Course Fee Information
Business Office Contact: Christine Duddleston
Course Fees
“Class Fees”/ course fees means additional charges for specific classes or courses that have demonstrably higher costs of delivering instruction overall because of the need for or use of special equipment, supplies, technology, key personnel expenses, field trips or other costs approved by the board. Class Fees/Course Fees are subject to the Expenditure Based Administrative Service charge of 1% which is assessed on all expenditures.
To facilitate a new course or change an existing course fee, it is important you reach out to Christine Duddleston ( in August, prior to the University deadline.
For more information on Fees, Proposal, and Setting policies visit the ABOR Policies section of this website.
NEW Information for Course Fee Requests
**There is currently a moratorium on new academic fees or changes to existing academic fees during the current cycle for introduction in AY23‐24. The information below is null**
Effective July 1, 2018, every academic university fee must be approved by the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR). This includes course fees & other academic fees regardless of the fee amount. Therefore, please submit your annual requests by December 1, 2021, for the next ABOR review in Spring 2022. Fees approved at the next spring meeting will take effect in Summer 2022, Fall 2022, or Spring 2023. Any term before the previously mentioned are no longer available for fee implementation.
ABOR meets in April of each year to approve tuition and fees for the next academic year.
Course Fee Request Forms
The ABOR form needs to be completed and attached within the UAccess request. If you submit the online request without this attachment, you must email a completed copy to the University Fees Manager.
Path to UAccess request: UAccess Student> Navigator> Curriculum Management> UA Curriculum Management> UA Course Fee Management> SELECT FORM. To start the path, click on the UAccess CF Request below.
Preparation Documents for Initiator
The below documents helps the initiator get access and collect the data needed to submit the UAccess CF Request form. These are not the actual request forms, the request is completed on UAccess Student and with the ABOR forms.
Course Fee Cost Breakdown Example Templates
Computer Lab Technology Refresh with Staff