1038 Reprints
(Listed alphabetically by author)
Department of Geosciences
The University of Arizona
Abbot, C.G. 1931 Research corporation awards to A.E. Douglas and Ernst Antevs for researches in chronology. Smithsonian Report for 1931 Publication 3152 pp. 303-254 7 plates R 1.40 123 Volcanoes, Aso Japan Anderson
Adam, David P. n.d. Nomogram for Mosimann's Beta Compound Multinomial Correlations Coefficient. Unknown. R 1.43 270 Volcanoes, Aso Japan Anderson
Adam, David P. 1967 Late Pleistocene and Recent Palynology in the Central Sierra Nevada, California Quaternary Paleoecology. Yale University Press, 1967. R 1.43 262 Overthrust Belt, Western North America. Petroleum Geology Anschutz World Oil
Adam, David P. Ferguson, C.W. LaMarch, V.C., Jr. 1967 Enclosed Bark as a Pollen Trap. From Science, vol. 157, no. 3792, September 1, 1967. R 1.43 267 Daughter Minerals
Adam, David P. 1972 A Further Notice on Correlation Coefficients Derived From Cumulative Distributions. Journal of Glacialology Vol. 11 No. 6 (1972). R 1.43 540 Arizona Geological Society Digest. Vol. I.
Aiken, C.L. Sturgul, J.R. 1973 Physical and Computer Modeling of Induced Polarization. Geophysical Prospecting, vol.21, no.4, 1973. R 1.43 580 Arizona Geological Society Digest.vol. III
Anderson, Phillip Guilbert, John M. 1978 The Precambrian Massive Sulfide Deposits of Arizona : A Distinct Metallogenic Epoch and Province. Anderson-Guilbert-Precambrian Massive Sulfides, AZ, 1978. Fifth Quadrennial Symposium. R 1.43 914 Arizona Geological Society Digest. Vol. IV
Anderson, Roger Y. 1955 Pollen Analysis, A Research Tool For the Study of Cave Deposits. American Antiquity vol. 21 no. 1, 1955. R 1.43 13 Fossil Pollen Spores
anonymous 1966 The Random House Dictionary of the English Language Random House, New York, 1966. Unabridged Edition 1.111 R Ashley
anonymous 1970 Rock-color Chart Prepared by the Rock-color Chart Committee. Boulder, Colorado, The Geological Society of America, 1970 R 1.32 GSA Geochemistry Cretaceous Cordilleran Granites
anonymous 1938 Climatic Variations During the Last Glaciation in North America. From Bulletin American Meteorological Society, vol.19, 1938. R 1.40 79 Volcanoes Crater Lake National Parks
anonymous 1969 Mineral and Water Resources of Arizona, Prepared by the USGS, Arizona Bureau of Mines, and the US Bureau of Reclamation. Arizona Bureau of Mines Bulletin 180, Tucson, 1969. R 4.7601 ABMB 180 National Parks Crater Lake Yosemite Volcanoes
Antevs, Ernst 1913 Swedish Scientific Expeditions to Australia, 1910-1913, V. Some Mesozoic Plants. Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar. Band 52, no. 5, 1913. R 1.40 1 Aureole
Antevs, Ernst Martin, Paul S., et al. Rinaldo, John B. 1949 Cochise and Mogollon Sites Pine Lawn Valley, Western New Mexico. Fieldiana: Anthropology, vol.38, no.1, April 1949. R 1.40 100 Arizona Arizona Geological Society Digest
Antevs, Ernst 1950 Reply to Dr. Benjamin H. Burma. Anthropological Papers no. 11. Proceedings of the Sixth Plains Archeological Conference, 1948, University of Utah. Published Oct. 1950. R 1.40 101 Botany- Argentina Tertiary Flora GSA Special Paper 12
Antevs, Ernst 1950 Conditions of Deposition and Erosion by Streams in Dry Regions of the Great Plains. From Proceedings of the Sixth Plains Archaeological Conference, 1948. University of Utah. Published Oct. 1950. R 1.40 102 Arizona Mogollon Highlands Mesozoic
Antevs, Ernst 1950 Postglacial Climatic History of the Great Plains and Dating the Records of Man. Proceedings of the Sixth Plains Archeological Conference, 1948. University of Utah, Oct. 1950. R 1.40 103 Arizona Cocnino County
Antevs, Ernst 1951 Glacial Clays In Steep Rock Lake, Ontario Canada. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, vol.62, 1951. R 1.40 104 Paleoclimatology Quaternary Climatology Glaciation
Antevs, Ernst 1952 Cenozoic Climates of the Great Basin. From Geologischen Rundschau, Band 40, Heft 1, 1952. R 1.40 105 Mexican Plateau Caverns Cavern Making
Antevs, Ernst 1952 Arroyo Cutting and Filling. Journal of Geology, vol. 60, no. 4, 1952. R 1.40 106 Caves Arizona Kartchner Cavern Kartchner Caverns Research Symposium
Antevs, Ernst 1952 Climatic History and the Antiquity of Man in California. University of California Archaeological Survey Reports, No. 16, Berkley, 1952. R 1.40 107 Volcanos El Paricutin
Antevs, Ernst 1953 Geochronology of the Deglacial and Neothermal Ages. The Journal of Geology, vol. 61, no.3, May 1953. R 1.40 108 Grand Canyon Arizona Microflora Paleontology
Antevs, Ernst 1953 Age of the Clovis Fluted Points With the Naco Mammoth. American Antiquity, vol.19, no. 1, (1953). R 1.40 109 Water- Thermal Properties Thermodynamic Properties of Water GSA Special Paper 132
Antevs, Ernst 1917 Kohlenfuhrender Kulm auf der Baren-Insel. Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forhandlingar, Band 39 Haft 6, 1917. R 1.40 11 Geophysics California
Antevs, Ernst 1953 Tree Rings and Seasons in Past Geologic Eras From Tree-Ring Bulletin, Vol. 20, No. 2 (1953) R 1.40 110 Earthquakes California Arvin Tehachapi
Antevs, Ernst 1953 On Division of the Last 20,000 Years. University of California Archaeological Survey Reports, Paper no. 22, 1953. R 1.40 111 Antarctica
Antevs, Ernst 1953 Postpluvial or Neothermal. University of California Archaeological Survey Reports, no.22, Berkley, 1953. R 1.40 112 Alaska Prince William Sound Lava
Antevs, Ernst 1954 Climate of New Mexico During the Last Glacio-Pluvial. Journal of Geology, vol.62, no. 2, 1954. R 1.40 113 Alaska Glaciation
Antevs, Ernst 1954 Geochronology of the Deglacial and Neothermal Ages: A Reply Journal of Geology, Vol. 62, No. 5 (1954) R 1.40 114 Alaska Middleton Island
Antevs, Ernst 1955 Climate of New Mexico During the Last Glacio-Pluvial: A Reply. Journal of Geology, vol 63, no. 2, 1955. R 1.40 115 Idaho Creep
Antevs, Ernst 1955 Geologic-Climatic Dating in the West. American Antiquity, vol.20, no. 4, 1955. R 1.40 116 Holosaurus
Antevs, Ernst 1955 Varve and Radiocarbon Chronologies Appraised by Pollen Data. Journal of Geology, vol. 63, no. 5, 1955. R 1.40 117 Geologic Materials Mineralogy Reviews in Mineralogy Vol. 17
Antevs, Ernst 1957 Geological Tests of the Varve and Radio-Carbon Chronologies. Journal of Geology, vol.65, no.2, 1957. R 1.40 119 Soils Soil Color Anthropology
Antevs, Ernst 1918 On the Litoral Mollusc Fauna of Our West Coast. Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forhandlingar, Band 40, Haft 4, 1918. R 1.40 12 Mineralogy Planets Planetary Geology Planetary Sciences
Antevs, Ernst 1959 Geological Age of the Lehner Mammoth Site. American Antiquity , vol. 25, no.1, 1959. R 1.40 120 Asteroids Iron Stone Meteorites
Antevs, Ernst 1962 Transatlantic Climate Agreement Versus C14 Dates. Journal of Geology, vol. 70, no.2, 1962. R 1.40 121 Asteroids Parent Bodies Meteorites
Antevs, Ernst 1962 Late Quaternary Climates in Arizona. American Antiquity, vol.28, no.2, 1962. R 1.40 122 Asteroids Meteorites
Antevs, Ernst 1918 Tradens Arsringar som Klimatisk Indikator. Popular Naturvetenskaplia Revy, Haft 5, 1918. R 1.40 13 Geomorphology New Mexico
Antevs, Ernst 1918 Some Corrigenda. Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forhandlingar, Band 40, Haft 6, 1918. R 1.40 14 Poster Sessions Lectures
Antevs, Ernst 1919 Die Liassische Flora des Horsandsteins. From Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, Band 59 no.8, 1919. R 1.40 15 Trilobites GSA Memoir 55
Antevs, Ernst 1921 Senkvartara Nivaforandringar I Norden. (Forelopande Meddelande.) Avtryck ur Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forehandlingar Nov.-Dec. 1921. Article bound in Bibliography of Ernst Antevs, vol. 4, Shell Beds. R 1.40 17 Geochemistry Carbon Isotopes
Antevs, Ernst 1922 The Recession of the Last Ice Sheet in New England. American Geographical Society, New York 1922. R 1.40 19 Geology- Canada- British Columbia GSA Special Paper 99
Antevs, Ernst 1914 Die Gattungen Thinnfeldia Ett. Und Dicroidium Goth. Von Ernst Antevs. From Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, Band 51 no.6, 1914. R 1.40 2 Foraminifera Tumey Formation California Fresno County
Antevs, Ernst 1922 On the Late Glacial and Post Glacial History of the Baltic. Geographical Review, vol.12, no.4, 1922. R 1.40 20 Algae
Antevs, Ernst 1923 Climate Changes. From Science, vol.58, no. 1508, nov. 23, 1923. R 1.40 23 Tectonics Sedimentary Cycles
Antevs, Ernst 1924 Ice Sheets and Isostasy: Relations in Fenno-Scandia. Geographical Review, vol.14, 1924. R 1.40 24 New Mexico Quaternary San Acacia
Antevs, Ernst 1924 The Strandflat and Isostasy: A Further Comment. Geographical Review, vol, 14, 1924. R 1.40 25 Volcanism Seismology Pacific Plate Motion
Antevs, Ernst 1924 On the Late Quaternary History of the Baltic: A Reply. Geographical Review, vol.14, 1924. R 1.40 26 Petrology Graywackes Arkose Sedimentary Petrology
Antevs, Ernst 1925 Swedish Late Quaternary Geochronologies. Geographical Review, vol. 15, no.2, 1925. R 1.40 27 Shelf Slop Trough Setting Sediment
Antevs, Ernst 1925 Climatological Significance of Annual Rings in Fossil Woods. American Journal of Science. vol. 9, 1925. R 1.40 28 New Zealand Graywackes
Antevs, Ernst 1918 Pleistocene Pre-Wisconsin Beds in Vermont. Proceedings of the Ithaca Meeting. Geological Society of America, vol.36, 1925. R 1.40 29 Tectonic Plates Tectonics Rocks
Antevs, Ernst 1914 Lepidopteris Ottonis (Gopp.) Schimp. And Antholithus Zeilleri Nath. Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar. Band 51, no. 7, 1914. R 1.40 3 Arc Trench Magmatic Arcs Igneous Activity Tectonics
Antevs, Ernst 1918 On the Pleistocene History of the Great Basin. Carnegie Institution, Publication no. 352, Washington, 1925. R 1.40 31 Petrogenesis Potash Depth Continental Margin Magmatic Arcs
Antevs, Ernst 1925 The Big Tree as a Climatic Measure. Carnegie Institution of Washington Pub. 352, 1925. R 1.40 32 Persian Gulf Oil Oil Migration Subduction
Antevs, Ernst 1925 Retreat of the Last Ice Sheet in Eastern Canada. Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 146, 1925. R 1.40 33 Lithic Grains Carboniferous Sandstones Ouachita Black Warrior Basin
Antevs, Ernst 1926 Sista istackets forsvinnande I Nordamerika. from Ymer, vol. 46, Stockholm, 1926. R 1.40 34 Sedimentation Mesozoic Cenozoic North America
Antevs, Ernst 1926 Late Quaternary Changes of Level in Southern New England. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, vol. 37, 1926. R 1.40 35 Japan Tectonics Subduction
Antevs, Ernst 1927 Three Pleistocene Tills in Southern Maine From Bulletin Geological Society of America, Vol. 38 R 1.40 37 Plate Tectonics Pacific Ocean North Pacific Rim
Antevs, Ernst 1914 The Swedish Species of Ptilozamites Nath. Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar. Band 51, no. 10, 1914. R 1.40 4 Oregon Forearc Basin Mesozoic
Antevs, Ernst 1928 Late Quaternary Changes of Level in Maine. American Journal of Science Fifth Series, vol.15, no.88, 1928. R 1.40 42 Tectonics- Southern Arizona GSA Special Paper 264
Antevs, Ernst 1928 Shell Beds on the Skagerack. Reprinted from Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forhandlingar, Nov.-Dec. 1928. R 1.40 44 Geomorphology Marine Records Continental Records California
Antevs, Ernst 1928 The Problem of Past Climates. Geographical Review, vol. 18, no. 4. R 1.40 45 Petrology Carbon Alkaline Alkaline Intrusions
Antevs, Ernst 1929 Quaternary Marine Terraces in Non-Glaciated Regions and Changes of Level of Sea and Land. American Journal of Science, vol. 17, no.97, 1929. R 1.40 46 Foraminifera Cenomanian Turonian Great Plains
Antevs, Ernst 1929 Maps of the Pleistocene Glaciations. Geological Society of America Bulletin, vol.40, 1929. R 1.40 48 Palynology- Tertiary GSA Special Paper 41
Antevs, Ernst 1915 Landisens Recession I Nordostra Skane. Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forhandlingar, Band 37, Haft 5, 1915. R 1.40 5 Paleoecology Microfossils Marine Shales Environmental Indictors
Antevs, Ernst 1930 Modes of Retreat of the Pleistocene Ice Sheets. Journal of Geology, vol. 47, 1930. R 1.40 51 Arizona Bisbee Mining Bisbee Mining District
Antevs, Ernst 1931 Late Glacial Correlations and Ice Recession in Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 168, 1931. R 1.40 53 Geochronology Lake Agassiz Mankato Valders
Antevs, Ernst 1931 Late Glacial Clay Chronology of North America. Smithsonian Report for 1931. R 1.40 54 Climatology Geophysics Pacific Bottom Waters Polar Waters
Antevs, Ernst 1932 Korrelation av Europas och Nordamerikas senglacial skeden. Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forhandlingar, Band 54, Haft 2, 1932. R 1.40 56 Climatology Deep Sea Cores Age
Antevs, Ernst 1932 The Quaternary Ice Age in North America. Brooklyn Botanic Garden Record, vol.21 no.3, May, 1932. R 1.40 57 Climatology
Antevs, Ernst 1932 Alpine Zone of Mt. Washington Range. Merrill & Weber Co., Auburn, Maine, 1932. R 1.40 58 Climatology Stratigraphy Globigerina Chronology
Antevs, Ernst 1915 Einige Bemerkungen uber Cyadopten's Brauniana Zingo und C. Zeilleri New Species. Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forhandlingar, Band 37, Haft 5, 1915. R 1.40 6 Norway Oslo Graptolite Bearing 3b Stratigraphy
Antevs, Ernst 1934 Climaxes of the Last Glaciation in North America. American Journal of Science, vol. 28, no.166, 1934. R 1.40 62 Sedimentation Pleistocene Pliocene Deep Sea Sediments
Antevs, Ernst 1935 Memorial of Jacob Johannes Sederholm. Geological Society of America Proceedings for 1934. R 1.40 63 Sedimentation Pleistocene Sediment Deep Sea Sediments
Antevs, Ernst 1935 Telecorrelations of Varve Curves. Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forhandlingar, Band 57, Haft 1, 1935. R 1.40 64 Climatology Chronology Pleistocene Deep Sea Sediments
Antevs, Ernst 1935 The Spread of Aboriginal Man to North America. Geographical Review, vol. 25, no. 2, 1935. R 1.40 65 Glaciology Glacial Processes Michigan River Basin Colorado
Antevs, Ernst 1935 Recent European Studies on Sedimentation. Bulletin of the National Research Council, no.98. R 1.40 66 Geophysics Joides Bore Hole
Antevs, Ernst 1935 Varved Sediments no.7. Bulletin of the National Research Council, Washington D.C., no. 98, 1935. R 1.40 67 Sedimentation Geochronology Atlantic
Antevs, Ernst 1935 Age of the Clovis Lake Clays. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Proceedings, vol. 87, (1935). R 1.40 68 Sedimentation Caribbean Sea
Antevs, Ernst 1935 Climate of the Southwest During the Late Wisconsin Glaciation. Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book, No. 34, 1935. R 1.40 69 Sedimentation Argentine Basin
Antevs, Ernst 1916 Das Fehlen Resp. Vorkommen der Jahresringe in Palao-und Mesozoischen Holzern und das Klimatische Zeugnis dieser Erscheinungen. From Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forhandlingar, Band 38, Haft #, 1916. R 1.40 7 Oceanography Arctic Ocean Photographs
Antevs, Ernst 1935 Correlations of Late Quaternary Chronologies. From Report XVI International Geological Congress, Washington, 1933. Preprint, Dec. 1935. R 1.40 70 Sedimentation Cretaceous Pacific
Antevs, Ernst 1936 Dating Records of Early Man in the Southwest. American Naturalist, vol.70, no.729, 1936. R 1.40 71 Sedimentation Oceanography Sediment Distribution Indian Ocean
Antevs, Ernst 1936 Pluvial and Postpluvial Fluctuations of Climate in the Southwest. Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book 35, 1936. R 1.40 72 Coral Reefs Australia Islands Pleistocene
Antevs, Ernst 1937 Climate and Early Man in North America. (From "Early Man" G.G MacCurdy ed.) J.B. Lippincott Co., 1937. R 1.40 73 Paleontology Hall, James, 1811-1898.
Antevs, Ernst 1937 Studies On the Climate in Relation to Early Man in the Southwest. Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book no. 36, 1937. R 1.40 74 Geochronology Pleistocene Chronology
Antevs, Ernst 1937 The Age of the "Minnesota Man." Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book No. 36. (1937). R 1.40 75 Stratigraphy Pleistocene Ice Age North American Arctic
Antevs, Ernst 1937 Age of the Lake Mohave Culture. From The Archaeology of Pleistocene Lake Mohave, Southwest Museum Papers, no. 11, 1937. R 1.40 76 Climatology Pleistocene Latitude
Antevs, Ernst 1938 Postpluvial Climatic Variations in the Southwest. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol.19, 1938. R 1.40 78 Paleontology Invertebrate Belemnite Mississippian Boulder
Antevs, Ernst 1938 Climatic Changes During the Last Glaciation in North America. From Bulletin American Meteorological Society, vol.19, 1938. R 1.40 79 Paleontology Invertebrate Nautiloidea
Antevs, Ernst 1916 Zur Kenntnis der Jahrlichen Wandlungen der Stickstoffreien Reservestoffe der Holzplanzen. Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Arkiv for Botanik. Band 14, no. 16, 1916. R 1.40 8 Paleontology Endoceroid
Antevs, Ernst 1938 Rainfall and Tree Growth in the Great Basin. Published Jointly by Carnegie Institution of Washington and the American Geographical Society of New York, 1938. R 1.40 80 Paleontology Orthoconic Cephalopods Tentacular Impressions
Antevs, Ernst 1938 Was "Minnesota Girl" Buried in a Gully? Journal of Geology, vol.46, no. 3, 1938. R 1.40 81 Cephalopoda Canadian Maryland Paleontology
Antevs, Ernst 1939 Studies On the Past Climate in Relation To Early Man in the Southwest Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book no. 38, 1939. R 1.40 82 Paleontology Invertebrate Chazyan Mohawkian
Antevs, Ernst 1939 Late Quaternary Upwarpings of Northeastern North America. Journal of Geology, vol.47, no.7, 1939. R 1.40 83 Paleontology Invertebrate Belemnite Mississippian
Antevs, Ernst 1939 Precipitation and Water Supply in the Sierra Nevada, California. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol.20, 1939. R 1.40 84 Paleontology Cephalopoda
Antevs, Ernst 1940 Studies in the Past Climatic Variations and Their Correlation. Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book no. 39, 1940. R 1.40 86 Blind Mole Rats Paleontology Vertebrate Phlyogenetics
Antevs, Ernst 1940 Age of Artifacts Below Peat Bed in Lower Lamath Lake, California. Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book No. 39. (1940). R 1.40 87 Nevada Sou Hills Seismology Seismic Belt
Antevs, Ernst 1939 The Quaternary of North America. (typed manuscript dated May 6,1939). Regionale Geologie der Erde, Band I, IIIb, Leipzig, Germany. R 1.40 88 Stratigraphy Pleistocene Loesses United States
Antevs, Ernst 1941 Memorial of Arvid Gustaf Hogbom. Geological Society of America Proceedings for 1940. R 1.40 89 Science Culture
Antevs, Ernst 1917 Die Jahresringe der Holzgewachse und die Bedeutung derselben als klimatischer Indikator. Progressus Rei Botanicae, Band 5, 1917. R 1.40 9 Copper Porphyry Copper Deposits Russia Urals
Antevs, Ernst 1930 A Geological Chronometer. Canadian Mining Journal, vol.51, no. 17, 1930. R 1.40 9 Botany Hybridization Arizona
Antevs, Ernst Sayles, E.B. 1941 The Cochise Culture. Medallion Papers no.29. Privately Printed for Gila Pueblo - Globe, Arizona, June, 1941 R 1.40 90 Arizona Geological Society
Antevs, Ernst 1944 Memorial of Gerard De Geer. Geological Society of America Proceedings Annual Report for 1943. R 1.40 91 Maps Mapping Procedures
Antevs, Ernst 1945 Correlation of Wisconsin Glacial Maxima. American Journal of Science, vol.243-A (daily volume), 1945. R 1.40 93 Arizona Arroyo Cutting Quaternary
Antevs, Ernst 1945 William Henry Campbell, 1895-1944. American Antiquity vol. 10, no. 4, 1945. R 1.40 94 Geomorphology Arizona Navajo County Dunes
Antevs, Ernst 1947 Biogeographical Principles. From Biogeography, Biology Colloquium, 1947. Oregon State Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi, Corvallis, 1947. R 1.40 96 Cycles Geochronology
Antevs, Ernst 1947 Biogeographical Problems in North America. From Biogeography, Biology Colloquium, 1947. Oregon State Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi, Corvallis, 1947. R 1.40 97 Planetary Sciences Mars Arroyos
Antevs, Ernst 1948 Climatic Changes and Pre-White Man. From The Great Basin with special emphasis on glacial and postglacial times. University of Utah Bulletin, vol. 38, no. 20, Salt Lake City, 1948. R 1.40 98 Planetary Sciences Mars Paleoclimatology
Antevs, Ernst 1927 Tradtillvazt och Klimat I Historisk tid. Ymer, vol. 47, 1927. R 1.40 Antevs vol. 2 Planetesimals Lunar Moon
Antevs, Ernst 1917 Postglacial Marine Beds in Bohuslan: An Academic Dissertation. (article bound in bibliography of Ernst Antevs, vol.4, shell beds). Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forhandlingar, Band 39, Haft 4, 1917. R 1.40 Antevs vol.4 Planetary Sciences Lunar Cataclysm Moon
Antevs, Ernst 1918 Anmalanden och Kritiker. Two reviews by Ernst Antevs from Geol. Foren. Forhand. Bd. 40, H. 6, Nov. 1918. Article bound in bibliography of Ernst Valdemar Antevs, Vol. 4, Shell Beds. R 1.40 Antevs vol.4 Marine Ecology Paleoecology- Marine GSA Memoir 67
Antevs, Ernst 1922 Den baltiska issjons tappning och nivaforandringarna. Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forhandlingar, Band 44, 1922. R 1.40 Antevs vol.4 Arizona Geological Society Digest Arizona Cenozoic
Antevs, Ernst n.d. Bibliography. List in shelf list order of publications of Ernst Antevs held in Antevs Library. R 1.40 Bib Oil Gas Colorado Petroleum Geology
Anthony, John W. 1962 Memorial of Gurdon Montague Butler (1881-1961). American Mineralogist, vol.47, no.3-4. R 1.43 118 Petroleum Petroleum Geology Arizona Utah
Anthony, John W. 1955 Geological Stratigraphy In Geochronology, University of Arizona Physical Science Bulletin no. 2, 1955. Geosciences Contribution no. 14. R 1.43 14 Petroleum Petroleum Geology Kanab
Anthony, John W. 1965 Crystal Morphology of Thorium Bearing Synthetic Monazite. American Mineralogist, vol.20, no.9, 1965. R 1.43 214 Uniformitarianism
Anthony, John W. 1957 Hydrothermal Synthesis of Monazite. American Mineralogist, vol.42, no. 11-12. 1957. R 1.43 22 Turbidity Currents SEPM Special Publication No. 2
Anthony, John W. Laughon, R.B. 1967 Useful Modifications to the Bond Crystal Sphere Grinder. From the Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 38, no. 7, 1967 R 1.43 283 Archaeology Arizona Hohokam Anthropology
Anthony, John W. Loughon, R.B. 1970 Kinoite, a New Hydrous Copper Calcium Silicate Mineral From Arizona. American Mineralogist, vol. 55, no.5-6, 1970. R 1.43 430 Arizona Navajo County Monument Valley Cane Wash
Anthony, John W. Williams, S.A. McLean, John 1970 A Study of Phoenicochroite-Its Structure and Properties. American Mineralogist, vol.55, no.5-6, 1970. R 1.43 432 Planetary Sciences Voyager Jupiter Io
Anthony, John W. McLean, John Laughon, Robert B 1972 The Crystal Structure of Yavapaiite: A Discussion. American Mineralogist, vol. 56, 1972. R 1.43 586 Chaco Canyon New Mexico Archaeology Sandstones
Anthony, John W. McLean, John 1973 Epitaxial Overgrowths of Tennantite On Octahedral Pyrite From Quiruvilca, Peru. The Mineralogical Record, July-August 1973. R 1.43 620 Geophysics Cheyenne Belt Wyoming Gravity Profiles
Anthony, John W. McLean, John 1973 Spitaxial Overgrowth of Tennantite on Octahedral Pyrite From Quiruvilca, Peru Mineralogical Record, July-August, 1973. R 1.43 630 Tungsten Mines and Mining GSA Memoir 15
Anthony, John W. McLean, John 1976 Jurbanite, a New Post Mine Aluminum Sulfate Mineral From San Manuel, Arizona. American Mineralogist, vol. 61, 1976. R 1.43 710 Paleontology Arizona Gila Conglomerate Gila
Anthony, John W. 1953 Memorial of Maxwell Naylor Short (1889-1952). American Mineralogist, vol. 38, no. 3-4, 1953. Geosciences Contribution no.9. R 1.43 9 Geological Population Statistical Analysis Numerical Data Liverpool and Manchester Geological Society
Anthony, John W., ed. Thomsson, R.W. 1977 Lithiophilite Crystals From the Foote Mine. Mineralogical Record, March-April 1977. R 1.43 754 Marine Ecology Paleoecology- Marine GSA Memoir 67
Anthony, John W., Jt. Auth Feth, J.H. 1949 Spheroidal Structures in Arizona Volcanics. American Journal of Science, vol. 247, no. 11, 1949. R 1.43 2 Paleoclimatology Holocene California Treelines
Anthony, John W., Jt. Auth 1970 The Crystal Structure of Hemihedrite. American Mineralogist, vol.55, no.7-8, 1970. R 1.43 429 Volcanoes Mount Saint Helens Lava Volcanic Eruptions
Anthony, John W., Jt. Auth Williams, S.Z. 1970 Hemihedrite, a New Mineral From Arizona. American Mineralogist, vol. 55, no. 7-8, 1970. R 1.43 431 Volcanoes Mount Hood Glaciers Volcanic Eruptions
Anthony, John W., Jt. Auth 1972 The Disordered, Zeolite-Like Structure of Connellite. American Mineralogist, vol. 57, 1972. R 1.43 539 Geology-Wyoming Geological Society of America
Anthony, John W., Jt. Auth 1971 The Crystal Structure of Legrandite. American Mineralogist, vol. 56, no.7-8, 1971. R 143 496 Clovisia New World
Baker, Victor R. Gulick, Virginia C. 1990 Origin and Evolution of Valleys on Martian Volcanoes. Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 95, B9, August 30, 1990. 1.43 1990 6 Mineralogy
Baker, Victor R. Ely, Lisa L. Enzel, Yehouda. Cayan, Daniel R. 1993 A 5,000 Year Old Record of Extreme Floods and Climate Change in the Southwestern United States. Science, Vol. 262, 15 October 1993. 1.43 1993 3 Re-Os Geochronology
Baker, Victor R. Kochel, R. Craig Patton, Peter C. 1982 Paleohydrology of Southwestern Texas. Water Resources Research, vol. 18, no. 4, August 1982. R 1.43 81-82 1 physics landslides
Baker, Victor R. Kochel, R. Craig 1982 Paleoflood Hydrology. Reprinted from Science, vol. 215, no. 4531, 22 January 1982. R 1.43 81-82 2 panspermia
Baker, Victor R. 1983 Large Scale Fluvial Paleohydrology. In: Background to Palaeohydrology. John Wiley & Sons, 1983. R 1.43 82-83 15 Drainage pits Phobos
Baker, Victor R. Pickup, G. Polach, Henry A. 1983 Desert Paleofloods in Central Australia. Nature, vol.301, 10 February 1983. R 1.43 82-83 16 Mars atmosphere Impact erosion
Baker, Victor R. Kochel, R. Craig Patton, Peter C. Pickup, G. 1983 Paleohydrologic Analysis of Holocene Flood Slackwater Sediments. Spec. Publs int. Ass. Sediment, 6, 1983. R 1.43 82-83 25 faulting Basin and Range Province Mechanical basis
Baker, Victor R. 1983 Channels and Valleys on Mars. Mars Channel Working Group. Geological Society of America Bulletin, vol. 94, September 1983. R 1.43 82-83 56 wildfires Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary
Baker, Victor R. 1983 Paleoflood Hydrologic Analysis From Slack water Deposits. Quaternary Studies in Poland, no. 4, 1983. R 1.43 82-83 57 Geology, Structural Geology- Great Basin GSA Memoir 157
Baker, Victor R., jt.au. Komatsu, G. 1994 Meander Properties of Venusian Channels. Geology, vol. 22, January, 1994. 1.43 1994 5 Geology--Alaska--Juneau gold belt
Baker, Victor R., panelist 1987 The Urbanized Desert; A Challenge for the Geosciences. GSA Committee on Geology and Public Safety. A Forum Convened by the Geological Society of America at the Annual Meeting of the Society, Phoenix, Arizona, October 27, 1987. 7.0 G-1 10 Geology--Peru Geology--Bolivia
Bandurski, Eric L Khare, B.N. Sagan, Carl. Nagy, Bartholomew. 1978 Ultraviolet-Photoproduced Organic Solids Synthesized: Molecular Analysis. Science, vol.199, March, 1978. R 1.43 807 Paleontology,Paleozoic--Peru
Bannister, Bryant Smiley, Terah L. 1955 Dendrochronology. Geosciences Contribution no. 17. Chapter 11 in Geochronology: University of Arizona Physical Science Bulletin no. 2, 1955. R 1.43 17 Magmatism Reviews in Minerology
Bannister, Bryant Damon, Paul E. 1972 A Dendrochronologically Derived Primary Standard For Radiocarbon Dating. International Radiocarbon Dating Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, October 18-25, 1972. R 1.43 549
Bannister, Bryant Damon, Paul E. Lerman, Juan Carlos. Long, Austin. Klein, Jeffery. 1979 Report On the Workshop On the Calibration On the Radiocarbon Dating Time Scale. University of Arizona, Tucson, January 29-February 2, 1979. R 1.43 915 Geophysics
Bannister, Bryant 1966 Recent Developments in New World Dendrochronology. From XXXVI Congresso Internacional de Americanistas vol.1, 1966. R 1.43 937 Earthquak hazrd analysis--United States Seimology--Research--United States
Bannister, Bryant, Jt. Auth. Smiley, Terah L. Stubbs, Stanley A. 1953 A Foundation for the Dating of Some Late Archaeological Sites in the Rio Grande Area, New Mexico: Based On Studies in Tree Ring Methods and Pottery Analyses. University of Arizona Bulletin, vol.24, no.3, 1953. R 1.43 11 and 10NM 11 Smi
Bannister, Bryant. 1962 The Interpretation of Tree Ring Dates. American Antiquity, vol. 27, no.4. R 1.43 396 Paleogeography
Barnes, A.E. Butler, R.F. 1980 A Paleocene Paleomagnetic Pole From the Gringo Gulch Volcanics. Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 7, no. 7, July 1980. R 1.43 79-80 6 Sedimentation and depostion--Middle West Sedimentary Basins--Middle West Geology Stratigraphic--Devonian
Barnes, Arthur E., jt.au. Vugteveen, Robert William Butler, Robert F. 1981 Paleomagnetism of the Roskruge and Gringo Gulch Volcanics, Southwest Arizona. Geophysical Research, vol. 86, no.B5, May 10, 1981. R 1.43 80-81 39
Beane, Richard E. 1979 Genesis of Metalliferous Ore Deposits. Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics, vol. 17, no.4, June 1979. R 1.43 869
Beard, L. Sue Dickinson, William R. Brakenridge, G. Robert Erjavec, James L. Ferguson, Robert C. Inman, Kerry F. Knepp, Rex A. 1983 Provenance of North American Phanerozoic Sandstones in Relation to Tectonic Setting. GSA Bulletin, vol. 94, February 1983. 1.43 82-83 51 Tectonics- Mexico GSA Special Paper 278
Beck, Susan L., jt au Zandt, George Velasco, Aaron A. 1994 Composition and Thickness of the Southern Altiplano Crust, Bolivia. Geology, vol. 22, November, 1994. 1.43 1994 11 Geology-Arizona La Paz
Beck, Susan L., jt au Myers, Stephen C. 1994 Evidence for a Local Crustal Root Beneath the Santa Catalina Metamorphic Core Complex, Arizona. Geology, vol. 22, March 1994. 1.43 1994 13 Aureole sytematics Contact metamorphism
Bennett, Richmond Livingston, Donald E. Damon, Paul E. Mauger, Richard L. Laughlin, A. William. 1967 Argon 40 in Cogenetic Feldspar-Mica Mineral Assemblages. Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 72, no.4, February 15, 1967. R 1.43 268 Volcanic ash chronology
Bennett, Richmond Haynes, C. Vance., Jr. Grey, Donald C. Damon, Paul E. 1967 Arizona Radiocarbon Dates VII. Radiocarbon, vol.9, 1967. R 1.43 273 Tephra Heyatlaco Archaeological Site, Valsequillo, Mexico
Benson, G.S. Davis, G.H. Showalter, S.R. McCalmont, L.S. Cropp, F.W., III. 1981 Guide to the Geology of the Salt River Canyon Region, Arizona. Arizona Geological Society Digest, vol. XIII, 1981. 1.43 1980-1981 40 Tephra
Berzi, A. Michaux, J. Hutchison, J.H. Lindsay, Everett H. 1967 The Arondelli Local Fauna, An Assemblage of Small Vertebrates From the Villafranchian Stage Near Villafranca D'Asti Italy. From Proc. IV Sesson Bologna 1967 Committee Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy. R 1.43 282 Hueyatlaco Archaeological Site, Valsequillo, Mexico
Betancourt, Julio L. Swetnam, Thomas W. 1990 Fire-Southern Oscillation Relations in the Southwestern United States. Science, vol. 249, Aug. 31, 1990. 1.43 1990 8 Maps and Mapping Topographic maps
Betancourt, Julio L., jt.au. Samuels, Michael L. 1982 Modeling the Longterm effects of Fuelwood Harvests on Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands. Environmental Management, vol.6, no. 6, (circa 1982-83). R 1.43 82-83 24 Geology, Stratigraphic-Paleozoic Paleogeography Geology-West (US) Pacific Coast Paleogeography Symposium
Bikerman, M. Damon, Paul E. Mauger, R.L. 1964 K-Ar Dating of Laramide Plutonic and Volcanic Rocks Within the Basin and Range Province of Arizona and Sonora. In: Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Including Volcanic Activity International Geological Congress 22, India, 1964. R 1.43 184 Geology Stratigraphic Utah
Bikerman, Michael 1963 Origin of the Cat Mountain Rhyolite. Arizona Geological Society Digest, vol. VI, Nov. 1963. R 1.43 138 Geology- Arizona
Bikerman, Michael Damon, Paul E. 1964 K-Ar Dating of Post Laramide Plutonic and Volcanic Rocks Within the Basin and Range Province of Southeastern Arizona and Adjacent Areas. Arizona Geological Society Digest Vol. VII, Nov. 1964. R 1.43 178 Geology- Arizona Geology, Stratigraphic- Paleozoic
Bikerman, Michael Damon, Paul E. 1966 K-Ar Chronology of the Tucson Mountains, Pima County, Arizona. GSA Bulletin vol. 77, Nov, 1966. R 1.43 230 Geology- Arizona Geology, Stratigraphic- Cretaceous GSA Memoir 38
Bikerman, Michael 1967 Isotopic Studies in the Roskruge Mountains, Pima County, Arizona. From GSA Bulletin vol. 78, August, 1967. R 1.43 265 Geology- South America Geology- Africa- Damara-Nama Basin AAPG Memoir 62
Bikerman, Michael 1968 The Geology of the Roskruge Mountains. Arizona Geological Guidebook III, 1968. R 1.43 319 Conchostraca, fossil Paleontology- Southern Hemisphere Continental Drift Geology- Southern Hemisphere
Bird, Dennis K. Helgeson, Harold C. 1981 Chemical Interaction of Aqueous Solutions With Epidote Feldspar Mineral Assemblages In Geologic Systems. II. American Journal of Science, vol. 281, May, 1981. R 1.43 80-81 8 II Paleontology- Permian GSA Memoir 34
Bird, Dennis K. Helgeson, Harold C. 1980 Chemical Interaction of Aqueous Solutions With Epidote Feldspar Mineral Assemblages In Geologic Systems. I. American Journal of Science, vol. 280, Nov. 1980. R 1.43 80-81 9 I Fusulindae- California Permian Fusulinids of California GSA Memoir 17
Bonini, William R. Loomis, Timothy P. Robertson, James D. 1973 Gravity Anomalies, Ultramafic Intrusions, and the Tectonics of the Region Around the Strait of Gibraltar. Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 78, no. 8, March 10, 1973. R 1.43 899 Sandstone Reservoirs Sandstone Shelf Sands and Sandstone Reservoirs SEPM Short Course No. 13
Bouse, R.M. Ruiz, J. Titley, S.R. Lang, J.R. Wooden, J.L. 1990 Common Pb Isotopic Evidence From Laramide Plutons and Phanerozoic Mineralization in Arizona for the Inheritance of Isotopic and Metal Ratios From Proterozoic Basement. Abstract. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 71, no.43, October 23, 1990. 1.43 1990 10 Porphyry Copper Deposit- Sierrita- Arizona
Bowman, T.E. Long, Austin 1968 Relict Populations os Drepanopus Bungei and Limnoclalanus Marcrurus Grimaldii (copepoda:calanoida), From Ellesmere Island, N.W.T. Arctic, vol.21, no. 3. R 1.43 344 Copper, Porhyry
Brakenridge, G Robert 1984 Alluvial Stratigraphy and Radiocarbon Dating Along the Duck River, Tennessee: Implications Regarding Flood-Plain Origin. Geological Society of America Bulletin, vol. 95, Jan. 1984. R 1.43 1984 1 Porphyry Copper Deposits- Silver Bell Mountains- Pima Co.- Arizona Copper, Porphyry USGS Circular 1103-B
Brakenridge, G Robert 1981 Late Quaternary Floodplain Sedimentation Along the Pomme de Terre River, Southern Missouri. Quaternary Research, vol. 15, 1981. R 1.43 80-81 6 Pimatologica Primate- Utah
Brakenridge, G Robert, jt au Turner, William B. Hofman, Jack I. 1982 Technique to Aid in Recording and Field Interpretation of Stratigraphic Sections In Archaeological Deposits. Journal of Field Archaeology, vol. 9, 1982. R 1.43 82-83 21 Paleontology- Vertebrate
Brakenridge, G. Robert 1981 Terrestrial Paleoenvironmental Effects of A Late Quaternary-Age Supernova. Icarus. Vol. 41, 1981. R 1.43 80-81 5 Paleontology- Vertebrate
Brakenridge, G. Robert 1980 Widespread Episodes of Stream Erosion During the Holocene and Their Climatic Cause. Nature, vol. 283, no. 5748, February 14, 1980. R 1.43 80-81 7 Paleontology- Japan
Breed, William J. Miller, Halsey W., Jr. 1962 A Guadelupian Parafusulina From a Shinrump Conglomerate Pebble in Arizona. Journal of Paleontology, vol. 36, no. 2, March 1962. R 1.43 763 Paleontology- Japan National Science Museum (Japan) Monographs No. 14
Bressler, Stephen L. Butler, Robert F. 1978 Magnetostratigraphy of the Late Tertiary Verde Formation, Central Arizona. From Earth and Planetary Science Letters 38, 1978. R 1.43 806 Paleontology- Japan National Science Museum (Japan). Monographs No. 15
Bryant, Donald L. 1955 Index, Type Species, and Bibliography of Producted Genera. Journal of Paleontology vol. 29, no. 2, 1955. Geosciences Contribution no. 15. R 1.43 15 Paleobiology- Japan
Bryant, Donald L. 1968 Diagnostic Characteristics of the Paleozoic Formations of Southeastern Arizona. In Southeastern Arizona Guidebook III, 1968. R 1.43 330 Miocene Small Mammals- Jalalpur, Pakistan
Bryant, Donald L. 1959 Marker Zones in the Permian Formations of Southern Arizona. Arizona Geological Guidebook III: Arizona Geological Society, 1959. R 1.43 45 Paleontoloy- Vertibrate- Asia National Science Museum (Japan). Monograph No. 8
Bryant, Donald L. 1952 Paleozoic and Cretaceous Stratigraphy of the Tucson Mountains. From Arizona Geological Society Guidebook I: Tucson, Arizona Geological Society 1952. Geosciences Contribution no. 7. R 1.43 7 Dinosaurs National Science Museum (Japan). Monograph No. 15
Bryant, Donald L., Jt.Auth. Damon, Paul E. Mayo, Evans B. 1968 Stratigraphic and Volcanic Geology. Tucson Mountains, Field Trip no. 5. Southern Arizona Guidebook III, 1968. R 1.43 331 Dinosaur Fauna Geology- Japan Paleontology- Vertebrate Tetori Group Dinosaur Excavation Project
Bull, William B. 1968 Alluvial Fans. From Journal of Geological Education vol.16, no. 3, 1968. R 1.43 333 Tillodontia- Early Eocene of Japan Trogosinae
Bull, William B. 1971 A Quantitative Geomorphology Field Course. In: Quantitative Geomorphology; Some Aspects and Applications. Proceedings Volume of the Second Annual Geomorphology Symposia Series. Binghamton, New York, October, 1971. R 1.43 495 Flora- Sycamore Canyon- Pajarito Mtns- Santa Cruz Co.-Arizona
Bull, William B. Rigby, J. Keith., ed. Hamblin, William Kenneth. Ed. 1972 Recognition of Alluvial Fan Deposits in the Stratigraphic Record. From Recognition of Ancient Sedimentary Environments. SEPM Special Publication no. 16 (1972). R 1.43 538 Ground-Water- Arizona and California- Parker Valley Hydrology- Arizona and California- Parker Valley USGS Open-File Report 82-1006
Bull, William B. Scott, Kevin M. 1974 Impact of Mining Gravel From Urban Stream Beds in the Southwestern United States. Geology, vol. 2, no.4, 1974. R 1.43 655 Caves-Arizona Kartchner Caverns, Arizona
Bull, William B. 1975 Allometric Change of Landforms. GSA Bulletin, vol. 86, November 1975. R 1.43 743 Mollusks, Fossil GSA Special Paper 10
Bull, William B. McFadden, Leslie D. Doehring, Donald O., ed. 1977 Tectonic Geomorphology North and South of the Garlock Fault, California. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Geomorphology Symposium, State University of New York, Binghamton: September 23-34, 1977. R 1.43 776 Rocks, Metamorphic GSA Memoir 30
Bull, William B. Fleischhauer, Louis H. McHargue, Lanny R. Tucker, William C., Jr. Mayer, Larry Shih, Ernest HH. 1978 Origin and Distribution of Gravel in Stream Systems of Arid Regions. U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research Contract no. F49620-77-C-0115. Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, 1978. R 1.43 861 Paleontology-Canada-Quebec GSA Special Paper 11
Bull, William B. 1979 Threshold of Critical Power in Streams. GSA Bulletin, Part I, vol. 90, May 1979. R 1.43 903 Tellurian
Bull, William B. Schick, Asher P. 1979 Impact of Climatic Change on an Arid Watershed: Nahal Yael, Southern Israel. Quaternary Research, vol. 11, 1979. R 1.43 904 Maps aeromagnetic GSA Memoir 47
Bull, William B. Leopold, Luna B. 1979 Base Level, Aggradation, and Grade. Reprinted From Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 123, no. 2, April, 1979. R 1.43 931 Mineralogy Geochemistry Reviews in Mineralogy volume 16
Butler, Robert F. Lindsay, Everett H. Gingerich, Philip D. 1981 Magnetic Polarity Stratigraphy and Biostratigraphy of Paleocene and Lower Eocene Continental Deposits, Clark's Fork Basin, Wyoming. Journal of Geology, vol. 89, 1981. 1.43 80-81 41 Grand Canyon Colorado River Landscape Arizona
Butler, Robert F. Harding, Lucy E. Kluth, Charles F. Shafiqullah, Muhammed Damon, Paul E. 1982 Paleomagnetism of Late Jurassic Rocks in the Northern Canelo Hills, Southeastern Arizona. Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 87, no. B8, Aug. 10, 1982. 1.43 82-83 40 Floods-Arizona Grand Canyon sedimentation-marine Aquatic Biology
Butler, Robert F. Harding, Lucy E. Coney, Peter J. 1983 Paleomagnetic Evidence for Jurassic Deformation of te McCoy Mountains Formation, Southeastern California and Southwestern Arizona. From Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 62 1983. 1.43 82-83 58 Sedimentation Terminology
Butler, Robert F. Banerjee, S.K. 1975 Theoretical Single Domain Grain Size Range in Magnetite and Titanomagnetite. Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 80, no. 29, Oct. 10, 1975. R 1.43 605 Paleontology vertebrate Leporinae North America
Butler, Robert F. 1975 Magnetic Properties of Oceanic Pillow Basalts: Evidence From Macquarie Island. Reprinted from Nature, vol. 257, no. 5524, Sept. 25, 1975 R 1.43 702 paleontology vertebrate North America Lagomorpha
Butler, Robert F. Gose, Wulf Achim 1975 Magnetism of the Moon and Meteorites. From Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics, vol. 13, no. 3, July 1975. R 1.43 707 paleontology vertebrate Lagomorpha
Butler, Robert F. Banerjee, S.K. Stout, J.H. 1976 Magnetic Properties of Oceanic Pillow Basalts: Evidence From Macquarie Island. From Geophys. J.R. astr. Soc. Vol.47, 1976. R 1.43 734 Water-Resources Arizona
Butler, Robert F. Lindsay, Everett H. Jacobs, Louis L. 1977 Magnetostratigraphy of the Cretaceous Tertiary Boundary in the San Juan Basin, New Mexico. Nature vol. 267, no. 5609, May 26, 1977. R 1.43 785 Caves Karchner Caverns Arizona
Butler, Robert F. Johnson, N.M. Lindsay, E.H. Jacobs, L.L. 1976 Magnetostratigraphy Through the Cretaceous Tertiary Boundary, San Juan Basin, New Mexico. From Mem. Geol. Soc. It. Vol.15, 1976. R 1.43 805 Tucson Mountains Pima Co. Arizona
Butler, Robert F. Coney, P.J. 1981 A Revised Magnetic Polarity Time Scale for the Paleocene and Early Eocene and Implications for Pacific Plate Motion. Geophyical Research Letters, vol. 8, no. 4, April 1981. R 1.43 80-81 3 Tectonic Digest map supplement (sep. vol.)
Butler, Robert F. Marshall, Larry G. Drake, Robert E. Curtis, Garniss H. 1981 Calibration of the Beginning of the Age of Mammals in Patagonia. Reprinted from Science, vol. 212, 3 April, 1981. R 1.43 80-81 4 Mexico Sonora Volcanoes
Butler, Robert F. 1982 Magnetic Mineralogy of Continental Deposits, San Juan Basin, New Mexico, and Clark's Fork Basin, Wyoming. Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 87, no. 89, Sept. 1982. R 1.43 82-83 23 Arizona Geology
Butler, Robert F. Banerjee, S.K. 1975 Single Domain Grain Size Limits for Metallic Iron. Journal of Geophysical Research vol. 80, no. 2, 1975. R 1.43 859 Minerals Arizona
Butler, Robert F., jt.au Tomida, Yukimitsu 1980 Dragonian Mammals and Palaeocene Magnetic Polarity and Stratigraphy. North Horn Formation, Central Utah. American Journal of Science, vol. 280, Oct. 1980. R 1.43 79-80 46 Arizona Grand Canyon
Butler, William C. 1971 Permian Sedimentary Environments in Southeastern Arizona. Arizona Geological Digest, vol. IX, Dec. 1971. R 1.43 487 Southern Arizona Mines Historic
Bykerk-Kauffman, Ann Naruk, Stephen J. Currier-Lewis, Debra Davis, George B. Faulds, James E. Lewis, Scott W. 1986 Kink Folding in Extended Terrane: Tortilla Mountains, Southeastern Arizona. Preprint, Geology, vol. 14, no. 12, Dec. 1986. R 1.43 86 3 Catalina Core Complex San Pedro Trough Maps
Cantwell, R.J. 1969 Fossil Sigmodon From the Tusker Locality 111 Ranch, Arizona. Journal of Mammalogy vol. 50, no. 2, June 12, 1969. R 1.43 376 Star Flat Willow Springs Arizona Maps
Carlson, Richard W. 1997 Do Continents Part Passively, Or Do They Need A Shove? Science, vol.278. 1.43 1997 1 Tucson Maps
Centeno-Garcia, Elena, et al. Ruiz, Joaquin Coney, Peter J. Patchett, P.Jonathan Ortega-Gutierrez, Fernando 1993 Guerrero Terrane of Mexico: Its Role in the Southern Cordillera From New Geochemical Data. Geology, vol. 21, May 1993. 1.43 1993 2 Theodore Roosevelt Dam Area- map and text
Centeno-Garcia, Elena, jt.au. Ruiz, Joaquin Coney, Peter J. Patchett, P.Jonathan 1994 Reply To: Guerrero Terrane of Mexico: Its Role in the Southern Cordillera From New Geochemical Data. Geology, May, 1994. 1.43 1994 9 Monuments Arizona Chricahua National Monument
Chase, Clement G. Gregory, Kathryn M. 1994 Stable Isotope Study of Fluid Inclusions in Flourite From Idaho: Implications for Continental Climated During the Eocene. Geology, March 1994. 1.43 1994 17 Fossil assemblages Taphonomy
Christensen, J.P. Sauck, W.A. Sumner, John S. 1971 Aeromagnetic Map of the Northern Part of the Tucson Basin, Pima County, Arizona. Arizona Geological Digest, vol. IX, December 1971. R 1.43 482 Marine Sediments Turbidity Currents Ocean Currents SEPM Pacific Section Short course, 1973
Cole, Kenneth 1980 Geologic Control of Vegetation in the Purisima Hills, California. Madrono, vol. 27, no. 2, April, 1980. R 1.43 79-80 2 The Biot Theory Sedimentation- Marine Sediment Acoustics
Cole, Kenneth Mead, Jim L. 1981 Late Quaternary Animal Remains From Packrat Middens in the Eastern Grand Canyon, Arizona. Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science, vol. 16 (1), 1981. R 1.43 81-82 5 Geochronology Antevs Douglas
Cole, Kenneth 1982 Late Quaternary Zonation of Vegetation in the Eastern Grand Canyon. Reprinted From Science, vol. 217, Sept. 17, 1982. R 1.43 82-83 19 Adam Mosimann Beta Compound Nomogram
Cole, Kenneth Mayer, Larry 1982 Use of Packrat Middens to Determine Rates of Cliff Retreat in the Eastern Grand Canyon, Arizona. Geology, vol. 10, Nov. 1982. R 1.43 82-83 20 Pollen Bark Enclosed Bark Pollen Traps
Cole, Kenneth Mead, Jim L. Van Devender, Thomas R. 1983 Late Quaternary Small Mammals From Sonoran Desert Packrat Middens, Arizona and California. Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 64, no. 1, Feb. 1983. R 1.43 82-83 36 Pleistocene Palynology Sierra Nevada Adam
Cole, Kenneth 1983 Late Pleistocene Vegetation of Kings Canyon, Sierra Nevada, California. Quaternary Research 19, 1983. R 1.43 82-83 55 Adam Coefficients Cumulative Distributions
Coney, Peter J. Butler, Robert F. Harding, Lucy E. 1983 Paleomagnetic Evidence for Jurassic Deformation of te McCoy Mountains Formation, Southeastern California and Southwestern Arizona. From Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 62 1983. 1.43 82-83 -- Polarization Induced Polarization Aiken
Coney, Peter J. 1983 Tectonic Timing and Accretionary Tectonics in Western North America. Prepublication Submitted to Tectonics, 1983. 1.43 82-83 63 Precambrian Sulfide Deposits Arizona Anderson
Coney, Peter J. 1983 Un Modelo Tectonico de Mexico y sus Relaciones con America del Norte, America del Sur y el Caribe. Revista del Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, vol. 15, no. 1, January, 1983. R 1.43 82-83 22 Pollen Analysis Cave Deposits Anderson
Coney, Peter J. Jones, D.L. Silberling, N.J. Richter, D.H. 1980 Structural Relations Along the Leading Edge of Wrangellia in the Clearwater Mountains, Alaska. USGS Circular, 1980. R 1.43 1979-80 39 Australia Antevs
Coney, Peter J. 1973 Tertiary Volcanic Rocks, Mogollon Datil Province, New Mexico, and Surrounding Region: K-Ar Dates, Patterns of Eruption, and Periods of Mineralization. GSA Bulletin, vol. 84, no. 7, 1973. R 1.43 566 Antevs
Coney, Peter J. 1976 Plate Tectonics and the Laramide Orogeny. New Mexico Geological Society Special Publication no. 6, 1976. R 1.43 727 Antevs
Coney, Peter J. 1976 Structure, Volcanic Stratigraphy, and Gravity Across the Mogollon Plateau, New Mexico. New Mexico Geological Society Special Publication no. 5, 1976. R 1.43 728 Sweden Antevs
Coney, Peter J. Reynolds, Stephen J. 1977 Cordilleran Benioff Zones. Nature vol. 270, Dec. 1, 1977. R 1.43 792 Antevs (see also) R 1.40 Antevs vol.2
Coney, Peter J. Reynolds, Stephen J. Keith, Stanley B. 1980 Stacked Overthrusts of Precambrain Crystalline Basement, and Inverted Paleozoic Sections Emplaced Over Mesozoic Strata, West-Central Arizona. Arizona Geological Society Digest, vol. XII, 1980. R 1.43 79-80 10 Antevs
Coney, Peter J. 1980 Cordilleran Metamorphic Core Complexes: An Overview. Geological Society of America, Memoir 153, 1980. R 1.43 79-80 24 Antevs (see also) R 1.40 Antevs vol.2
Coney, Peter J. Pilger, Rex H., Jr., ed. Dickinson, William R. 1980 Plate Tectonic Constraints On the Origin of the Gulf of Mexico. In: The Origin of the Gulf of Mexico & the Early Opening of the Central North Atlantic Ocean. Proceedings of Symposium at Louisiana State University, 1980. R 1.43 79-80 32 Antevs (see also) R 1.40 Antevs vol. 2
Coney, Peter J. Jones, David L. Monger, James W.H. 1980 Cordilleran Suspect Terranes. Nature, vol. 288, no. 5789, November 27, 1980. R 1.43 80-81 2 Antevs
Coney, Peter J. 1981 Accretionary Tectonics in Western North America. Arizona Geological Society Digest, vol. XIV, 1981. R 1.43 81-82 6 Antevs (see also) R 1.40 Antevs vol.2
Coney, Peter J. Overbye, Dennis 1983 The Jigsaw Earth; Puzzling Patches of Foreign Land in Alaska and Elsewhere Shake Up Geological Thinking About Plate Tectonics. Discover, April 1983. R 1.43 82-83 18 Sweden Antevs
Coney, Peter J. Jones, D.L. Howell, D.G. Monger, J.W.H. 1983 Recognition, Character and Analysis of Tectonostratigraphic Terranes in Western North America. In: Accretion Tectonics in the Circum-Pacific Regions. Terra Scientific Publishing Company (TERRAPUB), Tokyo, 1983. R 1.43 82-83 54 Sweden Antevs (see also) R 1.40 Antevs vol.4
Coney, Peter J. 1978 The Plate Tectonic Setting of Southestern Arizona. New Mexico Geological Society 29th Field Guidebook, 29th Field Conference., Land of Cochise, 1978. R 1.43 838 Antevs (see also) R 1.40 Antevs vol.2.
Coney, Peter J. 1978 Mesozoic-Cenozoic Cordilleran Plate Tectonics. GSA Memoir, 152, 1978. R 1.43 864 Antevs (see also) R 1.40 Antevs vol. 4.
Coney, Peter J. 1979 Tertiary Evolution of Cordilleran Metamorphic Core Complexes. SEPM Cenozoic Volume, 1979. R 1.43 909 Vermont Antevs
Coney, Peter J. Jones, D.L. Berg, H.C. Harris, Anita n.d. Structural and Stratigraphic Significance of Upper Devonian and Mississippian Fossils From Canary Formation , Kupreanof Island, Southeast Alaska. In Press, USGS Circular. R 1.43 917 Stratigraphy Pleistocene Antevs (see also) R 1.40 Antevs vol.3
Conkey, Laura E. 1979 Response of Tree-Ring Density to Climate in Maine, USA. Tree-Ring Bulletin, vol. 39, 1979. R 1.43 79-80 Antevs
Cookson, Isabel C. Cranwell, Lucy M. 1967 Lower Tertiary Microplankton, Spores and Pollen Grains From the Lena Dura Formation of Southernmost Chile. Micropaleontology, vol.13, no. 2, April, 1967.. R 1.43 258 Antevs
Cooley, Maurice E. Hevly, Richard H. n.d. Geology and Depositional Environment of Laguna Salada, Arizona. Source is Unlisted and Undated. R 1.43 165 Antevs (see also) R 1.40 Antevs vol.4.
Cranwell, Lucy M. n.d. Endemism and Isolation in the Three Kings Islands, New Zealand-With Notes On Pollen and Spore Types of the Endemics. From an Unlisted, Undated Source. R 1.43 106 Stratigraphy Pleistocene Glaciology American Geographical Society Research Series no. 11. Antevs
Cranwell, Lucy M. 1963 Nothofagus: Living and Fossil. A Paper Given At the Symposium "Pacific Basin Biogeography" August 21-September 6, 1961. Published 1963. R 1.43 128 Stratigraphy Pleistocene Antevs (see also) R 1.40 Antevs vol.3
Cranwell, Lucy M. 1963 The Hectorellaceae: Pollen Type and Taxonomic Speculation. From Gran Palynologica vol. 4, no. 2, 1963. R 1.43 137 Antevs
Cranwell, Lucy M. n.d. Rapa Island Coal and its Microfossils: A Preliminary Report. From an Unlisted, Undated Source. R 1.43 158 Climatology Antevs
Cranwell, Lucy M. n.d. The Rise of Pacific Palynology. From an Unlisted, Undated Source. R 1.43 159 Glaciology Antevs
Cranwell, Lucy M. n.d. Antarctica: Cradle or Grave for its Nothofagus? From an Unlisted, Undated Source. R 1.43 162 Glaciology Antevs
Cranwell, Lucy M. 1964 Hystrichospheres as an Aid to Antarctic Dating with Special Reference to the Recovery of Cordophaeridium in Erratics at McMurdo Island Sound. From Gran Palynologica vol. 5, no. 3, 1964. R 1.43 174 Stratigraphy Pleistocene Antevs
Cranwell, Lucy M. 1969 Antarctic and Circum Antarctic Palynological Contributions Antarctic Journal of the United States. Vol. IV, no. 5, Sept-Oct, 1969. R 1.43 388 Stratigraphy Pleistocene Antevs (see also) R 1.40 Antevs vol. 3. Sweden
Cranwell, Lucy M. 1959 Fossil Pollen From Seymour Island, Antarctica. Nature, vol. 184, no. 4701, Dec. 5, 1959. R 1.43 44 Dendrochronology Climatology Antevs (see also) R 1.40 Antevs vol.2
Cranwell, Lucy M. n.d. Palynological Intimations of Some Preligocene Antarctic Climates. From an Unlisted, Undated Source. R 1.43 473 Climatology Antevs (see also) R 1.40 Antevs Vol. 2
Cranwell, Lucy M. Harrington, H.J. Speden, I.G. 1960 Lower Tertiary Microfossils From McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Nature, vol. 186, no. 4726, May 28, 1960. R 1.43 55 Stratigraphy Pleistocene Canada Antevs
Cranwell, Lucy M. n.d. Subantarctic Pollen and Spores 1. Lyallia of Kerguelen. From Pollen et Spores vol. III, no. 1, May, 1961. R 1.43 83 Antevs (see also) R 1.40 Antevs vol. 3.
Cranwell, Lucy M. 1961 Coniferous Pollen Types of the Southern Hemisphere. I. Aberration in Acmopyle and Podocarpus Dacrydioides. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Vol. XLII, No. 4, Oct. 1961. R 1.43 86 Stratigraphy Pleistocene Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Freidrich, G.H., ed., et al 1986 Batholith-Volcano Coupling in the Metallogeny of Porphyry Copper Deposits. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 1986. 1.43 1986 11 Geology- Pleistocene
Damon, Paul E. Klein, Jeffery Lerman, J.C. Ralph, E.K. 1982 Calibration of Radiocarbon Dates: Tables Based On the Consensus Data of the Workshop On Calibrating the Radiocarbon Time Scale. Radiocarbon, vol. 24, no. 2, 1982. 1.43 81-82 40 Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Livingston, Donald E. 1962 Edades Isotopicas de Rocas Metomorphicas del Centro y Sur de Duerrero y de Una Monzonita Cuarifera del Norte de Sinaloa. From Instituto de Geologia Boletin num. 64, Patre 5, 1962. R 1.43 105 Stratigraphy Pleistocene Antevs (see also) R 1.40 Antevs vol.3
Damon, Paul E. Long, Austin 1962 Arizona Radiocarbon Dates III. Radiocarbon, vol. 4, 1962. R 1.43 108 Sweden Stratigraphy Pleistocene Antevs (see also) R 1.40 Antevs vol. 4.
Damon, Paul E. Fries, Carl., Jr. Livingston, Donald E. Schmitter, Eduardo n.d. Rocas Precambrias de edad Grenvilliana de la Parte Central de Oaxaca enla sur de Mexico. Instituto de Geologia Boletin no. 64, Parte 3. R 1.43 109 Climatology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Livingston, D.E. Erickson, R. 1962 Edad de las Rocas Metamorficas en los Canones de la Peregrina y de Caballeros, Parte Centro Occidental de Tamulipas. Instituto de Geologia Boletin No. 64, Parte 4, 1962. R 1.43 111 Stratigraphy Pleistocene Antevs (see also) R 1.40 Antevs vol.3
Damon, Paul E. Livingston, D.E. Mauger, R.L. 1962 Edad Del Precambrio 'Anterior' y De Otras Rocas Del Zocalo de la Region de Caborca-Alter de la Parte Noroccidental del Estado de Sonora. Instituto de Geologia Boletin No. 64, Parte 2, 1962. R 1.43 112 Stratigraphy Pleistocene Glaciology Antevs (see also) R 1.40 Antevs vol.3
Damon, Paul E. Livingston, Donald E. Erickson, Rolfe. 1962 New K-Ar Dates for the Precambrian of Pinal, Gila, Yavapai and Coconino Counties, Arizona. New Mexico Geological Society, Thirteenth Field Conference, 1962. R 1.43 115 Glaciology Stratigraphy Pleistocene Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Miller, Halsey W., Jr. 1963 A Lava Covered Tertiary Forest in Southern Arizona. Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science, vol. 2, no. 3, Feb., 1963 R 1.43 127 Geochronology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Long, Austin Sigalove, Joel J. 1963 Arizona Radiocarbon Dates IV. Radiocarbon, vol. 5, 1963. R 1.43 130 Stratigraphy Pleistocene Canada Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Green, William D. 1963 Investigation of the Helium Age Dating Method by Stable Isotope-Dilution Technique. From Radioactive Dating, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1963. R 1.43 132 Stratigraphy Pleistocene Geochronology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Green, William D. 1963 Discussions, Age of Cornwall, Pennsylvania Magnetite Ore. Economic Geology, vol. 58, 1963. R 1.43 133 Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Erickson, R.C. Livingston, Donald E. n.d. K-Ar Dating of Basin and Range Uplift Catalina Mountains, Arizona. Nuclear Geophysics, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council Publication 1075. R 1.43 135 Stratigraphy Pleistocene Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Long, Austin 1964 Carbon-14 Dating of Charcoal From a Prehistoric Flint Mine, Sumeg, Hungary. Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 16. R 1.43 160 New Hampshire Maine Glaciology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. 1964 The Present Status and Future Possibilities of Geochemistry as Applied to Paleoecological Research. The Reconstruction of Past Environments, Ft. Burgwin Research Center, New Mexico, 1964. R 1.43 164 Stratigraphy Pleistocene Antevs Glaciology
Damon, Paul E. Long, Austin Haynes, C. Vance 1964 Arizona Radiocarbon Dates V. Radiocarbon, vol. 6, 1964. R 1.43 169 Sederholm, Jacob Johannes. Antevs
Damon, Paul E. 1979 Continental Uplift at Convergent Boundaries. Tectonophysics, vol. 61, 1979. R 1.43 1979-80 40 Geochronology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Geletti, B.J. Mauger, R.L. 1965 Isotopic Dating of Arizona Ore Deposits. From Transactions of SME, vol. 232, March, 1965. R 1.43 210 Anthropology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. 1965 Radiocarbon and Climate. Paper Presented at the VII International Inqua Congress, Symposium 3, Causes of Climatic Change Boulder and Denver, Colorado, August 30-Sept. 5, 1965. R 1.43 212 Sedimentation Limnology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. 1965 Pleistocene Time Scales. Science, vol. 148, no. 3673, 1965. R 1.43 215 Varves Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Long, Austin Grey, Donald C. 1966 Fluctuation of Atmospheric C-14 During the Last Six Millennia. Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 71, no. 4, 1966. R 1.43 231 New Mexico Geochronology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Mauger, Richard L. 1966 Epeirogeny-Orogeny Viewed From the Basin and Range Province. From Society of Mining Engineers, March, 1966. R 1.43 232 Pleistocene Stratigraphy Climatology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Grey, Donald C. Haynes, C. Vance., Jr. 1966 Arizona Radiocarbon Dates VI. Radiocarbon, vol. 8, 1966. R 1.43 233 Stratigraphy Geochronology Pleistocene Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Kulp, J.L. 1957 Argon in Mica and the Age of the Beryl Mountain, New Hampshire Pagmatite. American Journal of Science, vol. 255, no. 10, 1957. R 1.43 24 Archaeology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Kulp, J.L. 1957 Determination of Radiogenic Helium in Zircon by Stable Isotope Dilution Technique. American Geophysical Union Transactions, vol. 38, no. 6, 1957. R 1.43 25 Stratigraphy Pleistocene Climatology
Damon, Paul E. Laughlin, A.W. Precious, J.K. 1967 Problems of Excess Argon 40 in Volcanic Rocks. Radioactive Dating and Methods of Low Level Counting, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1967. R 1.43 271 Archaeology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Grey, Donald C. 1970 Sunspots and Carbon Dating in the Middle Ages. Chapter in Scientific Methods in Medieval Archaeology. University of California Press, Berkeley, 1970. R 1.43 279 Archeology Antevs Climatology
Damon, Paul E. 1968 Radioactive Dating of Quaternary Tephra. From means of Correlation of Quaternary Successions vol. 8, Proceeding VII Congress International Association for Quaternary Research, University of Utah Press, 1968. R 1.43 307 Archaeology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. 1968 The Relationship Between Terrestrial Factors and Climate. Meteorological Monographs, vol. 8, no. 30, February, 1968. R 1.43 308 Archaeology Southwest Museum Papers Number Eleven Antevs
Damon, Paul E. 1968 Behavior of Some Elements During Magmatic Crystallisation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 32, 1968. R 1.43 309 Stratigraphy Climatology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Kulp, J.L. 1958 Excess Helium and Argon in Beryl and Other Minerals. American Mineralogist, vol. 43, nos. 5-6, 1958. R 1.43 31 Stratigraphy Pleistocene Climatology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Mauger, Richard L. Livingston, Donald E. 1968 Cenozoic Argon Ages on Metamorphic Rocks From the Basin and Range Province. American Journal of Science, vol. 266, Summer, 1968. R 1.43 310 Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication no.469. American Geographical Society Publication no. 21. Climatology Geochronology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Livingston, Donald E. Mauger, Richard L. 1968 Geochronoliogy of the Emplacement, Enrichment, and Preservation of Arizona Porphyry Copper Deposits. Economic Geology, vol. 63, 1968. R 1.43 311 Archeology Antevs Minnesota Girl
Damon, Paul E. Laughlin, A.W. Watson, B.N. 1968 Potassium Argon Dates From Toquepapa and Michiqullay, Peru. Economic Geology, vol. 63, 1968. R 1.43 314 Archeology Antevs Climatology
Damon, Paul E. Livingston, Donald E. 1968 The Ages of Stratified Precambrian Rock Sequences in Central Arizona and Northern Sonora. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences,vol. 5, 1968. R 1.43 315 Stratigraphy Pleistocene Glaciology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Pushkar, Paul 1969 Bibliography of Chemical Products of Volcanism. Prepared for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Laboratory of Geochronometry and Geochemistry. Geochronology Department, University of Arizona, Tucson, 1969. R 1.43 390 Hydrology California Climatology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. 1970 A Theory of "Real" K-Ar Clocks. From Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 63, no. 1, 1970. R 1.43 421 Stratigraphy Pleistocene Antevs
Damon, Paul E. 1959 c. Geochemical Dating of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks in Arizona. Unlisted Source, circa 1959. R 1.43 43 Climatology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. 1970 Radiocarbon as an Example of the Unity of Science. Radiocarbon Variations and Absolute Chronology, XII Nobel Symposium Volume: John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1970. R 1.43 433 Archaeology Klamath Lake California Antevs
Damon, Paul E. 1970 c. The Relationship Between Late Cenozoic Volcanism and Tectonism and Orogenic-Epeirogenic Periodicity. From Conference on Late Cenozoic Glacial Ages, John Wiley & Sons, New York, circa1970. R 1.43 474 Archaeology Climatology Arizona Cochise Culture Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Wallick, Edward I. 1972 Changes in Atmospheric Radiocarbon Concentration During the Last Eight Millenia. From Contributions to Recent Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Nauka Publ. Office, Moscow, 1972. R 1.43 534 Hogbom, Arvid Gustaf. Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Wallick, Edward I. Long, Austin 1972 Dendrochronologic Calibration of the Carbon-14 Time Scale. International Radiocarbon Dating Conference, Welling, New Zealand, October 18-25, 1972. R 1.43 548 De Geer, Gerard. Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Teichmuller, Rolf 1971 Das Absolute Alter des Sanidinfuhrenden Kaolinischen Tonsteins im Floz Hagen 2 des Westfal C im Ruhrrevier. Fortschr.Geol.Rheinld.u.Westf.,vol. 18, Krefeld, Aug. 1971. R 1.43 588 Stratigraphy Pleistocene Glaciology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Hedge, Carl E. Taylor, Omer J. Halva, Carroll n.d. Radiometric Determination of Potassium in Silicates. From an Unlisted, Undated Source. R 1.43 59 Campbell, William Henry, 1895-1944. Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Long, Austin Wallick, E.I. 1973 Comments on, "Radiocarbon: Short-Term Variations." Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 20, 1973. R 1.43 606 Biology Biogeography Antevs
Damon, Paul E. 1960 Atmosphere, Geochemistry. McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 1960. R 1.43 65 Pleistocene stratigraphy Biogeography Antevs
Damon, Paul E. 1960 Terrestrial Nuclear Reactions. McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 1960. R 1.43 66 Climatology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Shafiqullah, M. Lynch, D.J. Peirce, H.W. 1976 Geology, Geochronology and Geochemistry of the Picacho Peak Area, Pinal County, Arizona. Arizona Geological Society Digest, vol. X, March 1976. R 1.43 700 New Mexico Cochise Mogollon Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Kunen, Steven M. 1976 Global Cooling? Science, vol. 193, August 6, 1976. R 1.43 712 Climatology Burma, Benjamin H. Sixth Plains Archeological Conference Antevs
Damon, Paul E. 1976 Solar Activity Induced Variations of Energetic Particles at One A.U. Physical Output of the Sun, University of Colorado Press, Boulder, 1976. R 1.43 714a Geomorphology. Antevs Deposition Erosion
Damon, Paul E. 1977 El Carbono 14 y la Unidad de las Ciencias. Acta Cientifica Venezolana, vol. 28, no. 4, 1977. R 1.43 746 Climatology Geomorphology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Shafiqullah, M. Peirce, H.W. 1979 An Oligocene ( ? ) Colorado Plateau Edge in Arizona. Tectonophysics, vol. 61, 1979. R 1.43 79-80 34 Canada Glaciology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Baldridge, W.S. Shafiqullah, M. Bridwell, R.J. 1980 Evolution of the Central Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico: New Potassium-Argon Ages. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 51, 1980. R 1.43 79-80 4 Cenozoic Climatology Great Basin Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Shafiqullah, M. Rehrig, W.A. 1980 Geochronology, Geology, and Listric Normal Faulting of the Vulture Mountains, Maricopa County, Arizona. Arizona Geological Society Digest, vol. XII, 1980. R 1.43 79-80 8 Geomorphology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Mckee, E.H. Best, M.G. 1980 Space-Time-Composition Patterns of Late Cenozoic Mafic Volcanism, Southwestern Utah and Adjoining Areas. American Journal of Science, vol. 280, Dec 1980. R 1.43 80-81 1 Archaeology Climatology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Giletti, Bruno J. 1961 The Age of the Basement Rocks of the Colorado Plateau and Adjacent Areas. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol 91, Article 2, April, 1961. R 1.43 81 Geochronology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Shafiqullah, M. Clark, Kenneth F. 1983 Geochronology of the Porphyry Copper Deposits and Related Mineralization of Mexico. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 20, no. 6, 1983. R 1.43 82-83 17 Archaeology Naco Mammoth Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Meijer, Arned Shafiqullah, M. Reagan, Mark Ellis, Howard Sutter, John Kling, Stanley n.d. Chronology of Volcanic Events in the Eastern Phillipine Sea. From an Unlisted, Undated Source. R 1.43 82-83 34 Climatology Dendrochronology
Damon, Paul E. Sillitoe, Richard H. Jaramillo, Luis Shafiqullah, Muhammed Escovar, Ricardo 1982 Setting, Characteristics, and Age of the Andean Porphyry Copper Belt in Columbia. Economic Geology, vol. 77, 1982. R 1.43 82-83 50 Climatology Stratigraphy Pleistocene Antevs
Damon, Paul E. 1959-70 Correlation and Chronology of Ore Deposits and Volcanic Rocks. Annual Progress Report to Research Division US Atomic Energy Commission. Geochemical Section, Geochronology Laboratories, University of Arizona, Tucson. R 1.43 846-857 Stratigraphy Pleistocene Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Livingston, Donald E. Hedge, Carl E. 1960 Geochemical Dating of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks in the Southwestern United States. Progress Report, National Science Foundation Grant (G6067), University of Arizona, May 1, 1960. R 1.43 858 Climatology New Mexico Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Kulp, J.L. 1958 Inert Gases and Evolution of the Atmosphere. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 13, 1958. R 1.43 863 Telecorrelation of varves, radiocarbon chronology and geology
Damon, Paul E. Giletti, Bruno J. 1961 Rubidium-Strontium Ages of Some Basement Rocks from Arizona and Northwest Mexico. GSA Bulletin, vol. 72, April, 1961. R 1.43 89 Climatology New Mexico Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Izett, Glen A. Naeser, Charles W. 1976 Pliocene and Pleistocene Geochronology. Geology, vol. 4, Oct. 1976. R 1.43 890 Climatology Geochronology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. 1968 Radiocarbon and Climate (A Comment On A Paper by H. Suess). From Meteorological Monographs, vol. 8, no. 30, Feb. 1968. R 1.43 893 Geochronology. Antevs
Damon, Paul E. 1970 Geochronological Method. Science, vol. 170, Oct. 2, 1970. R 1.43 894 Geochronology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. 1968 Application of the Potassium-Argon Method to the Dating of Igneous and Metamorphic Rock Within the Basin Ranges of the Southwest. Southern Arizona Guidebook III, 1968. R 1.43 895 Arizona Stratigraphy Pleistocene Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Olsson, Ingrid U., ed. 1970 Climatic Versus Magnetic Perturbation of the Atmosphic Carbon-14 Reservoir. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1970. R 1.43 897 Geochronology Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Klein, Jeffery Lerman, Juan Carlos Linick, Timothy 1980 Radiocarbon Concentration in the Atmosphere: 8000-year Record of Variations in Tree Rings. First Results of a USA Workshop. Radiocarbon, vol. 22, no. 3, 1980. R 143 80-81 23 Stratigraphy Pleistocene Climatology Arizona Antevs
Damon, Paul E. Kunen, Steven M. 1978 Reply to Letter Concerning the Paper, "Global Cooling?" by Paul E. Damon. Climatic Change, vol. 1, 1978. R 143 888 Antevs
Davis, George H. 1975 Gravity-Induced Folding Off a Gneiss Dome Complex, Rincon Mountains, Arizona. GSA Bulletin, vol. 86, July 1975. 1.43 781 Short, Maxwell Naylor.
Davis, George H. Hardy, James J., Jr. 1981 The Eagle Pass Detachment, Southeastern Arizona: Product of Mid-Miocene Listric (?) Normal Faulting in the Southern Basin and Range. GSA Bulletin, vol. 92, Oct., 1981. 1.43 81-82 41 Geological Stratigraphy.
Davis, George H. 1979 Science and Structures. The College of Wooster Alumni Magazine, Nov., 1979. R 1.43 1979-80 35 Monazite
Davis, George H. Kligfield, Roy Crespi, Jean Naruk, S. 1984 Displacement and Strain Patterns of Extensional Orogens. Tectonics, vol. 3, no. 5, Oct., 1984. R 1.43 1984 9 Butler, Gurdon Montague.
Davis, George H. 1973 Deformational History of the Caribou Strata-Bound Sulfide Deposit, Bathurst, New Brunswick, Canada: A Reply. Economic Geology, vol. 68, 1973. R 1.43 561 Crystal Morphology
Davis, George H. 1978 Experiencing Structural Geology. Journal of Geological Education, vol. 26, 1978. R 1.43 803 Bond Crystal Sphere Grinder Scientific Instruments
Davis, George H. 1981 Regional Strain Analysis of the Superposed Deformations in Southeastern Arizona and the Eastern Great Basin. Arizona Geological Society Digest, vol. 14, 1981. R 1.43 81-82 20 Kinoite Arizona
Davis, George H. 1983 Shear-Zone Model for the Origin of Metamorphic Core Complexes. Geology, vol. 11, June 1983. R 1.43 82-83 49 Phoenicochroite
Davis, George H. 1975 Tectonic Analysis of Folds in the Colorado Plateau of Arizona. Office of Arid Lands Studies Bulletin 9. August 1975. R 1.43 860 Yavapaiite
Davis, George H. 1979 Laramide Folding and Faulting in Southeastern Arizona. American Journal of Science, vol. 279, May, 1979. R 1.43 880 Tennantite Quiruvilca Peru
Davis, George H. Coney, Peter J. 1979 Geologic Development of the Cordillera Metamorphic Core Complexes. Geology, vol. 7, March, 1979. R 1.43 883 Tennantite Quiruvilca Peru
Davis, George H. 1977 Monocline Fold Pattern of the Colorado Plateau. GSA, Memoir 151, 1977. R 1.43 884 Jurbanite Arizona
Davis, George H. 1972 Deformational History of the Caribou Strata-Bound Sulfide Deposit, Bathurst, New Brunswick, Canada. Economic Geology, vol. 67, 1972. R 1.43 544 Lithiophilite Crystals Foote Mine
Davis, George H., et al Bump, Alexander P. Garcia, Pilar E. Ahlgren, Stephen G. 2000 Conjugate Riedel Deformation Band Shear Zones. Journal of Structural Geology, 22, 2000. 1.43 2000 1 Arizona Volcanics
Davis, Jerry D. Guilbert, John M. 1973 Distribution of the Radioelements Potassium, Uranium and Thorium in Selected Porphyry Copper Deposits. Economic Geology, vol. 68, no. 2, March-April, 1973. R 1.43 560 Hemihedrite Arizona
Davis, Owen K. 1984 Pollen Frequencies Reflect Vegetation Patterns in a Great Basin Mountain Range. Review of Paleobotany and Palynology, 40, 1983-1984. R 1.43 84 6 Hemihedrite
Davis, Owen K. Turner, Raymond M. 1986 Palynological Evidence for the Historic Expansion of Juniper and Desert Shrubs in Arizona. Review of Paleobotany and Palynology 49, 1986. R 1.43 1986 5 Legrandite.
Davis, Owen K., ed. Jacobs, Bonnie F., ed. Fall, Patricia L., ed. 1985 Late Quaternary Vegetation and Climates of the American Southwest. The American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Foundation, Dec., 1985. 1.43 1985 4 Connellite.
DeCook, K.J. Popkin, B.P. Schreiber, J.F., Jr. Sumner, J.S. 1980 Exploration for Salt Water Supply for Shrimp Aquaculture, Puerto Penasco, Sonora, Mexico. Water-Supply Study Team, Water Resources Research Center, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. Reprinted From: Hydrology and Water Resources in Arizona and the Southwest, vol. 10, 1980. Paper Originally Presented by B.W. Popkin at the Arizona Section, American Water Resources Assoc. and the Hydrology Section, AZ, Nevada Academy of Science Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, April 11, 1980. R 1.43 79-80 5 Paleohydrology Texas
Dickinson, William R. Klute, Margaret A. Swift, Peter N. 1986 The Bisbee Basin and its Bearing on Late Mesozoic Paleogeographic and Paleotectonic Relations Between the Cordilleran and Caribbean Regions. In: Cretaceous Stratigraphy Western North America. SEPM, Los Angeles, 1986. 1.43 1986 9 Paleofloods Hydrology
Dickinson, William R. Soreghan, Gerilyn S. 1994 Generic Types of Stratigraphic Cycles Controlled by Eustacy. Geology, vol. 22, August 1994. 1.43 1994 10 Palaeohydrology Holocene Slack water Sediment
Dickinson, William R. Force, Eric R. 1994 Tucson Wash-An Introduction to New Work in the San Manuel and Mammoth Districts, Pinal County, Arizona. USGS Circular 1103-B, 1994. 1.43 1994 14 Paleofloods Australia
Dickinson, William R. Soreghan, Gerilyn S. Giles, Katherin A. 1994 Glacio-Eustatic Origin of Permo-Carboniferous Stratigraphic Cycles: Evidence From the Southern Cordilleran Foreland Region. Tectonic and Eustatic Controls on Sedimentary Cycles, SEPM Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology, # 4, 1994. 1.43 1994 3 Paleohydrology Fluvial
Dickinson, William R. Gleason, James D. Patchett, P. Jonathan Ruiz, Joaquin 1994 Nd Isotope Link Ouachita Turbidites to Appalachian Sources. Geology, vol. 22, April 1994. 1.43 1994 7 Mars Channels Astro Geology Planetary Geology
Dickinson, William R. Gehrels, George E. 1995 Detrital Zircon Provenance of Cambriam to Triassic Miogeologiclinal and Eugeoclinal Strata in Nevada. American Journal of Science, vol. 295, January, 1995. 1.43 1995 1 Paleofloods Slack water
Dickinson, William R. Force, Eric R. Hagstrum, Jonathan T. 1995 Tilting History of the San Manuel-Kalamazoo Porphyry System, Southeastern Arizona. Economic Geology, vol. 90, 1995. 1.43 1995 2 Mars Valleys Astro Geology Volcanoes
Dickinson, William R. 1995 The Times Are Always Changing: The Holocene Saga. Presidential Address Presented at the Annual Meeting of the GSA, Oct. 1994. GSA Bulletin, January, 1995 vol. 107, no. 1. 1.43 1995 3 Southwestern United States Floods
Dickinson, William R. Mayer, Larry 1984 Time-Thickness Bar Diagrams: Simultaneous Display of Lithostratigraphic Thickness and Chronostratigraphic Range. Geology, vol. 12, January 1984. 1.43 84 5 Venusian channels Meander properties
Dickinson, William R. Suczek, Christopher A. 1979 Plate Tectonics and Sandstone Compositions. AAPG Bulletin, vol. 63, no. 12, Dec. 1979. R 1.43 79-80 31 Urbanization Desert Geological Society of America. Memoir 174.
Dickinson, William R. Valloni, Renzo 1980 Plate Settings and Provenance of Sands in Modern Ocean Basins. Geology, vol. 8, February 1980. R 1.43 79-80 33 Organic Solids Molecular Analysis
Dickinson, William R. Shutler, Richard., Jr. 1979 Petrography of Sand Tempers in Pacific Islands Potsherds: Summary. GSA Bulletin, Part I, vol. 90, November, 1979. R 1.43 79-80 36 Dendrochronology
Dickinson, William R. Snyder, Walter S. 1979 c. Plate Tectonics of the Laramide Orogeny. GSA Memoir 151, circa1979. R 1.43 79-80 49 Tree rings Dendrochronology
Dickinson, William R. 1981 Plate Tectonics Through Geologic Time. Phil. Trans. Royal Society of London, A 301, 1981. R 1.43 80-81 17 Radiocarbon Dating Dendrochronology
Dickinson, William R. 1980 Plate Tectonics and Key Petrologic Associations. From The Continental Crust and its Mineral Deposits. Geological Association of Canada Special Paper 20. J.T. Wilson volume-1980. R 1.43 80-81 18 Radiocarbon Dating
Dickinson, William R. Ingersoll, Raymond V. Cowan, Darrel S. Helmond, Kenneth P. Suczek, Christopher A. 1982 Provenance of Franciscan Graywackes in Coastal California. GSA Bulletin, vol. 93, February 1982. R 1.43 81-82 11 Tree Rings Rio Grande New Mexico
Dickinson, William R. Harbaugh, Dwight W. 1981 Depositional Facies of Mississippian Clastics, Antler Foreland Basin, Central Diamond Mountains, Nevada. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, vol. 51, no. 4, Dec., 1981. R 1.43 81-82 8 Tree Rings Dendrochronology
Dickinson, William R. 1982 Compositions of Sandstones in Circum-Pacific Subduction Complexes and Fore-Arc-Basins. AAPG Bulletin, vol. 66, no. 2, Feb., 1982. R 1.43 81-82 9 Paleocene Paleomagnetic Volcanics Gringo Gulch
Dickinson, William R. Harbaugh, Dwight W. Snyder, Walter S. Saller, Arthur H. Heller, Paul L. 1983 Detrital Modes of Upper Paleozoic Sandstones Derived From Antler Orogen in Nevada: Implications for Nature of Antler Orogeny. American Journal of Science, vol. 283, June 1983. R 1.43 82-83 47 Paleomagnetism Volcanics Gringo Gulch Roskruge
Dickinson, William R. Saller, Arthur H. 1982 Alluvial to Marine Facies Transition in the Antler Overlap Sequence, Pennsylvanian and Permian of North-Central Nevada. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, vol. 52, no. 3, Sept., 1982. R 1.43 82-83 48 Ore Deposits
Dickinson, William R. Helmond, Kenneth P. Stein, Jeffery A. 1979 Mesozoic Lithic Sandstones in Central Oregon. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, vol. 49, no. 2, June, 1979. R 1.43 871 North America Sandstone Tectonics
Dickinson, William R., ed. Payne, William D. 1981 Plate Tectonic Evolution of the Southern Cordillera from Relations of Tectonics to Ore Deposits in the Southern Cordillera. Arizona Geological Society Digest, vol. XIV, Tucson, 1981. R 1.43 81-82 10 Arizona Santa Catalinas
Donahue, T.H. Stafford, T.W., Jr. Jull, A.J.T. Zabel, T.H. Duhamel, R.C. Brendal, K. Haynes, C.V., Jr. 1984 Holocene Age of the Yuha Burial: Direct Radiocarbon Determinations by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. Nature, vol. 308, March 29, 1984. 1.43 1984 10 Altipano Crust Bolivia
Downey, Joe S. 1962 Leporidae of the Tusker Local Fauna from Southeastern Arizona. Journal of Paleontology, vol. 36, no. 5, September, 1962. R 1.43 107 Radiocarbon Dating Radiocarbon Arizona
Downey, Joe S. 1968 Late Pliocene Lagomorphs of the San Pedro Valley, Arizona. USGS Professional Paper 600-D, 1968. R 1.43 323 Argon Mineral Assemblages
Downey, Joe S. 1970 Middle Pleistocene Leporidae from the San Pedro Valley, Arizona. USGS Professional Paper 700-B, 1970. R 1.43 419 Salt River Canyon Arizona
Dubois, Robert L. Laidley, Richard L. 1964 Dome-Shaped Volcanic Gas Vents in Arizona. Science, vol. 145, July 1964. R 1.43 957 Fauna Vertebrates Italy
Ely, Lisa L. Baker, Victor R. 1985 Geomorphic Surfaces in the Tucson Basin, Arizona: A Field Guidebook. Prepared for the workshop Global Mega Geomorphology Administration and the International Union of the Geological Sciences. Convened at SunSpace Ranch, Oracle, Arizona, Jan. 14-17, 1985. Dept. of Geosciences, The University of Arizona. R 1.43 1985 3 Fire Southwest United States
Engle, Michael J. Nagy, Bartholomew Zumberge, John E. 1977 Kinetics of Amino Acid Racemization in Seoiadendron Giganteum Heartwood. From Analytical Biochemistry, vol. 82, 1977. R 1.43 782 Fuel-wood Pinyon-Juniper
Engle, Michael J., jt au. Nagy, Bartholomew Zumberge, John E. 1980 Amino Acids in Bristlecone Pine: An Evaluation of Factors Affecting Racemization Rates and Paleothermometry. Offprints from Biogeochemistry of Amino Acids, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1980. R .143 79-80 48 Volcanic Rocks Laramide Arizona
Erickson, Rolfe C. 1968 Geology and Geochronology of the Dos Cabezas Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona. Arizona Geological Society Guidebook III, 1968. R 1.43 318 Cat Mountain Rhyolite
Evensen, Charles G. McKee, Edwin D. Grundy, Wilbur David. 1953 Studies in Sedimentology of the Shinarump Conglomerate of Northern Arizona. Department of Geology, University of Arizona, Tucson, for United States Atomic Energy Commission, Technical Information Service, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, August 1953. R 1.43 969 Volcanic Rocks Laramide Arizona
Felger, Richard Moser, Mary B. 1970 Seri Use of Agave (Century Plant). Kiva, vol. 35, no. 4, 1970. R 1.43 426 Tucson Geochronology Pima County Arizona
Ferguson, C.W. Mehringer, P.J., Jr. 1969 The Pluvial Expansion of Bristlecone Pine (Pinus Aristata) in a Mohave Desert Mountain Range. From Journal of the Academy of Science, vol. 5, no. 4, October, 1969. R 1.43 379 Isotopic Studies Arizona Pima County Roskruge Mountains
Ferguson, C.W. Long, Austin Damon, P.E. Wallick, E.I. 1974 Dendrochronologic Calibration of the Radiocarbon Time Scale. American Antiquity, vol 39, No. 2 (part 1), April, 1974. R 1.43 661 Arizona Guidebooks Roskruge Mountains
Ferguson, C.W. 1968 Bristlecone Pine: Science and Esthetics. Science, vol. 159, no. 3817, February 23, 1968. R 1.43 938 Aqueous Solutions Epidote Feldspar Geologic Systems Mineral Assemblages
Ferguson, C.W. 1973 Dendrochronology of Bristlecone Pine. Terminal Report September 1973. NSF Grant GA-20618. Laboratory of Tree Ring Research, College of Earth Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson. R 1.43 939 Aqueous Solutions Epidote Feldspar Geologic Systems Mineral Assemblages
Ferguson, C.W. Huber, B. Suess, H.E. 1966 Determination of the Age of Swiss Lake Dwellings as an Example of Dendrochronologically Calibrated Radiocarbon Dating. From Zeitschrift fur Naturforschug Band 21a Heft 7, 1966. R 1.43 940 Gravity Anomalies Tectonics Strait of Gibralter Gravity
Ferguson, C.W., Jt. Auth. Adam, D.P. LaMarch, V.C., Jr. 1967 Enclosed Bark as a Pollen Trap. From Science, vol. 157, no. 3792, September 1, 1967. R 1.43 267 Isotopic Studies Laramide Arizona
Flanagan, Peter W. Wait, J.R. 1984 Induced Polarization Response of Disseminated Mineralization for Spheroidal Geometries. Radio Science, Published by the American Geophysical Union, November 1984. R 1.43 84 4 Bungei Copepoda Calanoids Ellesmere
Flessa, Karl W. Brown, Timothy J. 1983 Selective Solution of Macroinvertebrate Calcareous Hard Parts: A Laboratory Study. Lethaia Review, vol. 16, 1983. 1.43 81-82 39 Floodplain Quaternary Sedimentation and Deposition Missouri
Flessa, Karl W. 1976 Large Scale Extinctions. Nature, vol. 264, no. 5584. R 1.43 747 Radiocarbon Dating Tennessee Alluvial Stratigraphy
Flessa, Karl W. Levinton, Jeffery S. 1975 Phanerozoic Diversity Patterns: Tests for Randomness. Journal of Geology, vol. 83, 1975. R 1.43 748 Archaeology Stratigraphy Recording Techniques
Flessa, Karl W. Levinton, Jeffery S. 1976 Phanerozoic Diversity Patterns: Reply. Journal of Geology, vol. 84, 1976. R 1.43 749 Erosion Holocene Stream
Flessa, Karl W. 1976 Review-of Snakes, Steam Engines and Selection. Complex Adaptations in Evolving Population. Paleobiology, vol. 2, no. 2, Spring, 1976. R 1.43 750 Supernova Quaternary Paleoenvironmental Effects
Flessa, Karl W. Richard, Glenn A. Cushman, Mary K. Wolff, M.P., ed. 1975 Trip A-6 Afternoon: Sedimentary Dynamics of a Coastal Pond: Flax Pond, Old Field, Long Island, New York. From Guidebook to Field Excursions of the 47th Meeting of the New York State Geological Association, October 31-November 2, 1975. R 1.43 751 Arizona Guadelupian Parafusulina Shinarump
Flessa, Karl W. Powers, Kenneth V. Cisne, John L. 1975 Specialization and Evolutionary Longevity in the Anthropoda. Paleobiology, vol. 1, no. 1, Winter, 1975. R 1.43 786 Arizona Magnetostratigraphy Verde Formation Late Tertiary
Flessa, Karl W. 1975 Area, Continental Drift and Mammalian Diversity. Paleobiology, vol. 1, no. 2, Spring 1975. R 1.43 787 Paleozoic Cretaceous Stratigraphy Tucson
Flessa, Karl W. 1973 Evolutionary Pulsations: Evidence From Phanerozoic Diversity Patterns. Implications of Continental Drift to the Earth Sciences, vol. 1, NATO Advanced Study Institute. Academic Press, 1973. R 1.43 793 Type Species Paleontology Producted Genera
Flessa, Karl W. Bray, Ron G. 1977 On the Measurement of Size-Independent Morphological Variability: An Example Using Successive Populations of a Devonian Spiriferid Brachiopod. From Microbiology, vol. 3, 1977. R 1.43 795 Permian Formations Arizona
Flessa, Karl W. 1980 Biological Effects of Plate Tectonics and Continental Drift. BioScience, vol. 30, no. 8, August 1980. R 1.43 79-80 25 Arizona Paleozoic Formations
Flessa, Karl W. Miyazaki, Joan M. 1978 Trends in Trans-North Atlantic Commonality Among Phanerozoic Invertebrates and Plate Tectonic Events. From GSA Bulletin, vol. 39, no. 3, March, 1978. R 1.43 800 Stratigraphy Volcanos Tucson Arizona
Flessa, Karl W. Balsam, William L. Kipp, N.G. Dubois, Lisa G. 1980 Planktonic Foraminiferal Diversity in the Interglacial and Glacial North Atlantic: A Test of Diversity Gradients as a Paleoceanographic Technique. From Geology, vol. 8, December, 1980. R 1.43 80-81 10 Alluvial Fans
Flessa, Karl W. Balsam, William L. 1978 Patterns of Planktonic Foraminiferal Abundance and Diversity in Surface Sediments of the Western North Atlantic. In Marine Micropaleontology, vol. 3, 1978. R 1.43 833 Geomorphology Quantitative Geomorphology
Flessa, Karl W. Barnett, Stockton G. Cornue, David B. Lomaga, M.A. Lombardi, N. Miyazaki, J.M. Murer, Anthony S. 1979 Geologic Implications of the Relationship Between Mammalian Faunal Similarity and Geographic Distance. From Geology, vol. 7, no. 1, January 1979. R 1.43 866 Alluvial Fans Alluvial Deposits Stratigraphy
Flynn, Lawrence J. 1982 Variability of Incisor Enamel Microstructure within Gerbillus. Journal of Mammology, vol. 63, no. 1, 1982. R 1.43 80-81 16 Mining Gravel Urban Stream Beds Southwest United States
Flynn, Lawrence J. 1982 Systematic Revision of Siwalik Rhizomyidae (Rodentia). Geobios, no. 15, fasc. 3, Lyon, juin 1982. R 1.43 81-82 13 Landforms Allometric Change
Flynn, Lawrence J. Jacobs, Louis L. 1982 Effects of Changing Environments on Siwalik Rodent Faunas of Northern Pakistan. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 38, 1982. R 1.43 81-82 14 Tectonics Geomorphology California
Flynn, Lawrence J. 1982 Age of the Lufeng, China, Hominoid Locality. Nature, vol. 298, no. 5876, August, 1982. R 1.43 82-83 45 Gravel Arid Regions Stream Systems
Flynn, Lawrence J. 1982 A Revision of Fossil Rhizomyid Rodents From Northern India and Their Correlation to a Rhizomyid Biochronology of Pakistan. Geobios, no. 5, gsdv. 5, August 5, 1982. R 1.43 82-83 46 Aggradation Grade Base Level
Flynn, Lawrence J. Wahlert, John H. 1978 SEM Study of Rodent Incisors: Preparation and viewing. Curator, April, 1978. R 1.43 916 Climatology Israel Watershed Department of Geosciences Contribution no. 904
Fritts, Harold C. Lofgren, G. Robert Gordon, Geoffrey A. 1979 Variations in Climate Sine 1602 as Reconstructed From Tree Rings. Quaternary Research, vol. 12, 1979. R 1.43 79-80 37 Streams Department of Geosciences Contribution no. 903.
Fritts, Harold C. Lofgren, G. Robert Gordon, Geoffrey A. 1979 Past Climate Reconstructed from Tree Rings. Laboratory of Tree Ring Research, University of Arizona, Tucson, 1979. R 1.43 79-80 38 Magnetite Titanomagnetite Grain Size
Fritts, Harold C. Lofgren, G. Robert 1978 Patterns of Climatic Change Revealed Through Dendroclimatology. Laboratory of Tree Ring Research, University of Arizona, Tucson, October, 1978. R 1.43 837 Metallic Iron Grain Size
Fritts, Harold C. Smith, David G. Stokes, Marvin A. 1965 The Biological Model for Paleoclimatic Interpretation of Mesa Verde Tree-Ring Series. From American Antiquity vol. 31, no. 2, part 2, October, 1965. R 1.43 941 Moon Meteorites Magnetism Physics
Fritts, Harold C. 1966 Growth-Rings of Trees: Their Correlation with Climate. From Science, vol. 154, no. 3752, November 25, 1966. R 1.43 942 Basalts Oceanic Pillow Macquarie Island Magnetics
Fritts, Harold C. 1974 Relationships of Ring Widths in Arid-Site Conifers to Variations in Monthly Temperature and Precipitation. From Ecological Monographs, vol. 44, no. 4, Autumn 1974. R 1.43 943 Basalts Oceanic Pillow Macquarie Island Magnetics
Fritts, Harold C. 1969 Tree-Ring Analysis: A Tool for Water Resources Research. From American Geophysical Union, vol. 50, no. 1, January, 1969. R 1.43 944 Magnetostratigraphy San Juan New Mexico Cretaceous
Fritts, Harold C. Smith, David G. Cardis, John W. Budelsky, Carl A. 1965 Tree-Ring Characteristics Along a Vegetation Gradient in Northern Arizona. From Ecology, vol. 46, no. 4, Summer, 1965. R 1.43 945 Magnetostratigraphy Cretaceous Tertiary New Mexico
Fritts, Harold C. 1965 Tree-Ring Evidence for Climatic Changes in Western North America. From Monthly Weather Review, vol. 93, no. 7, 1965. R 1.43 946 Magnetic Polarity Paleocene Eocene Pacific Plates
Ganguly, Jibamitra Ghose, Subrata 1979 Aluminous Orthopyroxene: Order-Disorder, Thermodynamic Properties, and Petrologic Implications. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, vol. 69, 1979. R 1.43 1979 23 Stratigraphy Biostratigraphy Wyoming Magnetic Polarity
Ganguly, Jibamitra 1976 The Energetics of Natural Garnet Solid Solution. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, vol. 55, 1976. R 1.43 716 Mammals Patagonia
Ganguly, Jibamitra 1977 Solubility of K in Fe-S Liquid, Silicate-K-(FeS)liq Equilibria, and Their Planetary Implications. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 35, 1977. R 1.43 784 Paleomagnetism Arizona Canelo Hills Late Jurassic
Ganguly, Jibamitra Saxena, S.K., ed. Bhattacharji, ed. 1977 Compositional Variables and Chemical Equilibrium in Metamorphism. In Energetics of Geological Processes, 1977. R 1.43 801 Mineralogy Wyoming New Mexico Continental Deposits
Ganguly, Jibamitra Ghose, Subrata Saxena, S.K., ed. 1982 Mg-Fe Order-Disorder in Ferromagnesian Silicates. II: Thermodynamics, Kinetics, and Geological Applications. Reprinted From Advances in Physical Geochemistry, vol. 2, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1982. R 1.43 82-83 43 Arizona Paleomagnetism Jurassic California
Ganguly, Jibamitra 1982 Thermodynamics of the Oxygen Isotope Fractionation Involving Plagioclase. Earth and Planetary Science Latters 61, 1982. R 1.43 82-83 44 Dragonian Mammals Utah Stratigraphy
Ganguly, Jibamitra 1979 Garnet and Clinopyroxene Solid Solutions, and Geothermometry Based on Fe-Mg Distribution Coefficient. From Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 43, 1979. R 1.43 873 Permian Arizona Sedimentary Environments
Ganguly, Jibamitra, jt.au. Lane, Douglas L. 1980 Al2O3 Solubility in Orthoproxene in the System MgO-Al2O3-SiO2: A Reevaluation, and Mantle Geotherm. Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 85, no. B12, Dec. 10, 1980. R 1.43 80-81 22 Tortilla Mountains Arizona Kink Folding
Gehrels, George E. Miller, Lance D. Golfarb, Richard J. Snee, Lawrence W. 1994 Genetic Links Among Fluid Cycling, Vein Formation, Regional Deformation, and Plutonism in the Juneau Gold Belt, Southeastern Alaska. Geology, March 1994. 1.43 1994 18 Arizona Tusker Locality 111 Ranch Fosil Sigmodon
Geological Society of America 1970 Rock Color Chart. Rock Color Chart Committee. Boulder, CO, GSA, 1970. R 1.32 GSA Continental Drift Continents
Gerlach, Terrence M. Nordlie, Bert E. 1975 The C-O-H-S Gaseous System, Part I: Composition Limits and Trends in Basaltic Gases. Part II: Temperature, Atomic Composition, and Molecular Equilibria in Volcanic Gases. Part III: Magmatic Gases Compatible with Oxides and Sulfides in Basaltic Magmas. American Journal of Science, vol. 275, Apr. 1975. R 1.43 684 685 686 Mexico Guerrero Terrane Geochemistry Cordillera
Gottesfeld, Allen S. 1972 Paleoecology of the Lower Part of the Chinle Formation in the Petrified Forest. From Investigations in the Triassic Chinle Formation: Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin 47, 1972. R 1.43 947 Mexico Guerrero Terrane Geochemistry Cordillera
Gould, Lawrence M. 1965 New Introduction. In Attending Marvels--a Patagonian Journal by G.G. Simpson, New York, Time Life Books, 1965. R 1.43 217 Isotopic Studies Idaho Flourite Eocene
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Gould, Lawrence M. 1965 Mirror to Man, Introduction and Discussion. From Mayo Clinic Proceedings, Mayo Centennial Symposium, vol. 40, no. 1, 1965. R 1.43 219 California Purisima Hills Vegetation
Gould, Lawrence M. 1969 While There is Still Time. From Bell Telephone Magazine, Jan.-Feb. 1969. R 1.43 391 Animal Remains Grand Canyon Arizona Late Quaternary
Gould, Lawrence M. 1970 Emergence of Antarctica; the Mythical Land. From Atomic Scientist Bulletin, vol. 26, no. 10, 1970. R 1.43 436 Cliff Retreat Grand Canyon Arizona
Gould, Lawrence M. 1970 Paul Allman Siple Memorial. From the Geographical Review, vol. 60, no. 1, 1970. R 1.43 437 Vegetation Zonation Quaternary Grand Canyon
Gould, Lawrence M. 1971 The History of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR). In Research in the Antarctic, American Association of the Advancement of Science, 1971. R 1.43 500 Animal Remains Sonoran Desert Arizona California.
Gould, Lawrence M. 1971 Memorial to Duncan Stewart. From GSA, Sept. 1971. R 1.43 502 California Sierra Nevada Kings Canyon Vegetation
Gould, Lawrence M. 1971 Antarctica, The World's Greatest Laboratory. From American Scholar, vol. 40, no. 3, 1971. R 1.43 503 Volcanic Rocks Mogollon Datil New Mexico
Gould, Lawrence M. 1972 Antarctica. From Encyclopedia Britannica, Book of the Year, 1972. R 1.43 591 Plate Tectonics Laramide Laramide Oregeny Tectonics
Gray, Jane Martin, Paul S. 1962 Pollen Analysis and the Cenozoic. Science, vol. 137, no. 3524, July 13, 1962. R 1.43 Volcanic Stratigraphy Mogollon Plateau New Mexico Gravity
Gray, Jane n.d. Micropaleobotanical Research on the Late Tertiary Sediments of Arizona. From unlisted and undated source. R 1.43 56 Benioff Zones Cordilleran
Gray, Jane 1960 Late Tertiary Microflora from the Basin and Range Province, Arizona. From Science, vol. 132, no. 3420, Jul. 15, 1960. R 1.43 63 Plate Tectonics Arizona Southeastern Arizona Tectonics
Gray, Jane 1960 Temperate Pollen Genera in the Eocene (Claiborne) Flora, Alabama. From Science, vol. 132, no. 3430, Sept., 1960. R 1.43 64 Mesozoic Cenozoic Tectonics GSA Memoir 152.
Gray, Jane 1961 Early Pleistocene Plaeoclimatic Record From Sonoran Desert, Arizona. From Science vol 133, no. 3445, Jan. 6, 1961. R 1.43 82 Evolution Tertiary Cordilleran Metamorphic Core Complexes.
Gray, Jane 1960 Fossil Chlorophycean Algae From the Miocene of Oregon. Journal of Paleontology, vol. 34, no. 3, May, 1960. R 1.43 932 Wrangellia Clear Water Mountains Alaska Structural Relations.
Gray, Jane Langenheim, R.L., Jr. Smiley, C.J. 1960 Cretaceous Amber From the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska. From GSA Bulletin, vol. 71, Sept., 1960. R 1.43 958 Cordilleran Suspect Terranes Cordilleran Terranes Suspect Terranes
Gray, Robert S. 1964 Late Cenozoic Geology of Hindu Canyon, Arizona. From Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science vol. 3, no. 1, Mar., 1964. R 1.43 173 Plate Tectonics Gulf of Mexico Tectonics Atlantic Ocean
Gray, Robert S. 1967 Petrography of the Upper Cenozoic Non-Marine Sediments in the San Pedro Valley, Arizona. From Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, Sep., 1967. R 1.43 266 Precambrain Paleozoic Arizona Crystalline
Graybeal, Frederick T. 1971 Atomic Absorption Major Element Analysis Using Lithium Metaborate Fusion Technique and Some Possible Applications to Ore Finding. From Arizona Geological Digest, vol. IX, Dec., 1971. R 1.43 488 GSA Memoir 153 Cordilleran Metamorphic Core Complexes
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Grey, Donald C. Haynes, C. Vance., Jr. 1965 The Sister's Hill Site and it's Bearing on the Wyoming Postglacial Alluvial Chronology. Plains Anthropologist Journal of the Plains Conference, vol. 10-, no. 29, 1965. R 1.43 211 Jurassic Deformation McCoy Mountains Southeastern California Southwestern Arizona
Grey, Donald C. Long, Austin Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. 1971 Arizona Radiocarbon Dates VIII. Radiocarbon, vol. 13, no. 1, 1971. R 1.43 476 North America Tectonostratigraphy Tectonics
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Guilbert, John M. 1981 A Plate Tectonic Lithotectonic Classification of Ore Deposits. Arizona Geological Society Digest, Vol. 14, 1981. R 1.43 81-82 15
Guilbert, John M. Schafer, Robert W. 1977 Preliminary Geochemical Characterization of Muscovites in Porphyry Base Metal Alteration Assemblages. Fifth Iagod Quadrennial Symposium, 1977?. R 1.43 913 Upper Devonian Fossils Mississippian Cannery Formation
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Halva, Carroll n.d. A Semi-Micro Analysis of Silicate Rocks for Ca, FE, and AL Employing E.D.T.A. From an Unlisted, Undated Source. R 1.43 60 Chile Microplankton Lena Dura Formation Tertiary
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Handverger, Paul A. Marsh, Bruce D. 1971 Reconnaissance Geology of Isla Mejia, Gulf of California, Mexico, Part I-Geology. Arizona Geological Digest, vol. IX, Dec. 1971. R 1.43 490 Palynology Fossil Pollen Seymour Island Antarctica
Harshbarger, John W. 1961 Ground Water Geology. From: What is Geology?: Arizona University, Studies in Geology vol. 1, 1961. R 1.43 92 Antarctica McMurdo Sound Tertiary Microfossils
Harshbarger, John W. n.d. Use of Ground Water in Arizona. From Climate and Man in the Southwest, vol. XXVIII, no. 4, University of Arizona Bulletin, no date. R 1.43 949 Palynology Pollen Southern Hemisphere Dacrydioides
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Haury, Emil W. 1956 Two Fossil Elephant Kill Sites in the American Southwest. From Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Congress of Americanists, Copenhagen, 1956. R 1.43 26 Antarctica McMurdo Sound Hystrichospheres Cordosphaeridium
Haury, Emil W. Sayles, E.B. Wasely, William W. 1959 The Lehner Mammoth Site, Southeastern Arizona. American Antiquity, vol. 25, no. 1, 1959. R 1.43 39 Palynology Antarctica Pollen
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Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. Stafford, T.W., Jr. Jull, A.J.T. Zabel, T.H. Donahue, D.J. 1984 Holocene Age of the Yuha Burial: Direct Radiocarbon Determinations by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. Nature, vol. 308, March 19, 1984. 1.43 1984 Rapa Island Coal Microfossils
Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. 1990 The Antevs-Bryan Years and the Legacy for Paleoindian Geochronology. In: " Establishment of a Geologic Framework for Paleoanthropology," GSA Special Paper 242, 1990. 1.43 1990 12 Palynology Pacific
Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. 1964 Fluted Projectile Points: Their Age and Dispersion. From Science, vol. 145, no. 3639, Sept. 25, 1964. R 1.43 170 Antarctica Nothofagus
Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. 1964 The Geologist's Role in Pleistocene Paleoecology and Archaeology. Ft. Burgwin Research Center, New Mexico, no. 3, 1964. R 1.43 176 Palynology Preoligocene Antarctica Climate
Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. Mehringer, P.J., Jr. 1965 The Pollen Evidence for the Environment of Early Man and Extinct Mammals at the Lehner Mammoth Site. American Antiquity, vol. 31, no. 1, Jul. 1965. R 1.43 206 Subantarctic Pollen Spores Lyallia of Kerguelen
Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. Doberenz, A.R. Allen, Jack A. 1966 Geological and Geochemical Evidence Concerning the Antiquity of Bone Tools from Tule Springs, Site 2 Clarke County, Nevada. From American Antiquity, vol. 31, no. 4, Apr. 1966. R 1.43 228 Argon Mica Beryl Mountain New Hampshire
Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. 1966 Radiocarbon Samples: Chemical Removal of Plant Contaminants. From Science, vol. 151, no. 3716, Mar. 18, 1966. R 1.43 229 Helium Zircon Isotope Dilution Radiogenic
Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. Agogino, George A. n.d. Prehistoric Springs and Geochronology of the Clovis Site, New Mexico. From an Unlisted, Undated Source. R 1.43 234 Helium Argon Minerals Beryl
Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. 1967 Carbon-14 Dates and Early Man in the New World. Chapter from Pleistocene Extinctions, the Search for a Cause. Yale University Press, New Haven, 1967. R 1.43 261 Inert Gases Atmosphere Evolution
Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. Mehringer, P.J., Jr. Martin, Paul S. 1967 Murray Springs, A Mid-Postglacial Pollen Record From Southern Arizona. From American Journal of Science, vol. 265, Nov. 1967. R 1.43 269 Igneous Rocks Metamorphic Rocks Geochemical Dating Southwestern United States
Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. 1968 Geochronology of Late-Quaternary Alluvium. From means of Correlation of Quaternary Successions vol. 8, Proceeding VII Congress International Association for Quaternary Research, University of Utah Press, 1968. R 1.43 306 Atmosphere Geochemistry.
Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. Hemmings, E. Thomas 1968 Mammoth-Bone Wrench From Murray Springs, Arizona. From Science, vol. 159, no. 3811, 1968. R 1.43 316 Terrestrial Nuclear Nuclear Reactions
Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. 1968 Preliminary Report on the Late Quaternary Geology of the San Pedro Valley, Arizona. From Arizona Geological Society Guidebook III, 1968. R 1.43 321 Basement Rocks Colorado Colorado Plateau
Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. 1968 Radiocarbon: Analysis of Inorganic Carbon of Fossil Bone and Enamel. From Science, vol. 161, Aug. 16, 1968. R 1.43 324 Rubidium-Strontium Mexico Rocks Arizona
Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. Hemmings, E. Thomas 1969 The Escapule Mammoth and Associated Projectile Points, San Pedro Valley, Arizona. Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science, vol. 5, Mar. 1969. R 1.43 378 Metamorficas
Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. 1976 Ecology of Early Man in the New World. From Geoscience and Man vol. XIII (Ecology of the Pleistocene, a Symposium). LSU School of Geoscience, Baton Rouge, 1976. R 1.43 741 Precambrio
Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. 1976 Late Quaternary Geology of the Lower Pomme de Terre Valley. In: Prehistoric Man and His Environment: A Case Study in the Ozark Highland: Academic Press, New York, 1976. R 1.43 742 Isotope Metamorphic Rocks
Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. 1980 Journey to the Gilf Kebir and Uweinat, Southwest Egypt, 1978. The Geographical Journal, vol. 146, Part I, Mar. 1980. R 1.43 79-80 26 K-Ar Dating Potassium Argon Geochronology Arizona
Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. 1980 Paleoindian Charcoal From Meadowcroft Rockshelter: Is Contamination a Problem? American Antiquity, vol. 45, no. 3, 1980. R 1.43 79-80 27 Arizona Radiocarbon Radiocarbon Dating
Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. Mehringer, P.J., Jr. Zaghloul, El Sayed Abbas 1979 Pluvial Lakes of North-Western Sudan. The Geographical Journal, vol. 145, part 3, Nov. 1979. R 1.43 79-80 28 Helium Age Dating Isotope Dilution Technique Helium Methods
Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. Maxwell, Ted A. 1981 Desert Navigation. The Results of the Field Studies Carried out in the Southwestern desert of Egypt in the Period between September 25 and October 8, 1978. In: Annals of the Geological Survey of Egypt, vol. XI, 1981. Published by the Geological Survey of Egypt and Mining Authority, Cairo, 1981. R 1.43 81-82 Hay Magnetite Pennsylvania Ore Deposits Ore
Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. 1965 Genesis of the White Cloud and Related Pegmatites, South Platte Area, Jefferson County, Colorado. GSA Bulletin, vol. 76, Apr. 1965. R 1.43 887 Arizona Radiocarbon Radiocarbon Dating
Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. Mead, Jim I. Huckell, Bruce B. 1979 A Late Pleistocene Mastodon (Mammut Americanum) from the Lehner Site, Southeastern Arizona. The Southwestern Naturalist, vol. 24, no. 2, 1979. R 1.43 908 Southern Arizona Lava Tertiary Forest
Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. 1978 Applications of Radiocarbon Dating with Accelerators to Archaeology and Geology. Proceedings of the First Conference on Radiocarbon Dating with Accelerators, University of Rochester, April 20-21, 1978. R 1.43 911 Carbon 14 Dating Charcoal Flint Mine Hungary
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Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. Wendorf, Fred Schild, Romuald Said, Rushdi Gautier, Achiel Kobusiewicz, Michal 1976 The Prehistory of the Egyptian Sahara. Science, vol. 193, Jul. 9, 1976. R 1.43 933 Isotopic Dating Arizona Ore Deposits Methods
Haynes, C. Vance, Jr. 1970 Geochronology of Man-Mammoth Sites and Their Bearing on the Origin of the Llano Complex. In: "Pleistocene and Recent Environments of the Central Great Plains." Department of Geology, University of Kansas Special Publication 3, The University of Press of Kansas, Lawrence/Manhatten/Wichita, 1970. R 1.43 950 Radiocarbon Climate
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Heller, Paul L. Komar, Paul D. Pevear, David R. 1980 Transport Processes in Ooid Genesis. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, vol. 50, no. 3, Sept. 1980. R 1.43 80-81 13 Basin and Range Province Orogeny Epeirogeny
Heller, Paul L. Dethier, David P. 1981 Surficial and Environmental Geology of the Lower Baker Valley, Skagit County, Washington. Northwest Science, vol. 55, no. 2, 1981. R 1.43 80-81 14 Argon 40 Rocks Volcanism
Heller, Paul L. 1981 Small Landslide Types and Controls in Glacial Deposits: Lower Skagit River Drainage, Northern cascade Range, Washington. Environmental Geology, 3, 1981. R 1.43 80-81 15 K-Ar Dating Michiquillay Toquepapa Peru
Heller, Paul L. Wentworth, Carl M. Poag, C.Wylie 1982 Episodic Post-Rift Subsidence of the United States Atlantic Continental Margin. GSA Bulletin, vol. 93, May 1982. R 1.43 81-82 17 Copper Arizona Geochronology
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Hevly, Richard Martin, Paul S. 1961 Geochronology of Pluvial Lake Cochise, Southern Arizona-Part I: Pollen Analysis of Shore Deposits. Arizona Academy of Science, vol. 2, 1961. R 1.43 84 Argon Metamorphic Rocks Rocks Basin And Range Province
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Hevly, Richard H. Mehringer, P.J., Jr. Yocum, Harrison G. 1965 Modern Pollen Rain in the Sonoran Desert. From Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science, vol. 3, no. 3, Apr. 1965. R 1.43 207 Magmatic Crystallisation Elements
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Hirschboeck, Katherine K. LaMarche, Valmore C., Jr. 1984 Frost Rings in Trees as Records of Major Volcanic Eruptions. Nature, vol. 307, no. 5946, Jan. 1984. 1.43 84 11 K-Ar Dating Rocks Igneous Metamorphic
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Huckleberry, Gary 1994 Contrasting Channel Response to Floods on the Middle Gila River, Arizona. Geology, vol. 22, Dec. 1994. 1.43 1994 Sunspots Carbon Dating Middles Ages
Ijirigho, B.T. Schreiber, J.F., Jr. 1988 Composite Classification of Fractured and Brecciated Carbonate Rocks--Examples from the Ordovician Ellenburger Group, West Texas. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 11 (2), 1988. 1.43 1988 6 Climatic Perturbation Magnetic Perturbation Atmospheric Carbon
Irwin, Thomas D. Sturgul, John R. 1971 Earthquake History of Arizona and New Mexico, 1850-1966. Arizona Geological Digest, vol. IX, Dec. 1971. R 1.43 484 K-Ar Dating Potassium Argon
Jacobs, Bonnie Fine 1982 Modern Pollen Spectra From Surface Soil Samples, Northern Nayarit, Southern Sinaloa, Mexico. Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science, 17, 1982. R 1.43 81-82 18 Radiocarbon
Jacobs, Louis L. Butler, R.F. Lindsay, E.H. Johnson, N.M. 1977 Magnetostratigraphy Through the Cretaceous Tertiary Boundary, San Juan Basin, New Mexico. Nature, vol. 267, no. 5609, May 26, 1977. R 1.43 785 Geochronology Methods
Jacobs, Louis L. Murray, Phillip A. 1980 The Vertebrate Community of the Triassic Chinle Formation Near St. Johns, Arizona. Reprinted from "Aspects of Vertebrate History," circa 1980. R 1.43 79-80 18
Jacobs, Louis L. 1980 Siwalik Fossil Tree Shrews. Chapter 6 From: Comparative Biology and Evolutionary Relationships of Tree Shrews, edited by Patrick Luckett, Plenum Publishing Corp., 1980. R 1.43 79-80 42 Atmospheric Radiocarbon
Jacobs, Louis L. 1980 Additions to the Triassic Vertebrate Fauna of Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona. Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science, 1980. R 1.43 80-81 12 Dendrochronology Radiocarbon Dating Carbon 14 Time Scale Carbon
Jacobs, Louis L. Pilbeam, David 1980 Of Mice and Men: Fossil-Based Divergence Dates and Molecular "Clocks." Journal of Human Evolution, 9, 1980. R 1.43 80-81 20 Radiocarbon
Jacobs, Louis L., jt au Luckett, W.P. 1980 Proposed Fossil Tree Shrew Genus Palaotupaia. Nature, vol. 288, Nov. 6, 1980. R 1.43 80-81 11 Pliocene Pleistocene Geochronology
Jefferson, W.S. Vallier, T.L. 1982 c. Volcanogenic Sediments From Hess Rise and the Mid-Pacific Mountains. Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62, circa 1982. R 1.43 81-82 19 Global Cooling Global Warming
Jefferson, William S. 1982 Structural and Stratigraphic Relations of Upper Cretaceous to Lower Tertiary Orogenic Sediments in the Cedar Hills, Utah. Overthrust Belt of Utah, Utah Geological Association Publication 10, 1982. 1.43 82-83 42 Geochronology Geochemistry. Picacho Peak Arizona
Johnson, Noye M., jt au Lidsay, Everett H. Opdyke, Neil D. 1980 c. Correlation of Siwalik Faunas. In: Aspects of Vertebrate History: Essays in Honor of Edwin Harris Colbert. Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, circa 1980. R 1.43 79-80 19 Solar Activity Astronomical Units Energetic Particles
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Kelso, Gerald K. n.d. Hogup Cave, Utah: Comparative Pollen Analysis of Human Coprolites and Cave Fill. From an Unlisted, Undated Source. R 1.43 427 Global Warming Climate
Kidwell, Susan M. Jablonski, David 1983 Taphonomic Feedback, Ecological Consequences of Shell Accumulation. Chapter 5 in: Biotic Interactions in Recent and Fossil Benthic Communities. Plenum Publishing Corporation, 1983. R 1.43 82-83
Kidwell, Susan M. 1982 Time Scales of Fossil Accumulation: Patterns From Miocene Benthic Assemblages. Third North American Paleontological Convention, Proceedings vol. I, Aug. 1982. R 1.43 82-83 41
Kieffer, S.W., ed. Navrotsky, A., ed. 1985 Microscopic to Macroscopic: Atomic Environments to Mineral Thermodynamics. Reviews in Mineralogy vol. 14. Mineralogical Society of America, Washington, 1985. 4.051 v.14 Arizona Colorado Plateau Oligocene
King, James E. Mehringer, P.J., Jr. Lindsay, E.H. 1970 Pleistocene and Recent Environments of the Central Great Plains. University of Kansas Special Publication 3, University of Kansas, Department of Geology, 1970. R 1.43 418 Convergent Boundaries Continental Uplift Uplift
King, James E. Van Devender, Thomas R. 1971 Late Pleistocene Vegetational Records in Western Arizona. Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science, vol. 6, no. 4, Jun. 1971. R 1.43 478 Rio Grande Rifts New Mexico K-Ar Dating
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Knapp, Richard B. Knight, Jerry E. 1977 Differential thermal Expansion of Pore Fluids: Fracture Propagation and Microearthquake Production in Hot Pluton Environments. From Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 82, no. 17, Jun. 10, 1977. R 1.43 755 Space Time Composition Late Cenozoic Mafic Volcanism Utah
Krantz, Robert W. 1988 Multiple Fault Sets and Three-Dimensional Strain: Theory and Application. Journal of Structural Geology, vol. 10, no. 3, 1988. 1.43 1988 3 Geochronology Listric Maricopa County Arizona
Kremp, Gerhard O.W. 1967 Tetrad Markings of Pteridophytic Spores and Their Evolutionary Significance. From Review of Paleobotany and Palynology, vol. 3, 1967. R 1.43 278 Radiocarbon Time Scale Radiocarbon Dating Radiocarbon Workshop
Kremp, Gerhard O.W. 1969 Computer Techniques in Palynology - Paleo-Botany Can Stimulate Research on a World Scale. From J. Sen Memorial Volume, 1969. R 1.43 375 Copper Belt Andean Porphyry Copper Belt Columbia
Kremp, Gerhard O.W. Nagy, Lois Anne Nagy, Bartholomew 1969 Microstructures Approximating Hexagonal Forms (and of unknown origin) in the Orgueil Carbonaceous Meteorite. Grana Palynologica, vol. 9, 1-3, 1969. R 1.43 386 Geochronology Mexico Copper
Kremp, Gerhard O.W. 1971 The Establishment of A Cosmopolitan Organization of Comprehensive Data Banks for Palynology. From the Botanique, vol. II, no. 1, Jan. 1971. R 1.43 479 Porphyry Copper Deposits Batholith Volcanoes Metallogeny
Kremp, Gerhard O.W. 1973 Advancing Organization, Time, and the Orderly Progressions of Life. Journal of Palynology, vol. IX, no. 1, 1973. R 1.43 599 Igneous Rocks Metamorphic Rocks Geochemical Dating Arizona
Kremp, Gerhard O.W. 1974 A Re-Evaluation of Global Plantgeographic Provinces of the Late Paleozoic. From Review of Paleobotany and Palynology, vol. 17, 1974 R 1.43 671 Ore Volcanism Rocks
Kremp, Gerhard O.W. 1954 Marin Beeinflubte Flozprofile des Ruhrkarbons. From Z. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Band 105: 1, Apr. 1954. R 1.43 765 Cenozoic Volcanism Tectonism Orogenic-Epeirogenic
Kremp, Gerhard O.W. 1978 The Earliest Appearance Worldwide of Tricolpate Pollen and the Origin of Angiosperms. Abstracts, American Assoc. Stratigraphic Palynologists, Eleventh Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, Oct. 1978. R 1.43 930 K-Ar Dating Potassium Argon Catalina Mountains Arizona
Kremp, Gerhard O.W. 1978 The Earth Expansion Theory and the Climatic History of the Lower Permian. Abstracts, American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, Eleventh Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, Oct. 1978. R 1.43 930 Rocks Precambrian Mexico
Kremp, Gerhard O.W. 1978 The Importance of Palynology in Determining Worldwide, the Pennsylvanian-Permian Boundary. Abstracts, American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, Eleventh Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, Oct. 1978. R 1.43 930 Radiometrics Potassium Silicates
Kremp, Gerhard O.W. Grebe, Hilde 1955 Beschreibung und Stratigraphischer Wert eininger Ostracodenformen aus dem Ruhrkarbon. From Geol. Jb. Band 71, May, 1955. R 1.43 951 Volcanism Volcanoes Phillipine Sea Chronology
Kremp, Gerhard O.W. 1968 Observations on Fossil-Like Objects in the Orgueil Meteorite. From Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, vol. 21, 1968. R 1.43 952 Sulfide Deposits Canada New Brunswick Sulfide
Kremp, Gerhard O.W. Ames, H.T. Frederickson, N.O. 1959 The Organ-Species Concept and the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. From TAXON, vol. 8, no. 3, 1959. R 1.43 953 Folding Gneiss Rincon Mountains Arizona
Kremp, Gerhard O.W. Frederickson, N.O. 1960 Recognition of Coal Lithotypes by Palynological Methods. From Proceedings of the International Committee for Coal Petrology, no. 3, 1960. R 1.43 954 Tectonics Folds Colorado Plateau Arizona
Kremp, Gerhard O.W. n.d. Stratigraphic Correlations in Paleozoic Horizons with Help of Plant and Pollen. From an Unlisted, Undated Source. R 1.43 955 Monocline Fold Patterns Colorado Fold Patterns Colorado Plateau
Kremp, Gerhard O.W., jt au Nagy, Bartholomew Engel, A.E. Nagy, Lois Anne Engel, C.G. Kremp, Gerhard O.W. Drew, C.M. 1968 Algae-Like Forms in Onverwacht Series, South Africa-Oldest Recognized Lifelike Forms on Earth. From Science, vol. 161, no. 3845, 1968. R 1.43 341 Structural Geology Education
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Kunen, Steven M. Nagy, Bartholomew Zumberge, John E. Long, Austin Moore, Carleton B. Lewis, Charles F. Anhaeusser, R 1974 Carbon Content and Carbonate 13C Abundances in the Early Precambrian Swaziland Sediments of south Africa. Precambrian Research, vol. 1, 1974. R 1.43 603 Laramide Folding Faulting Folding Arizona
Kurtz, Edwin B., Jr. Turner, Raymond M. 1957 An Oil Flotation Method for the Recovery of Pollen From Inorganic Sediments. Micropaleontology vol. 3m no. 1, 1957. R 1.43 19 Arizona Basin and Range Eagle Pass Detachment Faulting
Lacy, Willard C. Titley, Spencer R. 1959 Structure and Ore Deposits of the East Side of the Sierrita Mountains (Road Log). Arizona Geological society Guidebook II, Arizona Geological Society, 1959. R 1.43 53 Strain Analysis Superposed Deformations Arizona Great Basin
Lacy, Willard C. 1964 Geological Causes of Foundation Failures in the area of Tucson, Arizona. From Transactions of the Society of Mining Engineers, Mar. 1964. R 1.43 956 Shear Zones Models Core Complexes Metamorphic
LaMarche, Valmore C., Jr. Morrow, P.A. 1978 Tree Ring Evidence for Chronic Insect Suppression of Productivity in Subalpine Eucalyptus. From Science, vol. 201, Sept. 29, 1978. R 1.43 832 Orogens Extensional Orogens Strain Patterns Displacement
LaMarche, Valmore C., Jr., jt.au. Adam, D.P. Ferguson, C.W. 1967 Enclosed Bark as a Pollen Trap. From Science, vol. 157, no. 3792, September 1, 1967. R 1.43 267 Sulfide Deposits Canada New Brunswick Sulfide
Lammers, George E. n.d. Reptile Tracks and the Paleoenvironment of the Triassic Meonkopi of Capitol Reef National Monument, Utah. From an Unlisted, Undated Source. R 1.43 180 Shear Zones Conjugate Riedel Deformation Structural Geology
Lance, John F. 1963 Alluvial Stratigraphy in Lake and Moqui Canyons. Reprinted From University of Utah Anthropological Papers no. 63, Glen Canyon Series, no. 18, Salt Lake City, 1963. R 1.43 139 Radioelements Porphyry Copper Deposits Copper
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Lance, John F. 1959 Faunal Remains From the Lehner Mammoth Site. From American Antiquity, vol. 25, no. 1, 1959. R 1.43 41 Palynology Juniper Shrubs Arizona
Lang, James R. Ruiz, J. Titley, S.R. Bouse, R.M. Patchett, P.J. 1990 Sources of Mesozoic Granitoids in Arizona From Radiogenic Isotope Chemistry. Abstract. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 71, no.43, October 23, 1990. 1.43 1990 10 AASP Contributions Series Number 16. Palynology America Southwest
Laughlin, A. William. Rehrig, W.A. Mauger, R.L. 1969 K-Ar Chronology and Sulfur and Stronitum Isotope ratios at the Quest Mine, New Mexico. Economic Geology, vol. 64, 1969. R 1.43 380 Saltwater Water Resources Shrimp Aquaculture Mexico
Laughlin, A. William. 1969 Excess Radiogenic Argon in Pegmatite Minerals. From Journal of Geophysical research, vol. 74, no. 27, Dec. 15, 1969. R 1.43 384 Lithic Sandstones Oregon Mesozoic
Laughlin, A.W. Lovering, T.S. Mauger, R.L. 1969 Age of Some Tertiary Igneous Rocks From the East Tintic District, Utah. Economic Geology, vol. 64, 1969. R 1.43 385 Petrography Sand Tempers Pacific Islands Potsherds
Lawton, Timothy F. 1982 Lithofacies Correlations Within the Upper Cretaceous Indianola Group, Central Utah. Overthrust Belt of Utah, Utah Geological Association Publication 10, 1982. 1.43 82-83 39 Plate Tectonics Sandstones Sandstone Compositions
Lawton, Timothy F. 1983 Late Cretaceous Fluvial Systems and the Age of Foreland Uplifts in Central Utah. Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, 1983. 1.43 82-83 60 Ocean Basins Plate Settings Sandstones Oceans
Leavitt, Steven W. Long, Austin 1983 An Atmospheric 13C/12C Reconstruction Generated Through Removal of Climate Effects From Tree-Ring 13C/12C Measurements. Tellus, 35B, 1983. R 1.43 82-83 12 Geological Association of Canada Special Paper 20. Plate Tectonics Petrology Tectonics
Leavitt, Steven W. Long, Austin 1982 Stable Carbon Isotopes as a Potential Supplemental Tool in Dendrochronology. Tree Ring Bulletin, vol. 42, 1982. R 1.43 82-83 13 Mississippian Clastics Nevada Central Diamond Mountains Depositional Facies
Leavitt, Steven W. Long, Austin 1982 Evidence for 13C/12C Fractionation Between Tree Leaves and Wood. Nature, Vol. 298, Aug. 19, 1982. R 1.43 82-83 38 Plate Tectonics Geological Time
Leavitt, Steven W. Long, Austin 1984 Sampling Strategy for Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis of Tree Rings in Pine. Nature, vol. 311, Sept. 13, 1984. R 1.43 84 3 Graywackes California
Lerman, J.C. Mazany, T. Long, A. 1980 Carbon-13 in Tree Ring Cellulose as an Indicator of Past Climates. Nature, vol. 287, Oct. 2, 1980. R 1.43 79-80 50 Marine Facies Alluvial Facies Antler Overlap Sequence Nevada
Lindberg, F. Alan New Mexico Bilodeau, William L. 1983 Early Cretaceous Tectonics and Sedimentation in Southern Arizona. SEPM Rocky Mountain Section, Mesozoic Paleogeography of West-Central United States. Denver, CO, 1983. 1.43 82-83 62 Pacific Ocean Fore Arc Basins Sandstones
Lindsay, Everett H. 1984 Windows to the past: fossils of the San Pedro Valley. Fieldnotes from the Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology, Volume 14, no. 4, Winter 1984. R 1.43 1984 2 Paleozoic Sandstones Antler Orogen Nevada
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Lindsay, Everett H. Lundin, Robert F. 1972 An Oligocene Oredont (Mammalia: Artiodactyla) From Central Arizona. Journal of Paleontology, vol. 46, no. 1, (January, 1972). R 1.43 546 Bisbee Basin Arizona Paleogeography Paleotectonics
Lindsay, Everett H. 1972 Small Mammal Fossils From the Barstow Formation, California. University of California Publications in Geological Sciences Vol. 93 (1972) R 1.43 565 USGS Circular 1103-B Copper San Manuel Mammoth
Lindsay, Everett H. Tessman, Norman T. 1974 Cenozoic Vertebrate Localities and Faunas in Arizona. From Journal of the Arizona Acadmey of Science vol. 9, no. 1, 1974. R 1.43 659 Nd Isotopes Ouachita Turbidites Appalachian Sources
Lindsay, Everett H. Johnson, Noye M. Opdyke, Neil D. 1975 Magnetic Polarity Stratigraphy of Pliocene-Pleistocene Terrestrial Deposits and Vertebrate Faunas, San Pedro Valley, Arizona. From GSA Bulletin, vol. 86, 1975. R 1.43 677 Stratigraphic Cycles Eustacy Stratigraphy
Lindsay, Everett H. Butler, R.F. Johnson, N. M. 1981 Magnetic Polarity Zonation and Biostratigraphy of Late Cretaceous and Paleocene Continental Deposits, San Juan Basin, New Mexico. Reprinted from American Journal of Science, Vol. 281, April, 1981. R 1.43 80-81 24 Sedimentology Tectonics Eustatic Cordilleran
Lindsay, Everett H. Neil, D. Opdyke, Neil D. Johnson, Noye M. 1980 Pliocene Dispersal of the horse Equus and late Cenozoic mammalian Dispersal events. Reprinted from Nature, Vol. 287, no. 5778, Sept. 11, 1980 R 1.43 80-81 25 Arizona San Manuel Kalamazoo Porphyry System
Lindsay, Everett H. Johnson, N. M. Johnson, G. D. Opdyke, Neil D. Tahirkheli, R.A.K. 1982 Paleomagnetism of the Middle Siwalik formations of northern Pakistan and rotation of the Salt Range decollement. Reprinted from Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 37 (1982). R 1.43 81-82 36 Zircon Strata Nevada
Lindsay, Everett H. Johnson, Noye M. Opdyke, Neil D. Johnson, Gary D. Tahirkheli, R.A.K. 1982 Magnetic Polarity Stratigraphy and Ages of Siwalik Group Rocks of the Potwar Plateau, Pakistan. Reprinted from: Palaeoceanography, Palaeclimatology, Palaeoecology, 37, 1982. R 1.43 81-82 37 Holocene
Lindsay, Everett H. Johnson, Noye M. Opdyke, Neil D. Johnson, Gary D. Tahirkheli, R.A.K. Mirza, M.A. 1979 Magnetic Polarity Stratigraphy and Vertebrate Paleontology of the Upper Siwalik Subgroup of Northern Pakistan. from: Palaeoceanography, Palaeclimatology, Palaeoecology, 27, 1979. R 1.43 879 Plate Tectonics Laramide Orogeny
Lindsay, Everett H., Jt. Auth. Neville, Colleen Opdyke, Neil D. Johnson, Noye M. 1979 Magnetic Stratigraphy of Pliocene Deposits of the Glenns Ferry Formation, Idaho, and its Implications for North American Mammalian Biostratigraphy. American Journal of Science, vol. 279, May, 1979. R 1.43 881 Plate Tectonics Cordillera Ore Deposits
Livingston, D. E. 1962 Older Precamberian Rocks near the Salf River Canyon, Central Gila County, Arizona. New Mexico Geological Society Thirteenth Field Conference, 1962. R 1.43 114 Holocene Yuha Burial Radiocarbon Spectrometry
Livingston, D. E. 1973 A Plate Tectonic Hypothesis for the Genesis of Porphyry Copper Deposits of the Southern Basin and Range Province. Earth and Planetary Science Letters Vol. 20 (1973). R 1.43 616 Leporidae Tusker Arizona Fauna
Long, Austin Rose, S. 1988 Dissolved oxygen systematics in the Tucson Basin Aquifer. Water Resources Research, Vol. 24, No. 1, January 1988. 1.43 1988 1 USGS Professional Paper 600-D San Pedro Valley Arizona Pliocene
Long, Austin Martin, Paul S. 1974 Death of American Ground Sloths. Science Vol. 186 (15 November, 1974) R 1.43 573 Leporidae San Pedro Valley Arizona USGS Professional Paper 700-B.
Long, Austin Damon, P. E. Baxter, M. S. Farmer, J. G. Wallick, E. I. 1973 Comments on "Radiocarbon: short-term variations." Earth and Planetary Science Letters Vol. 20 (1973). R 1.43 606 Volcanic Gas Arizona.Vents
Long, Austin Rippeteau, Bruce 1974 Testing conteporaneity and Averaging Radiocarbon Dates American Antiquity Vol. 39 No. 2 Part 1 (1974) R 1.43 660 Geomorphology Tucson Arizona Remote Sensing
Long, Austin Martin, Paul S. Hansen, Richard M. 1974 Extinction of the Shasta Ground Sloth GSA Bulletin Vol. 85 (1974) R 1.43 675 Kinetics Amino Acids Racemization Seqoiadendron Giganteum
Long, Austin Leavitt, Steven W. 1982 Stable Carbon Isotopes as a Potential Supplemental Tool in Dendrochronology. Tree Ring Bulletin, vol. 42, 1982. R 1.43 82-83 13 Amino Acids Bristlecone Pine Racemization Paleothermometry
Loomis, Timothy P. 1982 Equilibrium in Mn-Fe-Mg aluminous pelitic compositions and the equilibrium growth of garnet Canadian Minerologists, vol. 20, 1982 1.43 82-83 Geochronology Cabezas Mountains Cochise County Arizona
Loomis, Timothy P. Welber, Paul W. 1982 Crystallization Processes in the Rocky Hill Granodiorite Pluton, California Contribution to Minerology and Petrology 81, 1982 1.43 82-83 11 Sedimentology Shinarump Conglomerate Arizona United States Atomic Energy Commission
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Loomis, Timothy P. 1975 Reaction of Zoning of Garnet Contributed. Mineral. Petrol. Vol. 52, 1975 R 1.43 706 Swiss lake Dwellings Dendrochronology Radiocarbon Dating
Loomis, Timothy P. 1977 Kinetics of a Garnet Granulite Reaction Contributions to Minerology and Petrology, Vol. 62, 1977 R 1.43 745 Bristlecone Pine Pine Esthetics
Loomis, Timothy P. 1976 Irreversible Reaction in High-Grade Metapelitic Rocks From Journal of Petrology Vol. 17 No. 4, November, 1976 R 1.43 753 Bristlecone Pine Mohave Desert Pinus Aristata Pluvial Expansion
Loomis, Timothy P. n.d. An Epiricial Model for plagioclase equilibrium in hydrous melts Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 43 R 1.43 79-80 16 Dendrochronology Bristlecone Pine Pine
Loomis, Timothy P. 1981 An Investigation of Disequilibrium growth Processes of Plagioclase in the System Anorthite-Water by Methods of numerical simulation Contributions to Minerology and Petrology, Vol. 76, 1981 R 1.43 80-81 26 Dendrochronology Radiocarbon Carbon Radiocarbon Time Sale
Loomis, Timothy P. 1982 Numerical Simulation of the disequilibrium growth of the garnet in Chlorite-bearing aluminous pelitic rocks Canadian Minerologists, vol. 20, 1982 R 1.43 82-83 Pollen Bark Enclosed Bark Pollen Traps
Loomis, Timothy P. 1982 Numerical Simulations of Crystallization Processes of Plagioclase in Complex metls: The Origin of Major and Oscillatory Zoning in Plagioclase Contributions to Minerology and Petrology, 81, 1982 R 1.43 82-83 14 Polarization Minerals Mineralization Spheroidal Geometries
Loomis, Timothy P. Saxena, S.K. 1983 Compositional Zoning of Crystals: A Record of Growth and Reaction in History In Chapter 1 of "Kinetics and equilibrium in mineral reactions", Springer-Verlag, New York, 1983 R 1.43 82-83 52 Evolution Phanerozoic Continental Drift Earth Science
Loomis, Timothy P. 1972 Sea-Floor Spreading Rate Changes in the South Atlantic Marine Geophysical Research, Vol. 11, 1972 R 1.43 889 Phanerozoic Diversity Patterns
Loomis, Timothy P. 1972 Diapiric Emplacement of the Ronda High-Temperature Ultramafic Intrusion Southern Spain Geological Society of America Bulletin, Vol. 83, August, 1972 R 1.43 891 Anthropod Anthropoda Specialization Evolution
Loomis, Timothy P. 1972 Contact Metamorphism of Pelitic Rock by the Ronda Ultramafic Intrusion, Southern Spain Geological Society of America Bulletin, Vol. 83, August, 1972 R 1.43 892 Sedimentary Dynamics Coastal Ponds Long Island New York
Loomis, Timothy P. 1972 Coexisting Aluminum Silicate Phases in Contact Metamorphic Aureoles American Journal of Science, Vol. 272, December, 1972 R 1.43 898 Continental Drift Mammals Mammalian Diversity
Loomis, Timothy P. 1978 Multicomponent diffusion in garnet: I Formulation of isothermal models Final copy, published in American Journal of Science, Vol, 278, October 1978 R 1.43 900 Phanerozoic Diversity Patterns
Loomis, Timothy P. 1978 Multicomponent diffusion in garnet: II Formulation of isothermal models Final copy, published in American Journal of Science, Vol, 278, October 1978 R 1.43 901 Extinction Mass Extinctions
Loomis, Timothy P. n.d. A Natural Example of Metastable Reaction Involving Garnet and Sillimanite Journal of Petrology (in press) R 1.43 902 Population Evolution Selection
Lopez, Glenn 1989 Ecology of marine deposit feeders Lecture notes on coastal and estuarine studies number 31 Springer-Verlag, New York, 1989 11 1.10 Lop Morphology Brachiopod Spiriferid Devonian
Lovering, Thomas S. 1966 Cultural Contributions of the Geological Arts and Sciences From New Mexico Academy of Sciences Bulletin Vol. 7, No. 1, 1966 R 1.43 241 Foraminifera North Atlantic Plankton Sediment
Lovering, Thomas S. 1966 Direction of Movement of Jasperoidizing Solution From USGS Bulletin No. 1222-F(1966) R 1.43 242 Trans North Atlantic Phanerozoic Invertebrates Plate Tectonics
Lovering, Thomas S. 1967 Translocation of Silica and Other Elements USGS Professional Paper 594-B,1967 R 1.43 290 Mammals Fauna
Lovering, Thomas S. 1968 Mineral Resources from the Land In Resources and Man, a study and Recommendations by the Committee on Resources and Man, NAS-NRC W.H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco, 1968 R 1.43 346 Plankton Foraminiferal North Atlantic Paleoceanography
Lovering, Thomas S. 1968 Non-Fuel Mineral Resources in the Next Century From The Texas Quarterly Vol. 11 NO. 2 1968 R 1.43 347 Biology Plate Tectonics Continental drift Tectonics
Lovering, Thomas S. Laughlin, A.W. Mauger, R.L. 1969 Age of some Tertiary igneous rocks from East Tintic District, Utah Economic Geology, vol. 64, 1969 R 1.43 385 Macroinvertebrate Invertebrate Selective Solution Calcareous
Lovering, Thomas S. 1969 The Origing of Hydrothermal and Low Temperature Dolomite From Economic Geology Vol. 64, No. 7,1969 R 1.43 397 Rodents Incisors SEM
Lovering, Thomas S. 1955 Temperatures in and Near Intrusions From Economic Geology fiftieth anniversary volume, 1955 R 1.43 766 Rodent Faunas Pakistan Siwalik Environmental Change
Lovering, Thomas S. 1961 Sulfide Ores Formed From Sulfide-Deficient Solutions From Economic Geology Vol. 56, No. 1 R 1.43 767 Gerbills Gerbillus Rodents Incisor Enamel
Lovering, Thomas S. 1965 Some Problems in Geothermal Exploration From Transactions of SME, September, 1965 R 1.43 768 Rodents Rodentia Siwalik Rhizomyidae
Lovering, Thomas S. 1950 Dispersion of Copper From the San Manuel Copper Deposit Pinal County, Arizona From Economic Geology Vol. 45, No. 6 R 1.43 770 China Lufeng Hominoid
Lovering, Thomas S. 1963 Epigenetic, diplogenetic, syngenetic, and lithogene deposits Economic Geology, vol. 58, no. 3, May 1963 R 1.43 771 Rodents Rhizomyid India Pakistan
Lovering, Thomas S. 1957 Halogen-acid alteration of ash at Fumarole No. 1 GSA Bulletin, vol. 68, December 1957 R 1.43 772 Dendrochronology Tree Rings Paleoclimatology Mesa Verde
Lovering, Thomas S. 1960 Hydrothermal Alteration Zones Caused by Halogen Acid Solutions, East Tintic District Utah From American Journal of Science Vol. 258-A R 1.43 773 Dendrochronology Tree Rings Vegetation Arizona
Lovering, Thomas S. Shepard, Anna O. 1960 Hydrothermal Argillic Alteration on the Helen Claim, East Tintic District, Utah From Eighth National Conference on Clays and Minerals R 1.43 774 Dendrochronology Dendroclimatology Tree Rings North America
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Lovering, Thomas S. 1977 Some Problems for Endangered Species From Mines and Minerals Reporter, Univ. of Utah No. 4, September, 1977 R 1.43 796 Dendrochronology Dendroclimatology Water Resources Tree Rings
Lovering, Thomas S. 1960 The Chief Oxide-Burgin Area Discoveries, East Tintic District, Utah From Economic Geology Vol. 55 No. 6 1960 R 143 769 Dendrochronology Dendroclimatology Conifer Precipitation
Lynch, Daniel L. 1978 The San Bernardino Volcanic Field of Southeastern Arizona Guidebook, 29th Field Conf, Land of Cochise, 1978 R 1.43 814 Dendrochronology Dendroclimatology Climatology Tree Rings
Lynch, Daniel L. 1982 Volcanic Processes in Arizona Field notes from the Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology, Volume 12, No. 3, September 1982 R 1.43 82-83 8 Dendrochronology Dendroclimatology Tree Rings Reconstruction
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Marjaniemi, Darwin 1968 Tertiary Volcanism in the Northern Chiricahua Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona Arizona Geological Society Guidebook III (1968) R 1.43 317 Energetics Garnets Solid Solutions Mineralogy
Markgraf, Vera D'Antoni, Hector L. 1980 Dispersion del polen actual en Argentina en relacion con la vegetacion. III Coloquio Sobre Paleobotanica y Palinologia, Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, 86. Departamento de Prehistoria, Coleccion Cientifica Prehistoria, Mexico, 1980. R 1.43 79-80 20 Compositional Variables Chemical Equilibrium Metamorphism Mineralogy
Markgraf, Vera 1980 Pollen dispersal in a mountain area. Proceedings, First International Aerobiology Conference, Munich, 1979, 1980. R 1.43 79-80 21 Silicates Planetary Science Solutions Earth and Planetary Science Letters 35
Markgraf, Vera D'Antoni, Hector L. Ager, Thomas A. 1981 Modern pollen dispersal in Argentina Palynology, 5, 1981 R 1.43 80-81 27 Orthopyroxene Thermodynamics Petrology
Markgraf, Vera Scott, Louis 1981 Lower timberline in central Colorado during the 15,000 years. Geology, Vol. 9, May, 1981 R 1.43 80-81 28 Clinopyroxene Garnets Solid Solutions Mineralogy
Markgraf, Vera 1980 New data on the Late and Postglacial vegetational history of La Mision. Tierral del Fuego, Argentina. IV Int. Palynol. Conf., Lucknow (1976-77) 3: 1980. R 1.43 919 Silicates Kinetics Thermodynamics Ferromagnesian
Marshak, Stephen Sbar, Marc L. Engelder, Terry Plumb, Richard 1979 Stress pattern near the San Andreas Fault, Palmdale, California, from near-surface in situ measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 84, No. B1, January 10, 1979 R 1.43 865 Thermodynamics Isotopes Fractionation Plagioclase
Marshall, Larry G. 1982 Calibration of the age of mammals in South America. Geobios, memoire special 6, 1982. R 1.43 3 82-83 Orthopyroxene Mantle Geotherm Al2O3 MgO-Al2O3-SiO2
Marshall, Larry G. 1982 Getting there; the journal of former paleontologist Elmer S. Riggs recounts the pleasures, annoyances, and frustrations of expedition logistics sixty years ago. Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin published by Field Museum of Natural History, Vol. 52, Number 9, October 1982 R 1.43 82-83 2 Genetics Alaska Juneau Gold Belt Fluid Cycling
Marshall, Larry G. Villarroel, Carlos 1982 Geology of the Deseadan (Early Oligocene) age Estratos Salla in the Salla-Luribay Basin, Bolivia, with description of new marsupialia. Geobios, memoire special 6, 1982. R 1.43 82-83 4 Rocks Charts Rock Charts Rock Color Charts
Marshall, Larry G. Webb, David 1982 Historical biogeography of recent South American land mammals. Special Publication Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology, No. 6, 1982. R 1.43 82-83 5 Gaseous Systems Basalts Volcanics Magma
Marshall, Larry G. 1982 Evolution of South American marsupialia. Special Publication Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology, No. 6, 1982. R 1.43 82-83 6 Paleoecology Petrified Forest Chinle Formation Triassic
Marshall, Larry G. 1982 Systematics of the extinct South American marsupial family Polydolopidae. Fieldiana Geology, Published by Field Museum of Natural History, New Series, No. 12, publication 1339, December 30, 1982. R 1.43 82-83 7 Attending Marvels Gould, L.M. Simpson, G.G.
Martin, P. S. Bowden, Charles 1993 Treasures of the Sierra Madre. A prepublication manuscript to be published in "The Secret Forest." Univerisity of New Mexico Press, Spring 1993. 1.43 1993 1 Antarctica
Martin, P. S. Antevs, Ernst. Rinaldo, John B. 1949 Cochise and Mogollon Sites Pine Lawn Valley, Western New Mexico. Fieldiana: Anthropology, vol.38, no.1, April 1949. R 1.40 100 Mirror to Man Mayo Centennial Symposium
Martin, P. S. 1963 Geochronology of Pluvial Lake Cochise, Southern Arizona-Part II: Pollen Analysis of 42-Meter Core. Ecology Vol. 44 No. 3 (Summer, 1963) R 1.43 129 Gould, L.M.
Martin, P. S. 1963 Early Man in Arizona: The Pollen Evidence. American Antiquity vol. 29 No. 1 (July, 1963). R 1.43 134 Antarctica
Martin, P. S. 1961 Paleoclimtology and a Tropical Pollen Profile. Vol. II: Paleoclimatological section. From Report of the VI International Congress on Quaternary Warwaw, 1961. R 1.43 161 Siple, Paul Allman
Martin, P. S. Shellhorn, S. J. Hull, H.M. 1964 Detection of fresh and fossil pollen with fluorochromes Nature, Vol. 202, No. 4929, April 18, 1964. R 1.43 167 Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Antarctica Research in the Antarctic
Martin, P. S. Sharrock, Floyd W. 1954 Pollen Analysis of Prehistoric Human Feces: A New Approach to Ethnobotany. American Antiquity vol. 30 no. 2 (October, 1964). R 1.43 168 Duncan Stewart
Martin, P. S. n.d. Pollen Analysis in the Glen Canyon. From unlisted source. R 1.43 175 Antarctica
Martin, P. S. Guilday, J. L. McCrady, A. D. 1964 New Paris No. 4--A late-glacial cave deposit in Bedford County, Pennsylvania. National Speleological Society Bulletin, vol. 26, no. 4 (1964). R 1.43 193 Antarctica
Martin, P. S. Byers, William 1965 Pollen and Archaeology at Wetherill Mesa. American Antiquity vol. 31, no. 2 Part 2 (October, 1965). R 1.43 203 Cretaceous Amber Alaska Arctic Coastal Plain
Martin, P. S. Mosimann, James E. 1965 Geochronology of Pluvial Lake Cochise, Southern Arizona-Part III: Pollen Statistics and Pleistocene Metastability. American Journal of Science vol. 263 (April, 1965). R 1.43 204 Lertiary Microflora Basin and Range Province Arizona
Martin, P. S. Mehringer, Peter J. Jr. 1965 Pleistocene pollen analysis and biogeography of the Southwest. The Quaternary of the U. S., ed. By H.E. Wright, Jr. and David G. Frey, Princton University Press, 1965. R 1.43 208 Eocene Flora Alabama Temperate Pollen Genera
Martin, P. S. 1965 Pollen Analysis of Animal Dung in Paleoecology. In Research Problems in Biology--Investigations for Student: Garden City, New Jersey, Anchor Books, Doubleday and Co., Inc. (1965). R 1.43 224 Fossils Chlorophycean Algae Oregon
Martin, P. S. 1966 Africa and Pleistocene Overkill. Nature Vol. 212 no. 5060 (October 22, 1966) R 1.43 235 Sonoran Desert Arizona Pleistocene Paleoclimatology
Martin, P. S. 1967 Prehistoric Overkill. Pleistocene Extinctions The Search for a Cause, Yale Univeristy Press, New Haven, 1967. R 1.43 264 Palynology Pollen Cenozoic
Martin, P. S. Guilday, John E. 1967 A Bestiary for Pleistocene Biologists. Pleistocene Extinctions The Search for a Cause, Yale Univeristy Press, New Haven, 1967. R 1.43 276 Micropaleobotany Arizona Tertiary Sediments
Martin, P. S. 1967 Overkill at Olduvai Gorge. Nature, vol. 215 no. 5097 (July 8, 1967) R 1.43 277 Cenozoic Hindu Canyon Arizona
Martin, P. S. 1958 Pleistocene Ecology and Biogeography of North America. From Zoogeography, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1958. R 1.43 28 Cenozoic Petrography San Pedro Valley Arizona
Martin, P. S. Wright, H. E., Jr. 1967 Pleistocene Extinctions, The Search for a Cause Yale University Press, New Haven, 1967 R 1.43 291 Atomic Absorption Lithium Metaborate Ore Techniques
Martin, P. S. 1967 Pleistocene Overkill Natural History, vol. 76 N. 10 (1967). R 1.43 292 Carbon Isotopes Fractionation Oxalic Acid
Martin, P. S. 1958 Taiga-Tundra and the Full Glacial Period in Chester County, Pennsylvania. American Journal of Science Vol. 256 no. 7 (Summer, 1958). R 1.43 33 Wyoming Alluvial Chronology Sister's Hill Glacier
Martin, P. S. Leaky, L. S. B. 1968 In Rebuttal to 'Pleistocene Overkill a Criticism.' Natural History vol. 77 no. 1 (1968). R 1.43 350 Arizona Carbon Dating Radiocarbon Carbon
Martin, P. S. 1969 Pollen Analysis and the Scanning Electron Microscope. From Scanning Electron Microscopy/1969 Proceedings of the Second Annual Scanning Electron Microscope Symposium IIT Research Chicago, (April, 1969). R 1.43 382 Geophysics Engineering
Martin, P. S. Drew, Charles M. 1969 Scanning Electron Photomicrographs of Southwestern Pollen Grains. Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science Vol. 5 no. 3 (March, 1969). R 1.43 383 Zoning Ore Deposits
Martin, P. S. 1969 Wanted: A Suitable Herbivore
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Martin, P. S. n.d. Ecology in the Fourth Dimension. From Topics in the Study of Life, The Bio Source Book, Amy Kramer, ed., New York, Harper and Row (1970). R 1.43 444 Minerals Mineralization Zoning Porphyry Ore Deposits Mineralogy
Martin, P. S. 1959 Terristrial Communities in the Pleistocene. In Problems of the Pleistocene Epoch and Arctic Area vol. 1. McGill University Museum Publication 1 (1959). R 1.43 47 Rocks Silicate Rocks EDTA.
Martin, P. S. Drew, Charles 1970 Additional Scanning Electron Photomicrographs Southwestern Pollen Grains. Arizona Academy of Science Journal vol. 6 no. 2 (1970). R 1.43 472 Geophysics Exploration Ground Water Arizona
Martin, P. S. 1973 The Discovery of America. Science Vol. 179 (9 March, 1973) R 1.43 559 Gulf of California Mexico Isla Mejia Reconnaissance
Martin, P. S. Schoenwetter, James 1960 Arizona's Oldest Cornfield Science, Vol. 132 No. 3418 (July 1, 1960). R 1.43 62 Ground Water Water Studies in Geology vol. 1
Martin, P. S. Hansen, R. M. 1973 Ungulate diets in the lower Grand Canyon. Journal of Range Management, Vol. 26, No. 5 (1973). R 1.43 647 Ground Water Arizona University of Arizona Bulletin
Martin, P. S. Jack, D. Barry, Roger F. 1974 Palaeolithic Players on the American Stage: Man's Impact on the Late Pleistocene Megafauna. Arctic and Alpine Evironments, (1974). R 1.43 737 Facies Cretaceous Arizona Reefs
Martin, P. S. 1975 Sloth Droppings Natural History(Aug.-Sept., 1975) R 1.43 738 Elephant Kill Sites American Southwest Fossils
Martin, P. S. Sabels, Bruno E. Shutler, Dick 1961 Rampart Cave Corpolite and Ecology of the Shasta Ground Sloth. American Journal of Science vol. 259 (February, 1961). R 1.43 78 Alluvial Sites Arizona San Carlos Indian Reservation
Martin, P. S. n.d. Southwestern Animal Communities in the Late Pleistocene. From unlisted source. R 1.43 79 Arizona Mammoths Lehner Mammoth Site
Martin, P. S. Schoenwetter, James Arms, Bernard C. 1961 The Last 10,000 Years. Geochronology Laboratories University of Arizona (July, 1961). R 1.43 87 Pliocene Tanzania Lake Olduvai Sedimentology
Martin, P. S. 1964 Pollen Analysis of the full-glacial landscape. In: The reconstruction of past environments, publication no. 3, Fort Bergwin Research Center, Taos, New Mexico, 1964. R 1.43 959 Projectile Points
Martin, P. S. 1975 Vanishings, and Future, of the Prairie. From Geoscience and Man vol. X (April 20, 1975). R 1.43 960 Pleistocene Paleoecology Archaeology Geologist
Martin, P. S. 1961 Pollen Analysis of Coprolites. In a Survey and Excavation of Caves in Hidalgo County New Mexico, M. F. Lambert and J. R. Ambler, editors, Santa Fe, Museum of New Mexico, 1961. R 1.43 98 Pollen Lehner Mammoth Site Arizona Mammals
Martin, P. S., Jt. Auth Callen, E. O. 1969 Plant Remains in Some Coprolites from Utah. American Antiquity, vol. 34, no. 3, 1969. R 1.43 399 White Cloud Pegmatites South Platte Colorado
Martin, P. S., Jt. Auth Mosimann, James E. 1975 Simulating Overkill by Paleoindians. American Scientist, vol. 63, no. 3, May-June, 1975. R 1.43 739 Geochemistry Bone Tools Tule Springs Nevada
Martin, P.S. 1970 Pleistocene Niches fo Alien Animals. Bioscience vol. 20 no. 4 (1970) R 1.43 445 Radiocarbon Plants Contaminants Chemistry
Mauger, R.L. Rehrig, W.A. Laughlin, A. William. 1969 K-Ar Chronology and Sulfur and Stronitum Isotope ratios at the Quest Mine, New Mexico. Economic Geology, vol. 64, 1969. R 1.43 380 Murray Springs Arizona Pollen Postglacial Records
Mayer, Larry 1979 Evolution of the Mogollon Rim in Central Arizona. Tectonophysice, vol. 61 (1979) R 1.43 79-80 22 Cabron 14 Carbon Dating New World Man
Mayo, Evans B. 1961 Introduction to structural geology. Technical Publications, Desert Labortories, Inc., Tucson, 1961. 1.43 99 Mammoth Fossils Bones Arizona
Mayo, Evans B. 1961 Structure of the Large Phenocryst Porphyry Near Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. Arizona Geological Society Digest Vol. 4 (1961). R 1.43 100 Geochronology Alluvium Quaternary
Mayo, Evans B. 1963 Volcanic Orogeny of the Tucson Mountains. AGS Digest Vol. 6 (1963). R 1.43 152 San Pedro Valley Arizona Quaternary Geology Late Quaternary
Mayo, Evans B. McCullough, J., Jr. 1964 Emplacement of Basement Blocks in the Tucson Mountain Chaos Near Tucson, Arizona. Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science Vol. 3 no. 2 (March, 1964). R 1.43 192 Radiocarbon Carbon Fossil Bone
Mayo, Evans B. 1964 Folds in Gneiss Beyond North Campbell Avenue Tucson, Arizona. Arizona Geological Society Digest vol. 7 (1964). R 1.43 194 Mammoth San Pedro Valley Arizona Escapule
Mayo, Evans B. 1966 Paleocurrents in the Museum Embayment, Tucson Mountains, Arizona. Arizona Academy of Science Journal vol. 4 no. 2 (1966). R 1.43 244 Archaeology Murray Springs Arizona
Mayo, Evans B. 1966 Preliminary Report on a Structural Study in the Museum Embayment, Tucson Mountains, Arizona. Arizona Geological Society Digest, Vol. 8 (1966). R 1.43 245 Geochronology Mantle Geotherm Mammoth Llano Complex
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Mayo, Evans B. 1969 Fragmental Diapir, Piedmontite Hills, Tucson Mountain Park, Arizona. Arizona Academy of Science Journal, vol. 5 no. 4 (October, 1969). R 1.43 400 Capulin Mountain Volcanics Folsom New Mexico
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Mayo, Evans B. 1971 Feeders of an Ash Flow Sequence on Bren Mountain, Tucson Mountain Park, Arizona. Arizona Geological Digest Vol. IX (December, 1971). R 1.43 489 Pleistocene Mastodon Lehner Mammoth Site Arizona
Mayo, Evans B. 1959 Volcanic Geology of the Northern Chiricahua Mountains. In Arizona Geological Society Guidebook II. Arizona Geological Society (1959). R 1.43 49 Lakes Pluvial Lakes Sudan
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Mayo, Evans B. 1976 Intrusive Fragmental Rocks Directly or Indirectly of Igneous Origin. Arizona Geological Society Digest Vol. X (March, 1976). R 1.43 701 Charcoal Contamination Meadowcroft Rockshelter Paleoindian
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Mead, Jim I. Van Devender, Thomas R. 1976 Late Pleistocene and modern plant communities of Shinumo Creek and Peach Springs Wash, Lower Grand Canyon, Arizona. Journal of the Arizona Academy of Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1976. R 1.43 691 Antevs, Ernst Valdemar Bryan, Kirk Geochronology
Mead, Jim I. Van Devender, Thomas R. Phillips, Arthur M. 1977 Late Pleistocene reptiles and small mammals from the lower Grand Canyon of Arizona. Southwestern Naturalist, vol. 22, no. 1, March 1, 1977. R 1.43 692 Springs Geochronology Clovis Site New Mexico
Mead, Jim I. 1980 Is it really that old? A comment about the Meadowcroft Rockshelter "Overview". American Antiquity, 45 (3) 1980 R 1.43 79-80 12 Radiocarbon Fractionation Oxidation Oxalic Acid
Mead, Jim I. 1980 In search of ancient pack rats: the discovery of fossil pack rat middens has uncovered a 30,000-year old environment record. Natural History, September 1980 R 1.43 80-81 19 Arizona Cenozoic Geology Cenozoic Arizona Geological Society Digest
Mead, Jim I. Van Devender, Thomas R. 1981 Late holocene diet of Bassariscus Astutus in the Grand Canyon, Arizona. Journal of Mammalogy, Vol. 62, no. 2, 1981. R 1.43 80-81 30 Transport Transport Processes Genesis Ooid
Mead, Jim I. 1981 The last 30,000 years of faunal history within the Grand Canyon, Arizona. Quaternary Research, Vol. 15, 1981. R 1.43 80-81 31 Ice Flow Fraser Glaciation Skagit River Washington
Mead, Jim I. Thompson, Robert S. 1982 Late Quaternary environments and biogeography in the Great Basin. Quaternary Research, 17 (1982) R 1.43 81-82 26 Surficial Geology Baker Valley Skagit River Washington
Mead, Jim I. Phillips, Arthur M. 1981 The late Pleistocene and Holocene fauna and flora of Vulture Cave, Grand Canyon, Arizona. The Southwestern Naturalist 26 (3), August 21, 1981. R 1.43 81-82 35 Landslide Types Glacial Deposits Skagit River Washington
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Mehringer, Peter J., Jr. 1965 Late Pleistocene Vegetation in the Mohave Desert of Southern Nevada. Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science Vol. 3 No. 3 (April, 1965). R 1.43 205 Bedrock Porosity Soils Limestone Residuum
Mehringer, Peter J., Jr. 1967 The Evironment of Extinction of the Late-Pleistocene Megafauna in the Arid Southwestern United States. From Pleistocene Extinctions The Search for a Cause. Yale University Press, New Have, 1967. R 1.43 263 Geochronology Pluvial Lakes Lake Cochise Pollen Analysis
Mehringer, Peter J., Jr. 1967 Pollen Analysis and the Alluvial Chronology Kiva Journal of the Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society Vol. 32 No. 3 (February, 1967) R 1.43 272 Pollen Rain Sonoran Desert Arizona Mexico
Meijer, Arend Reagan Mark 1981 Petrology and geochemistry of the island of Sarigan in the Mariana arc; calc-alkaline volcanism in a oceanic setting. Reprinted from: Contrib. Mineral Petrol., 77 (1981). R 1.43 80-81 32 Pollen Pollen Analysis Laguna Salada Arizona
Meijer, Arend 1980 Primative Arc Volcanism and a Boninite Series: Examples from Western Pacifica Island Arcs. The Tectonic and Geologic Evolution of Southeast Asian Seas and Islands. American Geophysical Union, Geophysical Monograph 23, 1980. R 1.43 80-81 33 Paleoecology Laguna Salada Arizona
Meijer, Arend 1982 Mariana--Volcano Islands. Reprinted from Andesites. John Wiley & Sons, 1982. R 1.43 81-82 34 Deformation Faults Fault Termination Clay
Meijer, Arend Reagan Mark 1983 Origin of K2O-SiO2 trends in volcanoes of the Mariana arc. Geology, v. 11, February 1983. R 1.43 82-83 35 Volcanic Ash Volcanic Eruptions Climatology Climatic Trends
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Melosh, H. J. 1986 Short note: A preliminary numerical study of colliding planets. In: Origin of the Moon. Lunar and Planetary Institute, 1986. 1.43 1986 7 Arizona Gila River Floods Channels
Melosh, H. J. Benz, W. Cameron, A.G.W. 1989 The origin of the Moon and the single impact hypothesis III> Unpublished manuscript, 1989. 1.43 1989 4 Rocks Carbonate Texas Ordovician Ellenburger Group
Melosh, H. J. Van Nostrand, Reinhold 1990 Origin and evolution of the Moon. In: The reference encyclopedia of astronomy and astrophysics. Preprint. 1990. 1.43 1990 4 Earthquakes Arizona New Mexico Seismology
Melton, Mark A. 1962 Methods for Measuring the Effect of Environmental Factors on Channel Properties. Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 67, No. 4 (April, 1962) R 1.43 961 Pollen Palynology Mexico Soil
Mielke, James E. 1964 Trace Element Investigation of the Turkey Track Porphyry, Southeastern Arizona. Arizona Geological Society Digest, vol. VII, November 1964. R 1.43 177 New Mexico Magnetostratigraphy Cretaceous San Juan Basin
Miller, Halsey W. 1958 An Elopid Fish From the Codell Sandstone (Cretaceous) of Kansas and the Depositional Environment of the Sandstone. From Trans. Kansas Acad. Science Vol. 61 No. 2 (1958). R 1.43 761 Vertebrates Chinle Formation Arizona St. Johns
Miller, Halsey W. Mann, Robert J. 1958 Petalodus (Bradyodont) From the Permian of Kansas and Oklahoma. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science vol. 61 no. 1 (1958). R 1.43 764 Fossils Divergence Molecular Clocks Evolution
Miller, Halsey W., Jr. 1962 A new locality for Acanthoceras? Amphibolum Morrow in the Graneros Shale of Kansas. Journal of Paleontology, vol. 36, no. 4, July 1962. R 1.43 762 Fossils Siwalik Tree Shrews Evolution
Modzeleski, Vincent E. Nagy, Bartholomew Scott, Ward M. Nagy, Lois Anne 1970 Carbon compounds in Apollo 11 Lunar samples Nature, vol. 225, no. 5237, March 14, 1970. R 1.43 425 Triassic Vertebrate Fauna Petrified Forest National Park Arizona
Moodie, Kevin B. Van Devender, Thomas R. 1979 Extinction and extirpation in the herpetofauna of the southern high plains with emphasis on Geochelone Wilsoni (Testudinidae). Herpetologica, 35(3), 1979. R 1.43 920 Fossils Tree Shrews Palaeotupaia Genuses
Morrison, R. B. Menges, Christopher M. Lepley, L. K. 1981 Neotectonic maps of Arizona. Arizona Geological Society Digest, V. 13, 1981 R 1.43 81-82 32 Volcanoes Volcanogenic Pacific Mountains Deep Sea Drilling Project
Mosher, L. Cameron 1971 Conodont Evidence for the Middle-Upper Triassic Boundary in the Union District, Shoshone Mountains, Nevada. Journal of Paleontology Vol. 45 No. 6 (Nov., 1971). R 1.43 493 Utah Cedar Hills Sediment Stratigraphy
Mosher, L. Cameron Muller, K. J. 1971 Post-Triassic conodonts. Symposium on Conodont Biostratigraphy. GSA Memoir 127, 1971. R 1.43 507 Faunas Siwalik Vertebrates Colbert, Edwin Harris
Mosher, L. Cameron Sweet, Walter C. Clark, David L. Collinson, James W. Hansenmueller, Walter A.] 1971 Conodont biostratigraphy of the Triassic. Symposium on Conodont Biostratigraphy. GSA Memoir 127, 1971. R 1.43 508 Australia Hamersley Basin Dedolomitization Wittenoom Dolomite
Mosher, L. Cameron 1973 Triassic Conodonts from British Columbia and the Northern Arctic Islands GSC Bulletin 222 (1973) R 1.43 615 Utah Hogup Cave Pollen Human Coprolites
Mosher, L. Cameron 1973 Evolutionary, Ecologic, and Geographic Observations on Conodonts During Their Decline and Extinction. GSA Special Paper 141 (1973) R 1.43 619 Fossils Miocene Benthic Assemblages Paleontology
Mosher, L. Cameron 1974 Elementary Geology: Striving Toward an Open Learning Environment Utilizing Electronic Media. National Conference on Opern Learning and Higher Education January, 1974. R 1.43 658 Taphonomy Shells Fossils Benthic Communities
Mosher, L. Cameron Eicher, D. B. 1974 Triassic conodonts from Sinai and Palestine. Journal of Paleontology, vol. 48, no. 4 (1974). R 1.43 672 Reviews in Mineralogy vol. 14 Minerals Thermodynamics Atomic Environments
Mosher, L. Cameron 1967 Are There Post-Triassic Conodonts? Journal of Paleontology Vol. 41 No. 6 (Nov., 1967) R 1.43 760 Pleistocene Great Plains Kansas University of Kansas Special Publication 3
Mosher, L. Cameron Clark, David 1965 Middle Triassic Conodonts From the Prida Formation of Northwestern Nevada. Journal of Paleontology Vol. 39 no. 4 (July, 1965). R 1.43 779 Pleistocene Vegetation Arizona
Mosher, L. Cameron Clark, David 1966 Stratigraphic, geographic, and evolutionary development of the Conodont genus Gondolella. Journal of Paleontology, vol. 40, no. 2, March 1966. R 1.43 780 Sedimentology Sandstone Kirtland Shale New Mexico
Mossimann, James E. 1963 On the Compound Negative Multinational Distribution and Correlations Among Inversely Sampled Pollen Counts. Biometrika, 1963. R 1.43 131 Thermal Expansion Pore Fluids Microearthquakes Pluton
Mossimann, James E. 1965 Statistical Methods for the Pollen Analyst: Multinomial and Negative Multinomial Techniques. From Handbook of Paleontological Techniques. W. H. Freeman and Co., 1965 R 1.43 202 Faults Strain Structural Geology
Nagy, Bartholomew Lafaye, Gauthier Holliger, P. Davis, D.W. Mossmann, David Leventhal, Joel Rigali, Mark 1991 Organic matter and containment of uranium and fissiogenic isotopes at the Oklo natural reactors Nature, vol. 354, 12, December 1991 1.43 1991 3 Marin Beeinflubte Flozprofile Ruhrkarbons
Nagy, Bartholomew Shrader, S. Williams, M.W. Callcot, T.A. Nagy, B. 1984 The Organic aerosols of Titan Space Res. Vol. 4, No. 12, 1984 R 1.43 1984 7 Stratigraphy Ostracoda
Nagy, Bartholomew n.d. Investigations of the Early Precambrian Onverwacht Sedimentary Rocks in South Africa From unlisted, undated source R 1.43 327 Botany Nomenclature Organ Species
Nagy, Bartholomew Nagy, L.A. Nagy, B. Drew, C.M Kremp, Gerhard 1968 Algae-Like Forms in Onverwacht Series, South Africa-Oldest Recognized Lifelike Forms on Earth From Science, Vol. 161 No. 3845, 1968 R 1.43 341 Coal Lithotypes Palynology Coal Petrology
Nagy, Bartholomew 1968 Carbonaceous Meteroties From Endeavor Vl. 27, No. 101, 1968 R 1.43 352 Tetrad Pteridophytic Spores Palynology
Nagy, Bartholomew 1969 Early Pre-Cambrian Onverwacht Microstructures: Possibly the Oldes Fossils on Earth? From Nature Vol. 223 No. 5212, September, 20 1969 R 1.43 381 Fossils Orgueil Meteorite Meteorite Fossil Like Objects
Nagy, Bartholomew 1969 Organic Geochemical Investigations in Relation to the Analyses of Returned Lunar Rock Samples From Life Sciences and Space Research VII R 1.43 401 Microstructures Meteorites Carbonaceous Orgueil Meteorite
Nagy, Bartholomew 1970 Porosity and Permeability of the Early Precambrian Onverwacht Chert; Origin of the Hydrocarbon Content From Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 34, 1970 R 1.43 420 Paleobotany Palynology Computer Techniques Botany
Nagy, Bartholomew Modzeleski, Vincent Scott, Ward Murphy, M.E. Youn, Maria Urey, Harold 1970 Organic Compounds in lunar samples: Pyrolysis products, hydrocarbons, amino acids Science, Vol. 167, January 30, 1970 R 1.43 422 Data Banks Palynology Cosmopolitan Organizations
Nagy, Bartholomew Scoot, Ward Modzeleski, Vincent 1970 Pyrolysis of Early Pre-Cambrian onverwacht organic matter Nature, vol. 225, no. 5238, March 21, 1970 R 1.43 423 Palynology Organization
Nagy, Bartholomew 1970 Apollo 11 Sample Analysis: The Carbon Compounds Geotimes, Vol. 15, May/June, 1970 R 1.43 447 Plants Paleozoic Paleobotany Palynology
Nagy, Bartholomew Modzeleski, Judith Laurie, W.A. 1971 Carbohydrates from Santa Barbara Basin sediments: Gas chromatographic--mass spectographic analysis of trimethylsilyl derivates Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 35, 1971 R 1.43 477 Pollen Stratigraphy Angiosperms Tricolpate
Nagy, Bartholomew Modzeleski, Vincent Modzeleski, Judith Mohammed, Jobbar Drew, Charles Nagy, Lois Anne Urey, Harold 1971 Carbon Compounds in Apollo 12 Lunar samples Nature, Vol. 232, July 9, 1971 R 1.43 481 Earth Expansion Theories Permian Climatology
Nagy, Bartholomew 1971 Symposium on the Geology and Geochemistry of the Oldest Sedimentary-Volcanic Series on Earth: The Swaziland Sequence From ICARUS Vol. 15, 1971 R 1.43 484 Palynology Pennsylvanian Permian Boundary American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists 11th annual Meeting, 1978.
Nagy, Bartholomew Mohammed, Jabbar 1972 An evaluaton of pyrolytic techniques with regard to the Apollo 11, 12, and 14 Lunar samples analyses Space Life Sciences, vol. 3, 1972 R 1.43 543 Plants Pollen Stratigraphy Paleozoic
Nagy, Bartholomew Teska, Thomas Pinson, 1972 Ancient age of the Middle Marker Horizon, Onverwacht Group, Swaziland sequence, South Africa Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 14 (1972) R 1.43 545 Life Forms South Africa Onverwacht Algae Forms
Nagy, Bartholomew Modzeleski, Vincent Modzeleski, Judith Mohammed, Jobbar Nagy, Lois Anne McEwan, William Urey, Harold 1973 Carbon Compounds in pyrolsates and amino acids in extracts of Apollo 14 lunar samples Nature Physical Science, Vol. 242, no. 117, 1973 R 1.43 601 Black Mesa Coal Trace Elements Mining
Nagy, Bartholomew 1974 I Sedimenti piu antichi e le prime forme di vita From encyclopedia Dell Scienza e della Tecnica Mondador(S&T) 1974 R 1.43 607 Raft Model Crustal Extension Seismic Arizona
Nagy, Bartholomew Myer, Edward Zumberge, John Bandurski, Eric L. 1975 Stereoisomeric specificity and soil gas disequilibria: implications for Martian life detection Applied Microbiology, vol. 29, no. 2, 1975 R 1.43 609 Carbon Carbonate Swaziland South Africa
Nagy, Bartholomew 1975 Nature of Alkanes in Beef Heart Lipids From Lipids, Vol. 10, No. 2, 1975 R 1.43 610 Palynology Oil Flotation Methods Pollen Recovery Sediments
Nagy, Bartholomew Zumberge, John Nagy, Lois Anne 1975 Abiotic, Graphitic Microstructures in Macaceous Metaquartzite about 3760 Million Years Old from Southwestern Greenland: Implicatios for Early Precambrian Microfossils for Early Precambrian Microfossils From Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 72, No. 3 R 1.43 611 Structural Geology Ore Deposits Sierrita Mountains Arizona Geological Society Guidebooks
Nagy, Bartholomew Zumberge, John 1975 Alkyl Substituted Cyclic ethers in 2,300 MYR Old Transvaal Algal Stromatolite From Nature, Vol. 255 No. 5511, June 26,1975 R 1.43 715 Foundations Foundation Failure Tucson Arizona
Nagy, Bartholomew 1976 Organic Chemistry on the Young Earth From Die Naturwissenschaften 63, 1976 R 1.43 723 Tree Rings Insects Eucalyptus Dendrochronology
Nagy, Bartholomew Bandurski, Eric 1976 The Polymer-like Organic Material in the Orgueil Meteorite From Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 40, 1976 R 1.43 725 Pollen Bark Enclosed Bark Pollen Traps
Nagy, Bartholomew 1977 Indications of a Biological and Biochemica Evolutionary Trend During the Archean and Early Proterozoic From Precambrian Research, Vol. 5, 1977 R 1.43 783 Reptiles Paleoenvironment Triassic Meonkopi Capitol Reef National Monument
Nagy, Bartholomew Modzeleski, Vincent Scott, Ward 1969 Saturated Hydrocarbons in Bovine Liver From Biochem, Journal, Vol. 114, 1969 R 1.43 794 Faunal Mammoth Lehner Mammoth Site Remains
Nagy, Bartholomew Nagy, L.A. Sidorenko, A.V. 1977 Organic Matter in Ancient Sediments of the Earth IN Correlation of the Precambrian Vol. 1 ed. R 1.43 798 Pleistocene Holocene INQUA Southwestern United States
Nagy, Bartholomew 1980 Amino acids in bristlecone pine: an evaluation of factors affecting racemization rates and paleothermometry John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1980 R 1.43 79-80 Alluvial Stratigraphy Lake Canyon Moqui Canyon
Nagy, Bartholomew Engel, Michael H. Zumberge, John E. Ogino, Hiroshi Chang, Sai Y. 1981 Amino Acids and Hydrocarbons in the ~3,800 Myr old Isua Rocks, southwestern Greenland Nature, Vol. 289, NO. 5793, January 1/8, 1981 R 1.43 80-81 34 Isotopic Studies Mesozoic Granitoids Chemistry
Nagy, Bartholomew Zumberge, John Nagy, Lois Anne 1982 Some aspects of the development of the Vaal Reef uranium-gold carbon seams, witwatersrand sequence: organic geochemica and microbiological considerations U.S. Geological Survery Profession Paper 1161-0,1981,1982 R 1.43 81-82 K-Ar Dating Sulfur Stronitum New Mexico
Nagy, Bartholomew 1982 Search for biochemical fossils on Earth and non-biological organic molecules on Jupiter, Saturn and Titan Naturwissenschaften 69, 1982 R 1.43 81-82 Radiogenic Argon Pegmatite Minerals
Nagy, Bartholomew 1982 Distribution and enantiomeric composition of amino acids in the Murchison meteorite Nature, vol. 296,No. 5860, April 29,1982 R 1.43 81-82 12 Tertiary Rocks Igneous Utah
Nagy, Bartholomew 1982 Pyrolysis of Precambrian Kerogens: Constraints and capabilities Journal of Molecular Evolution, vol. 18, 1982 R 1.43 82-83 Cretaceous Indianola Group Lithofacies Utah
Nagy, Bartholomew Zumberge, John Engel, Michael Van Devender, Thomas 1978 Variations in Aspartic Acid Racemization in Uniformly Preserved Plants about 11,000 years old From Phytochemistry, Vol. 17, 1978 R 1.43 830 Cretaceous Fluvial Systems Uplift Utah
Nagy, Bartholomew Sigleo, Anne Zumberge, John E. 1978 Molecular and Elemental Analyses of the Carbonaceous Matter in the Gold and Urnanium Bearing Vaal Reef Carbon Seams, Witwatersrand Sequence Science and Engineering, vol. 10, NO. 4, 1978 R 1.43 843 Carbon Isotopes Dendrochronology Tree Rings
Nagy, Bartholomew 1979 2,5-Dimethylfuran from 2.2 x 10 - year old Rupemba-Belingwe stromatolite, Rhodesia: hydrates From Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 76, No. 1, January 1979 R 1.43 845 Leaves Wood Fractionation 13C/12C
Nagy, Bartholomew Ogino, Tsuneko Ogioni, Hiroshi 1985 Application of aspartic acid racemization to forensic odontology: post mortem designation of age at death Forensic Science International, 29,1985 R 1.43 85 Tree Rings Dendrochronology Climate 13C/12C
Nagy, Bartholomew Nagy, L.A. Krinsley, D.H. Mossman, D.J. Willingham, T.O. 1985 Uranium-bearing stratiform organic matter in paleoplacers of the lower Huronian supegroup Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 22, no. 12, 1985 R 1.43 85 2 Carbon Isotope Analysis Tree Rings Pine
Nagy, Bartholomew Meyer, Edward D. Sinclair, Norval 1975 Comparison of the survival and metabolic activity of psychrophilic and metabolic yeasts subjected to freeze-thaw stress Applied Microbiology, vol. 29, no. 6, June 1975 R 1.43 962 Carbon Dendrochronology Tree Rings Climatology
Nagy, Bartholomew Hamilton, Paul 1972 Problems in the Search for Amino Acids in Lunar Fines From Space Life Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 4, October, 1972 R 413 551 Arizona Cretaceous Tectonics Sedimentation
Nagy, Bartholomew 1954 Multiplicity and Disorder in the Lattice of Ekmanite American Mineralogist, 39: 946-956 (1954) R 413 552 Multiplicity Lattice Ekmanite
Nagy, Bartholomew Bradley, W.F. 1955 The Structural Scheme of Sepiolite American Mineralogist, 40: 885-892 (1955) R 413 553 Sepiolite
Nagy, Lois Anne Nagy, Bartholomew 1970 Morphological Studies of the Lunar Fines and of a Rock from the Apollo 11 Samples Microscopy Symposium, 3rd ann. Mtg. Chicago, April 28-30,1970 R 1.43 446 Rodents Hartman Ranch Local Fauna
Nagy, Lois Anne 1971 Ellipsoidal Microstructures of Narrow Size Range in the Oldest Sediments on Earth From GRANA Vol. 11, No. 2, 1971 R 1.43 480 Oligocene Oreodont Central Arizona
Nagy, Lois Anne 1974 Transvaal stromatolite: first evidence fo the diversification of cells about 2.2x10 years ago Science, Vol. 183, Feb. 1974 R 1.43 604 Fossils Barstow Formation California
Nagy, Lois Anne Zumberge, John 1976 Fossil Microorganisms from the approximatley 2800 to 2500 Million Year-Old Bulaway Stromatolite: ap-lication of Ultramicrochemical Analyses From the Proceeding of the National Acadmey oif Sciences, Vol. 73, No. 9, September 1976 R 1.43 722 Cenozoic Vertebrates Localities Arizona
Nagy, Louis Anne Zumberge, John Nagy, Bartholomew 1975 Abiotic, Graphitic Microstrucutes in Micaceous Metquartzite about 3760 million years old from South-western Greenland: Implications for Early Precambrian Microfossils From Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 72, No. 3, 1975 R 1.43 611 Polarity Stratigraphy San Pedro Valley Arizona
Nagy, Louis Anne 1978 New Filamentous and Cystous Microfossils~2,300 M.Y. Old, From the Transvaal Sequence From Journal of Paleontology Vol 52, No. 1 R 1.43 799 Polarity Stratigraphy Siwalik Group Rocks Pakistan
Naruk, Stephen J. 1986 Kink folding in an extended terrane: Tortilla Mountains, southeastern Arizona Preprint, Geology, vol. 14, no. 12, December 1986 R 1.43 1986 3 Pleistocene Cenozoic Geology
Naruk, Stephen J. 1986 Strain and displacement across the Pinaleno Mountains shear zone, Arizona, U.S.A. Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1986 R 1.43 1986 3 Polarity Stratigraphy San Juan Basin New Mexico
Naruk, Stephen J. 1986 Displacement calculations across a metamorphic core complex mylonite zone: Pinaleono Mountains, Southeastern Arizona Preping(Geology), 1986 R 1.43 86 1 Paleomagnetism Pakistan Middle Siwalik formations Salt Range decollement
Natali, Steven G. Sbar, Marc 1982 Seismicity of the epcicentral region of the 1887 northeastern Sonoran earthquake, Mexico Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 72, No. 1, February 1982 R 1.43 81-82 33 Polarity Stratigraphy Siwalik Group Rocks Pakistan
Norton, Dennis 1979 Quantitive simulation of the Hydrothermal Systems of Crystallizing Magmas on the Basis of Transport Theory and Oxygen Isotope Data: An analysis of the Skaergaard Intrusion Journal of Petrology, V. 20, #3, 1979 R 1.43 1979-80 14 Fossils San Pedro Valley
Norton, Dennis 1974 Chemical Mass Transfer in the Rio Tanama System, West-Central Puerto Rico From Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 38, 1974 R 1.43 656 Stratigraphy Biostratigraphy Glenns Ferry Formation Idaho
Norton, Dennis 1979 Transport Phenomena in Hydrothermal Systems: the Redistribution of Chemical Components Around Cooling Magmas Bulletin Mineral, Vol. 102, 1979 R 1.43 79-80 13 Precambrian Rocks Salf River Canyon Gila--Arizona
Norton, Dennis 1981 Theoretical prediction of phase relation among aqueous solutions and minerals: Salton Sea geothermal system Geochimica et Cosmochimia Acta, Vol. 45, No. 9, 1981 R 1.43 81-82 4 Tectonics Copper Deposits Southern Basin Range Province
Norton, Dennis 1978 Determination of the sources and circulation paths of thermal fluids: the Abano region Northern Italy Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 42, 1978 R 1.43 912 Radiocarbon
Norton, Dennis 1981 Preliminary numerical analysis of processes related to magma crystallization and stress evolution in cooling pluton environments American Journal of Science, Vol. 281, January, 1981 R 143 80-81 Sloths
Nozette, Stewart 1979 Collescipoli: an unusual fusion crust glass Lunar and Planetary Laboratory and Department of Geosciences R 1.43 906 Sloths Shasta Groung Sloth
O'Rourke, Mary Kaye Lebowits, Micahel D. Dodge, Russell Holberg, Catherine Corman, Gregory Barbee, Robert Sneller, Mark 1982 The adverse health effects of biological aerosols, other aerosols, and indoor micro-climate on asthamtics and noasthmatics Environment International, Vol. 8, 1982 R 1.43 81-82 28 Radiocarbon Dating
O'Rourke, Mary Kaye 1982 Composition and Distribution of Urban Vegetation in the Tucson, Basin Journal of Arid Environments, 1982 R 1.43 81-82 29 Carbon Isotopes Dendrochronology Tree Rings
O'Rourke, Mary Kaye 1978 Pollen dispersal and its relationship to respiratory illness Reprinted form Symposium Volume, 1st International Conference on Aerobiology, Munich, West Germany, August, 1978 R 1.43 963 oxygen Tucson Basin Aquifer Tucson
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Parker, John T.C. 1993 Channel Change on the Santa Cruz River Prepared in cooperation with the Pima Co. Departm,ent of Transporation and Flood Control Dsictrict, Tucson, Dec. 1993 2.10 93-41 Ultramafic Intrusion
Peirce, Wesley 1973 Thick Evaporites in the Basin and Range Province-Arizona From Fourth International Symposium on Salt-Northern Ohio Geological Society, R 1.43 964
Percious, J.K. 1968 Geology and Geochronology of the Del Bac Hills From Arizona Geological Society Guidebook III(1968) R 1.43 320 Aluminum Silicate Metamorphic Aureoles
Phillips, M.P. Davis, G.H. Reynolds, S.J. Varga R.J. 1979 Origin and porvenance of some exotic blocks in lower Mesozoic red-bed basin deposits, souther Arizona Geological Society of America Bulletin Vol. 90, April 1979 R 1.43 874 Tertiary Mantle Plate Tectonics
Pushkar, Paul 1967 Strontium Isotopic Analyses of Three Marine Phillipsites From the Pacific Ocean From Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2 R 1.43 275
Pushkar, Paul 1968 Strontium Isotope Ration in Volcanic Rocks of Three Island Arc Areas From Journal of Geophysical Research Vol. 73, No. 8 R 1.43 312 Metapalitic Rocks
Pye, Willard 1959 General Geology of Southeastern Arizona Arizona Geological Society Guidbook II, Arizona Geological Society, 1959 R 1.43 50
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Reynolds, Stephen J. 1980 Geologic framework of west-central Arizona Arizona Geological Society Digest, Vol. XII, 1980 R 1.43 79-80 11 Crystallization processes Rocky Hill
Richardson, Randall M. Sean C. Solomon Norman H. Sleep 1979 Tectonic Stress in the Plates Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics, Vol. 17, No. 5, August, 1979 R 1.43 1979-80 9
Richardson, Randall M. Sean C. Solomon Eric A. Bergman 1980 Tectonic stress: models and magnitudes Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 85, No. B11, November 10, 1980 R 1.43 80-81 35
Richardson, Randall M. 1978 Finite Element Modeling of Stress in the Nazca Plate: Driving Forces and Plate Boundary Earthquakes From Tectonophysics, Vol. 50, 1978. R 1.43 885 Numerical Stimulations
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Sbar, Marc Lynn B. Sykes 1977 Seismicity and Lithospheric Stress in New York and Adjacent Areas From Journal of Geophysical Research Vol. 82 No. 36 (December 10, 1977). R 1.43 797
Sbar, Marc L. Terry Engelder Robert Kranz 1977 A Mechanism for Strain Relaxation of Barre Granite: Opening of Microfractures From Pure and Applied Geophysics, Vol. 115, 1977. R 1.43 790
Sbar, Marc L. Terry Engelder 1977 The Relationship Between in Situ Strain Relaxation and Outcrop Fractures in the Potsdam Sandstone, Alexandria Bay, New York From Pure and Applied Geophysics, Vol. 115, 1977. R 1.43 791 Marine ecology Marine fishes--food Marine sediments Lecture notes on coastal and estuarine studies
Sbar, Marc L. 1982 Delineation and interpretation of seismotectonic domains in western North America Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 87, No. B5, May 10, 1982 R 1.43 81-82 Copper San Manuel Pinal County
Sbar, Marc L. 1978 Seismic trends and travel-time Residuals in Eastern North America and their Tectonic Implications From Geological Society of America Bulletin, Vol. 89, Nov. 1978. R 1.43 882 Intrusions
Sbar, Marc L. 1983 An explanation for contradictory geodetic strain and fault plane solution data in western North America Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 10, No. 3, March 1983. R. 1.43 82-83 Alaska Halogen-acid
Schmidt, Eberhard A. 1971 Belts of Laramide-Age Intrusive Rocks and Fissure Veins in South Central Arizona From Arizona Geological Digest Volume IX R 1.43 486 Accumulator Plants Rock Weathering
Schreiber, J.F., Jr. 1980 Exploration for saltwater supply for shrimp aquaculture, Puerto Peņasco, Sonoral Mexico Reprinted from: Hydrology and Water Resources in Arizona and the Southwest, Vol. 10, 1980 R 1.43 79-80 Clays and Minerals
Schreiber, J.F., Jr., submitted R.L. Sloane, submitted 1961 Final report on evaluation of soild plasticity paets I and II Arizona Transportation and Traffic Institute, University of Arizona R 1.43 103 Halogen Acid East Tintic District
Schreiber, Joseph F., Jr. F.W. Galbraith 1961 Historical Geology, Stratigraphy and Paleontology In What is Geology? Arizona University Studies Geology, Vol. 1 (1961). R 1.43 101
Schreiber, Joseph F., Jr. 1961 Sedimentation Survey of Lake Carl Blackwell. Payne and Noble Counties, Oklahoma. From Shale Shaker, Vol. 11 No. 6 (1961). R 1.43 102 Sulfide-Deficient Solutions
Schreiber, Joseph F., Jr. D.S. Gorsline 1962 Sedimentation Research Activities at the University of Arizona, Tucson From National Coastal and Shallow Water Research, 1st 1961 Proceedings (1962). R 1.43 125 lithogene deposits syngenetic Economic Geology
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Schreiber, Joseph F., Jr. 1978 Geology of the Willcox Playa, Cochise County, Arizona New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook, 29th Field R 1.43 810
Schreiber, Joseph F., Jr. W. Gerald Matlock 1978 The Phosphate Rock Industry in North and West Africa Publication on Arid Lands by the University of Arizona, Tucson, 1978. R 1.43 831 Equisetum Three Gases
Schumacher, Dietmar Gilbert Klapper Charles A. Sandberg Charles Collinson John W. Huddle R. William Orr L.V. Rickard 1971 North American Conodont biostratigraphy Symposium on Conodont Biostratigraphy, GSA Memoir 127, 1971. R 1.43 510
Schumacher, Dietmar 1971 Conodonts and Biostratigraphy of the Kenwood Shale (Upper Devonian) of Wisconsin From Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, Information Circular No. 19 (1971). R 1.43 511 Mineral Resources
Schumacher, Dietmar 1971 Conodonts From the Middle Devonian Lake Church and Milwaukee Formations of Wisconsin From Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, Information Circular No. 19 (1971). R 1.43 512 Tertiary igneous rocks
Schumacher, Dietmar Donald P. Witter Sally J. Meader Stanley B. Keith 1976 Late Devonian tectonism in southeastern Arizona Arizona Geological Society Digest Volume X, March 1976 R 1.43 694 Hydrothermal Low Temperature Dolomite
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Schwab, Karl W. 1972 The Search for Bacteria in Fossil Wood: A Preliminary Investigation From Supplement to Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin No. 47 (1972) R 1.43 532 Southeastern Arizona
Seff, Philip n.d. Preliminary Report of the Stratigraphy of the 111 Ranch Beds, Graham County, Arizona From an unlisted source R 1.43 57 Volcanic Processes
Shafiqullah, Muhammad Watkinson, David H. Thurston, P. 1972 The Shawmere Anorthosite of Archean age in the Kapuskasing belt, Ontario. Journal of Geology, Vol. 80, 1972 R 1.43 550 San Andreas Fault Palmdale, CA
Shafiqullah, Muhammad Damon, P. E. 1974 Evaluation of K-Ar Isochron Methods Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 38, `974 R 1.43 569
Shafiqullah, Muhammad, jt.au. Damon, P. E. Clark, Kenneth F. 1981 Age trends of igneous activity in ralation to metallogenesis in the southern Cordillera. Arizona Geological Society Digest, Vol. 14, 1981 R 1.43 81-82 pollen Argentina
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Shafiqullah, Muhammed Langlois, J. D. 1978 The Pima Mining District, Arizona- A Geochronologic Update. New Mexico Geol. Soc. Guidebook, 29th Field Conf., Land of Cochise, 1978 R 1.43 815
Shafiqullah, Muhammed Damon, P. E. Lynch, D. J. Kuck, P. H. Rehrig, W. A. 1978 Mid-Tertiary Magmatism in South eastern Arizona New Mexico Geol. Soc. Guidebook, 29th Field Conf., Land of Cochise, 1978 R 1.43 816 pollen Argentina Palynology
Shafiqullah, Muhammed Damon, P. E. Kluth, Charles F. Butler, Robert F. Harding, Lucy E. 1982 Paleomagnetism of Late Jurassic rocks in the northern Canelo Hills, Southeastern AZ. Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 87, no. B8., August 10, 1982 R 1.43 82-83 Geology--Colorado Lower timberline
Shafiqullah, Muhammed Seager, W. R. Hawley, J. W. Marvin, R. F. 1984 New K-Ar dates from basalts and the evolution of the southern Rio Grande rift. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 95, January 1984 R 1.43 84 12 San Andreas Fault Palmdale, CA situ measurements
Shafiqullah, Muhammed, jt. Au Damon, P. E. Rehrig, W. A. 1980 Geochronology, Geology, and Listric Normal Faulting of the Vulture Mountains, Maricopa County, AZ. Arizona Geological Society Digest, Vol. 12, 1980 R 1.43 1979-80 Geology-Deseadan Salla-Luribay Basin, Bolivia Marsupialia
Shafiqullah, Muhammed, jt. Au Damon, P. E. Clark, Kenneth F. 1983 Geochronology of the porphyry copper deposits and related mineralizaion of Mexico. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 20, #6, 1983 R 1.43 82-83 South America Land mammals
Shafiqullah, Muhammed, jt. Au Brookins, D. G. Lee, M. J 1977 K-Ar Ages for Clay-size and Silt-size Fractions of Uranium Ore from the Grants Mineral Belt, NM Isochron/West, No. 18, April 1977 R 1.43 876 mammals South America
Shafiqullah, Muhammed, jt. Au Brookins, D. G. 1975 K-Ar Ages fro Pegmatitic and Metamorphic Muscovites, Sandia Mountains, NM. Isochron/West, No. 12, April 1975 R 1.43 877 Paleontologist Elmer S. Riggs
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Shafiqullah, Muhammed, jt. Au Damon, P. E. Leventhal, Joel S. 1974 K-Ar Chronology for the San Francisco Volcanic Field and Rate of Erosion of the Little Colorado River Geology of Northern Arizona, Part I, Regional Studies, for Geol. Sco. of America Rocky Mtn. Sec. Meeting, Flagstaff, 1974 R 1.43 896 South America marsupial Polydolopidae
Shakel, Douglas W. Harris, Karen Morse 1971 Revised Minimum Age of Cerro Colorado Crater, Pinacates Volcanic Field, Northwestern Sonora Arizona Geological Society Digest Vol. IX (December, 1971) R 1.43 492 New Mexico Cochise Mogollon Antevs
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Shutler, Dick, Jr. Shutler, Mary Elizabeth Griffith, James S. 1960 Anthropological papers number 3 Nevada State Museum Anthropological Papers number 3 (September, 1960). R 1.43 80 Taiga-Tundra Full glacial period Chester County Pennsylvania
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Simpson, George Gaylord 1968 Fossil Mammals Journal of Paleontology vol. 42 No. 6 (1968) R 1.43 364 Paleoclimtology Pollen
Simpson, George Gaylord 1968 Evolutinary Effects of Cosmic Radiation. Science vol. 162 no. 3849 (1968) R 1.43 365 Pollen Analysis Coprolites
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Simpson, George Gaylord 1960 The Present Status of the Theory of Evolution. Victoria Proceedings Vol. 82 No. 2 (1960) R 1.43 404 Pollen Man Arizona
Simpson, George Gaylord 1969 South American Mammals In Biogeography and Ecology in South America Vol. 2: the Hague, Dr. W. Junk N. V. Publ. (1969) R 1.43 405 New Paris glacial cave deposit Bedford County Pennsylvania
Simpson, George Gaylord 1969 The First Three Billion Years of Community Evolution. In Diversity and Stability in ecological systems, Brookhaven Symposia in Biology, vol. 22 (1969). R 1.43 411 pollen fluorochromes
Simpson, George Gaylord 1970 On Randomness and Determinism. GSA Bulletin Vol. 81 (1970) R 1.43 449 Pollen Analysis Full-glacial Landscape
Simpson, George Gaylord 1970 On Sarles Views on Language and Communication Current Anthropology vol. 11 (1970) R 1.43 450 Pollen Archaeology Wetherill Mesa
Simpson, George Gaylord Hecht, M. K., ed Steere, W. C. 1970 Uniformintarianism: An Inquiry into Principle Theory, and Method in Geohistory and Biohistory. Essays in Evolution and Genetics in honor of Theodocius Dobshansky. New York, Appleton-Century Crofts R 1.43 460 Pleistocene Pollen analysis Southwest
Simpson, George Gaylord 1970 Additions to Knowledge of the Argyrolagidae (Mammalia, Marsupialia) Rom the Late Conozoic of Argentina. Breviora, No. 361 (1970) R 1.43 463 Geochronology Pluvial Lakes Lake Cochise Pollen Statistics and Pleistocene Metastability
Simpson, George Gaylord 1970 Additions to Knowledge of Groeberia (Mammalia, Marsupialia) From the Mid-Cenozoic of Argentina. Breviora, No. 362 (1970) R 1.43 464 Pollen Analysis Paleoecology Animal Dung
Simpson, George Gaylord 1970 Ages of Fossil Penguins in New Zealand Science vol. 168, no. 3929 (1970) R 1.43 465 Africa Pleistocene
Simpson, George Gaylord 1970 Mammals From Early Cenozoic of Chubut, Argentina. Breviora, No. 360 (1970) R 1.43 467 Bestiary Pleistocene Biologists
Simpson, George Gaylord 1970 Miocene Penguins From Victoria, Australia, and Chubut, Argentina. National Museum of Victoria, Memoirs No. 31 R 1.43 468 Extinction Pleistocene
Simpson, George Gaylord 1971 William King Gregory 1876-1970 American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Vol. 35 No. 2 (1971) R 1.43 513 Prehistoric Overkill
Simpson, George Gaylord 1971 Remarks on Immunology and Catarrhine Classification Systematic Zoology Vol. 20 No. 3 (1971) R 1.43 514 Olduvai Gorge
Simpson, George Gaylord Mayr, E. Eisemann, E. 1971 Stability in Zoological Nomenclature Science, vol. 174, No. 4013, 1971 R 1.43 516 Pleistocene
Simpson, George Gaylord 1971 Review of Fossil Penguins from Seymour Island Royal Society of London Proceedings, B. Vol. 178 No. 1053 (1971) R 1.43 517 Pleistocene
Simpson, George Gaylord 1971 A Review of the Pre-Pliocene Penguins of New Zealand Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History Vol. 144 Article 5 (1971). R 1.43 523 Electron Photomicrographs Pollen Grains
Simpson, George Gaylord 1971 Clasificacion, Terminologiay Nomen Clatura Provinciales Papa el Cenozoico Mamlifero. Revista Asociacion Geologica Argentina vol. 26 no.3 (1971) R 1.43 524 Pollen Analysis Electron Microscope
Simpson, George Gaylord 1971 Concluding Remarks Mesozoic Mammals Revisited Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Supplement No. 1 to vol. 50 (1971) R 1.43 525 Herbivore
Simpson, George Gaylord 1971 Fossil Penguin From the Late Cenozoic of South Africa Science Vol. Lul NO. 3976 (1971) R 1.43 526 Electron Photomicrographs Pollen
Simpson, George Gaylord 1971 Recent Literature on Mesozoic Mammals Journal of Paleontology vol. 45 No. 5 (1971) R 1.43 527 Ungulate diets Grand Canyon
Simpson, George Gaylord 1972 Conspectus of Patagonian Fossil Penguins American Museum Novitates, No. 2488 (1972) R 1.43 554 America
Simpson, George Gaylord 1972 Article 23(b) and the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature Journal of Paleontology, vol. 46, no. 4, July 1972 R 1.43 595 Palaeolithic Players Man Late Pleistocene Megafauna
Simpson, George Gaylord 1977 Too Many Lines: The Limits of the Oriental and Australian Zoogeographic Regions. Proc. Am. Philosophical Society, Vol. 121 No. 2 (April, 1977) R 1.43 733 Sloths Sloth droppings
Simpson, George Gaylord 1980 Fossil birds and evolotion. Contributions Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County, 330, 1980. R 1.43 79-80 43 Prairie
Simpson, George Gaylord 1976 The Compleat Palaeontologist? Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences vol. 4 (1976) R 1.43 966 Sierra Madre Secret Forest
Sklarew, Deborah S. Nagy, Bartholomew 1979 2, 5-Dimethylfuran from 2.7X10^9-year-old Rupemba-Belingwe stromatolite, Rhodesia: Potential evidence for remnants of carbohydrates Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 76, No. 1, January 1979. R 1.43 845 Pollen Analysis Glen Canyon
Sklarew, Deborah S., jt. Au. Nagy, Bartholomew Khare, B. N. Zumberge, John E. Sagan, Carl 1981 Organic solids produced by electrical discharge in reducing atmospheres: tholin molecular analysis. Icarus, 48 (1981) R 1.43 81-82 21 Ecology Fourth Dimension
Smiley, Terah L. 1947 Dates From a Surface Pueblo at Mesa Verde From Tree-Ring Bulletin, University of Arizona, Vol. 13 No. 4 (1947). Geosciences Contribution No. 1 R 1.43 1 Southwestern Animal Communities Late Pleistocene
Smiley, Terah L. 1955 Geochronology University of Arizona Bulletin Vol. 26 No. 2 (1955). Geoscience Contribution No. 12. R 1.43 12 Plants Remains Coprolites Utah
Smiley, Terah L. 1955 Varve Studies Chapter 8 in Geochronology: University of Arizona Physical Science Bulletin No. 2 (1955). Geoscience Contribution No. 16 R 1.43 16 Overkill Paleoindians
Smiley, Terah L. 1964 On Understanding Geochronological Time AGS Digest Vol. VII (November, 1964) R 1.43 179 Pleistocene Alien Animals
Smiley, Terah L. 1956 Geochronology as an Aid to the Study of Arid Lands In the Future of Arid Lads AAAS Publication 43 (1956). Geoscience Contribution No. 18. R 1.43 18 K-Ar Dating Sulfur Stronitum New Mexico
Smiley, Terah L. Stokes, M. A. 1964 Tree-Ring Dates for the Navajo Land Claim II. The Western Sector. Tree-Ring Bulletin, Vol. 26, Nos. 1-4, 1964 R 1.43 195 Evolution Mogollon Rim Central Arizona Arizona
Smiley, Terah L. 1961 Resume of Dendrochronology in America Report of the VI International Congress on Quaternary Warsaw (1961). R 1.43 200 Lineament Tectonics Ore Districts Southwest
Smiley, Terah L. 1958 Climate and Man in the Southwest. University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona, 1958 R 1.43 21 Volcanic Geology Northern Chiricahua Mountains.
Smiley, Terah L. Stokes, M. A. 1966 Tree-Ring Dates for the Navajo Land Claim III. The Southern Sector. Tree-Ring Bulletin, Vol. 27, Nos. 3-4, 1966 R 1.43 246 Geology--Southeastern AZ
Smiley, Terah L. n.d. The Geology and Dating of Sunset C. Crater, Flagstaff, Arizona. New Mexico Geological Society Ninth Field Conference. No date (1958). R 1.43 29 Geology-Structural
Smiley, Terah L. 1949 Pithouse Number 1, Mesa Verde National ark American Antiquity, Vol. 14 No. 3 (1949). Geoscience Contribution No. 3 R 1.43 3 Large Phenocryst Porphyry Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
Smiley, Terah L. 1958 Introduction to Climate and Man in the Southwest University of Arizona Bulletin Vol. 28 No. 4 (1958) R 1.43 35
Smiley, Terah L. 1958 Years, Centuries, and Millenia. In Climate and Man in the Southwest University of Arizona Bulletion Vol. 82 No. 4 (1958). R 1.43 36
Smiley, Terah L. 1949 Tree-ring dates from Point of Pines. Tree-Ring Bulletin published by the Tree-Ring Society with the cooperation of the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona, Vol. 15, No. 3, January, 1949. R 1.43 4 Volcanic Orogeny Tucson Mountains
Smiley, Terah L. Stokes, M. A. 1969 Tree-Ring Dates for the Navajo Land Claim IV. The Eastern Sector Tree-Ring Bulletin, Vol. 29, Nos. 1-2, 1969 R 1.43 412
Smiley, Terah L. 1950 Miscellaneous Ring Records. II Tree-Ring Bulletin Vol. 16 Nos. 3 (1950). Geoscience contribution No. 5 R 1.43 5 Basement Blocks Tuscon Mountain Chaos Tuscon
Smiley, Terah L. 1951 A Summary of Tree-Ring Dates From Some Southwestern Archaeological Sites. University of Arizona Bulletin Vol. 22 No. 4 (1951). Geoscience Contribution No. 6 R 1.43 6 Gneiss North Campbell Tucson Arizona
Smiley, Terah L. 1960 International Conference on Forest Tree Growth Tree-Ring Bulletin Vol. 23 Nos. 1-4 (1960) R 1.43 77 Paleocurrents Museum Embayment Tucson Mountains Arizona
Smiley, Terah L. 1952 Four Late Prehistoric Kivas At Point of Pines, Arizona. University of Arizona Bulletin Vol. 23 No. 3 (1952). Geosciences Contribution No. 8 R 1.43 8 Museum Embayment Tucson Mountains Arizona
Smiley, Terah L. 1961 Evidences of Climatic Fluctuations in Southwestern Prehistory In Solar Variations, Climatic Change and Related Geophysical Problems, Annals of N. Y. Acad. Sci., Vol. 95 Art.1 (1961). R 1.43 85 Gates Pass Tucson Mountains Arizona
Smiley, Terah L. 1961 General Aspects of Dating in the Field of Archaeology. Asian Perspectives Vol. V No. 2 (Winter, 1961) R 1.43 88 Tucson Mountains Geology
Smiley, Terah L., jt. Author Bannister, Byrant 1955 Dendrochronology Chapter 11 in Geochronology: University of Arizona Physical Science Bulletin No. 2, 1955. R 1.43 17 Fragmental Diapir Piedmontite Hills Tucson Mountain Park Arizona
Smith, G.E.P. 1916 The Proposed Water Code From University of Arizona College of Agriculture Extnesion Service Circular No. 11, 1916 7.0 S-1 7 Volcanic Orogeny
Smith, Gary A. 1986 Coarse-grained nonmarine vocaniclastic sediment: Terminology and depositional process Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 97, January 1986 7.0 S-1 16 Ash Flow Sequence Bren Mountain Tucson Mountain Park Arizona
Smith, George, E.P. 1938 Physiography of Some Arizona Valleys From the Pan-American Geologists Vol. LXIX 7.0 S-1 8 Fragmental Rocks Igneous Rocks
Solomon, Allen M. 1971 Suburban Replacement of Rural Land Uses Reflected in the Pollen Rain of Northeastern New Jersey From New Jersey Academy of Science Bulletin Vol. 16, Nos. 1-2 (1971) R 1.43 5351 Carbon Dendrochronology Tree Rings Climatology
Solomon, Allen M. 1972 Desert Pollen Production I: qualitive Influence of Moisture From Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science, Vol. 7 R 1.43 541 Geology Television
Solomon, Allen M. 1972 Predictive Models of Airborne Pollen Concentrations: Uncertainties in Pollen Production Estimates Demonstration and Evaluation of Models' Proceeding of Workshop Conference II, Boulder, Colorado R 1.43 547 Late Pleistocene modern plant communities Shinumo Creek Peach Springs Wash Lower Grand Canyon--AZ
Solomon, Allen M. 1973 Further scanning electrom photomicrographs of southwestern pollen grains Arizona Academy of Science, Vol. 8, No. 3, 1973 R 1.43 600 Pleistocene reptiles and mammals Lower Grand Canyon--Arizona
Spaulding, W. Geoffrey 1977 Late Pleistocene Montane Conifers in Southeastern Utah From Southwestern Naturalist Vol. 22, No. 2 R 1.43 720 Meadowcroft Rockshelter
Spaulding, W. Geoffrey 1979 Development of vegetation and climate in the southwestern United States Science, May, 1979, Vol. 204 No. 4394 R 1.43 834 Fossils Ancient pack rats environmental record 30,000 years
Spencer, Jon, Leader 2000 Geologic field guide to the western end of the Mogul fault Arizona Geological Society Spring 2000 Field Trip 5.26 2000 Spr Pleistocene & Holocene fauna and flora Grand Canyon Vulture Cave
Stafford, Thomas Jr. 1981 Alluvial geology and archaeological potential of the Texas southern high plains American Antiquity, Vol. 46, No. 3,1981 R 1.43 80-81 36 holocene diet Bassariscus Astutus Grand Canyon, Arizona
Stafford, Thomas Jr. 1982 Isolation of proline and hydroxyproline from fossil bone Life Sciences, Vol. 31, 1982 R 1.43 82-83 30,000 years faunal history Grand Canyon, Arizona
Steadman, David. W. Stull, James Eaton, Stephen W. 1979 Natural History of the Ocellated Turkey From the World Pheasant Association Journal Vol. IV, 1978-79 R 1.43 836 Late Quaternary environments biogeography Great Basin
Stein, Walter T. 1963 Mammal Remains from Archaeological Sites in the Point of Pines Region, Arizona From American Antiquity Vol.29 No.2, 1963 R 1.43 136 extinction Late Pleistocene mamalian North America Meltzer, David J>
Sternburg, R.S. Butler, Robert F. 1978 An Archaemagnetic Paleointensity Study of Some Hohokam Potsherds from Snaketown, Arizona From Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 5 No. 2, 1978 R 1.43 802 Late Pleistocene Vegetation Mohave Desert Southern Nevada
Stockton, Charles W. 1975 Long-Term Streamflow Records Reconstructed from Tree Rings Papers of the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research Number 5, University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 19475 R 1.43 788 extinction environment Late-Pleistocene Megafauna Arid Southwestern United States
Stokes, M.A. Smiley, Terah L. 1963 Tree-Ring Dates from the Navajo Land Claim I. The Northern Sector From Tree-Ring Bulletin Vol. 25 No. 304 R 1.43 153 Pollen analysis Alluvial Chronology
Stokes, M.A. Smiley, Terah L. 1964 Tree-Ring Dates from the Navajo Land Claim II. The Western Sector From Tree-Ring Bulletin Vol. 26 Nos. 1-4 R 1.43 195 Volcanism Western Pacific Island Arcs Boninite Series
Stokes, M.A. Smiley, Terah L. 1966 Tree-Ring Dates from the Navajo Land Claim III. The Southern Sector From Tree-Ring Bulletin Vol. 27 Nos. 3-4 R 1.43 246 Petrology geochemistry volcanism Sarigan Island
Stokes, M.A. Smiley, Terah L. 1969 Tree-Ring Dates from the Navajo Land Claim IV. The Eastern Sector From Tree-Ring Bulletin Vol. 29 Nos. 1-2 R 1.43 412 volcanoes Mariana-Vocano Islands
Stoyanow, Alexander 1958 Suture of Acanthoplites Aschiltaensis (Anthula) GSA Bulletin, Vol. 69, 1958 R 1.43 23 volcanoes Mariana arc K2O-SiO2
Taylor, Louis H. Butler, Robert F. 1980 Magnetic-Polarity Stratigraphy of Torejonian Sediments, Nacimiento Formation, San Juan Basin, New Mexico American Journal of Science, Vol. 280, February, 1980 R 1.43 79-80 44 worlds Moon vaporplumes
Tayolor, Omer J. n.d. Correaltion of Volcanic Rocks in Santa Cruz County, Arizona From unlisted source, no date R 1.43 61 planests
Thompson, Robert S. Mead, Jim I. Long, Austin 1978 Arizona Radiocarbon Dates IX: Carbon Isotope Dating of Packrat Middens Radiocarbon, Vol. 20, No. 2, 1978 R 1.43 809 origin Moon Hypothesis III
Thompson, Robert S. Mead, Jim I. 1982 Late Quarternary Environments and Biogeography in the Great Basin Quarternary Research, 17 (1982) R 1.43 81-82 26 origin evolution Moon
Thompson, Robert S. Mead, Jim I. Van Devender, Thomas R. 1982 Late Wisconsinan and Holocene Fauna from Smith Creek Canyon, Snake Range, Nevada Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History, Volume 20, Number 1, 6 August 1982 R 1.43 82-83 1 Evironmental Factors Channeling Properties Methods for Measuring
Thompson, Woodrow B. et al 1999 Late Quarternary History of the White Mountains, New Hampshire and Adjacent Southeastern Quebec Geographie Physique et Quarternaire, Les Presses de l'Universite de Montreal, Vol. 53, No. 1, 1999 pg. 1-174 R 1.40 124 Turkey Track Porphyry Arizona Trace Element Investigation
Thompson, Woodrow B. et al 1999 Deglaciation of the Northwestern White Mountains, New Hampshire Geographie Physique et Quarternaire, Les Presses se l'Universite de Montreal, Vol. 53, No. 1, 1999 pg. 59-77 R 1.40 125 Petalodus (Bradyodont) Kansas Oklahoma
Thompson, Woodrow B. et al 1999 History of Research on Glaciation in the White Mountains, New Hampshire Geographie Physique et Quarternaire, Les Presses se l'Universite de Montreal, Vol. 53, No. 1, 1999 pg. 7-24 R 1.40 126 Elopid Fish Codell Sandstone, Cretaceous Kansas Depositonal environment
Titley, Spencer R. 1962 Investigation of Color Centers in Flourite with Application to Geologic Time Journal of Geophysical Research Vol. 67 No. 11 (October, 1962) R 1.43 113 Acanthoceras amphibolum Morrow Graneros Shale Kansas
Titley, Spencer R. 1962 Geology Along the Diamond Rim and Adjoining Areas, Gila and Navajo Counties, Arizona From New Mexico Geologic Society, Thirteenth Field Conference, Guidebook of the Mogollon Rim Region, 1962 R 1.43 117 Carbon compounds Apollo 11 Lunar samples
Titley, Spencer R. 1959 Igneous Rocks of the Basin and Range Province in Arizona In Arizona Geological Society Digest Vol. 2 (1959) R 1.43 51 extinction extirpation herpetofauna Geochelone Wilsoni (Testudinidae)
Titley, Spencer R. 1972 Intrusion, and Wall Rock, Porphyry Copper Deposits From Economic Geology Vol. 67 No. 1 (January-February, 1972) R 1.43 533 neotectonic maps Arizona
Titley, Spencer R. 1972 Copper Mining and Arizona Land Use Planning- A Geologist Speaks From Field Notes Arizona Bureau of Mines Vol. 2 No. 4 (1972) R 1.43 634 Conodonts Triassic Nevada
Titley, Spencer R. 1974 Sulfide Minerals From Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th edition (1974) R 1.43 673 Conodont genus Gondolella evolution stratigraphic
Titley, Spencer R. Beane, R.E. 1981 Porphyry Copper Deposits. Part I. Geologic Settings, Petrology, and Tectogenesis. Part II. Hydrothermal Alteration and Mineralization Economic Geology Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Volume, 1981 R 1.43 81-82 23
Titley, Spencer R. 1981 Porphyry Copper. Circumstantial Evidence Suggests That Porphyrr-Related Deposits, Currently the World's Principle Source of Copper, May Have Formed as By-products of Volcanic Activity American Scientist, Vol. 69, Novemeber-December 1981 R 1.43 81-82 24 Conodonts Post-Triassic Biostratigraphy
Titley, Spencer R. 1981 Geologic and Geotectonic Setting of Porphyry Copper Deposits in the Southern Cordillera Arizona Geological Society Digest, Volume 14, 1981 R 1.43 81-82 25 Biostratigraphy Triassic
Titley, Spencer R. Heidrick, Tom L. 1978 Intrusion and Fracture Styles of Some Mineralized Porphyry Systems of the Southwestern Pacific and Their Relaitonship to Plate Interactions From Economic Geology, Vol. 73. No. 5 (August 1978) R 1.43 819 Conodont Triassic
Titley, Spencer R. 1978 Copper, Molybdenum, and Gold Content of Some Porphyry Copper Systems of the Southwestern and Western Pacific Economic Geology, Vol. 73, No. 5, August 1978 R 1.43 820 Triassic Conodonts British Columbia Arctic Islands
Titley, Spencer R. Fleming, A.W. Neale, T.I. 1978 Tectonic Evolution of the Porphyry Copper System at Yandera, Papua New Guinea From Economic Geology, Vol. 73. No. 5 (August 1978) R 1.43 821 evolution conodonts extinction
Titley, Spencer R. Gustafson, L.B. 1978 Porphyry Copper Deposits of the Southwestern Pacific Islands and Australia From Economic Geology, Vol. 73. No. 5 (August 1978) R 1.43 822 Triassic Conodonts Sinai Palestine
Titley, Spencer R. 1978 Geologic History, Hypogene Features, and Processes of Secondary Sulfide Enrichment at the Plesyumi Copper Prospect, New Britain, Papua New Guinea From Economic Geology, Vol. 73. No. 5 (August 1978) R 1.43 823 geology electronic media
Titley, Spencer R. 1961 Genesis and Control of the Linchburg Orebody, Socorro County, New Mexico Economic Geology, Vol. 56, No. 4, June-July, 1961 R 1.43 905 Pollen
Titley, Spencer R. 1972 Pre-Ore Environment of Southwestern North American Porphyry Copper Deposits Reprinted from the 24th IGC, 1972, Section 4 R 1.43 968 Pollen Statistical Methods
Tolman, C.F., Jr. 1910 c. The Geology of the Vicinity of the Tumamoc Hills Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication 113, n.d. (c.1910) R 1.43 965 South Africa
Van Devender, T.R. 1977 Comments on Macrofossil Analysis of Wood Rate(Neotoma) Middens as Key to the Quaternary Vegetational History of Arid North America Quaternary Research letters to the Editor, Vol. 8 R 1.43 730 Carbonaceous Meteorites
Van Devender, Thomas R. 1980 Holocene plant remains from Rocky Arroyo and Last Chance Canyon, Eddy County, New Mexico From the Southwestern Naturalist, Vol. 25, No. 3 R 1.43 80-81 38 Hydrocarbons Bovine Liver
Van Devender, Thomas R. Worthington, Richard D. Wauer, R.H. Riskind, D.H. 1977 The Herpetofauna of Howell's Ridge Cave and Paleoecology of the Northwestern Chihuahuan Desert Trans. Symp. On the biological resources of the Chihuahan Deserts, U.S. and Mexico. Nat'l Pk. Serv. Trans and Proc. Ser. No. 13, Wash, D.C.,1977 R 1.43 576 Pre-Cambrian Onverwacht Fossils on earth
Van Devender, Thomas R. Martin, Paul S. Phillips, Arthur III Spaulding, Geoffrey 1977 Late Pleistocne Biotic Communities from the Guadalupe Mountain, Culbertson County, Texas Ser. Trans. And Proc. Ser. No. 13, Wash, DC, 1977 R 1.43 577 geochemical investigations lunar rock samples
Van Devender, Thomas R. 1973 Populations of Ambystoma Tigrinum and A. Rosaceum In Chihuaha Mexico From Arizona Academy of Science Vol. 8 No. 1, 1973 R 1.43 617 organic compounds amion acids hydrocarbons
Van Devender, Thomas R. 1973 Behavior and Disruptive Coloration in the New Mexico Gartershake Thamnophis Sirtalis Ornata Southwestern Naturalist, Vol. 18, No. 2, 1973 R 1.43 618 Pre-Cambrian Onverwacht
Van Devender, Thomas R. Howard, Wayne, C. 1973 Notes on Natural Nests and Hatching Success in the Re al Horned Lizard(Phrynosoma Solare) in Southern Arizona From Herpetologica, Vol. 29, 1973 R 1.43 621 Porosity Permeability
Van Devender, Thomas R. Robinson, Michael D. 1975 Miocene Lizards from Wyoming and Nebraska Copeia, No. 4, 1975 R 1.43 622 Apollo 12 Carbon Compounds
Van Devender, Thomas R. Mead, Jim I. 1976 Late Pleistocene and Modern Plant Communities of Shinumo Creek and Peach Springs Wash, Lower Grand Canyon, Arizona From the Journal of the Arizona Academy of Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1976 R 1.43 691 Carbohydrates Santa Barbara Basin
Van Devender, Thomas R. Phillips, Arthur III 1977 Late Pleistocene Reptiles and Small Mammals from the Lower Grand canyon of Arizona From the Southwestern Naturalist, Vol. 22, No. 1, March 1, 1977 R 1.43 692 Carbon Compounds Lunar samples
Van Devender, Thomas R. 1976 The Biota of the Hot Deserts of North America During the last Glaciations: The Packrat Midden Record From. Amer. Quat. Assn. Abstracts, Oct. 1976 R 1.43 703 volcanic-series on earth
Van Devender, Thomas R. Hale, Stephen F. 1976 New Populations of Rana Tarahumarae(Tarahumara Frog) in Arizona From Journal of Science, Vol. 11, No. 3, 1976 R 1.43 711 Amino acids Lunar fines
Van Devender, Thomas R. King, James E. 1977 Pollen Analysis of Fossil Packrat Middens from the Sonoran Desert From Quaternary Research, Vol. 8, 1977 R 1.43 713 Apollo 12 Apollo 13
Van Devender, Thomas R. 1976 Foods of the Desert Tortoise, Gopherus Agassizii, In Arizona and Utah From Herpetologica, Vol. 32, No. 3, Sept. 1976 R 1.43 714 Marker Horizon South Africa
Van Devender, Thomas R. 1977 A Preliminary Chronology of Bio-Environmental Changes During the Paleoindian Period in the Monsoonal Southwest West Texas Museum Association, The Museum Journal, Vol. XVII, 1977 R 1.43 718 Carbon Compounds amino acids Apollo 14
Van Devender, Thomas R. 1977 Holocene Woodlands in the Southwester Deserts From Science, Vol. 198, 1977 R 1.43 735
Van Devender, Thomas R. Freeman, Edward C. Worthington, Richard D. 1978 Full-glacial and recent vegetation of Livingston Hills, Presidio county, Texas The Southwestern Naturalist 23(2), March 20, 1978 R 1.43 752 metabolic activity
Van Devender, Thomas R. Toolin, Laurence J. 1979 The Floors of Sycamore Canyon, Pajarito Mountains, Santa Cruz County, Arizona Journal of Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science. Vol. 14, 1979 R 1.43 79-80 soil gas
Van Devender, Thomas R. Riskind, David H. 1979 Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Plant Remains from Hueco Tanks State Historical Park: The Development of a Refugium From the Southwestern Naturalist, Vol. 24, No. 1, 1979 R 1.43 808 Precambrian Microfossils Microstructures
Van Devender, Thomas R. Lanner, Ronald M. 1981 Late Pleistocene Pinon Pines in the Chihuahan Desert Quarternary Research , 15, 1981 R 1.43 80-81 37 Stromalite
Van Devender, Thomas R. Mead, Jim I. 1981 Late holocene diet of Bassariscus Astutus in the Grand Canyon, Arizona Journal of Mammalogy, Vol. 62, No. 2, 1981 R 1.43 80-81 Mea Beef Heart Lipids
Van Devender, Thomas R. Batancourt, Julio L. 1981 Holocene vegetation in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico Reprinted from Science, Vol. 214, 6 November 1981 R 1.43 81-82 3 organic material
Van Devender, Thomas R. Mead, Jim I. Cole, Kenneth L. 1983 Late Quaternary small mammals from Sonoran Desert packrat middes, Arizona and California Journal of Mammalogy, Vol. 64, No. 1, 1983 R 1.43 82-83 36 organic chemistry
Van Devender, Thomas R. Riskind, David H. 1979 Pack Rat-Unwitting Helpers of Archaeologists From Texas Parks and Wildlife, 1979 R 1.43 844 organic matter ancient sediments
Van Devender, Thomas R. Frost, Darrel R. 1979 The Relationship of the Groundsnakes Sonora Semiannulata and S. Episcopa(Serpentes: Colubridae) Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Number 52, 1972 R 1.43 867 Biochemica Evolutionary Trend
Van Devender, Thomas R. Spaulding, Geoffrey W. Phillips, Arthur III 1979 Late Pleistocene Plant Communities in the Guadalupe Mountains Biological Investigations in the Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas. Natl. Pk. Serv. Proc. & Trans., Ser. No. 4, Washington, D.C., 1979 R 1.43 868 Elemental Analyses
Van Devender, Thomas R. Eshelman, Ralph 1979 Referral to the fossil lizard Sceloporus Holmani to the genus Phrynosoma Herpetologica, Vol. 35, No. 4, 1979 R 1.43 907 aspartic acid
Van Devender, Thomas R. Thompson, Robert S. Martin, Paul S. 1980 Shasta ground sloth(nothrotheriops shastense hoffstetter) at Shelter Cave, New Mexico; environment, diet and extinction Quaternary Research 14, 1980 R 143 79-80
Watson, B.N. Laughlin, A.W. Damon, P.E. 1968 Potassium-argon dates from Toquepapa and Michiquillay, Peru Economic Geology, Vol. 63, 1968 R 1.43 314 Amino acids bristlecone pine
Wengerd, Shimerman A. n.d. Regional Structural-Stratigraphic Cross Section, East-Central Arizona to West-Central New Mexico. From New Mexico Geological Society Thirteenth Field Conference R 1.43 114 Amino acids Isua rocks Greenland
West, R.E. Sumner, John S. 1969 The University of Arizona's Gravity Survey Program American Geophysical Union Vol. 50 no. 10 R 1.43 416 uranium-gold organic geochemical
Wilder, Nicea Maggessi Trindade 1969 Magasporos permianos da Formacao Corumbatai Estado de Sao Paulo An. Acad. Brasi. Cien., 41(3) 1969 R 1.43 921 Jupiter Saturn Titan
Wilder, Nicea Maggessi Trindade 1954 Megasporos do carvao gondwanico do Rio Grande do Sul e sua aplicacao em correlacoes estratigraficas Ministerio da Agricultura, Departamento Nacional da Producao Mineral, Divisao de Geologia e Mineralogia. Notas Preliminares e Estudos, Rio de Janeiro Numero 78, 1954 R 1.43 922 Amino acids Murchison meteorite
Wilder, Nicea Maggessi Trindade 1956 Contribuicao ao estudo da malacofauna de Sao Jose de Itaborai, Estado do Rio de Janeiro Notas Preliminares e Estudos, Rio De Janeiro, Number 96, 1956 R 1.43 923 Precambrian kerogens
Wilder, Nicea Maggessi Trindade 1956 O genero Lagenoiporites no Gondwana Brasileiro Notas Preliminares e Estudos, Number 96, 1956 R 1.43 924 organic aerosols
Wilder, Nicea Maggessi Trindade 1960 O genero Trileites no Gondwana Brasileiro Notas Preliminares e Estudos, Numbero 114, Rio de Janeiro, 1960 R 1.43 925 uranium-bearing organic matter
Wilder, Nicea Maggessi Trindade 1967 Megasporos Carboniferos de bacia Tocantins-Araguaia Atlas do Simposio sobre a Biota Amazonica Vol. 1 R 1.43 926 aspartic acid forensic odontology
Wilder, Nicea Maggessi Trindade 1966 Sinopse da Sistematica dos Megasporos, por N.M. Trindade e F.W. Sommer Separata do vol. 38, n. 2 Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, Rio de Janeiro R 1.43 927 organic matter
Wilson, Richard F. 1963 Permian and Pennsylvanian Strata in Southern Wyoming and Northern Colorado Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, 14th field Conference, Denver, Guidebook, 1963 R 1.43 140 Precambrian Onverwacht
Wilson, Richard F. 1965 Triassic and Jurassic Strata of Southwestern Utah Utah Geological Society Guidebook to the Geology of Utah, No. 19 R 1.43 213 Morphological Studies
Wilson, Richard F. 1967 Correlation of Upper Triassic and Triassic formations between southwestern Utah U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin, 1244-D, 1967 R 1.43 280 oldest sediments
Wilson, Richard F. McKee, Edwin 1967 Evolution of the Colorado River in Arizona Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, 1967 R 1.43 281
Wilson, Richard F. 1967 Whitmore Point, a New Member of the Moenave Formation in Utah and Arizona From Plateau, Vol. No. 1 1967 R 1.43 305 fossil microorganisms
Wilson, Richard F. 1961 Age of the Glen Canyon Group (Triassic and Jurassic) on the Colorado Plateau From GSA Bulletin, Vol. 72, No. 9, September 1961 R 1.43 756 Greenland Precambrin microfossils
Wilson, Richard F. 1955 Revisions in correlation and nomenclature of Triassic and Jurassic Formation in southwestern Utah and Northern Arizona AAPG Bulletin, Vol. 39, no. 12, December 1955 R 1.43 757
Wilson, Richard F. 1972 Changes in nomenclature of the Chinle Formation of the southern part of the Colorado Plateau: 1850'-1950's Bulletin of the Museum of Northern Arizona, vol. 47, 1972 R 1.43 758 Tortilla Mountains
Wilson, Richard F. 1960 Triassic Strata of the Salt Anticline region, Utah and Colorado Geology of the Paradox Basin fold and fault belt. Four Corners Geological Society Third Field Conference, 1960 R 1.43 759 Pinaleno Mountains
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