Jon Pelletier

Photo of Jon Pelletier




Jon Pelletier

Professor, Geomorphology




My research interests include landforms on the Earth's surface that are sculpted by flowing water in the form of rivers and glaciers and by wind and windborne particles. My work seeks to understand the intrinsic feedbacks between landforms on the Earth's surface and the fluid flow above the surface which creates these self-organized patterns. I focus on computer modeling and on the integration of model results with field and remote-sensing data.

Research Projects

  • Dust emission and deposition from playas
  • Spiral troughs on Mars
  • Formation of oriented thaw lakes
  • Oscillations in arid alluvial channels
  • Drainage basin evolution
  • Experiments in the Rainfall Erosion Facility
  • Quaternary evolution of alluvial fans in the Southwest U.S.
  • Quaternary dating of terraces with scarp evolution
  • Flexural modeling in response to glacial erosion in the western U.S.
  • Coherence resonance and ice ages
  • Controls on soils formation and modern calibration for paleoclimates

To learn more about these projects, please see my personal web page.


  • Geos 450/550: Introduction to Geomorphology
  • Geomorphology bibliographies

Laboratory Facilities

Recent CV

Office: Gould-Simpson Bldg. 360
Phone: 520-626-2126
Fax: 520-621-2672