Randall Richardson

Photo of Randall Richardson




Randall M. Richardson

Professor Solid-Earth Geophysics




I have recently returned to research and teaching after serving in several capacities in the Office of Undergraduate Education at the University of Arizona, including Vice-President, for five years. In the future, I intend to focus more on undergraduate education. My current activities include curricular reform at the university level and service at the national level through, for example, Project Kaleidoscope, and I recently served one term on the Education and Human Resources committee of the American Geophysical Union.  In the past five years, I have been a P.I. or co-P.I. on three NSF-funded science education grants, including P.I. on the University of Arizona’s Recognition Award for the Integration of Research and Education (RAIRE).

My research focus is Tectonic geophysics. The driving forces for plate tectonics. Intraplate stresses. Strain accumulation and release at plate boundaries. Finite element and inverse modeling. Earthquake hazard and seismic gap analysis. Geoscience Education.


  • Nats 101, A Geological Perspective (general education)
  • Geos/Ptys/Atmo 567, Inverse Methods in Geophysics

Publications List


Recent CV


Office: Gould-Simpson Bldg. 548
Email: rmr@email.arizona.edu