(as of May 9, 2014)
Department of Geosciences
The University of Arizona
Theses and Dissertations completed after Spring, 2006.
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- Ababneh, Linah 2006 Analysis of Radial Growth Patterns of Strip-Bark and Whole-Bark Bristlecone Pine Tress in the White Mountains of California: Implications in Paleoclimatology and Archaeology of the Great Basin Ph.D. 147 p PDF
- Abadie, Victor Hugo, III. 1981 Geology of part of the Sierra de Moradillas, Sonora, Mexico. M.S. 87p.
- Abuajamieh, M.M. 1966 The structure of the Pantano beds in the northern Tucson basin M.S. 71p.
- Acaba, Jospeh Michael 1992 Primary sediment production from granitic rocks in southeastern Arizona M.S. 92p.
- Acker, Clement John 1958 Geologic interpretations of a siliceous breccia in the Colossal Cave area, Pima County, Arizona M.S. 50p.
- Acton, Gary Dean 1986 Paleomagnetism of Miocene volcanic rocks in the Mojave region of southeastern California M.S. 73p.
- Adam, David Peter 1970 Some palynological applications of multivariate statistics Ph.D. 132p.
- Adam, David Peter 1965 Exploratory palynology in the Sierra Nevada, California M.S. 2 copies
- Adiyaman, Hande E. 2011 S-wave receiver function image of the central north Anatolian fault zone. M.S. Prepub 37 p. PDF
- Agasie, John M. 1967 Upper Cretaceous palynomorphs from Coal Canyon, Coconino County, Arizona M.S. 2 copies
- Agenbroad, Larry D. 1962 The geology of the Atlas mine area, Pima County, Arizona M.S. 39p.
- Agenbroad, Larry D. 1967 Cenozoic stratigraphy and paleo-hydrology of the Redington-San Manuel area, San Pedro valley, Arizona Ph.D. 119p. UA Library Repository
- Ahlgren, Stephen 1999 The nucleation and evolution of Riedel shear zones as deformation bands in porous sandstone M.S. 53p.
- Ahrens, Gary Louis 1976 An analysis and interpretation of gravity and magnetic anomalies of the Butte district, Montana M.S. 48p.
- Aiken, Carlos Lynn Virgil 1976 The analysis of the gravity anomalies of Arizona Ph.D. 127p.
- Akers, J.P. 1960 The Chinle Formation of the Paria Plateau area, Arizona and Utah M.S. 83p.
- Akman, Hulya Hayriye 1988 Resistivity and induced-polarization responses over two different earth geometries M.S. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies U
- Alin, Simone Rebecca. 2001 Calibration and Interpretation of Holocene Paleoecological Records of Diversity from Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. Ph.D. 234p.
- Allen, George 1985 Economic geology of the Big Horn Mountains of west-central Arizona M.S. 116p.
- Allison, Antonia E. 1986 The geology of the Bajo El Durazno porphyry copper-gold prospect, Catamarca Province, Argentina M.S. 167p.
- Alor, Jerjes Pantoja 1963 A geological reconnaissance of the San Pedro del Gallo area, Durango, Mexico M.S. 162p.
- Ames, Martha Hyde 1972 Las Trampas, New Mexico: Dendrochronology of a Spanish colonial church M.S. 67p.
- Anchukaitis, Kevin J. 2007 A Stable Isotope Approach to Neotropical Cloud Forest Palaeoclimatology Ph.D. 165 p PDF
- Anderson, Arlene Veronica. 1987 Provenance & Petrofacies, Upper Devonian Sandstones, Philip Smith Mountains & Arctic Quadrangles. M.S. (2nd.Copy) 3 copies U
- Anderson, Megan Louise 2005 Seismic Anisotropy, Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes, and Mantle Flow in the Chile-Argentina Flat-Slab Subduction Zone Ph.D. 280p. UA Library Repository
- Anderson, Philip 1986 The Proterozoic tectonic evolution of Arizona Ph.D. 416p. UA Library Repository
- Anderson, Rodney Scott 1987 Late-Quaternary environments of the Sierra Nevada, California Ph.D. (2nd.Copy) 3 copies UA Library Repository
- Anderson, Roger Y. 1955 Uranium accumulation in plants M.S. 44p. Not Shelved
- Anthony, Elizabeth Youngblood 1986 Geochemical evidence for crustal melting in the origin of the igneous suite at the Sierrita porphyry copper deposit, southeastern Arizona Ph.D. 85p. UA Library Repository
- Applebaum, Steven. 1975 Geology of the Palo Verde Ranch Area, Owl Head Mining District, Pinal Co., Ariz. 2 copies U PDF Fig. 2
- Arca, Mehmet Serkan 2009 Investigation Of Cenozoic Crustal Extension Inferred From Seismic Reflection Profiles and Field Relations, SE Arizona. Ph.D. 185 p, 2 plates PDF plate 1 plate 2
- Archibald, Lawrence Eben 1982 Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Bisbee Group in the Whetstone Mountains, Pima and Cochise Counties, southeastern Arizona M.S. 195p.
- Arenson, John Dean 1975 Downward continuation of Bouguer gravity anomalies and residual aeromagnetic anomalies by means of finite differences M.S. 127p.
- Arif, Abdul Hamid 1964 Analysis of selected tests of aquifer characteristics, West Pakistan M.S. Not Shelved
- Armin, Richard Alan 1986 Red chert-clast conglomerate in the Earp Formation (Pennsylvanian-Permian), southeastern Arizona: Stratigraphy, sedimentology, and tectonic significance Ph.D. 338p. UA Library Repository
- Armstrong, Richard Lee 1963 Geochronology and Geology of the Eastern Great Basin Ph.D.
- Arnold, Andrew Herbert. 1986 Geologic Implications of A Geo-Chemical Study of 3 Two-Mica Granites In Southern Arizona M.S. 155p.
- Arnold, Andrew Herbert. 1986 Geologic Implications of A Geo-Chemical Study of 3 Two-Mica Granites In So. Az. M.S. (2nd.Copy) 3 copies U
- Arnold, L Clark 1964 Supergene Mineralogy and Processes in the San Xavier Mine Area- Pima County, Arizona M.S.
- Arnold, Larry David 1979 The climatic response in the partitioning of the stable isotopes of carbon in juniper trees from Arizona Ph.D. 194p.
- Arnold, Leavitt Clark 1971 Structural geology along the southeastern margin of the Tucson basin, Pima County, Arizona Ph.D. 99p.
- Ascencios, Alejandro C. 1966 The San Alberto lead-zinc ore body at Cerro de Pasco mine, Cerro de Pasco, Peru M.S. 79p.
- Ashouri, Ali-Reza 1980 Stratigraphical analysis of Triassic and lower Jurassic rocks in northeastern Arizona M.S. 72p.
- Asmerom, Yemane 1988 Mesozoic Igneous Activity in the Southern Cordillera of North America: Implication for Tectonics and Magma Genesis Ph.D. 232p. UA Library Repository
- Asmerom, Yemane 1988 Mesozoic igneous activity in the Southern Cordillera of North America: Implication for Tectonics and Magma Genesis Ph.D. (2nd.Copy) 3 copies U
- Assadi, Mohamad Seid. 1964 Structure of Golden Gate Mountain, Pima Co., Ariz. M.S. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies U
- Ault, Toby 2006 A New Synthesis of Coral Records to Evaluate Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Decadal Variability M.S. 40 p PDF
- Ault, Toby R. 2010 The continuum of drought in western North America. Ph.D. 191 p. PDF
- Azededo, Luiz Otavio Roffee. 1985 Infra-Red Spectrophotometry & X-Ray Diffractometry As Tools In the Study of Nickel Laterites. M.S. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies U
- Bader, Nicholas E. 1999 A palynological analysis of part of Death Valley core DV93-1: 166-114 KA M.S. 106p.
- Bailey, James S. 1955 A stratigraphic analysis of strata rico in the Four Corners region Ph.D. 88p.
- Balcer, Richard A. 1984 Stratigraphy & Depositional History of the Pantano Formation (Oligocene-Early Miocene), Pima Co., Arizona. M.S. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies U
- Balcer, Richard Allen 1984 Stratigraphy and depositional history of the Pantano Formation (Oligocene-early Miocene), Pima County, Arizona M.S. 107p.
- Balch, Deborah P 2003 Quaternary Ostracode Paleoecology and Its Link to Climate Change in the Bonneville Basin: A Detailed Study of the Glad800 Core GSL00-4 M.S.
- Baldridge, Warren 1979 Petrology and Petrogenesis of Basaltic Rocks and their Inclusions: Studies form the Rio Grande Rift, the Roman Comagmatic Province, and Oceanus Procellarum M.S. 316pg.
- Baldwin, Evelyn Joan 1971 Environments of deposition of the Moenkopi Formation in north-central Arizona Ph.D. 208p.
- Baldwin, Tammy K. 2003 Spatial Ability Development in the Geosciences M.S. 25p.
- Balla, John Coleman 1972 The relationship of Laramide stocks to regional structure in central Arizona Ph.D. 132p.
- Balla, John Coleman 1962 The geology and geochemistry of beryllium in southern Arizona M.S. 76p.
- Balla, John Coleman. 1972 The Relationship of Laramide Stocks To Regional Structure In Central Ariz. Ph.D. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies (Dep.t. of Geol. Eng.) U
- Ballard, Stanton Neal 1980 Structural geologic controls at the San Luis mines, Tayoltita, Durango, Mexico M.S. 121p.
- Bandurski, Eric Lord 1972 Saturated hydrocarbons in fatty tissue of beef heart M.S. 39p.
- Bandurski, Eric Lord 1975 Analysis of insoluble organic material in carbonaceous meteorites by combined vacuum pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry Ph.D. 81p.
- Banerjee, Anil K. 1957 Structural and petrological study of the Oracle Granite Ph.D. 112p.
- Banks, Maria 2009 Glacial Processes And Morphologies In The Southern Hemisphere Of Mars. Ph.D. 216 p PDF
- Barbeau, David Longfellow Jr. 2003 Application of Growth Strata and Detrital-Zircon Geochronology to Stratigraphic Architecture and Kinematic History. Ph.D. 227p.
- Barbeau, David Longfellow Jr. 2000 A Flexural Model for the Paradox Basin: Implications for the Tectonics of the Ancestral Rocky Mountains. M.S. 48p.
- Barclay, C.S. Venable 1968 Geology of the Gore Canyon-Kremmling area, Grand County, Colorado M.S. 231p.
- Barger, Erin E. 1996 Migration of recharge water downgradient from the Santa Catalina Mountains into the Tucson Basin aquifer M.S. 23p.
- Barker, Walter Blaine 1986 The Tertiary igneous terrain in the vicinity of the King Tonopah mine, Tonopah, Nevada: An exploration case study M.S. 119p.
- Barkley Maddison Camille 2011 Classification and topology of hydrogen environments in hydrous minerals. Ph.D. 158 p. PDF
- Barnes, Arthur E. 1980 A Paleocene paleomagnetic pole from the Gringo Gulch volcanics, Santa Cruz County, Arizona M.S. 6p.7
- Barnes, Jason B. 2002 Variable Denudation in the Evolution of the Bolivian Andes: Controls and Uplift-Climate-Erosion Feedbacks. M.S. 54p.
- Barovich, Karin Marie 1991 Behavior of Lu-Hf, Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotopic systems during processes affecting continental crust Ph.D. 147p. UA Library Repository
- Barovich, Karin Marie. 1991 Behavior of Lu-Hf, Sm-Nd & Rb-Sr Isotopic Systems During Processes Affecting Continental Crust. Ph.D. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies
- Barra-Pantoja, Luis Fernando. 2001 A Re-Os Study of Sulfides from the Bagdad Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposit, Northern Arizona, USA. M.S. 14p.
- Barra-Pantoja, Luis Fernando 2005 Applications of the RE-OS Isotopic System in the Study of Mineral Deposits: Geochronology and Source of Metals PhD 211p. UA Library Repository
- Barrie, Kathleen Ann 1975 The conodont biostratigraphy of the Black Prince Limestone (Pennsylvanian) of southeastern Arizona M.S. 43p.
- Barter, Charles F. 1962 Geology of the Owl Head mining district, Pinal County, Arizona M.S. 73p. PDF Plate 1
- Bartolini, Claudio 1988 Regional structure and stratigraphy of Sierra El Aliso, central Sonora, Mexico M.S. (2nd.Copy) 3 copies
- Bartos, Frances Maribel 1972 Pollen in fecal pellets as an environmental indicator M.S. 94p.
- Baskin, Jon Alan 1975 Small vertebrates of the Bidahochi Formation, White Cone, northeastern Arizona M.S. 105p.
- Batchelder, George L. 1970 Postglacial Ecology at Black Lake, Mono County, California. Ph.D. 180p.
- Bay, Kirby W. 1969 Stratigraphy of Eocene Sedimentary Rocks in the Lysite Mountain Area, Hot Springs, Fremont, and Washakie Counties, Wyoming. M.S. 181p.
- Baxter, Sarah E. 2015 Calc-silicate alteration and ore characterization, ASARCO Mission complex, Pima County, Arizona: implications for the optimization of molybdenum recovery. PrePubM.S. 90p. 2017
- Bazard, David Richard 1991 Paleomagnetism of late Triassic and Jurassic sediments of the southwestern United States Ph.D. 133p. UA Library Repository
- Bazard, David Richard 1991 Paleomagnetism of late Triassic and Jurassic sediments of the southwestern United States Ph.D (2nd.Copy) 2 copies
- Beane, Richard Edward 1968 An investigation of the manner and time of formation of malachite M.S. 82p.
- Beard, Linda Sue 1985 Precambrian geology of the Cottonwood Cliffs area, Mohave County, Arizona M.S. 115p.
- Beatty, Barbara 1987 Correlation of some mid-Mesozoic redbeds and quartz sandstones in the Santa Rita Mountains, Mustang Mountains, and Canelo Hills, southeastern Arizona M.S. 30p.
- Becker, Jennifer L. 1999 Time-space variations in Mesozoic and Cenozoic meteoric waters, southwestern North America M.S. 53p.
- Beckvar, Nancy 1986 Stratigraphy, taphonomy, and fauna-substrate associations in a Gulf of California Pleistocene marine terrace near Punta Chueca, Sonora, Mexico M.S. 98p.
- Bedford, Janice 1994 Linkages of Laramide thrusts, northern Sangre de Cristo Range, Colorado M.S. 27p.
- Bejnar, Craig Russel 1975 Paleocurrents and depositional environments of the Dakota Group (Cretaceous), San Miguel County, New Mexico M.S. 149p.
- Bennett, Catheryn MacDonald 1972 Radius effect of the alkaline earths on the rate of inversion of aragonite to calcite M.S. 151p.
- Bennett, John Newton, Jr. 1967 Paleocurrent analysis of the upper Miocene formation, Los Angeles basin, California M.S. 81p.
- Bennett, Kenneth Carlton 1975 Geology and origin of the breccias in the Morenci-Metcalf district, Greenlee County, Arizona M.S. 153p.
- Bennett, Paul J. 1961 The economic geology of some Virginia kyanite deposits Ph.D. 131p.
- Bennett, Paul J. 1957 The geology and mineralization of the Sedimentary Hills area, Pima County, Arizona M.S. 41p.
- Benson, Gregory Scott 1981 Structural investigations of the Italian Trap allochthon, Redington Pass, Pima County, Arizona M.S. 85p.
- Berman, Daniel Craig. 2003 Hillside Gullies and Possible Glacial Landforms Associated with the Degradation of Highland Craters on Mars. M.S. 191p.
- Berry, Robert Chapman 1976 Mid-tertiary Volcanic History and Petrology of the White Mountain Volcanic Province, Southeastern Arizona Ph.D. 317p. (Princeton University)
- Betancourt, Julio L. 1983 Late Quaternary plant zonation and climate in southeastern Utah M.S. 88p.
- Betancourt, Julio L. 1990 Tucson's Santa Cruz River and the arroyo legacy Ph.D. 239p. UA Library Repository
- Bhuyan, Ganesh Ch. 1965 An analysis of some regional gravity data in Arizona M.S. 132p.
- Biggs, Thomas 1997 Fire Frequency, Nutrient Concentrations and Distributions, and d13C of Soil Organic Matter and Plants in Southeastern Arizona Grassland Ph.D. 193 p.
- Bigio, Erica 2006 An integration of tree-ring and alluvial records of the fire history at the missionary ridge fire, Durango, Colorado M.S. 44 p PDF
- Bikerman, Michael 1965 Geological and Geochemical Studies of the Roskruge Range, Pima County, Arizona Ph.D. 112p.
- Bikerman, Michael 1962 A Geologic-Geochemical Study of the Cat Mountain Rhyolite M.S. 43p.
- Bikerman, Michael. 1965 Geological & Geochemical Studies of the Roskruge Range, Pima Co., Ariz. Ph.D. (2nd.Copy) 5 copies U
- Bilodeau, William L. 1979 Early Cretaceous Tectonics and Deposition of the Glance Conglomerate, Southeastern Arizona. Ph.D. 145p.
- Binder, Alan Bruce 1967 Stratigraphy & structure of the Cleomedes Quaddrangle of the Moon. Ph.D. 86p.
- Biryol, Cemal Berk 2009 Complex rupture processes of the Solomon Islands subduction zone earthquake and subduction controlled upper mantle structure beneath Anatolia. Ph.D. 150 p PDF
- Bissett, David H. 1958 A survey of hydrothermal uranium occurrences in southeastern Arizona M.S. 88p.
- Bittson, Andrew George 1976 Analysis of gravity data from the Cienega Creek area, Pima and Santa Cruz Counties, Arizona M.S. 76p.
- Bladh, Katherine Laing 1976 Rapakivi Formation of O'Leary Peak porphyry Ph.D. 125p.
- Bladh, Katherine Laing 1972 Petrology of the O'Leary Peak volcanics, Coconino County, Arizona M.S. 129p.
- Bladh, Katherine Laing 1976 Rapakivi Formation of O'Leary Peak porphyry Ph.D. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies U
- Bladh, Kenneth Walter 1973 The clay mineralogy of selected fault gouges M.S. 70p.
- Bladh, Kenneth Walter 1978 The weathering of sulfide-bearing rocks associated with porphyry-type copper deposits Ph.D. 98p.
- Blair, Keith Robert 1991 Geology of the Gold Circle district, Elko County, Nevada M.S. 85p.
- Blake, David William 1971 Geology, Alteration, and Mineralization of the San Juan Mine Area, Graham County, Arizona M.S. 85p.
- Blake, David William. 1971 Geology, Alteration, And Mineralization of the San Juan Mine Area, Graham Co., Az. M.S. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies U
- Blissenbach, Erich 1951 The geology of alluvial fans in Arizona M.S. 86p.
- Blome, Margaret Whiting. 2012 Lacustrine paleoecological records and modern training sets from Lake Malawi: implications for African paleoclimate and connections to human prehistory. Ph.D. 360p. PDF
- Bock, Charles M. 1962 The distribution of some selected alkaline metals and alkaline earths in the Stronghold Granite, Cochise County, Arizona Ph.D. 95p.
- Bodnar, Robert John 1978 Fluid inclusion study of the porphyry copper prospect at Red Mountain, Arizona M.S. 70p.
- Boghossian, Nevine Dikran 1994 Nd isotopes and the source of sediments in the miogeocline of the Canadian Cordillera M.S. 45p.
- Bohrer, Vorsila Laurene. 1968 Paleoecology of an Archaeological Site Near Snowflake, Arizona. Ph.D. 91p.
- Boissevain, Paul Robert 1982 The mise-a-la-masse method using induced polarization M.S. 23p.
- Boles, James R. 1968 Zeolites and Authigenic Feldspar Along a Part of the Beaver Rim, Fremont County, Wyoming. M.S. 64p.
- Bolin, David Samuel 1976 A geochemical comparison of some barren and mineralized igneous complexes of southern Arizona M.S. 186p.
- Bolin, David Samuel 1976 A geochemical comparison of some barren and mineralized igneous complexes of southern Arizona M.S. 186p.
- Bollin, Edgar M. 1955 The geology of the Kaibab Formation, Marble Platform, Coconino County, Arizona M.S. 105p.
- Bond, Brian Robert 1987 Selective trace element geochemistry, San Antonio mine, Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua M.S. 193p.
- Bone, Teresa 1981 On the growth and form of Pycnodonte newberryi (Stanton), a Cretaceous gryphioid oyster from the southwestern United States M.S. 47p.
- Bonini, Jennifer A. 1994 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of accreted terranes from southwestern Baja California Sur, Mexico M.S. 37p.
- Bose, Kunal 1993 Equilibrium and kinetic studies in the system MgO-SiO2-H2O Ph.D. 209p. UA Library Repository
- Bouse, Robin Marie 1995 Pb isotopic compositions of ore deposits and their host rocks in Arizona: Implications for the crustal inheritance of metals Ph.D. 205p. UA Library Repository
- Boyd, Daniel Terrence 1978 Stratigraphic relations within the Devonian Martin, Swisshelm, and Portal Formations in Cochise County, Arizona M.S. 76p.
- Boyd, John Whitney, IV 1983 The geology and alteration of the Slate Creek breccia pipe, Whatcom County, Washington M.S. 89p.
- Boyer, Jeffrey Alan 1974 Hydrogeology of the Carefree Ranch area, Maricopa County, Arizona M.S. 75p.
- Bradbury, John Platt. 1967 Origin, Paleolimnology, and Limnology of Zuni Salt Lake Maar, West -–Central New Mexico. Ph.D. 247p.
- Bradfish, Larry James 1979 Petrogenesis of the Tea Cup Granodiorite, Pinal County, Arizona M.S. 160p.
- Bradfish, Larry James. 1979 Petrogenesis of the Tea Cup Granodiorite, Pinal Co., Ariz. M.S. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies U
- Bradley, Mark Alan 1987 Vein mineralogy, paragenetic sequence and fluid inclusion survey of the Silver district, La Paz County, Arizona M.S. 131p.
- Brakenridge, George Robert 1979 The impact of climatic change on floodplain sedimentation, soil formation, and eolian activity in southern Missouri M.S. 55p.
- Brakenridge, George Robert 1982 Alluvial stratigraphy and geochronology along the Duck River, central Tennessee: A history of changing floodplain sedimentary regimes Ph.D. 89p. UA Library Repository
- Brannon, Charles Andrew 1982 Hydrothermal alteration of volcanic cover rocks, Tintic district, Utah M.S. 91p.
- Braun, Eric R. 1969 Geology & Ore Deposits of the Marble Peak Area, Santa Catalina Mountains, Pima Co., Az. M.S. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies U
- Braun, Eric R. 1969 Geology and ore deposits of the Marble Peak area, Santa Catalina Mountains, Pima County, Arizona M.S. 79p.
- Braun, Gerald Eugene 1969 Atomic substitution in the tetrahedrite tennantite series M.S. 92p.
- Bredbeck, Todd 2000 Crustal structure of west-central Africa from regional full waveform modeling M.S. 16p.
- Breed, William J. 1960 River terraces and other geomorphic features of Castle Hill Basin, Canterbury, New Zealand M.S. 34p.
- Brennan, Daniel J. 1957 Geological reconnaissance of Cienega Gap, Pima County, Arizona Ph.D. 53p.
- Brennan, Robert James 1995 Fossil snail in the southern Great Basin: Evidence for reliable 14C dating of sediments and constraints on the 14C contents of paleogroundwater M.S. 12p.
- Bressler, Stephen Lyle 1977 Paleomagnetism of the Pliocene Verde Formation, Yavapai County, Arizona M.S. 95p.
- Bressler, Stephen Lyle 1977 Paleomagnetism of the Pliocene Verde Formation, Yavapai County, Arizona M.S. 95p.
- Brikowski, Tom Harry 1987 A quantitative analysis of hydrothermal circulation around mid-ocean ridge magma chambers Ph.D. 52p. UA Library Repository
- Briscoe, James A. 1967 The general geology of the Picacho Peak area M.S. 52p.
- Britt, Terence L. 1955 The geology of the Twin Peaks area, Pima County, Arizona M.S. 58p.
- Brittain, Richard L. 1954 The geology and ore deposits of the western portion of the Hilltop mine area, Cochise County, Arizona M.S. 97p.
- Brod, Langford G., Jr. 1987 Geology and speleogenesis of Colossal Cave, Pima County, Arizona M.S. 68p.
- Broderick, Jon P. 1967 Structure and petrography of the Piety Hill area, Pima County, Arizona M.S. 56p.
- Brook, Doyle Kenneth, Jr. 1974 Relative ages of strata-form sulfide ore and wall rock determined by a structural analysis of the Copper Queen mine, Yavapai County, Arizona M.S. 60p.
- Brooks-English, Nathanael T. 2008 Stable isotopes in the spines of columnar cactus: A new proxy for climate and ecophysiological research. Ph.D. 213 p. PDF
- Brown, J. William 1969 Stratigraphy, petrology, and depositional history of the Kaibab Formation between Cameron and Desert View, Coconino County, Arizona M.S. 119p.
- Brown, Julia Talleur 1986 Geology and mineralization of the None-Too-Soon claim block, Wisconsin Canyon, Nevada M.S. 106p.
- Brown, Timothy J. 1983 Facies, paleoecology, and paleoenvironment of a Crassostrea soleniscus (Meek) reef complex, Cretaceous, San Juan Basin, New Mexico M.S. 116p.
- Browne, Jonathan F. 1958 The geology of the Cuprite mine area, Pima County, Arizona M.S. 39p.
- Bryant, Donald L. 1955 Stratigraphy of the Permian System In Southern Arizona. Ph.D. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies U
- Bryant, Donald L. 1955 Stratigraphy of the Permian system in southern Arizona Ph.D. 209p.
- Bryant, Donald L. 1951 The geology of the Mustang Mountains, Santa Cruz County, Arizona M.S.
- Bryant, Jeffrey Wayne 1978 Origin and stratigraphic relations of Cambrian quartzites in southeast Arizona M.S. 88p.
- Bryant, Vaughn Motley. 1969 Late Full-Glacial and Postglacial Pollen Analysis of Texas Sediments. Ph.D. 168p.
- Budden, Robert Terence 1975 The Tortolita-Santa Catalina Mountain complex M.S. 133p.
- Buble, Goran 2012 Microplate kinematics, intraplate deformation and sea level rise in Europe. Ph.D. 238 p. PDF
- Budo, Shoro 1965 Hydrologic-system analysis of the Wind River Formation with special reference to underground mining in the Shirley … M.S.
- Buenrostro, Carlos E. 2006 Bivalve Mollusk Paleoecology: Trophic and Environmental Reconstruction from the Stable Isotopes, Sclerochronology and Shell Damage. Ph.D. 1 p PDF
- Bump, Alexander Pearsall 2001 Kinematics, Dynamics, and Mechanics of Laramid Deformation, Colorado Plateau, Utah and Colorado Ph.D. 149p.
- Burchell, Alison 1992 Mid-Tertiary Volcanic Stratigraphy and Petrogenesis: Galiuro Mountains, Southeastern Arizona: A Field-Based Geochemical Reconnaissance M.S. 192p.
- Burchell, Alison 1992 Mid-Tertiary volcanic stratigraphy and petrogenesis: Galiuro Mountains, southeastern Arizona: A field-based geochemical reconnaissance M.S. 2 copies U
- Burnette, Charles R. 1957 Geology of the Middle Canyon, Whetstone Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona M.S. 55p.
- Burr, Devon Majorie 2003 Investigations Into the Cerberus Outflow Channels, Mars M.S.
- Burroughs, Richard L. 1959 The structural geology of the Foy Ridge area, Twin Buttes, Arizona M.S. 76p.
- Butler, Edwin Farnham, Jr. 1981 The geology and geochemical case history of the Juniper Canyon copper-molybdenum prospect, Pershing County, Nevada M.S. 82p.
- Butler, William Charles 1972 Permian conodonts from southeastern Arizona Ph.D. 130p.
- Butler, William Charles 1969 The upper Paleozoic stratigraphy of Total Wreck Ridge, Pima County, Arizona M.S. 138p.
- Butler, William Charles 1969 The upper Paleozoic stratigraphy of Total Wreck Ridge, Pima County, Arizona M.S. 138p.
- Butler, William Charles. 1972 Permian Conodonts From South-Eastern Ariz. Ph.D. (2nd.Copy) 3 copies U
- Butzer, Christina M. 2004 Neogene Tilting of Crustal Panels Near Wrangell, Alaska. M.S. 8p.
- Bykerk-Kauffman, Ann 1983 Kinematic analysis of deformation at the margin of a regional shear zone, Buehman Canyon area, Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona M.S. 79p.
- Bykerk-Kauffman, Ann 1990 Structural evolution of the northeastern Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona: A glimpse of the pre-extension history of the Catalina Complex Ph.D. 195p. UA Library Repository
- Byrne, Randall William 1988 Ridge-transform-ridge dynamics M.S. 23p.
- Cain, William Francis 1975 Carbon-14 in Tree Rings of Twentieth Century America Ph.D. 109p. (University of California, San Diego)
- Calderone, Gary Jude 1984 Paleomagnetism of Miocene volcanics, southwestern Arizona: Tectonic implications M.S. 20p.
- Calderone, Gary Jude 1988 Paleomagnetism of Miocene volcanic rocks in the Mojave-Sonora Desert region, Arizona and California Ph.D. 163p. UA Library Repository
- Calderone, Gary Jude 1988 Paleomagnetism of Miocene volcanic rocks in the Mojave-Sonora Desert region, Arizona and California Ph.D. (2nd.Copy) 3 copies U
- Calkins, Brad 1997 Petrographic, Geochemical, X-Ray, and Stable Isotope Studies at the Morenci Porphyry Copper Deposit, Greenlee County, Arizona M.S. 109 p.
- Calkins, Joshua A. 2008 An Investigation of Lithospheric Structure and Evolution in Convergent Orogenic Systems Using Seismic Receiver Functions And Surface Wave Analysis Ph.D. 144 p. PDF
- Callahan, Joseph Thomas 1951 The geology of the Glen Canyon Group of the Echo Cliffs regions, Arizona M.S. 100p.
- Callahan, Joseph Thomas. 1951 The Geology of the Glen Canyon Group of the Echo Cliffs Region, Arizona. M.S. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies U
- Calvo, Susanna S. 1982 Late Quaternary faulting west of the Santa Rita Mountains, south of Tucson, Arizona [with Philip A. Pearthree] M.S. 49p.
- Cameron, Donald Eugene 1976 Contact metamorphism of metapelites in the Front Range, Colorado: A study of disequilibrium reactions M.S. 72p.
- Cantwell, R.J. 1967 Fossil Signodon from southeastern Arizona M.S. 42p.
- Capuano, Regina Marie 1977 Chemical mass transfer and solution flow in Wyoming roll type uranium deposits M.S. 81p.
- Capuano, Regina Marie 1987 Chemical equilibria and fluid flow during compaction diagenesis of organic-rich geopressured sediments Ph.D. 122p. UA Library Repository
- Capuano, Regina Marie 1987 Chemical equilibria and fluid flow during compaction diagenesis of organic-rich geopressured sediments Ph.D. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies U
- Caroli, R.A. 2015 Turning Over a new leaf an assessment of the dendrochronological potential of three indigenous ancient Egyptian trees. M.S. 95p. PDF
- Carroll, Beth Jana 1977 The stratigraphy and conodont biostratigraphy of the Montoya Group (middle-upper Ordovician) in southeastern Arizona M.S. 68p.
- Cartwright, Alyson 2010 Chronostratigraphy And Hydrologic Modeling Of Laguna Carrilaufquén, Rio Negro, Argentia. M.S. Prepub. 41 p PDF
- Cas, Ray. 1976 The Merrions Tuff: Its Genesis and Palaeogeographic Setting. Ph.D. 265p.
- Casavant, Robert Ronald. 2001 Morphotectonic Investigation of the Arctic Alaska Terrane: Implications to Basement Architecture, Basin Evolution, Neotectonics and Natural Resourse Management. Ph.D. 457p.
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- Grover, Jeffrey Alan 1982 The geology of Teran basin, Cochise County, Arizona M.S. 73p.
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- Grubensky, Michael Joseph 1987 Structure, geochemistry, and volcanic history of mid-Tertiary rocks in the Kofa region, southwestern Arizona M.S. 107p.
- Grundy, Wilbur D. 1953 Geology and uranium deposits of the Shinarump Conglomerate of Nokai Mesa, Arizona and Utah M.S. 88p.
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- Guenthner, William R. 2009 Cenozoic Exhumation Of The Western Antarctic Peninsula: Thermochronologic Results From Northern And Southern Graham Land. M.S. 28 p
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- Gulick, Virginia Claire 1987 Origin and evolution of valleys on the Martian volcanoes: The Hawaiian analog M.S. 102p.
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- Gumble, Gordon E. 1963 Structure section through the Tuolumne Intrusive Complex, Yosemite National Park M.S. 50p.
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- Gustafson, Carl Eugene 1972 Raunal Remains from the Marmes Rockshelter and Related Archaeological Sites in the Columbia Basin Ph.D. 183p. (Washington State University)
- Gustin, Mae Sexauer 1987 A petrographic, geochemical and stable isotope study of the United Verde orebody and its associated alteration, Jerome, Arizona Ph.D. 249p. UA Library Repository
- Gustin, Michael McComb 1990 Geology and geochemistry of the Bully Hill area of the East Shasta disrict, Shasta County, California Ph.D. 261p. UA Library Repository
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- Hall, Douglas Benjamin 1993 Geomorphology of welded tuffs, Chiricahua National Monument, southeastern Arizona Ph.D. 187p. UA Library Repository
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- Hall, Michelle 1988 Isostasy of the Wind River Range and Granite Mountains, Wyoming: A gravity and flexural model M.S. 19p.
- Hall, Michelle. See also Wallace, Michelle Hall 1992 Ph.D.
- Hallman, Christine Lee. 2001 Spatial Relationships in Frost-Damaged High-Elevation Pines and Link to Major Volcanic Eruptions. M.S. 67p.
- Halva, Carroll J. 1961 A Geochemical Investigation of Basalts in Southern Arizona M.S. 88p.
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- Halvorson, Phyllis Heather Fett 1984 An exploration gravity survey in the San Pedro valley, southeastern Arizona M.S. 70p.
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- Hambrick, Dixie Ann 1984 Geochemistry and Structure of Tertiary Volcanic Rocks in the Southwestern Monte Cristo Range, Nevada M.S. 140p.
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- Hammer, Donald F. 1961 Geology and ore deposits of the Jackrabbit area, Pinal County, Arizona M.S. 156p.
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- Harris, Jonathan O. 1984 The emplacement and crystallization of the Cornelia pluton, Ajo, Arizona: An analysis based on the compositional zoning of plagioclase and field relations M.S. 78p.
- Harris, Raymond Charles 1989 Calcium metasomatism in the Josephine peridotite, southwest Oregon M.S. 128p.
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- Wagner, Charles Gregory 1979 A geophysical study of the Cave Creek basin, Maricopa County, Arizona M.S. 61p.
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- Walchessen, Anne Aurelia 1983 The geology and ore deposits of a portion of the Tyndall mining district, Santa Cruz County, Arizona M.S. 89p.
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- Walker, Scott Donald 1982 Mesozoic Tectonic Evolution of the Twin Buttes Mine Area, Pima County, Arizona: Implications for a Regional Tectonic Control of Ore Deposits in the Pima Mining District M.S. 140p.
- Walker, Valerie Ann 1979 Relationships Among Several Breccia Pipes and a Lead-Silver Vein in the Copper Creek Mining District, Pinal County, Arizona M.S. 163p.
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- Wallace, Michelle Hall. 1992 Application of Numerical Techniques To Faulting & Flexure of the Lithosphere. Ph.D. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies U
- Wallace, Robert Manning 1955 Structures at the Northern End of the Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona Ph.D. 45p.
- Wallace, Roberts Manning 1951 Stratigraphy and Structure of a Part of the Canada del Oro District, Santa Catalina Mountains, Pinal County, Arizona M.S. 55p.
- Wallace, Roberts Manning. 1954 Structures At the Northern End of the Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona. Ph.D. (2nd.Copy) 3 copies U
- Waller, Harold E., Jr. 1960 The Geology of the Paymaster and Olivette Mining Areas, Pima County, Arizona M.S. 48p.
- Waller, Roger Milton 1969 Water Sediment Ejections of the 1964 Alaska Earthquake M.S. 66p.
- Wallick, Edward Israel 1973 Isotopic and Chemical Considerations in Radiocarbon Dating of Groundwater Within the Arid Tucson Basin, Arizona Ph.D. 184p. UA Library Repository
- Walsh, James Leo 1989 The Hellhole Conglomerate: A study of a Mid-Tertiary Extensional Basin M.S. 57p.
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- Wargo, Joseph G. 1959 The geology of the Schoolhouse Mountain quadrangle, Grants County, New Mexico Ph.D. 187p.
- Wargo, Joseph G. 1954 Geology of a portion of the Coyote-Quinlan Complex, Pima County, Arizona M.S. 67p.
- Warner, Julian Dean 1982 Geology and mineralization of the Blue Rock mine, northeastern Rincon Mountains, Pima County, Arizona M.S. 131p.
- Warnock, George F. 1963 Geology of Johobo Mines Limited, Yukon Territory, Canada M.S. 102p.
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- Warzeski, Edward Robert. 1983 Facies Patterns and Diagenesis of a Lower Cretaceous Carbonate Shelf: Northeastern Sonora and Southeastern Arizona.. Ph.D. 401p. (University of New York, Binghamton)
- Waters, Michael Richard 1980 Lake Cahuilla: Late Quaternary lacustrine history of the Salton Trough, California M.S. 74p.
- Waters, Michael Richard 1983 Late Quaternary geology and archaeology of Whitewater Draw, southeastern Arizona Ph.D. 110p. UA Library Repository
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- Weaver, Richard R. 1965 Structural Interpretation of the Ruby Star Ranch Area, Pima Mining District, Pima Co., Arizona. M.S. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies U
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- Webb, Robert Howard 1985 Late Holocene flooding on the Escalante River, south-central Utah Ph.D. 204p. UA Library Repository
- Webb, Robert T. 1957 Petrography, structure, and mineralization of the Meadow Creek area, Chelan County, Washington M.S. 51p.
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- Weibel, William Lee 1981 Depositional history and geology of the Cloudburst Formation near Mammoth, Arizona M.S. 81p.
- Weidner, Melvin I. 1957 The Geology of the Beacon Hill-Colossal Cave Area, Pima County, Arizona M.S. 34p.
- Weise, James Richard 1982 Stratigraphy, Lithofacies, and Biofacies of the U-Bar Formation (Aptian-Albian) of the Big Hatchet Mountains, Hidalgo County, New Mexico. Ph.D. 341p. (U of Texas at El Paso)
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- Welber, Paul William 1977 A petrologic study of compositionally zoned plagioclase from the Rocky Hill Stock, Tulare County, California M.S. 62p.
- Weller, Roger Nelson 1972 Lunar Craters with Cracked Floors M.S. 178p.
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- Welty, John W. 1988 Strontium Isotopic Compositions of Igneous Rocks At the San Manuel-Kalamazoo Porphyry Copper Deposit, Pinal Co., Arizona. M.S. (2nd.Copy) 3 copies U
- Wendt, Clarence John 1978 Geology, Alteration, & Mineralization of the Batamote Ranch Area, Northern Sonora, Mexico. M.S. 110p.
- Wendt, Clarence John. 1977 Geology, Alteration, & Mineralization of the Batamote Ranch Area, Northern Sonora, Mexico. M.S. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies U
- Werrell, William Lewis 1967 Steam Gaging by Continuous Injection of Tracer Elements. M.S.
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- West, Kelly 1991 Resolution and Congruence of Biological and Paleontological Data Sets in Phylogenetic Reconstruction M.S. 44p.
- West, Robert Elmer 1970 Analysis of Gravity Data from the Avra Valley Area, Pima County, Arizona M.S. 73p.
- West, Robert Elmer 1972 A Regional Bouguer Gravity Anomaly Map of Arizona Ph.D. 186p.
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- Whitcomb, Harold A. 1948. Geology of the Morgan Mine area Twin Buttes, Arizona. M.S. 114p PDF
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- White, Laura 2013 Orbital forcing of Asian monsoon rainfall based on 10Be in Chinese loess (3 appendices). PDF PDF PDF PDF
- Whitney, Richard L. 1957 Stratigraphy and Structure of the Northeastern Part of the Tucson Mountains M.S. 61p.
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- Whittier, Donald A. 1964 Character and Distribution of Mineralization Associated with Magnetite Bodies Northeast of Aquila, Michoacan, Mexico M.S. 123p.
- Whittington, Stephen L. 1981 Evaluation of the Mosimann and Martin Simulation of the Overkill Hypothesis M.S. 52p. U
- Wiggins, Martin Robert 1992 Wallrock Alteration and Geochemistry of the Randsburg Mining District, Kern and San Bernardino Counties, California M.S. 115p.
- Wiggins, Martin Robert 1992 Wallrock Alteration and Geochemistry of the Randsburg Mining District, Kern and San Bernardino Counties, California M.S. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies U
- Wilder, Nicéa Trindade 1980 Late Paleozoic Lycopodiaceous Megaspores of Brazil Ph.D. 105p.
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- Williams, Charles A., Jr. 1990 Numerical Modeling of Fault Formation and the Dynamics of Existing Faults Ph.D. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies U
- Williams, Charles A., Jr. 1987 A Nonlinear Least-Squares Inverse Analysis of Strike-Slip Faulting on the San Andreas Fault M.S. 8p.
- Williams, George A. 1951 The Coal Deposits and Cretaceous Stratigraphy of the Western Part of Black Mesa, Arizona Ph.D. 307p.
- Williams, Michael Lloyd 1982 Geology of the Copper Occurrence at Copper Hill, Picuris Mountains, New Mexico M.S. 98p.
- Williams, Paul 1981 Plagioclase Zoning Profiles of a Small Pluton in Arizona M.S. 46p.
- Williams, Sidney A. 1962 The Mineralogy of the Mildren and Steppe Mining Districts, Pima County, Arizona Ph.D. 145p.
- Williams, William Conard 1992 Magmatic and Structural Controls on Mineralization in the Paleocene Magmatic Arc Between 22°40' and 23°45' South Latitude, Antofagasta, II Region, Chile Ph.D. 182p. UA Library Repository
- Williams, William Conard 1992 Magmatic and Structural Controls on Mineralization in the Paleocene Magmatic Arc Between 22°40' and 23°45' South Latitude, Antofagasta, II Region, Chile Ph.D. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies U
- Williamson, Robert Linn, Jr. 1993 The Geology of the Mineral Hill Area, Mission Mine, Pima County, Arizona M.S. 146p.
- Willingham, Tylon O. 1985 Uranium Bearing Stratiform Organic Matter in Paleoplacers of the Lower Huronian Supergroup, Elliot Lake-Blind River Region, Canada M.S. 43p.
- Wilson, Brant 2004 Characterization of Leached Cappin at the Dos Pobres Copper Porphyry, Graham County, Arizona. M.S. 91p.
- Wilson, Clyde A. 1961 Ore Controls of the San Xavier Mine, Pima County, Arizona M.S. 58p.
- Wilson, Elizabeth White. 2003 Regional Geochemical Characteristics of Laramide Volcanics, Southeastern Arizona and Adjacent Areas. M.S. 93p.
- Wilson, Jeffrey Melvin 1989 An Axial View of Three Metamorphic Core Complexes: Seismic Crustal Structure of the Whipple, Chemehuevi and Sacramento Mountains, Southeastern California M.S. 27p.
- Wilson, John Randall 1977 Geology, Alteration, and Mineralization of the Korn Kob Mine Area, Pima County, Arizona M.S. 103p.
- Wilson, Kim Suzanne 1984 The Geology & Epithermal Silver Mineralization of the Reymert Mine, Pinal County, Arizon. M.S. 100p.
- Wilson, Kim Suzanne. 1984 The Geology & Epithermal Silver Mineralization of the Reymert Mine, Pinal County, Arizon. M.S. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies U
- Wilson, Robert L. 1956 Stratigraphy and Economic Geology of the Chinle Formation, Northeastern Arizona Ph.D. 257p.
- Wilt, Jan Carol 1969 Petrology and Stratigraphy of the Colina Limestone (Permian) in Cochise County, Arizona M.S. 117p.
- Wilt, Jan Carol 1993 Geochemical Patterns of Hydrothermal Mineral Deposits Associated with Calc-Alkalic and Alkali-Calcic Igneous Rocks as Evaluated with Neural Networks Ph.D. 721p. UA Library Repository
- Wilt, Jan Carol 1993 Geochemical Patterns of Hydrothermal Mineral Deposits Associated with Calc-Alkalic and Alkali-Calcic Igneous Rocks as Evaluated with Neural Networks Ph.D. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies U
- Wilton, Donald Robert 1942 A New Numerical Approach to the Calculation of Electromagnetic Scattering Properties of Two-Dimensional Bodies of Arbitrary Cross-Section Ph.D. 98p. (U of Illinois)
- Winant, Alexander R. 2010 Sericitic and Advanced Argillic Mineral Assemblages and Their Relationship to Copper Mineralization, Resolution Porphyry Cu-(Mo) Deposit, Superior District, Pinal County, Arizona. M.S. 98 p. PDF
- Winker, Charles David 1987 Neogene Stratigraphy of the Fish Creek-Vallecito Section, Southern California: Implications for Early History of the Northern Gulf of California and Colorado Delta Ph.D. 494p. UA Library Repository
- Winker, Charles David 1987 Neogene Stratigraphy of the Fish Creek-Vallecito Section, Southern California: Implications for Early History of the Northern Gulf of California and Colorado Delta Ph.D. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies U
- Winograd, Issac Judah 1971 Origin of Major Springs in the Amargosa Desert of Nevada and Death Valley, California Ph.D. 170p. UA Library Repository
- Winter, C. Larrabee 1976 Relationships Among Climate, Tree-Ring Widths and Grass Production on the Santa Rita Experimental Range M.S. 121p.
- Wirt, Laurie 1988 The Origin of Chloride in Ground Water in the Stripa Granite, Sweden M.S. 62p.
- Wiseman, Frederick Matthew 1974 Paleoecology and the Prehistoric Maya: A History of Man-Land Relationships in the Tropics M.S. 97p.
- Wiseman, Frederick Matthew 1978 Agricultural and Historical Ecology of the Lake Region of Peten, Guatemala Ph.D. 189p. UA Library Repository
- Witkin, David B. 1992 Production of Impurities in Benzene Synthesis for Liquid Scintillation Counting and its Effect on High-Precision Radiocarbon Measurements M.S. 26p.
- Witter, Donald Paul, Jr. 1976 Conodont Biostratigraphy of the Upper Devonian in the Globe-Mammoth Area, Arizona M.S. 98p.
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- Wohl, Ellen Eva 1988 Northern Australian Paleofloods as Paleoclimatic Indicators Ph.D. 285p. UA Library Repository
- Wohl, Ellen Eva 1988 Northern Australian Paleofloods as Paleoclimatic Indicators Ph.D. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies U
- Wojniak, Wayne Stanley 1979 A Magnetotelluric Sounding at the Tucson Magnetic and Seismological Observatory M.S. 194p.
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- Wood, Michael Manning 1969 The Crystal Structures of Ransomite CuFe2(SO4)4?6H20, and Roemerite, Fe''Fe'''2(SO4)?14H2O, and Proposed Classification for the Transition Metal Sulfate Hydrates Ph.D. 59p.
- Wood, Michael Manning 1963 Metamorphic Effects of the Leatherwood Quartz Diorite, Santa Catalina Mountains, Pima County, Arizona M.S. 68p.
- Wood, Michelle Lee 1996 Synoptic Dendroclimatology in the Upper Narmada River Basin: An Exploratory Study in Central India M.S. 177p.
- Wood, Paul A. 1958 A Miocene Camel from Wellton, Yuma County, Arizona M.S. 37p.
- Wood, Paul A. 1962 Pleistocene Fauna from 111 Ranch Area, Graham County, Arizona Ph.D. 37p.
- Wood, William R. 1955 The Cambrian and Devonian Carbonate Rocks at Yampai Cliffs, Mohave County, Arizona. Ph.D. 37p.
- Woodell, Charles E. 1927 The Mississippian Fauna of the Redwall Limestone near Jerome, Arizona M.S. 37p.
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- Wortman, Ann Aber 1984 Origin and Stratigraphic Relations of the Basal Bolsa Quartzite Conglomerate on Dos Cabezas Ridge, Cochise County, Arizona M.S. 37p.
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- Wust, Stephen Louis 1986 Tectonic Development of the Pioneer Structural Complex, Pioneer Mountains, Central Idaho Ph.D. 37p.
- Wust, Stephen Louis 1986 Tectonic Development of the Pioneer Structural Complex, Pioneer Mountains, Central Idaho Ph.D. (2nd.Copy) 37p., 3 copies U UA Library Repository
- Wynn, Jeffrey Curran 1974 Electromagnetic Coupling in Induced Polarization Ph.D. 37p.
- Yanites, Brian John 2005 Debris Flow Deposition and Reworking by the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona M.S. 37p.
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- Yarter, William Vernon 1981 Geology, Geochemistry, Alteration, & Mass Transfer In the Soil Prospect, A Sub-Economic Porphyry Copper-Molybdenum Deposit, Safford District, Graham Co. Arizona. M.S. 37p.
- Yarter, William Vernon. 1981 Geology, Geochemistry, Alteration, & Mass Transfer In the Soil Prospect, A Sub-Economic Porphyry Copper-Molybdenum Deposit, Safford District, Graham Co. Arizona. M.S. (2nd.Copy) 37p. U
- Yeats, Kenneth James 1985 Geology and Structure of the Northern Dome Rock Mountains, La Paz County, Arizona M.S. 37p. PDF 14 Mb (Contact us reg. maps)
- Yeats, Kenneth James. 1985 Geology & Structure of the Northern Dome Rock Mountains, La Paz, County, Arizona. M.S. (2nd.Copy) 37p. U
- Yildiz, Mehmet 1961 Structure and Petrography of Black Rock, Apache County, Arizona M.S. 37p.
- Young, David Paul 1988 The History of Deformation and Fluid Phenomena in the Top of the Wilderness Suite, Santa Catalina Mountains, Pima County, Arizona M.S. 37p.
- Young, Michaela Nicole 1993 Characteristics of Skarns Related to Gold Mineralization at Gold Acres, Nevada M.S. 37p.
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- Youngblood, Elizabeth Jane 1979 Crystal Fractionation in an Andesite Sequence, Sarigan, the Mariana Arc M.S. 16p.
- Young-Mitchell, Michaela Nicole 1999 Geochemistry of lower Paleozoic host rocks for sediment-hosted gold deposits, western U.S.A. Ph.D. 124p.
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- Zadina, William Louis. 1982 Structural Variations of Muscovite In Porphyry Copper Systems. M.S. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies U
- Zamora, Hector A. 2013 Post-dam sediment dynamics and processes in the Colorado River estuary and its implications for habitat restoration. Prepub. M.S. 39p. PDF
- Zartman, Robert Eugene 1963 A Geochronological Study of the Lone Grove Pluton from the Llano Uplift, Texas M.S. 142pg. U
- Zeihen, Gregory Douglas. 1985 Paragenetic Relationships, Zoning, & Mineralogy of the Black Pine Mine, Granite Co., Montana. (Geol. Eng.) M.S. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies U
- Zerrahn, Gregory Joseph 1976 Tectonics and Sedimentation Associated with the Taconic Orogeny (Ordovician) of New York State M.S. 130p.
- Zimmerman, John Edward 1983 The Geology and Structural Evolution of a Portion of the Mother Lode Belt, Amador County, California M.S. 138p.
- Zimmerman, John, Jr. 1942 The Origin of the Tumey Sandstone (Tertiary), Fresno County, California. M.S. 58p. (Leland Stanford Junior University)
- Zumberge, John Edward 1976 The Organic Analyses and the Development of the Vaal Reef Carbon Seams of the Witwatersrand Gold Deposits Ph.D. 115p.
- Zumberge, John Edward 1973 Ozonolysis of Kerogen in a Transvaal Stromatolitic Limestone M.S. 32p.
- Zurcher, Lukas 2002 Regional Setting and Magmatic Evolution of Laramide Porphry Copper Systems in Western Mexico Ph.D. 2 copies
- Zurcher, Lukas 1994 Paragenesis, Elemental Distribution, and Stable Isotopes at the Pena Colorada Iron Skarn, Colima, Mexico M.S. 54p.