DSDP Paleo Data Files
At this site, 2093 data files of the Deep Sea Drilling Project can be downloaded
individually. The files were collated and converted to spreadsheet format
from the DSDP CD-ROM by Dr. Pierre Zippi.
The conversion process and file format is described in detail at Dr. Zippi's
PAZ Software Web
To download files from this site, click on any of
the links below. This will provide a TAB-delimited file that can be saved
to disk using your browser's "save-as" function. Each file consists of
14 lines of header, followed by two lines of labels, then the data in TAB-delimited
columns. The header and the second row of column labels begin with the
"pound-sign" or "hash mark" (#). The data may appear to be mis-aligned
in your browser. Don't worry, it is just a display issue. The data is correctly
To use these data files, download the file, then import the file into
analytical or spreadsheet software as a TAB-delimited text file. It may
be necessary to delete the header rows. Also, much of the data is coded
with 7 abundance codes: P=Present T=Trace R=Rare F=Few C=Common A=Abundant
D=Dominant and Preservation codes: G=good M=moderate P=poor.
The first two digits of the file names are the DSDP Leg, the next three are the DSDP Site. For example, file "79546.txt" (under Algae, below) is from Leg 79, Site 546. To find data files: Select find from the edit menu in IE or Netscape
Navigator, type the LEG, SITE and HOLE number with no space between (i.e.
LEGSITEHOLE). For example, typing "79546" will find links to files containing
data from Leg 79 Site 546.