Loan PolicyJune 9, 2005The Antevs Library circulates various publications for the students, staff, and faculty of the Department of Geosciences, and for university, industry, and government scientists. Materials published before 1940 are not circulated.Reserve Reading Material: 2-hours or overnight if checked out within 1 3/4 hour of closing time. Journals and Books: 2 weeks with valid identification (& emial address). May be renewed by email once (after the first 2-week period), thereafter the journal or book must be brought to the Antevs Library to ensure its good condition. Theses and Dissertations: 2 weeks with valid identification (& emial address). May be renewed by email once, thereafter it needs to be brought to the Antevs Library to ensure its good condition. Exceptionally (e.g., for out-of-state patrons) dissertations can be photocopied and mailed, after The Antevs Library has obtained permission from the author. Patrons will be charged $.08 per page copying, plus postage. Contact the Antevs Librarian Topographic Maps: 2 weeks with valid identification (& emial address). May be renewed by email once, thereafter it needs to be brought to the Antevs Library to ensure its good condition. Archival Material: Research collections of E.V. Antevs, Evans B. Mayo, and others cannot be circulated under any circumstances. They must not leave the Library. Materials such as reprints may be photocopied and mailed at $.08 per page copying, plus postage. Contact the Antevs Librarian CD ROMs Must be used on Antevs Library computers, they cannot leave the library. VHSs Can be checked out for up to 1 week. |