerster, V.E., Asrat, A., Chapot, M.S., Cohen, A.S., Dean, J.R., Deino, A., Günter, C., Junginger, A., Lamb, H.F., Leng, M.L., Roberts, H.M., Schaebitz, F., and Trauth, M., 2017, The Chew Bahir Drilling Project (HSPDP). Deciphering climate information from the Chew Bahir sediment cores: Towards a continuous half-million year climate record near the Omo – Turkana key palaeonanthropological Site. European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Foerster, V.E., Asrat, A., Chapot, M.S., Cohen, A.S., Dean, J.R., Deino, A., Günter, C., Junginger, A., Lamb, H.F., Leng, M.L., Roberts, H.M., Schaebitz, F., and Trauth, M., 2017, Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project: A 500,000-year climate record from Chew Bahir, a key site in southern Ethiopia. European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Leng, M., Dean, J., Asrat, A., Chapot, M., Cohen, A.S., Deino, A., Foerster, V., Lamb, H.F., Roberts, H., Schäbitz, F., Trauth, M., and Viehberg, F., 2017, A palaeoclimate investigation of the lacustrine sediments from Chew Bahir in Ethiopia spanning multiple glacial-interglacial cycles. European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Sier, M., Langereis, C., Dupont-Nivet, G., Feibel, C., Jordeens, J., van der Lubbe, J., Beck, C., Olago, D., Cohen, A.S., and the HSPDP Team members, 2017, The top of the Olduvai subchron in a high-resolution magnetostratigraphy from the West Turkana core WTK13, Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP). European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Chapot, M.S., Roberts, H.M., Asrat, A., Cohen, A.S., Lamb, H.F., Schabitz, F., Trauth, M.H., and the Chew Bahir Science Team. (2017). Dating long lacustrine records from Chew Bahir, Ethiopia using multiple luminescence chronometers.  INTIMATE 2017 workshop. Aberystwyth, UK.

Cassidy, C.E., Crow, R.S., Cohen, A.S., Beard, L.S., Thacker, J.O., Felger, T.J., Pearthree, P.A., Howard, K.A., and Gootee, B.F., 2017, The subsurface extent of the Bouse Formation in the Lower Colorado River Corridor and possible tectonic implications. GSA Ann. Mtg. Seattle, WA.

Gravina, A., Cohen, A.S., Soreghan, M.J., Somasundaram, R., and Ryan, E., 2017, Impacts of excess sediment discharge from hillslope deforestation on populations of ostracodes on two platforms in Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania. GSA Ann. Mtg., Seattle, WA.

Yost, C.L., Jackson, L.J., Stone, J.R., and Cohen, A.S., 2017, Sub-decadal phytolith and charcoal records from Lake Malawi, East Africa, indicate that the Toba supereruption at 75ka was not severe enough to cause a human genetic bottleneck. GSA Ann. Mtg., Seattle, WA.

Ivory, S., Barker, P., Cohen, A.S., Kimirei, I., Lane, C.S., Leng, M., McGlue, M., Msaky, E., Noren, A., Park Bousch, L.E., Russell, J.M., Salzburger, W., and Scholz, C.A.,, 2017, Lake Tanganyika drilling: Addressing world-class scientific questions in paleoclimatology, tectonics and evolutionary biology in Africa’s oldest lake. GSA Ann. Mtg., Seattle, WA.

Team Members HSPDP, and Cohen, A.S., 2017, The Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP): Progress towards understanding the paleoenvironmental context of human evolution in eastern Africa. GSA Ann. Mtg., Seattle, WA.

Lowenstein, T.K., Luo, S., Leet, K., McNulty, E., Owen, R.B., Shen, C.C., Renaut, R.W., Cohen, A.S., Rabideaux, N.M., Deocampo, D.M., Muiruri, V.M., and Deino, A., 2017, U-Th disequilibrium dating of Lake Magadi cherts. GSA Ann. Mtg., Seattle, WA.

Upadhyay, D., Caraveo, C.A., Gomis, E., Hailemichael, M., Bedaso, Z.K., Aronson, J.L., Cohen, A.S., and Tripati, A., 2017, Testing hypotheses for the role of climate change in hominin evolution using the geochemistry of carbonates from the East African rift system. GSA Ann. Mtg., Seattle, WA.

Feibel, C.S., Beck, C.C., Lupien, R., Russell, J.M., Deino, A., Sier, M., Campisano, C.J. and Cohen, A.S., 2017, Environmental dynamics on an Early Pleistocene lake margin: The WTK13 core at Kaitio, West Turkana, Kenya. GSA Ann. Mtg., Seattle, WA.

Billingsley, A.L., Ortiz, K., Anchukaitis, K., Deino, A., Kingston, J.D., and Cohen, A.S., 2017, Climate variability across the Plio-Pleistocene transition in East Africa as seen in an HSPDP drill core from Tugen Hills, Kenya, and possible implications for hominin evolution. GSA Ann. Mtg., Seattle, WA.

Ferland, T.M., Werne, J.P., Castañeda, I.S., Cohen, A.S., Lowenstein, T.K., Deocampo, D.M., Renaut, R.W., and Owen, R.B. (2017) Oh Magadi! Interpreting isoGDGTs and n-alkanes in a saline tropical lake: Lake Magadi, Kenya. AGU Annual Mtg., New Orleans, LA. 

Foerster, V., Asrat, A., Ramsey, C.B., Chapot, M.S., Cohen, A.S., Dean, J.R., Deocampo, D.M., and Deino A.L. (2017) Providing the climatic component in human-climate interaction studies: 550,000 years of climate history in the Chew Bahir basin, a key HSPDP site in southern Ethiopia. AGU Annual Mtg., New Orleans, LA

Lupien, R., Russell, J.M., Campisano, C.J., Feibel, C.S., Deino, A.L., Kingston, J.D., Potts, R., and Cohen, A.S. (2017) A synthesis of Plio-Pleistocene leaf wax biomarker records of hydrological variation in East Africa and their relationship with hominin evolution. AGU Annual Mtg., New Orleans, LA

Beck, C.C., Feibel, C.F., Lupien, R., Yost, C.L., Rucina. S., Russell, James M., Deino, A.L., Sier, M., Cohen, A.S. (2017) Paleoenvironmental change as seen from a multiproxy perspective in the West Turkana Kaitio core (WTK13), Kenya AGU Annual Mtg., New Orleans, LA

Foerster, V.E., Asrata, A., Cohen, A.S., Deocampo, D.M., Duesing, W., Günter, C., Junginger, A., Kraemer, H., Lamb, H.F., Optz, S., Schaebitz, F., and Trauth, M.H., (2018) If only mud could talk…what we can learn from minerals and grains in the Chew Bahir sediment cores (southern Ethiopia) EGU Annual Mtg., Vienna, Austria

Schaebitz, F., Opitz, S., Foerster, V., Asrat, A., Deino, A., Deocampo, D., Duesing, W., Günter, C., Junginger, A., Cohen, A.S., Lamb, H.F., Leng, M.J., Dean, J.R., Roberts, H.M., Trauth, M.H., and the HSPDP Science Team, 2018, Is the Chew Bahir sediment record influenced by wet-dry fluctuations due to monsoonal changes? EGU Annual Mtg., Vienna, Austria.

Cassidy, Colleen, E., Crow, R., House, P.K., Thacker, J.O., Beard, L.S., Cohen, A.S., Pearthree, P.A., and Howard, K.A., 2018, Subsurface data in the lower Colorado River corridor and its implications for tectonic models of basin evolution within the Palo Verde and Parker valleys. GSA Cordilleran Sectional Meeting, Flagstaff AZ.

Sier, M.J., Dupont-Nivet, G., Langereis,  C., Cohen, A.S. and the HSPDP science team. Recovering magnetostratigraphy from drill cores despite low latitudes . 16th Castle Meeting New Trends on Paleo, Rock and Environmental Magnetism, Chęciny, Poland, 10/16-06-2018.

Cohen, A.S., 2018, The Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP): How lakebeds are reshaping our understanding of the environmental context of human origins. International Association of Limnogeology/ International Paleolimnology Association Joint Meeting, Invited Plenary Talk and W.H. Bradley Medal Address. Stockholm, Sweden

Owen, R.B., Renaut, R., Lowenstein, T., Muiruri, V., McNulty, E., Rabideaux, N., Leet, K., Deocampo, D. Cohen, A.S., Campisano, C., Billingsley, A., Sier, M., Luo, S., Deino, A., and Mbuthia, A. 2018 Quaternary outcrop and core stratigraphy of the Magadi Basin, South Kenya Rift. . International Paleolimnology Association-International Association of Limnogeology Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden June 18-21, 2018

Lamb, H.F., Asrat, A., Ramsey, C.B., Cohen, A.S., Davies, S., Dean, J., Deino, A., Duesing, W., Foerster, V., Junginger, A., Leng, M., Pearson, E., Roberts, H., Russell, J., Schaebitz, F., Trauth, M.H., and the Chew Bahir Science Team, 2018, A 550,000 yr lacustrine environmental record from Chew Bahir, south Ethiopia: towards an understanding of climatic influences on early human populations. International Paleolimnology Association-International Association of Limnogeology Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden June 18-21, 2018.

Billingsley, A.L., Reinthal, P., Dettman, D.L., Kingston, J., Deino, A., and Cohen, A.S., 2018, δ13C record from Plio-Pleistocene lacustrine fish fossils from an HSPDP drill core from Tugen Hills, Kenya: Implications for fish habitats and the timing and extent of lake level fluctuations. International Paleolimnology Association-International Association of Limnogeology Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden June 18-21, 2018.

Dean, J.R., Leng, M.J., Asrat, A., Chapot, M.S., Cohen, A.S., Deino, A., Foerster, V., Lamb, H.F.,  Roberts, H.M., Schaebitz, F., Trauth, M.H., Viehberg, F.A., and the Chew Bahir Science Team, 2018, A 550 kyr hydroclimate record from Chew Bahir, southern Ethiopia, reconstructed from oxygen isotope analysis of lacustrine sedimentary carbonates. International Paleolimnology Association-International Association of Limnogeology Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden June 18-21, 2018.

Lowenstein, T.K., Luo, S., Leet, K., McNulty, E.P., Owen, R.B., Shen, C.C., Renaut, R.W., Cohen, A.S., Rabideaux, N.M., Deocampo, D.M., Muiruri, V.M., and Deino, A.L., 2018, U-Th Disequilibrium Dating of Chert from Lake Magadi Sediment Cores. International Paleolimnology Association-International Association of Limnogeology Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden June 18-21, 2018.

Cohen, A.S., 2018, Transforming our understanding of Quaternary environments in Africa through continental scientific drilling. African Quaternary Association Meeting, Nairobi, Kenya, 14-22 July 2018.

Foerster, V.E., Asrat, A., Cohen, A.S., Deocampo, D.M., Deino, A., Günter, C., Lamb, H.F., Roberts, H., Schäbitz,F., Trauth, M.H., & HSPDP Science Team 2018, Defining indicators for wet, dry and hyperarid climate intervals in the long Chew Bahir sediment records (Southern Ethiopia Rift). African Quaternary Association Meeting, Nairobi, Kenya, 14-22 July 2018.

van der Lubbe, H.J.L., Beck, C.C., Feibel, C.S., Sier, M.J., Dupont-Nivet, G., Coster, P., Langereis, C., Cohen, A.S. Olago, D. and Joordens, J.C.A., 2018, Climate-driven dynamics of early Pleistocene Lake Lorenyang (Turkana Basin, Kenya) inferred from strontium isotopes. African Quaternary Association Meeting, Nairobi, Kenya, 14-22 July 2018.

Schäbitz, F., Opitz, S., Foerster, V., Asrat, A., Deino, A., Deocampo, D.M., Duesing, W., Günter, C., Junginger, A., Cohen, A.S., Lamb, H.F., Leng, M.J., Dean, J.R., Roberts, H.M., Ramsey, C.B., Trauth, M.H. & HSPDP Science Team, 2018, The Chew Bahir sediment record: wet-dry fluctuations and their possible influence on Homo sapiens mobility during the last 200 ka. African Quaternary Association Meeting, Nairobi, Kenya, 14-22 July 2018.

Deocampo, D., Rabideaux, N., Minkara, K., Davis, D., Ashley, G., Kingston, J., Deino, A., Renaut, R., and Cohen, A.S., 2018 Paleoclimate records from authigenic clays and zeolites: examples from Pleistocene Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania and Pliocene Chemeron Formation, Baringo Basin, Kenya. Geological Society of America Ann. Mtg. Indianapolis IN Nov 4-7, 2018.

Billingsley, A., Yost, C., Worthey, K., Fenerty, B., Kielhofer, J., Fox, M., Naiman, Z., Cohen, A.S. and Lamb, H., 2018, 400 ka year record of climate variability around Africa and implications for human dispersals. Geological Society of America Ann. Mtg. Indianapolis IN Nov 4-7, 2018.

Deocampo, D., Owen R.B., Lowenstein, T., Renaut, R., Rabideaux, N., Deino, A., Luo, S., Sier, M., Cohen, A.S., Campisano, C., Billingsley, A., and Mbuthia, A., 2018, Orbital ontrol of euxinia in Lake Magadi over the past 1 million years: Molybdenum, Arsenic and Vanadium records. Geological Society of America Ann. Mtg. Indianapolis IN Nov 4-7, 2018.

Ferland, T., Werne, J., Castaneda, I., Cohen, A.S., Lowenstein, T., Deocampo, D., Renaut, R., and Owen, R.B., 2018, Assessing molecular isotopic proxies for paleoenvironmental reconstruction in a saline tropical lake: Lake Magadi, Kenya. Geological Society of America Ann. Mtg. Indianapolis IN Nov 4-7, 2018.

Foerster, V., Asrat, A., Cohen, A., Dean, J., Deino, A., Deocampo, D., Duesing, W., Guenter, C., Junginer, A., Lamb, H., Lane, C., Leng, M., Noren, A., Roberts, H., Schaebitz, F. and Trauth, M., 2018 Environmental history and human evolution in eastern Africa: The 550,000 year climate record from the Chew Bahir Basin, An HSPDP key site in southern Ethiopia. Geological Society of America Ann. Mtg. Indianapolis IN Nov 4-7, 2018.

Yost, C., Kingston, J., Deino, A. and Cohen, A., 2018 Phytoliths and microcharcoal from the Baringo Basin, Kenya, reveal savanna dynamics during the Plio-Pleistocene transition. Geological Society of America Ann. Mtg. Indianapolis IN Nov 4-7, 2018.

Alexander, E., Beck, C., Feibel, C., Yost, C., Wegter, B., Mangold, L. Cohen, A., and Campisano, C., 2018 Grain size analysis of the West Turkana Kaitio (WTK13) core and implications for paleoenvironments in the Turkana Basin 1.8 to 1.3 Ma. Geological Society of America Ann. Mtg. Indianapolis IN Nov 4-7, 2018.

Cohen, A.S., and HSPDP Team, 2018 What continental scientific drilling is telling us about environmental history in East Africa and implications for human evolution. Geological Society of America Ann. Mtg. Indianapolis IN Nov 4-7, 2018.

Arnold, A., Mering, J., Santi, L., Petryshyn, V., Mitsunaga, B., Wilson, J., Ibarra, D.E., Kaufman, D., Cohen, A.S., Dunbar, R., Russell, J., Lalonde, S., Oviatt, J., Eagle, R., and Tripati, A., 2018, Clumped isotope systematics in lacustrine and fluvial carbonates: A tool for paleoclimate, paleohydrology and paleoaltimetry. Geological Society of America Ann. Mtg. Indianapolis IN Nov 4-7, 2018.

Billingsley, A., Reinthal, P., Kingston, J., Deino, A. and Cohen, A.S., 2018, A d13C record from Plio-Pleistocene lacustrine fish fossils in the HSPDP drill core from Tugen Hills, Kenya: Implications for fish habitats and the timing and extent of lake level fluctuations. Geological Society of America Ann. Mtg. Indianapolis IN Nov 4-7, 2018.

Cohen, A.S., 2018, The Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project: Investigating the Environmental Context of Human Evolution in East Africa and Implications for Out-Of-Africa Dispersal. Dead Sea Borehole Workshop: The Longest Archive of the Late Quaternary Levant Geological and Geophysical Environments. Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, Nov 25-29, 2018.

Muiruri, V.M., Owen, R.B., Lowenstein, T.K., Renaut, R., Rabideaux, N.M., Luo, S., Deino, A.L., Sier, M.,  Dupont Nivet, G., McNulty, E.P., Leet, K., Cohen, A.S., Campisano, C.J., Deocampo, D., Huang, C.Y., Billingsley, A.L., and Mbuthia, A.,  2018 PP22B-03 Quaternary Diatom and Palynomorph Stratigraphies and Palaeoenvironments of the Koora Graben and Lake Magadi Basin, Kenya Rift Valley. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Castañeda, I.S., Thompson-Munson, M.E., Gilchrist, S., Lupien, R.,Russell, J.M., Salacup, J., Feibel, C.S. and Cohen, A.S., 2018 . PP22B-04 Early Pleistocene temperature history of Paleolake Lorenyang, West Turkana Basin (Kenya) AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Stockhecke, M., Beck, C., Billingsley, A.L., Brown, E.T.,Campisano, C.J., Cohen, A.S., Deino, A.L.,Feibel, C.S.,  Owen, R.B., Kingston, J., Scott, J., Sier, M., Stone, J., Yost, C.L. and The Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project Team Members, 2018, PP22B-05 High-resolution XRF-scanning records from the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP): Plio/Pleistocene hydroclimate variability in East Africa. AGU Fall Meeting Washington, D.C.

Cohen, A.S., Billingsley, A.L., Campisano, C.J., Lupien, R., Muiruri, V.M., Owen, R.B., Russell, J.M., Stockhecke, M., Yost, C.L. and The Hominin Sites Paleolakes Drilling Project Team Members,  2018 PP22B-06 Records of Plio-Pleistocene environmental variability from the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP): Comparison with other African records and implications for hominin evolution. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Beck, C., van der Lubbe, J., Feibel, C.S., Joordens, J., Boyd, M., Cohen, A.S., Campisano, C.J., 2018, Using Facies and Grain-size Analyses to Assess Feasibility of a Bentonite to Tephra Correlation in the Kaitio Member, West Turkana, Kenya. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Yost, C.L., Kingston, J, Deino, A.L., and Cohen, A.S., 2018, PP31C-1670 Phytoliths and Microcharcoal from the Baringo Basin, Kenya, Reveal Savanna Dynamics During the Plio-Pleistocene Transition. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Deino, A.L., Sier, M., Garello, D., Keller, C.B., Kingston, J. Scott, J., and Cohen, A.S., 2018, PP31C-1671 Upper Pliocene Age Model for the HSPDP Baringo-Tugen-Barsemoi Core (Kenya) and Climatic Implications . AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Billingsley, A., Yost, C.L., Worthey, K., Fenerty, B., Kielhofer, J., Fox, M., Naiman, Z., Cohen, A.S. and Lamb, H.F., 2018, PP31C-1673 A 400 thousand year record of climate variability around Africa and implications for human dispersals. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Lupien, R, Russell, J., Beck, C., Feibel, C.F., and Cohen, A.S., 2018 PP31C-1674 Early Pleistocene Millenial scale hydroclimate fluctuation in Kenya with implications for hominin evolution. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Russell, J.M., Lupien, R., Cohen, A.S., Beck, C., Campisano, C.J., Castaneda, I., Deino, A.L., Feibel, C.S., Kingston, J., Lamb, H.F., and Potts, R., 2018, PP31A-07: Orbital-scale controls on Plio-Pleistocene African climate. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Chatanantavet, P., Pelletier, J.D., and Cohen, A.S., 2018, EP53F-1979: Landscapes as Filters for Climate Change: Insights from Numerical Modeling and Paleolake Core Data for East Africa. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Schaebitz, F., Asrat, A., Cohen, A., Dean, J., Deino, A., Deocampo, D.M., Dusing, W., Foerster, V., Christina, G., Junginger, A., Lamb, H.F., Lane, Ch., Leng, M.J., Lupien, R., Roberts, H.M., Ramsey, C., Rusell, J., Pearson, E., Vidal, C., Trauth, M., and the HSPDP - Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project. (2019) EGU2019-6088: Good times for leaving home? The paleoenvironment of Chew Bahir in south Ethiopia: implications for human evolution, dispersal and technology

Trauth, M.H., Asrat, A., Ramsey, C.R., Chapot, M.S., Cohen, A.S., Deino, A., Duesing, W., Foerster, V., Kraemer, H., Lamb, H., Lane, C., Marwan, N., Maslin, M., Roberts, H.M., Schaebitz, F., and Vidal, C. (2019). EGU2019-7644: Recurring types of variability and transitions in the ~280 m long (~600 kyr) sediment core from the Chew Bahir basin, southern Ethiopia. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Krueger, L., Arnold, G., Asrat, A., Cohen, A.S., Foerster, V., Henkel, D., Schaebitz, F. Lamb, H., Trauth, M.H., and Guenter, C. (2019) EGU2019-7712-1. Spectral analysis of selected sediment core samples from the Chew Bahir Basin, Ethiopian Rift in the spectral range from 0.3 to 17 um: support for climate proxy information. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Foerster, V.E., Asrat, A., Cohen, A.S., Deocampo, D.M., Duesing, W., Guenter, C., Junginger, A., Lamb, H.F., Opitz, S., Schaebitz, F., and Trauth, M.H. (2019) EGU2019-10863. From peaks and patterns to proxy and paleo: towards a reliable palaeoenvironmental record (Chew Bahir, southen Ethiopia). EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Davies, S.J., Robson, P.J., Asrat, A., Ramsey, C.B., Chapot, M.S., Cohen, A., Dean, J., Deino, A., Foerster, V.E., Grove, M., Junginger, A., Lamb, H.F., Lane, C.S., Pearson, E., Raub, T.D., Roberts, H.M., Schaebitz, F., Trauth, M.H., Viehberg, F., Vidal, C. (2019). Diatom assemblages from Chew Bahir, Ethiopia: High-resoltuion snapshots of Late Pleistocene and Holocene climate variability in a ~600 ka sequence. INQUA Congress, Dublin.

Cohen, A., Billingsley, A., Campisano, C., Lupien, R., Muiruri, V., Owen, R.B., Russell, J., Stockhecke, M., Yost, C., HSPDP Team Members (2019). A comparative analysis of African Plio-Pleistocene patterns of environmental variability and biological evolutionary implications. INQUA Congress, Dublin.

Lamb, H., Asrat, A., Ramsey, C.B., Cohen, A., Chapot, M., Davies, S., Dean, J., Deino, A., Duesing, W., Foerster, V., Grove, M., Junginger, A., Lane, C., Leng, M., Lupien, R., Pearson, E., Roberts, H., Russell, J., Schaebitz, F., Trauth, M., Vidal, C. (2019). The 600,000-year paleoenvironmental record from Chew Bahir, Ethiopia: testing hypotheses of climate change and human origins. INQUA Congress, Dublin.

Dean, J., Leng, M., Viehberg, F., Asrat, A., Chapot, M., Cohen, A., Deino, A., Foerster, V., Just, J., Lamb, H., Roberts, H., Schaebitz, F., Trauth, M. Ramsey, C.B., Lane, C., Vidal, C. (2019). A 600 kyr hydroclimate record from Chew Bahir, southern Ethiopia, and implications for Anatomically Modern Human dispersal out of Africa. INQUA Congress, Dublin.

Foerster, V.E., Asrat, A., Cohen, A.S., Chapot, M.S., Deino, A., Deocampo, D.M., Duesing, W., Guenter, C., Junginger, A., Lamb, H.F., Lane, C., Ramsey, C.B., Roberts, H.M., Vidal, C., Schaebitz, F., Trauth, M.H. (2019). Coring for climatic context of human origins key sites: The ~600,000-year climate record from Chew Bahir, southern Ethiopia. INQUA Congress, Dublin.

Leet, K.,Lowenstein, T., Owen, R., Rabideaux, N., McNulty, E., Cohen, A., Stockhecke, M., Renaut, R. (2019). Lake Magadi sediments: Deciphering primary and diagenetic features. INQUA Congress, Dublin.

Bright, J., Cohen, A.S., Cassidy, C., Crossey, L.J., Crow, R., Dorsey, R.J., Gootee, B.F., House, P.K., Karlstrom, K.E. and Pearthree, P.A., 2019, Towards developing a lower Colorado River corridor coring (locoring) project: What subsurface Bouse Formation sediments can tell us about late Miocene (?) and early Pliocene tectonics and paleoclimate in the southwestern US.  Geol. Soc Amer. Ann. Mtg., Phoenix, AZ

Kamulali, T., Cohen, A.S., McGlue, M., Stone, J., and Kimirei, I., 2019, Paleoecological analysis of Holocene sediment cores from the southern basin of Lake Tanganyika: Implications for fish and water resources in one of Africa’s largest lakes. AGU Annual Fall Mtg., San Francisco, CA, GC51G-1150.

Scott, J., Stockhecke, M., Deino, A., Kingston, J., Westover, K.,and Cohen, A.S., 2019, Sequence-stratigraphic and X-ray flourescence characterization of lake transgression-regression cycles at the late Pliocene to Pleistocene transition, central Kenya Rift valley. AGU Annual Fall Mtg., San Francisco, CA, PP44A-09.

Arnold, G., Szczech, C., Asrat, A., Cohen, A.S., Foerster, V.,Schäbitz, F., Lamb, H. and Trauth, M.H. (2020): Advanced hyperspectral analysis of sediment core samples from the Chew Bahir Basin, Ethiopian Rift in the spectral range from 0.25 to 17 μm: support for climate proxy information. EGU General Assembly 2020, on-line.

Duesing, W.,Asrat, A., Cohen, A.S., Foerster, V., Kaboth-Bahr, S., Kraemer, H., Lamb, H.F., Marwan, N.,Roberts, H.M. and Schaebitz, F. (2020): Climate beats from Africa: a statistical analysis of the 620 kyr Chew Bahir climate record, eastern Africa. EGU General Assembly 2020, EGU2020-13026.

Kamulali, T.M., Mcglue, M. M., Stone, J. R., Kimirei, I. and Cohen, A. Paleoecological Analysis Of Holocene Sediment Cores From The Southern Basin Of Lake Tanganyika: Implications For The Future Of The Fishery In One Of Africa’s Largest Lakes. GSA Ann. Mtg. online Abstract 210-14.

Upadhyay, D., Brown, C.M., Hailemichael, M., Bedaso, Z.K., Aronson, J., Cohen, A.S., and Tripati, A.K., Application of carbonate geochemistry to determining the role of climate change in hominin evolution. AGU Ann. Mtg. on-line Abstract PP023-0003.

Sier, M. J., Dupont-Nivet, G., Langereis, C., and Cohen, A. and the HSPDP science team: Magnetostratigraphy from the Hominin Sites Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP) drill cores, low latitudes reorientation, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12503,, 2021.

Beck, C. C., Van Der Lubbe, J. H., Feibel, C. S., Wegter, B. and Cohen, A.S., 2021, Quantifying Depositional Environments Using Ultra High-Resolution Grain Size Analyses, EGU General Virtual Assembly, Session SSP2.11. EGU21-16309.

Ivory, S.J., McGlue, M.M., Cohen, A.S., Kimirei, I., Kamulali, T., Msaky, E., Stone, J., and Soreghan, M., 2021, Links between landscape and lakescape in East Africa, Inferences for conservation paleobiology from Lake Tanganyika. GSA Ann. Mtg., Portland, OR, 172-8.

Mao, H., Cohen, A.S., Rosli, N.S., and McGlue, M., 2021 Fire History of Lake Tanganyika (Mahale Coast) Watersheds Reconstructed from Macrocharcoal Records. AGU Meeting, New Orleans A45U-2144.

Soreghan, M.R., Cohen, A.S., Bright, J.E., Kaufman, D.S., McGlue, M. and Kimirei, I., 2021, Time averaging of shell beds in Lake Tanganyika, Africa; implications for a biodiverse and threatened ecosystem. AGU National Meeting, New Orleans, GC45N-0965.

Cohen, A.S., Gravina, A.N., Soreghan, M.J., McGlue, M.M., and Kimerei, I., 2021 GC45N-0966 - Watershed Deforestation Impacts on Littoral/Sublittoral Shell Bed Communities in Lake Tanganyika, Africa: A Biodiverse and Threatened Ecosystem. AGU National Meeting, New Orleans, GC45N-0966.

Schaebitz, F. Asrat, A., Lamb, H.F., Cohen, A.S., Foerster, V., Duesing, W., Kaboth-Bahr, S., Opitz, S., Viehberg, F.A., Vogelsang, R., Dean, J.,  Leng, M.J., Junginger, A., Ramsey, C.B., Chapot, M.S., Deino, A., Lane, C.S., Roberts, H.M., Vidal, C.,  Tiedemann, R., and Trauth, M.H., 2022. Hydroclimate changes in eastern Africa over the past 200,000 years may have influenced early human dispersal. PAGES 6th Open Science Meeting Agadir, Morocco, Session 36. p. 268-269.

Foerster, V., Asrat, A., Arnold, G., Cohen, A.S., Gebregiorgis, D., Günter, C., Grove, M.,  Lamb, H.F., Duesing, W., Kaboth-Bahr, S., Opitz, S., Viehberg, F.A., Vogelsang, R.,  Dean, J., Leng, M.J., Junginger, A., Ramsey, C.B., Chapot, M.S., Deino, A., Lane, C.S., Roberts, H.M., Schaebitz, F., Vidal, C., Tiedemann, R., Trauth, M.H., 2022, Deciphering environmental thresholds in the habitat of early humans: a new 620,000-year mineralogical proxy record from Chew Bahir in southern Ethiopia. PAGES 6th Open Science Mtg., Agadir, Morocco, Session 36 (virtual). P. 270.

Trauth, M.H., Asrat, A., Cohen, A.S., Duesing, W., Foerster, V., Kaboth-Bahr, S., Kraemer, K.H., Lamb, H.F., Marwan, N., Maslin, M.A., Schäbitz, F., 2022. Tipping points in the 620 kyr proxy record from Chew Bahir, S Ethiopia. PAGES 6th Open Science Meeting, Agadir, Morocco, Session 25 (virtual). P. 197-198.

Kaboth-Bahr, S. Gosling, William D. Vogelsang, R.. Bahr, A., Scerri, E., Asrat, A., Cohen, A.S. Düsing, W., Foerster, V., Lamb, H., Maslin, M., Roberts, H.M., Schäbitz, F., and  Trauth, M. 2022 Paleo-ENSO influence on African environments and early modern humans. European Geosciences Union Annual Meeting. Vienna, Austria Presentation CL1.1.4.

Cohen, A.S. SIAL 9 Welcome-Looking Back and Looking Forward. Species in Ancient Lakes (SIAL9), Kigoma, Tanzania, July 18-21, 2022.

Soreghan, M.J., Cohen, A.S., McGlue, M.,  Bright, J., Kaufman, D., and Kimirei, I., 2022.. Origin and significance of shell bed habitats of Lake Tanganyika: Implications for biodiversity and conservation efforts, Species in Ancient Lakes (SIAL9), Kigoma, Tanzania, July 18-21, 2022.

Leet, K., Lowenstein, T., Linzmeier, B., Renaut, R., Owen R.B., Valley, J. and Cohen, A.S., 2022, Conditions of formation of Magadi-type cherts from SIMS oxygen isotope microanalysis. Geol. Soc. Amer. Ann. Mtg., Denver, CO, 95-6.

Cohen, A.S., McGlue, M. and Soreghan, M., 2022, Paleolimnological data to understand the tempo and mode of anthropogenic ecosystem change in tropical African Lake Tanganyika. Int. Paleolimnol. Assoc./ Int. Assoc. Limnogeol. Joint Meeting, Bariloche, AR Nov. 27-Dec. 1, 2022. Talk FS-30.

Edited Volume

Cohen, A.S. (editor) 1991  Report on the First International Conference on the Conservation and Biodiversity of Lake Tanganyika.  Biodiversity Support Program, 128 p.

Cohen, A.S. and Kaufman, L. 1993  Special Section on the African Great Lakes.  Conservation Biology 7(3).

Cohen, A.S. and Zur, D., 2014 Continental Scientific Drilling Workshop Series Report 2013, 74pp (paper) and online  ( with complete appendices, 498pp).

Conference Proceedings

Cohen, A.S. 1988  Lake Sediments Reviewed in China:  IGCP Project #219 Conference Report.  Episodes 11: 294-296.

Scholz, C., Cohen, A.S., Johnson, T.C. and Potts, R.  1999  An NSF/ICDP Workshop Report on Scientific Drilling on Lakes Malawi and Tanganyika, October 10-16, 1999, 20 pp.

Technical Reports/Other

Cohen, A.S., Coulter, G. and Cardy, F. 1991  Pollution control and other measures to protect biodiversity in Lake Tanganyika.  Global Environmental Facility Planning Mission Report, 87 p.

Cohen, A.S., Palacios-Fest, M., Msaky, E., Dettman, D., McKee, B. and Livingstone, D.A., 1999, Final report on paleolimnological subcomponent of Sedimentation Special Study for the Lake Tanganyika Biodiversity Project, 63pp., 26 fig.

Cohen, A.S. (ed.), 2003, Third International Limnogeology Congress (Tucson AZ) Technical Program Abstract Volume. International Association of Limnogeology, 330 pp.

Cohen, A.S. and Nielson, D. L. (eds.), 2003, Best Practices In The Development of Scientific Drilling Projects. DOSECC Inc., 30pp.

Brigham-Grette, J., Walton, A.W., Cohen, A.S., and Rack, F., 2012, Towards a Strategic Plan for U.S. Continental Scientific Drilling: Into the New Decade. DOSECC Workshop Publication 3. 25pp.

Cohen, A.S., and Zur, D.M. (eds), 2014, Continental Scientific Drilling Workshop Series Report 2013. 498pp.

Rosen, M.R., Cohen, A.S., Kirby, M., Gierlowski-Kordesch, E., Starratt, S.W.,. Valero Garcés, B.L.,, and Varekamp, J., (eds.) 2015 Sixth International Limnogeology Congress: abstract volume, Reno, Nevada, June 15-19, 2015 USGS Open-File Report 2015-1092 Prepared in cooperation with the International Association of Limnogeology

Verheyen, E., Abila, R., Akoll,P., Albertson, C., Antunes, D.,  Banda, T.,Bills, R., Bulirani, A., Chocha Manda, A.. Cohen, A.S.,Cunha-Saraiva, F.,. Derycke, S., Donohue, I., Du, M.,. Dudu, A,M., Egger, B.,. Fritzsche, K.,. Frommen, J.G., Gante, H.F., Genner, M.J., Härer, A., Hata, H., Irvine, K., Isumbisho Mwapu, P., Janssens de Bisthoven, L., Jungwirth, A., Kaleme, P., Katongo, C. Kéver, L., Koblmüller, S., Konings, A., Lamboj, A., Lemmel-Schaedelin, F.,Machado Schiaffino, G., Martens, K., Masilya Mulungula, P., Meyer, A., More, H.L., Musilova, Z., Muterezi Bukinga, F., Muzumani,  R., Ntakimazi, G., Okello, W., Phiri, H., Pialek, L., Plisnier, P.D. Raeymaekers, J.A.M., Rajkov, J., Rican, O., Roberts, R.,. Salzburger, W., Schoen, I.,. Sefc, K.M., Singh, P., Skelton, P., Snoeks, J., Schneider, K., Sturmbauer, C., Svardal, H.,. Svensson, O., Torres Dowdall, J., Turner, G.F.,  Tyers, A., van Rijssel, J.C.,Van Steenberge, M., Vanhove, M.P.M., Weber, A.T. Weyl, O., Ziegelbecker, A., 2016 Oil extraction imperils Africa's Great Lakes, Science. 354 (6312), 561-562. [doi: 10.1126/science.aal1722]

Book Reviews

1984, A Land Between Two Niles — Quaternary Geology and Biology of the Central Sudan.  Williams, M. and Adamson, D. (eds.), Geology 12: 64.

1984, New Interpretations of Ape and Human Ancestry.  Ciochon, R. and Corruccini, R. (eds.), Geology 12: 509.

1987, On the Track of Ice Age Mammals.  Sutcliffe, A., Geology 15: 286.

1987, The Last Extinction.  Kauffman, L. and Mowry, K., Geology 15: 384-385.

1988, Geologie de la Prehistoire.  Miskovsky, J.C. (ed.), Geology 16: 383.

1989, Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks.  Fleet, A.J., Kelts, K. and Talbot, M. (eds.), Palaios.

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