Jay Quade

Photo of Jay Quade

Photo of Jay Quade in front of mountains in Nevada



Jay Quade

Professor, Geochemistry





My research is quite broad but key central themes are low-temperature geochemistry, radiometric dating, and paleoenvironmental reconstruction, focused largely (but not entirely) the Cenozoic. My students and I have been lucky enough to work all over the world on these topics, including the western USA, central Asia, Ethiopia, southern South America, and Turkey. On a few recent projects I also overlap with archeologists and anthropologists.  

My students and I do most of our analytical work in the Environmental Isotope Laboratory run by Dave Dettman, and the Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (for 14C dating) headed by Greg Hodgins. Take a look at my CV if you want the full picture of my research and that of my students. 

Courses taught 2012-2106

  • Geos 400/500: Geochemistry, co-taught with Matt Steele-MacGinnis
  • Geos 489/589: Quaternary Geochronology, co-taught with Tim Jull
  • Geos 466/566: Isotopic Methods in Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction, co-taught with Dave Dettman
  • Geos 414: Geologic Summer Field Camp in Arizona, Nevada, and California
  • Geos/Ptys/Astr 484/584: Coevolution of the Earth and the Biosphere

Recent CV

2015 field camp video

Datasets and Models I am asked for data sets pretty often, so here I make the most recent compilations available. (Coming soon)

Office: Gould-Simpson Bldg. 376
Office Phone: 520-626-1847
Cell: 520-818-8006
Email: quadej@email.arizona.edu