The Antevs Library Online Author Title Catalog
The catalog includes nearly 7000 titles. The following list, arranged
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Theses and Dissertations
01/25/11 OKD
Aalto, K.R. 1989 Geologic Evolution of the Northernmost Coast Ranges and Western Klamath Mountains, California 10CA 10.02 Aal. Field Trip Guidebook T308, Galice to Eureka, California July 20-28, 1989
AAPG 1975 Finding and Exploring Ancient Deltas In the Subsurface. . 11 10.15 AAPG AAPG Marine Geology Committee Workshop. Introductory Papers and Notes. Dallas, TX, April 6, 1975.
Ababneh, Linah 2006 Analysis of Radial Growth Patterns of Strip-Bark and Whole-Bark Bristlecone Pine Tress in the White Mountains of California: Implications in Paleoclimatology and Archaeology of the Great Basin Ph.D. 147 p PDF
Abadie, Victor Hugo, III. 1981 Geology of part of the Sierra de Moradillas, Sonora, Mexico. M.S. 87p.
Abbot, C.G. 1931 Research corporation awards to A.E. Douglas and Ernst Antevs for researches in chronology. R 1.40 123 Smithsonian Report for 1931 Publication 3152 pp. 303-254 7 plates (reprint)
Abbott, P., Gastil, R.G. 1979 Baja California Geology: Field Guides and Papers 10CA 10.02 Abb. Department of Geological Sciences San Diego University, 1979
Abbott, Patrick L. 1979 Eocene Depositional Systems, San Diego 5.91 1978 SEPM SEPM, Pacific Section, Los Angeles, 1979
Abbott, Patrick L. 1979 Mesozoic Crystalline Rocks Peninsular Ranges Batholith and Pegmatites Point Sal Ophiolite 10CA 10.02 Abb. Published by Department of Geological Sciences, San Diego State University, San Diego California
Abbott, Patrick L. 1984 Upper Cretaceous Depositional Systems Southern California-Northern Baja California 5.91 1983 SEPM SEPM, Pacific Section, Los Angeles, 1984
Abbott, Patrick L. 1989 Geologic Studies in Baja California 5.91 1988 SEPM SEPM, Pacific Section, Los Angeles, 1989
Abbott, Patrick L. 1991 Eocene Geologic History San Diego Region 5.91 1990 SEPM SEPM, Pacific Section, Los Angeles, 1991
Abbott, Patrick L. 1979 Geological Excursions in the Southern California Area 10CA 10.02 Abb. Department of Geological Sciences, San Diego State University, San Diego, California, 92182
Abelson, Phillip H 1959 Researches in Geochemistry. 11 2.09 A John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1959.
Abuajamieh, M.M. 1966 The structure of the Pantano beds in the northern Tucson basin M.S. 71p.
Acaba, Jospeh Michael 1992 Primary sediment production from granitic rocks in southeastern Arizona M.S. 92p.
Acker, Clement John 1958 Geologic interpretations of a siliceous breccia in the Colossal Cave area, Pima County, Arizona M.S. 50p.
Ackerman, Edward A 1941 The Koppen Classification of Climates in North America 7.0 A-1 6 Geographical Review, vol. XXXI No. 1 (January, 1941).
Acton, Gary Dean 1986 Paleomagnetism of Miocene volcanic rocks in the Mojave region of southeastern California M.S. 73p.
Adam, David P. 1964 Exploratory Palynology in the Sierra Nevada, California. 4.7624 4 Geochronology Laboratories, University of Arizona, Tucson, 1964.
Adam, David P. 1967 Enclosed Bark as a Pollen Trap. R 1.43 267 From Science, vol. 157, no. 3792, September 1, 1967. (reprint)
Adam, David P. 1967 Late Pleistocene and Recent Palynology in the Central Sierra Nevada, California R 1.43 262 Quaternary Paleoecology. Yale University Press, 1967. (reprint)
Adam, David P. 1969 Ice Ages and the Thermal Equilibrium of the Earth. 4.7624 15 Dept. of Geochronology, University of Arizona, Tucson, 1969.
Adam, David P. 1972 A Further Notice on Correlation Coefficients Derived From Cumulative Distributions. R 1.43 540 Journal of Glacialology Vol. 11 No. 6 (1972). (reprint)
Adam, David P. n.d. Nomogram for Mosimann's Beta Compound Multinomial Correlations Coefficient. R 1.43 270 Unknown. (reprint)
Adam, David Peter 1965 Exploratory palynology in the Sierra Nevada, California M.S. 2 copies
Adam, David Peter 1970 Some palynological applications of multivariate statistics Ph.D. 132p.
Adams, A.E. 1984 Atlas of Sedimentary Rocks Under the Microscope. 11 10.14 Ada John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1984.
Adams, A.E. 1998 A Color Atlas of Carbonate Sediments and Rocks Under the Microscope. 11 10.14 Ada John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1998.
Adams, Frank Dawson 1938 The Birth and Development of the Geological Sciences. 11 20.01 Ada Dover Publications Inc., New York, 1938.
Adams, John Anthony 1986 Dirt. 11 10.16 Ada Texas A&M University Press, College Station, 1986.
Addison, W.E. 1961 Structural Principles In Inorganic Compounds 11 2.06 P John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1961
Advisory Committee on the Sahel 1984 Environmental Change in the West African Sahel 10AF 10.11 Adi National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1984
Agasie, John M. 1967 Upper Cretaceous palynomorphs from Coal Canyon, Coconino County, Arizona M.S. 2 copies
Agenbroad, Larry D. 1962 The geology of the Atlas mine area, Pima County, Arizona M.S. 39p.
Agenbroad, Larry D. 1967 Cenozoic stratigraphy and paleo-hydrology of the Redington-San Manuel area, San Pedro valley, Arizona Ph.D. 119p.
Ager, Derek V. 1963 Principles of Paleoecology: An Introduction to the Study of How ad Where Animals and Plants Lived In the Past. 11 15.02 Age McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1963.
Ager, Derek V. 1981 The Nature of the Stratigraphical Record, second edition 11 10.15 Age Macmillan Press, London, 1981
AGU 2006 AGU 2006 Fall Meeting 4.242 AGU, 11-15 December 2006
AGU 2006 AGU 2006 Fall Meeting, Monday-Wednesday 4.242 AGU Fall Meeting 11-15 December 2006, Monday-Wednesday
AGU 2006 AGU 2006 Fall Meeting, Thursday-Friday 4.242 AGU Fall Meeting 11-15 December 2006, Thursday-Friday
Ahlgren, Stephen 1999 The nucleation and evolution of Riedel shear zones as deformation bands in porous sandstone M.S. 53p.
Ahlmann, Hans Wilson n.d. Glaciological Research on the North Atlantic Coasts. 11 14 A The Royal Geographical Society, London, 1948.
Ahnert, Frank 1960 The Influence of Pleistocene Climates Upon the Morphology of Cuesta Scarps on the Colorado Plateau. 7.0 A-1 7 Reprinted from Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol.50, June, 1960, No.2.
Ahrens, Gary Louis 1976 An analysis and interpretation of gravity and magnetic anomalies of the Butte district, Montana M.S. 48p.
Ahrens, L.H. 1965 Distribution of the Elements In Our Planet. 11 2.09 Bea McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York,1965.
Aiken, C.L. 1973 Physical and Computer Modeling of Induced Polarization. R 1.43 580 Geophysical Prospecting, vol.21, no.4, 1973. (reprint)
Aiken, C.L.V. 1976 Free-Air Gravity Anomaly Map of Arizona. R 1.43 693 Arizona Geological Society Digest, vol.X, March, 1976. (reprint)
Aiken, Carlos L.V. 1974 A Geophysical and Geological Investigation of Potentially Favorable Areas for Petroleum Exploration in Southeastern Arizona. 10AZ 10.08 A ds
Aiken, Carlos Lynn Virgil 1976 The analysis of the gravity anomalies of Arizona Ph.D. 127p.
Aissaoui, Djafar M., ed., et al. 1993 Applications of Paleomagnetism to Sedimentary Geology. Based on a symposium sponsored by SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology). 4.74 49 SEPM special Publication No. 49, SEPM, Tulsa, 1993.
Akers, J.P. 1960 The Chinle Formation of the Paria Plateau area, Arizona and Utah M.S. 83p.
Akers, Jay P. 1964 Geology and Ground Water in the Central Part of Apache County, Arizona. 10AZ 10.07 Ake U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, 1964.
Akman, Hulya Hayriye 1988 Resistivity and induced-polarization responses over two different earth geometries M.S. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies U
Akosofu, Syun-Ichi, et al., eds. 1968 Syndey Chapman, Eighty: From His Friends. 11 20 Cha Sponsored by the University of Alaska, University of Colorado, and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.
Albers, John P. 1965 French Gulch Quadrangle: Shasta and Trinity Counties, California 10CA 10.02 Alb. California Division of Mines Special Report 85
Albritton, Claude C., Jr. 1963 The Fabric of Geology 11 10.02 Alb Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. 1963
Albritton, Claude C., Jr. 1980 The Abyss of Time: Changing Conceptions of the Earth's Antiquity after the Sixteenth Century. 11 20.01 Alb Freeman, Cooper & Co., San Francisco, 1980.
Aldridge, B.N. 1963 Floods of August 1963 in Prescott, Arizona. 10AZ 10.07 A US Dept. of the Interior Geological Survey, Tucson, Arizona, October 1963.
Alenius, E.M.J. 1971 A Brief History of the United Verde Open Pit, Jerome, Arizona. 4.7601 178 The University of Arizona, Tucson, 1968, reprinted in 1971.
Alexander, R. McNeill 1989 Dynamics of Dinosaurs and Other Extinct Giants. 11 15.05 Ale Columbia University Press, New York, 1989
Alexander, Roger G., Jr. 1955 Geology of the Whitehall Area, Montana. 10MT 10.02 A Yellowstone-Bighorn Research Project Contribution 195. Yellowstone-Bighorn Research Association, Inc., 1955.
Ali, Syed A., comp. 1977 Diagenesis of Sandstones. 11 10.15 Ali The American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, 1977. AAPG Reprint Series No. 20.
Ali-Izz, Abu 1971 Landforms of Egypt 10AF 10.03 Izz The American University in Cairo Press, Cairo, U.A.R., 1971
Alin, Simone Rebecca. 2001 Calibration and Interpretation of Holocene Paleoecological Records of Diversity from Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. Ph.D. 234p.
Allen, Gary C. 1990 Physical Geology, Eighth Edition. 11 10.05 All Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1990.
Allen, George 1985 Economic geology of the Big Horn Mountains of west-central Arizona M.S. 116p.
Allen, M.A. 1918 Manganese. 4.7601 91 University of Arizona Bureau of Mines, Tucson, August, 1918.
Allen, M.A. 1919 Barytes. 4.7601 99 University of Arizona Bureau of Mines, Tucson, August 1919.
Allen, M.A. 1921 Fluorspar. 4.7601 114 University of Arizona Bureau of Mines, Tucson, July 15, 1921.
Allen, M.A. 1921 Vanadium. 4.7601 115 University of Arizona Bureau of Mines, Tucson, September 1, 1921.
Allen, Philip A 1990 Basin Analysis: Principles and Applications. 11 10.08 All. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1990.
Allen, Victor T. 1936 Terminology of Medium-Grained Sediments. 7.0 A-1 9 National Research Council Division of Geology and Geography. Annual Report for 1935-1936. Washington, 1936.
Allison Vernon C. 1925 Climatic Pattern of Cenozoic Times. 7.0 A-1 10 Reprinted from the Pan-American Geologist vol.43, April, 1925
Allison, Antonia E. 1986 The geology of the Bajo El Durazno porphyry copper-gold prospect, Catamarca Province, Argentina M.S. 167p.
Allison, Peter Al, ed. 1991 Taphonomy: Releasing the Data Locked in the Fossil Record 11 15.07 All Plenum Press, New York, 1991
Almgren, Alvin A. 1984 Palepgene Submarine Canyons of the Sacramento Valley, California 10CA 10.02 Alm. Pacific Section AAPG, Symposium Volume 1984
Almquist, Signe 1907 Geologi. 11 10.02 A P.A. Norstedt & Soners Forlag, Stockholm, 1907.
Alor, Jerjes Pantoja 1963 A geological reconnaissance of the San Pedro del Gallo area, Durango, Mexico M.S. 162p.
Alt, David D. 1972 Roadside Geology of the Northern Rockies. 10US 10.01 Alt Mountain Press Publishing Co., Missoula, Montana, 1972.
Alt, David D. 1975 Roadside Geology of Northern California. 10CA 10.02 Alt. Mountain Press Publishing Co., Missoula, Montana, 1975.
Amann, Andrew William, Jr., et al. 1998 Ice Age Mammal of the San Pedro River Valley, Southeastern Arizona. 4.76021 6 Arizona Geological Survey, Tucson, 1998.
Ambroggi, Robert P. 1966 Water Under the Sahara. 7.0 A-1 19 Scientific American, vol. 214, no. 5, May 1966.
Ambrose, William A. 1990 Facies heterogeneity and Brine-Disposal Potential of Miocene Barrier-island, Fluvial, and Deltaic Systems. 4.06 90-4 Bureau of Economic Geology, Austin, TX, 1990.
American Chemical Society 2000 Petroleum Research Fund. 44th Annual Report on Research Under Sponsorship of the Petroleum Research Fund Administered by the American Chemical Society. 11 10.08 Pet The American Chemical Society, 2000.
American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature 1970 Code of Stratigraphic Nomenclature. 11 10.15 AAPG, Tulsa, 1970
American Geological Institute 1992 Planning for Field Safety 11 10.01 Ame American Geological Institute, Alexandria, VA, 1992.
American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers. 1960 Industrial Minerals and Rocks (Nonmetallics other than Fuels), third edition. 11 9.01 A American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, New York: AIME, 1960.
American Institute of Professional Geologists. 1985 Ground Water: Issues and Answers. 11 10.07 Ame AIPG, Arvada, CO, 1985.
American Institute of Professional Geologists. 1985 Hazardous Waste: Issues and Answers. 11 19.05 Ame AIPG, Arvada, CO, 1985.
American Institute of Professional Geologists. 1985 Radioactive Waste: Issues and Answers. 11 19.05 Aus AIPG, Arvada, CO, 1985.
American Journal of Science 1954 Articles on Reefs. 7.0 A-1 4 American Journal of Science. Vol. 252, No.7, July 1954.
American Mineralogist 1939 Several Articles on Mineralogy. 7.0 A-1 22 American Mineralogist. Vol. 24, No.11, Nov. 1939.
Ames, Martha Hyde 1972 Las Trampas, New Mexico: Dendrochronology of a Spanish colonial church M.S. 67p.
Amiran, David H.K., ed. 1973 Coastal Deserts: Their Natural and Human Environments. 11 19.01 Coo 1993 The University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ, 1973.
Amundsen, Roald 1928 North Pole and South. 7.0 A 8 Nomad, The Magazine of Travel and Adventure. Vol. V No.1 (Dec.,1928).
Anchukaitis, Kevin J. 2007 A Stable Isotope Approach to Neotropical Cloud Forest Palaeoclimatology Ph.D. 165 p PDF
Anderson, Arlene Veronica. 1987 Provenance & Petrofacies, Upper Devonian Sandstones, Philip Smith Mountains & Arctic Quadrangles. M.S. (2nd.Copy) 3 copies U
Anderson, Charles A., ed. 1950 1940 E.W. Scripps Cruise to the Gulf of California. (Parts I - V). 4.245 43 Geological Society of America, Washington D.C., Aug. 10, 1950.
Anderson, F.M. 1938 Lower Cretaceous Deposits in California and Oregon. 4.246 16 The Society , New York, Nov. 30, 1938.
Anderson, F.M. 1958 Upper Cretaceous of the Pacific Coast. 4.245 71 Geological Society of America, New York, June 6, 1958.
Anderson, J. Lawford, ed. 1990 The Nature and Origin of Cordilleran Magmatism. 4.245 174 Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO.,1990.
Anderson, Kerr, ed., et al. 1995 Irish Carbonate-Hosted Zn - Pb Deposits. [Guidebook Prepared by the Society of Economic Geologists and the Irish Association for Economic Geology for their Field Conference 13-19 May, 1995.] 5.60 SEG v.30 The Society, Citizen Printing Co., Inc., Fort Collins, CO, 1995.
Anderson, Megan Louise 2005 Seismic Anisotropy, Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes, and Mantle Flow in the Chile-Argentina Flat-Slab Subduction Zone Ph.D. 280p.
Anderson, Philip 1986 The Proterozoic tectonic evolution of Arizona Ph.D. 416p. Not Shelved
Anderson, Phillip 1978 The Precambrian Massive Sulfide Deposits of Arizona : A Distinct Metallogenic Epoch and Province. R 1.43 914 Anderson-Guilbert-Precambrian Massive Sulfides, AZ, 1978. Fifth Quadrennial Symposium. (reprint)
Anderson, Robert 1907 The Great Japanese Volcano Aso. (Reprint). 7.0 A-1 17 The Popular Science Monthly, vol. LXXI, July, 1907.
Anderson, Robert 1908 The Japanese Volcano Aso and Its Large Caldera. (Reprint). 7.0 A-1 16 Journal of Geology, vol. XVI, no. 6, Sept.- Oct 1908.
Anderson, Robert Van Vleck 1936 Geology in the Coastal Atlas of Western Algeria. 4.245 4 Geological Society of America, Washington D.C., June, 1936.
Anderson, Rodney Scott 1987 Late-Quaternary environments of the Sierra Nevada, California Ph.D. (2nd.Copy) 3 copies U
Anderson, Roger Y. 1955 Uranium accumulation in plants M.S. 44p. Not Shelved
Anderson, Roger Y. 1955 Pollen Analysis, A Research Tool For the Study of Cave Deposits. R 1.43 13 American Antiquity vol. 21 no. 1, 1955. (reprint)
Anderson, Roger Y., ed. 1958 Guidebook of the Black Mesa Basin, Northeastern Arizona. 5.70 1958 New Mexico Geological Society Ninth Field Conference prepared in cooperation with the Arizona Geological Society, Oct. 16-18, 1958.
Anderton, R. 1979 A Dynamic Stratigraphy of the British Isles: A Study in Crustal Evolution 11 10.15And George Allen and Unwin LTD. , 1979
Andrews, David A 1937 Ground Water in Avra-Altar Valley, Arizona. (Reprint). 7.0 A-1 Water-Supply Paper 796-E (1937).
Andrews, J.T. 1975 Glacial Systems: An Approach to Glaciers and Their Environments. 11 14 A Duxbury Press, North Scituate, Massachusetts, 1975.
Anschutz, Phillip F 1980 The Overthrust Belt: Will It Double U.S. Gas Reserves? 7.0 A-1 18 World Oil, Jan. 1980.
Antarctic Research Series 1971 Antarctic Oceanology I Antarctic Published by the American Geophysical Union of the National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 1971.
Antevs, Ernst 1913 Swedish Scientific Expeditions to Australia, 1910-1913, V. Some Mesozoic Plants. R 1.40 1 Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar. Band 52, no. 5, 1913. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1914 Die Gattungen Thinnfeldia Ett. Und Dicroidium Goth. Von Ernst Antevs. R 1.40 2 From Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, Band 51 no.6, 1914. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1914 Lepidopteris Ottonis (Gopp.) Schimp. And Antholithus Zeilleri Nath. R 1.40 3 Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar. Band 51, no. 7, 1914. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1914 The Swedish Species of Ptilozamites Nath. R 1.40 4 Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar. Band 51, no. 10, 1914. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1915 Einige Bemerkungen uber Cyadopten's Brauniana Zingo und C. Zeilleri New Species. R 1.40 6 Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forhandlingar, Band 37, Haft 5, 1915. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1915 Landisens Recession I Nordostra Skane. R 1.40 5 Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forhandlingar, Band 37, Haft 5, 1915. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1916 Das Fehlen Resp. Vorkommen der Jahresringe in Palao-und Mesozoischen Holzern und das Klimatische Zeugnis dieser Erscheinungen. R 1.40 7 From Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forhandlingar, Band 38, Haft #, 1916. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1916 Zur Kenntnis der Jahrlichen Wandlungen der Stickstoffreien Reservestoffe der Holzplanzen. R 1.40 8 Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Arkiv for Botanik. Band 14, no. 16, 1916. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1917 Die Jahresringe der Holzgewachse und die Bedeutung derselben als klimatischer Indikator. R 1.40 9 Progressus Rei Botanicae, Band 5, 1917. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1917 Kohlenfuhrender Kulm auf der Baren-Insel. R 1.40 11 Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forhandlingar, Band 39 Haft 6, 1917. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1917 Postglacial Marine Beds in Bohuslan: An Academic Dissertation. (article bound in bibliography of Ernst Antevs, vol.4, shell beds). R 1.40 Antevs vol.4 Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forhandlingar, Band 39, Haft 4, 1917. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1918 Anmalanden och Kritiker. R 1.40 Antevs vol.4 Two reviews by Ernst Antevs from Geol. Foren. Forhand. Bd. 40, H. 6, Nov. 1918. Article bound in bibliography of Ernst Valdemar Antevs, Vol. 4, Shell Beds. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1918 On the Litoral Mollusc Fauna of Our West Coast. R 1.40 12 Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forhandlingar, Band 40, Haft 4, 1918. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1918 On the Pleistocene History of the Great Basin. R 1.40 31 Carnegie Institution, Publication no. 352, Washington, 1925. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1918 Pleistocene Pre-Wisconsin Beds in Vermont. Proceedings of the Ithaca Meeting. R 1.40 29 Geological Society of America, vol.36, 1925. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1918 Some Corrigenda. R 1.40 14 Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forhandlingar, Band 40, Haft 6, 1918. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1918 Tradens Arsringar som Klimatisk Indikator. R 1.40 13 Popular Naturvetenskaplia Revy, Haft 5, 1918. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1919 Die Liassische Flora des Horsandsteins. R 1.40 15 From Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, Band 59 no.8, 1919. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1921 Senkvartara Nivaforandringar I Norden. (Forelopande Meddelande.) R 1.40 17 Avtryck ur Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forehandlingar Nov.-Dec. 1921. Article bound in Bibliography of Ernst Antevs, vol. 4, Shell Beds. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1922 Den baltiska issjons tappning och nivaforandringarna. R 1.40 Antevs vol.4 Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forhandlingar, Band 44, 1922. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1922 On the Late Glacial and Post Glacial History of the Baltic. R 1.40 20 Geographical Review, vol.12, no.4, 1922. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1922 The Recession of the Last Ice Sheet in New England. R 1.40 19 American Geographical Society, New York 1922. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1923 Climate Changes. R 1.40 23 From Science, vol.58, no. 1508, nov. 23, 1923. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1924 Ice Sheets and Isostasy: Relations in Fenno-Scandia. R 1.40 24 Geographical Review, vol.14, 1924. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1924 On the Late Quaternary History of the Baltic: A Reply. R 1.40 26 Geographical Review, vol.14, 1924. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1924 The Strandflat and Isostasy: A Further Comment. R 1.40 25 Geographical Review, vol, 14, 1924. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1925 Climatological Significance of Annual Rings in Fossil Woods. R 1.40 28 American Journal of Science. vol. 9, 1925. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1925 Glacial Climatic Conditions. R 1.40 Antevs vol.3 Scientific Monthly, vol. 20, May, 1925. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1925 Retreat of the Last Ice Sheet in Eastern Canada. R 1.40 33 Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 146, 1925. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1925 Swedish Late Quaternary Geochronologies. R 1.40 27 Geographical Review, vol. 15, no.2, 1925. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1925 The Big Tree as a Climatic Measure. R 1.40 32 Carnegie Institution of Washington Pub. 352, 1925. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1926 Late Quaternary Changes of Level in Southern New England. R 1.40 35 Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, vol. 37, 1926. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1926 Sista istackets forsvinnande I Nordamerika. R 1.40 34 from Ymer, vol. 46, Stockholm, 1926. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1927 Three Pleistocene Tills in Southern Maine R 1.40 37 From Bulletin Geological Society of America, Vol. 38 (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1927 Tradtillvazt och Klimat I Historisk tid. R 1.40 Antevs vol. 2 Ymer, vol. 47, 1927. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1928 Late Quaternary Changes of Level in Maine. R 1.40 42 American Journal of Science Fifth Series, vol.15, no.88, 1928. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1928 Shell Beds on the Skagerack. 11 15.06 A Reprinted from Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forhandlingar, Nov.-Dec. 1928.
Antevs, Ernst 1928 Shell Beds on the Skagerack. R 1.40 44 Reprinted from Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forhandlingar, Nov.-Dec. 1928. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1928 The Last Glaciation: With Special Reference to the Ice Retreat in Northeastern North America. R 1.40 41 American Geological Society, Research Series no. 17, 1928. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1928 The Problem of Past Climates. R 1.40 45 Geographical Review, vol. 18, no. 4. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1929 Maps of the Pleistocene Glaciations. R 1.40 48 Geological Society of America Bulletin, vol.40, 1929. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1929 Quaternary Marine Terraces in Non-Glaciated Regions and Changes of Level of Sea and Land. R 1.40 46 American Journal of Science, vol. 17, no.97, 1929. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1930 A Geological Chronometer. R 1.40 9 Canadian Mining Journal, vol.51, no. 17, 1930. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1930 Modes of Retreat of the Pleistocene Ice Sheets. R 1.40 51 Journal of Geology, vol. 47, 1930. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1931 Late Glacial Clay Chronology of North America. R 1.40 54 Smithsonian Report for 1931. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1931 Late Glacial Correlations and Ice Recession in Manitoba. R 1.40 53 Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 168, 1931. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1932 Alpine Zone of Mt. Washington Range. R 1.40 58 Merrill & Weber Co., Auburn, Maine, 1932. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1932 Korrelation av Europas och Nordamerikas senglacial skeden. R 1.40 56 Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forhandlingar, Band 54, Haft 2, 1932. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1932 The Quaternary Ice Age in North America. R 1.40 57 Brooklyn Botanic Garden Record, vol.21 no.3, May, 1932. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1934 Climaxes of the Last Glaciation in North America. R 1.40 62 American Journal of Science, vol. 28, no.166, 1934. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1935 Age of the Clovis Lake Clays. R 1.40 68 Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Proceedings, vol. 87, (1935). (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1935 Climate of the Southwest During the Late Wisconsin Glaciation. R 1.40 69 Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book, No. 34, 1935. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1935 Correlations of Late Quaternary Chronologies. R 1.40 70 From Report XVI International Geological Congress, Washington, 1933. Preprint, Dec. 1935. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1935 Memorial of Jacob Johannes Sederholm. R 1.40 63 Geological Society of America Proceedings for 1934. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1935 Recent European Studies on Sedimentation. R 1.40 66 Bulletin of the National Research Council, no.98. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1935 Telecorrelations of Varve Curves. R 1.40 64 Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forhandlingar, Band 57, Haft 1, 1935. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1935 The Spread of Aboriginal Man to North America. R 1.40 65 Geographical Review, vol. 25, no. 2, 1935. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1935 Varved Sediments no.7. R 1.40 67 Bulletin of the National Research Council, Washington D.C., no. 98, 1935. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1936 Dating Records of Early Man in the Southwest. R 1.40 71 American Naturalist, vol.70, no.729, 1936. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1936 Pluvial and Postpluvial Fluctuations of Climate in the Southwest. R 1.40 72 Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book 35, 1936. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1937 Age of the Lake Mohave Culture. R 1.40 76 From The Archaeology of Pleistocene Lake Mohave, Southwest Museum Papers, no. 11, 1937. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1937 Climate and Early Man in North America. (From "Early Man" G.G MacCurdy ed.) R 1.40 73 J.B. Lippincott Co., 1937. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1937 Studies On the Climate in Relation to Early Man in the Southwest. R 1.40 74 Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book no. 36, 1937. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1937 The Age of the "Minnesota Man." R 1.40 75 Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book No. 36. (1937). (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1938 Climatic Changes During the Last Glaciation in North America. R 1.40 79 From Bulletin American Meteorological Society, vol.19, 1938. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1938 Postpluvial Climatic Variations in the Southwest. R 1.40 78 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol.19, 1938. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1938 Rainfall and Tree Growth in the Great Basin. 11 11 Ant Published Jointly by Carnegie Institution of Washington and the American Geographical Society of New York, 1938.
Antevs, Ernst 1938 Rainfall and Tree Growth in the Great Basin. R 1.40 80 Published Jointly by Carnegie Institution of Washington and the American Geographical Society of New York, 1938. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1938 Was "Minnesota Girl" Buried in a Gully? R 1.40 81 Journal of Geology, vol.46, no. 3, 1938. (reprint)
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Antevs, Ernst 1941 Memorial of Arvid Gustaf Hogbom. R 1.40 89 Geological Society of America Proceedings for 1940. (reprint)
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Antevs, Ernst 1944 Memorial of Gerard De Geer. R 1.40 91 Geological Society of America Proceedings Annual Report for 1943. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1945 Correlation of Wisconsin Glacial Maxima. R 1.40 93 American Journal of Science, vol.243-A (daily volume), 1945. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1945 William Henry Campbell, 1895-1944. R 1.40 94 American Antiquity vol. 10, no. 4, 1945. (reprint)
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Antevs, Ernst 1948 Climatic Changes and Pre-White Man. R 1.40 98 From The Great Basin with special emphasis on glacial and postglacial times. University of Utah Bulletin, vol. 38, no. 20, Salt Lake City, 1948. (reprint)
Antevs, Ernst 1949 Cochise and Mogollon Sites Pine Lawn Valley, Western New Mexico. R 1.40 100 Fieldiana: Anthropology, vol.38, no.1, April 1949. (reprint)
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Antevs, Ernst 1950 Conditions of Deposition and Erosion by Streams in Dry Regions of the Great Plains. R 1.40 102 From Proceedings of the Sixth Plains Archaeological Conference, 1948. University of Utah. Published Oct. 1950. (reprint)
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Antevs, Ernst 1952 Arroyo Cutting and Filling. R 1.40 106 Journal of Geology, vol. 60, no. 4, 1952. (reprint)
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Geological Society of America 1990 GSA Annual Meeting, 1990. Abstracts with Programs. 4.241 1990 CD GSA, Cordilleran Section, Tucson, Arizona, Mar. 14-16, 1990.
Geological Society of America 1990 GSA Annual Meeting, 1990. Abstracts. 4.241 1990 GSA, Dallas, Texas, Oct. 29-Nov. 1, 1990.
Geological Society of America 1991 GSA Annual Meeting, 1991. Abstracts with Programs. 4.241 1991 CD GSA, Cordilleran Section, San Francisco, California, Mar. 25-27, 1991.
Geological Society of America 1991 GSA Annual Meeting, 1991. Abstracts with Programs. 4.241 1991 GSA, San Diego, California, Oct. 21-24, 1991.
Geological Society of America 1991 GSA Annual Meeting, 1991. Abstracts with Programs. 4.241 1991 RM GSA, Rocky Mountain Section, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Apr. 22-24, 1991.
Geological Society of America 1992 GSA Annual Meeting, 1992. Abstracts with Programs. 4.241 1993 GSA, Cordilleran Section, Eugene, Oregon, May 11-13, 1992.
Geological Society of America 1993 GSA Annual Meeting, 1993, Program 4.241 1992 CD GSA, Boston, Massachusetts, Oct. 25-28, 1993.
Geological Society of America 1993 GSA Annual Meeting, 1993. Abstracts with Programs. 4.241 1993 CD & RM GSA Cordilleran Section and Rocky Mountian Section, Reno, Nevada, May 19-21, 1993.
Geological Society of America 1993 GSA Annual Meeting, 1993. Abstracts with Programs. 4.241 1993 GSA, Boston, Massachusetts, Oct. 25-28, 1993.
Geological Society of America 1994 GSA Annual Meeting, 1994. Abstracts with Programs. 4.241 1994 GSA, Seattle, Washington, Oct. 24-27, 1994.
Geological Society of America 1994 GSA Annual Meeting, 1994. Abstracts with Programs. 4.241 1994 NE GSA, Northeastern Section, Binghamton, New York, Mar. 28-30, 1994.
Geological Society of America 1994 GSA Annual Meeting, 1994. Abstracts with Programs. 4.241 1994 SC GSA, South-Central Section, Little Rock, Arkansas, Mar. 21-22, 1994.
Geological Society of America 1994 GSA Annual Meeting, 1994. Abstracts with Programs. 4.241 1994 SE GSA, Southeastern Section, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, Apr. 7-8, 1994.
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Geological Society of America 1996 GSA Annual Meeting, 1996. Abstracts with Programs. 4.241 1996 GSA, Denver, Colorado, Oct. 28-31, 1996.
Geological Society of America 1997 GSA Annual Meeting, 1997. Abstracts with Programs. 4.241 1997 GSA, Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct. 20-23, 1997.
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Youngquist, Walter 1990 Mineral Resources and the destinies of Nations 11 19.06 YOu National Book Company, Portland, OR, 1990
Youngquist, Walter 1997 GeoDestinies. The inevitable control of Earth Resources over Nations and Individuals 11 19.061 Gla National Book Company, Portland, OR, 1997
Zadina, William Louis 1982 Structural Variations of Muscovite In Porphyry Copper Systems. M.S. 71p.
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Zartman, Robert Eugene 1963 A Geochronological Study of the Lone Grove Pluton from the Llano Uplift, Texas M.S. 142pg. U
Zeihen, Gregory Douglas. 1985 Paragenetic Relationships, Zoning, & Mineralogy of the Black Pine Mine, Granite Co., Montana. (Geol. Eng.) M.S. (2nd.Copy) 2 copies U
Zenger, Donald H. 1980 Concepts and models of dolomitization based on symposium 4.74 28 Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Tulsa, November, 1980
Zerrahn, Gregory Joseph 1976 Tectonics and Sedimentation Associated with the Taconic Orogeny (Ordovician) of New York State M.S. 130p.
Zhuravlev, Andrey 2001 The Ecology of the Cambrian Radiation 11 15.08 Columbia University Press, New York, 2001
Zidek, Jiri 1992 Geology and the paleontology of the Kinney Brick Quarry, Late Pennsylvanian, Central New Mexico 10NM 15.02 New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Socorro, 1992
Zimmerman, J.B. 1969 Sulfur in West Texas: Its geology and economics 4.06 69-2 The University of Texas at Austin 1969
Zimmerman, John Edward 1983 The Geology and Structural Evolution of a Portion of the Mother Lode Belt, Amador County, California M.S. 138p.
Zimmerman, John, Jr. 1942 The Origin of the Tumey Sandstone (Tertiary), Fresno County, California. M.S. 58p. (Leland Stanford Junior University)
Zonenshian, Lev P. 1990 Geology of the USSR: A Plate Tectonics synthesis 11 10.20 Zon Geodynamics Series Volume 21, 1990
Zonenshian, Lev P. 1997 Paleogeodynamics: The Plate Tectonic Evolution of the Earth 11.10 20 Zon American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., 1997
Zonge, K 1981 University of Arizona 11 12 A The University of Arizona, 1981
Zumberge, John E. 1975 Alkyl Substitude Cyclic Ethers in 2,300 old Transvaal Alga Stromatolite R 1.43 715 Nature, Vol. 255 NO. 55111, June 26, 1975 (reprint)
Zumberge, John E. 1976 Fossil Microorganisms from Approximately 2800 to 2500 Million Year-Old Bulawayan Stromatolite R 1.43 722 National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 73, No. 9, 1976 (reprint)
Zumberge, John E. 1981 Amino Acids and Hydrocarbons in the 3l,800 Myr old Isua Rocks, Southwester Grenland R 1.43 80-81 34 Nature, Vol, 289, No. 5793, 1981 (reprint)
Zumberge, John E. 1982 Some aspcets of the development of the Vaal Reef uranium-gold carbon seams, witwatersrand sequence: organic geochemical and microbiological considerations R 1.43 81-82 22 US Geological Survery Profession Paper 1161 (reprint)
Zumberge, John Edward 1973 Ozonolysis of Kerogen in a Transvaal Stromatolitic Limestone M.S. 32p.
Zumberge, John Edward 1976 The Organic Analyses and the Development of the Vaal Reef Carbon Seams of the Witwatersrand Gold Deposits Ph.D. 115p.
Zurcher, Lukas 1994 Paragenesis, Elemental Distribution, and Stable Isotopes at the Pena Colorada Iron Skarn, Colima, Mexico M.S. 54p.
Zurcher, Lukas 2002 Regional Setting and Magmatic Evolution of Laramide Porphry Copper Systems in Western Mexico Ph.D. 2 copies
anonymous 1930 Chilton Petroleum Handbook, Including Allen's Superintendants Handbook. 11 6.07 C Chilton Class Journal Co., Philadelphia, 1930.
anonymous 1938 Climatic Variations During the Last Glaciation in North America. R 1.40 79 From Bulletin American Meteorological Society, vol.19, 1938. (reprint)
anonymous 1938 Some Arizona Ore Deposits. Papers Prepared for and Presented at the Regional Meeting of the A.I.M. and M.E. Held at Tucson, Arizona, November 1-5, 1938. 4.7601 145 University of Arizona Bulletin 145, Arizona Bureau of Mines, Tucson, Oct. 1, 1938.
anonymous 1942-60 Correlation charts of Various Formations of North America. 11 10.15 Cor 1-15 From Fifteen Reprints of GSA Bulletins by Different Authors Published at Various dates, 1942-1960.
anonymous 1945 American Old and Middle Tertiary Larger Foraminifera and Corals. (Parts I and II). 4.245 9 Geological Society of America, Washington D.C., Sept. 18, 1945.
anonymous 1946 The Colorado River, a Natural Menace Becomes a Natural Resource. 11 10.07 Uni U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, March, 1946.
anonymous 1950 Arizona Zinc and Lead Deposits. Part I. 4.7601 156 University of Arizona Bulletin 156. Arizona Bureau of Mines, Tucson, April 1950.
anonymous 1951 Arizona Zinc and Lead Deposits. Part II. 4.7601 158 University of Arizona Bulletin 158. Arizona Bureau of Mines, Tucson, July 1951.
anonymous 1951 Guidebook of the South and West Sides of the San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Arizona. 5.70 1951 New Mexico Geological Society, Second Field Conference, Oct 12-14, 1951.
anonymous 1953 c. The Harding Pegmatite Mine. Walking tour Designed by Bryan Chakoumakos. 7.0 H-1 23 Department of Geology, The University of New Mexico, circa 1953.
anonymous 1953 Guidebook of Southwestern New Mexico. 5.70 1953 New Mexico Geological Society, Fourth Field Conference. Oct. 15-18.
anonymous 1954 Guidebook of Southeastern New Mexico. 5.70 1954 New Mexico Geological Society. Guidebook of Southeastern New Mexico, New Mexico Geological Society Fifth Field Conference, Oct. 21-24, 1954.
anonymous 1955 Finding Ancient Shorelines: A Symposium. 4.74 3 SEPM Special Publication. SEPM, Tulsa, 1955.
anonymous 1956 Antarctica in the International Geophysical Year. 11 19.011 Gou Based on a Symposium on the Antarctic Cosponsored by the US National Committee for the IGY of the National Academy of the Sciences, National Science Foundation, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, 1956.
anonymous 1956 Arizona Highways. Minerals Issue. 10AZ 9.01 Ari Arizona Highway Dept., vol.XXII, no.11, Phoenix, Nov. 1956.
anonymous 1956 Guidebook of Southeastern Sangre de Christo Mountains of New Mexico. 5.70 1956 New Mexico Geological Society Seventh Field Conference, Oct. 19-21, 1956.
anonymous 1956 Relief form atlas 11 13 Rel Institut Geographique National Paris, 1956
anonymous 1957 Guidebook of Southwestern San Juan Mountains of Colorado. 5.70 1957 New Mexico Geological Society, Eighth Field Conference, Sept. 5-7, 1957.
anonymous 1965 Geology of the Big Bend Area, Texas. Field Trip Guidebook with Road Log and Papers on Natural History of the Area. 5.031 Wes 1965 West Texas Geological Society, Midland, Texas, Oct. 1965.
anonymous 1966 The Random House Dictionary of the English Language 1.111 R Random House, New York, 1966. Unabridged Edition (reprint)
anonymous 1968 Geology and Oilfields: West Side Southern San Joaquin Valley 5.91 1981 SEPM, AAPG, SEG, 1968
anonymous 1969 Environmental Science Centers at Institutions of Higher Education. 11 19.02 E1-A A Survey Prepared for the Subcommittee on Science, Research and Development of the Committee on Science and Astronautics. U.S. House of Representatives 91st Congress First Session. Environmental Policy Division Legislative Reference Service Library of Congress Series H. December 15, 1969.
anonymous 1969 Guidebook of Northern Mexico Sonoran Desert Region. 5.35 1969 C Committee on Arid Lands for and International Conference and Arid Lands in a Changing World, The University of Arizona, Tucson, 1969.
anonymous 1969 Mineral and Water Resources of Arizona, Prepared by the USGS, Arizona Bureau of Mines, and the US Bureau of Reclamation. R 4.7601 ABMB 180 Arizona Bureau of Mines Bulletin 180, Tucson, 1969. (reprint)
anonymous 1969 Reef organisms through time 11 10.15 Nor Proceedings of the North American Paleontological Convention, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Sept. 5-7, 1969
anonymous 1970 Hutton's System of the Earth, 1785; Theory of the Earth, 1788; Observations on Granite, 1794: Together With Playfair's Biography of Hutton (Facsimiles of the Original Editions). 11 20.01 Hut Hafner Publishing Company, Darien, CT, 1970.
anonymous 1970 Pacific Slope of Northern Baja California and Adjacent Alta California 5.91 1968 SEPM Pacific Sections AAPG, SEPM, SEG, 1970 Fall Field Trip
anonymous 1970 Rock-color Chart R 1.32 GSA Prepared by the Rock-color Chart Committee. Boulder, Colorado, The Geological Society of America, 1970 (reprint)
anonymous 1970 The Geologic Setting of the John Day Country, Grant County, Oregon. 10OR 10.02 U United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, 1970.
anonymous 1972 Arizona, Its People and Resources. Revised Second Edition by Members of the Faculty of the Univ. of Arizona. 10AZ 10.01 Uni The Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson, 1972.
anonymous 1972 Geologic atlas of the Rocky Mountain Region United States of America Oversize 11 10.02 Roc Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists. Denver, 1972
anonymous 1972 Pacific Section S.E.P.M. 5.91 1970 SEPM SEPM, Pacific Section, 1972
anonymous 1973 Flood Plain Information: Rillito River and Pantano Wash of Tucson, Arizona. 10AZ 10.07 Uni Prepared for Pima County by the Department of the Army, Los Angeles District, Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles, 1973.
anonymous 1973 Late Cenozoic Geological History of Arizona: Development of Present Landscape. 10AZ 10.02 A Arizona Academy of Science. 17th Annual Meeting, Tucson, May 5, 1973. Programs and Abstracts.
anonymous 1974 Jurassic of the Gulf Coast I: Regional Stratigraphy. Selected Papers Reprinted from the AAPG Bulletin. 11 10.15 Jur I Selected Paper Reprinted From AAPG Bulletin, AAPG reprint Series no.12. AAPG, Tulsa, 1974
anonymous 1974 Jurassic of the Gulf Coast II: Local Stratigraphy and Deposition. 11 10.15 Jur II Selected Paper Reprinted From AAPG Bulletin, AAPG reprint Series no.13. AAPG, Tulsa, 1974
anonymous 1975 Arizona's Remote Subdivisions. 10AZ 19.02 O Planning Division Office of Economic Planning and Development Office of the Governor State of Arizona, January, 1975.
anonymous 1975 Final Environmental Statement Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Program. 11 19.03 Ame US Energy Research and Development Administration. Proposed Final Environmental Statement Issued In Volumes I-VII Dated December, 1974. Final Environmental Statement Issued in Three Volumes December, 1975.
anonymous 1977 Estruaries, Geophysics, and the Environment. 11 10.07 Est Geophysics and Estuaries Panel, Geophysics Study Committee, Geophysics Research Board, Assembly of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, National Research Council. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, 1977.
anonymous 1977 Rocky Mountain Thrust Belt: geology and resources 5.89 1977 Wyo Wyoming Geological Association in Conjunction with Montana Geological Society and Utah Geological Society. 29th Annual Field Conference. 1977. Teton Village, Wyoming, September 14-17, 1977.
anonymous 1978 Geological Perspectives on Climatic Change. 11 3 Nat Report of an ad hoc Committee on Geology and Climate, Preston Cloud, Chairman. Assembly of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, 1978.
anonymous 1978 Resumenes 10Mex 10.03 Res 1978 Simposio Sobre la Geologia y potencial minero del Estado Sonora, Instituto de Geologia, U.N.A.M. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, Mayo de 1978.
anonymous 1979 Geology and Geohydrology of the Palo Durp Basin, Texas Panhandle. A Report on the Progress of Nuclear Waste Isolation Feasibility Studies. 4.06 79-1 Geological Circular 79-1, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, 1979.
anonymous 1980 A report on geophysical surveys in the Avra Valley area Pima County, Arizona. Accomplished March 15-23, 1980 for the United States Geological Survey by the University of Arizona 1980 Geophysics Field Camp 10AZ 12 Sum Data compiled and presented by: J. Sumner, G. Jones, S. MacInnes, C. Flaccus, K. Greenes, Tucson, June 1980
anonymous 1980 Continental Tectonics. 11 10.20 Nat Geophysics Study Committee, Geophysics Research Board, Assembly of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington DC, 1980.
anonymous 1980 Flood and Erosion Hazards in Tucson. 10AZ 10.07 1980 Southwest Environmental Service. The Service, Tucson, 1980.
anonymous 1980 Report on the South African field trip… University of Arizona. Dept. of Geosciences 5.38 1980 Uni Report on the South African field trip, May-June 1980, by the student participants. Tucson, 1980
anonymous 1981 Geodetic Monitering of Tectonic Deformation-Toward a Strategy. 11 10.20 Nat Panel on Crustal Movement Measurements, Committee on Geodesy / Committee on Seismology, Assembly of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, National Research Council. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1981.
anonymous 1981 Geology of Passive Continental Margins: History, Structure and Sedimentologic Record (With Special Emphasis on the Atlantic Margin). 11 10.09 Geo AAPG Education Course Note Series # 19. AAPG, Tulsa, 1981.
anonymous 1981 Marathon-Marfa Region of West Texas Symposium and Guidebook 10TX 10.15 Permian Basin Section Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralosists
anonymous 1981 Relations of tectonics to ore deposits in the southern Cordillera 4.7607 XIV Arizona Geological Society Digest Volume XIV, Arizona Geological Society, Tucson, 1981
anonymous 1981 Relations of tectonics to ore deposits in the Southern Cordillera 5.04 1981 Arizona Geological Society/University of Arizona Mine Tour and Field Trips, 17-22 March, 1981. Trip nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10.
anonymous 1982 Climate in Earth History. 11 3 Cli Geophysics Study Committee, Geophysics Research Board, Commission on Physical Science, Mathematics, and Resources, National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, 1982.
anonymous 1982 Denver Region Exploration Geologists Society. The Genesis of Rocky Mountain Ore Deposits: Changes with Time and Tectonics. 11 10.03 Den 1982 Proceedings of the Denver Region Exploration Geologists Society Symposium Nov. 4-5, 1982, Denver. The Society, Denver, 1983.
anonymous 1982 Geological Aspects of Industrial Waste Disposal. 11 10.03 Nat National Research Council. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1982.
anonymous 1983 Clay Minerals. 11 10.09 Cla Issue Devoted to Papers Read at a Joint Meeting of the Clay Minerals Group of the Mineralogical Society and the Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain. University of Cambridge on April 7-8, 1983.
anonymous 1983 Energy Resources and Geologic Overview of the Uinta Basin, Utah. 5.831 1983 Uta Utah Geological Association. Road Logs for Annual Field Conference of the Utah Geological Association, Salt Lake City, September 15-17, 1983.
anonymous 1984 Engineering Geology. 11 6.08 Int 1984 International Geological Congress. Proceedings 27th. Volume 17 of the Proceedings. Moscow, August 4-14, 1984, VNU Science Press, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1984.
anonymous 1984 Sedimentology 11 10.09 Int 1984 International Geological Congress. Proceedings 27th. Moscow, 4-14 August, 1984. VNU Science Press, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1984. Volume 4 of Proceedings.
anonymous 1984 The Geologic Evolution of the Permian Basin. 11 10.15 SEPM 1984 A Symposium Hosted by the Permian Basin Section SEPM, Midland, TX, Aril 25-26, 1984.
anonymous 1985 The Times Atlas of the World. Seventh edition Q 11 13 Tim 1985 Times Books, New York, 1985
anonymous 1986 Arizona Highways. Grand Canyon Issue. 10AZ 10.01 Ari Arizona Dept. of Transportation, Phoenix, 1986.
anonymous 1986 Reducing earthquake hazards: lessons learned from earthquakes 11 12 Red Earthquake Engineering Research Institute with support from the National Science Foundation, El Cerrito, CA, November 1986. Publication No 86-02
anonymous 1986 The Earth's Electrical Environment. 11 3 Fai Based on Papers Presented at the American Geophysical Union Meetings in June 1983, Baltimore, MD. National Academy Press, Washington, 1986.
anonymous 1987 Arctic and Alpine Research. 11 10.19 Arc Arctic and Alpine Research. Vol.19, No. 3, August 1987.
anonymous 1987 Geographie Physique et Quaternaire. The Laurentide Ice Sheet and Other Articles. 11 14 Geo Les Presses de l'Universite de Montreal, 1987.
anonymous 1987 Report on Geophysics Surveys for the Desertron Maricopa and Sierrita sites, June 3-20, 1987 5.371 1987 Uni University of Arizona. Department of Geological Engineering. Laboratory for Advanced Subsurface Imaging.
anonymous 1988 Arizona Hydrological Society Symposium: Water Quality and Quantity issues into the 21st Century. 4.7604 1988 Proceedings of the Arizona Hydrological Society 1st Annual Symposium, Phoenix, Arizona, Sept. 16-17, 1988.
anonymous 1989 Contributions to Geology. Vol. 27, no. 1, Spring, 1989. 11 10.02 Con University of Wyoming, Laramie, June, 1989.
anonymous 1989 The Complete Guide to Environmental Careers. 11 19 Pom The CEIP Fund. Island Press, Washington, 1989.
anonymous 1989 Tucson Water Resources Plan 1990-2100 10AZ 10.07 Tuc CH2M Hill, July 3, 1989
anonymous 1990 Confronting Climate Change: Strategies for Energy Research and Development. 11 19.04 Dia The Committee on Alternative Energy Research and Development Strategies. National Academy Press, Washington, 1990.
anonymous 1990 Geophysics in Gold Exploration. 11 10.03 Geo 1990 Seminar Sponsored by the Geological Society of Nevada and the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Mining Committee. Reno/Sparks, Nevada, Apr. 6, 1990.
anonymous 1990 Sea-level change. Studies in Geophysics. 11 19.03 Pie Geophysics Study Committee, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Resources, National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, 1990.
anonymous 1991 Baylor Geological Studies. Bulletin no.52, Theses and Abstracts. 4.062 52 Baylor University, Dept. of Geology, Waco, TX, Fall 1991.
anonymous 1991 Earth Science Content Guidelines Grades K-12. 11 10.01 Ear National Center for Earth Science Education, American Geological Institute, Alexandria, VA, 1991.
anonymous 1991 Earth Science Education for the 21st Century: A Planning Guide. 11 10.01 Ear National Center for Earth Science Education, American Geological Institute, Alexandria, VA, 1991.
anonymous 1992 Bahia Adair Project. Reports of Undergraduate Field Trip February 13-16, 1992. 4.7621 1992 Dept. of Geosciences, the University of Arizona, Tucson, 1992.
anonymous 1992 Baylor Geological Studies. Bulletin no.53, Theses and Abstracts. 4.062 53 Baylor University, Dept. of Geology, Waco, TX, Fall 1992.
anonymous 1992 Geologic field trip to the Pinacate Region, Northwest Sonora and Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Southewest Arizona 5.37 1992 U.S. Geological Survey Flagstaff, Arizona, Third Annual Science Teacher's Workshop December 3-6, 1992
anonymous 1993 Earthquakes and Volcanoes. 10OR 12 Ear Earthquakes and Volcanoes. Vol. 24, no. 3, 1993. The Klamath Falls, Oregon, Earthquakes on Sept. 20, 1993. Special Issue. USGS, Denver, 1993.
anonymous 1993 Geologic Hazards in Maricopa County. 5.26 1993 Fal Arizona Geological Society Fall Field Trip, Nov. 6-7, 1993. Arizona Geological Society, Tucson, 1993.
anonymous 1993 Precambrian: conterminous US. The geology of North America volume C-2 10US 10.02 Ree C-2 & Plates Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO, 1993. Decade of North American Geology Project
anonymous 1993 The Citizen's Guide to Geologic Hazards. 11 19.03 Cre American Institute of Professional Geologists, Arvada, CO, 1993.
anonymous 1994 Arizona Geological Survey, Hazards Publications. Bibliography, May 19994. 7.0 A-1 23 Arizona Geological Survey, May 1994.
anonymous 1994 Baghdad, Bruce/Old Dick, Copper Basin, Bradshaw Mountains. Bootprints along the Cordillera; Porphyry Copper Deposits From Alaska to Chile. 5.04 1994 17 Field Trips for A Conference Presented by the Arizona Geological Society, The Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, Inc., and the US Geological Survey held in Tucson, Oct 5-7, 1994.
anonymous 1994 Baylor Geological Studies. Bulletin no.54, Theses and Abstracts. 4.062 54 Baylor University, Dept. of Geology, Waco, TX, Fall 1994.
anonymous 1994 Bingham Canyon an the Continental Open Pit Copper Mines, Montana and Utah. 5.04 1994 2 Bootprints Along the Cordillera Field Trip # 2, Oct. 3-4, 1994.
anonymous 1994 Copper Creek, Tiger, San Manuel Open Pit, Kalamazoo. Porphyry Copper Deposits From Alaska to Chile. 5.04 1994 8 Bootprints Along the Cordillera: Field Trip 8 For A Conference Presented by the Arizona Geological Society, The Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, Inc., and The USGS Held in Tucson October 5,6,7, 1994.
anonymous 1994 Globe-Miami and Superior Districts: Thornton, Live Oak, Pinto Valley, Old Dominion-Magma, Carlota. Bootprints Along the Cordillera: Porphyry Cooper Deposits from Alaska to Chile. 5.04 1994 6 Field Trips for a Conference Presented by the Arizona Geological Society, The Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, Inc., and the USGS held in Tucson, Oct. 5,6,7, 1994.
anonymous 1994 Great Basin Porphyry Cu-Mo deposits: Yerinton, Robinson, Hall, Bingham Canyon. Bootprints along the Cordillera: Porphyry Copper Deposits from Alaska to Chile. 5.04 1994 3 Field Trips for a Conference Presented by the Arizona Geological Society, The Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, Inc., and the USGS held in Tucson, Oct. 5,6,7, 1994.
anonymous 1994 Quantitative methods in soil mineralogy 11 10.16 Qua Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Division S-9 of the Soil Science Society of America held in San Antonio, TX on Oct 23-24, 1990. SSSA Miscellaneous Publication. Soil Science Society of America, Inc, Madison, Wisconsin
anonymous 1994 Ray, Poston Butte, Sacaton, Santa Cruz, Cyprus Tohono. Bootprints along the Cordillera: porphyry copper deposits from Alaska to Chile 5.04 1994 7 Field Trips for a conference presented by the Arizona Geological Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, Inc, and the US Geological Survey held in Tucson October 5-7, 1994
anonymous 1994 Safford District (Sanchez) and Morenci--Metcalf. Bootprints along the Cordillera: porphyry copper deposits from Alaska to Chile. 5.04 1994 18 Field trips for a conference presented by the Arizona Geological Society, The Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, inc., and the U.S. Geological Survey held in Tucson October 5-7, 1994.
anonymous 1994 Sedimentology and geochemistry of modern and ancient saline lakes 4.74 50 Society for Sedimentary Geology Special Publication No. 50. SEPM, Tulsa, 1994
anonymous 1994 Tombstone, Bisbee, Courtland-Gleeson, Pearce, Johnson Camp. Bootprints Along the Cordillera: Porphyry Copper Deposits from Alaska to Chile. 5.04 1994 16 Field Trips for a conference presented by The Arizona Geological Society, The Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, Inc., and the USGS held in Tucson October 5,6,7,1994. Field Trip #16
anonymous 1994 Tyrone, Pinos Altos, Chino, Continental, Central District, New Mexico. Bootprints along the Cordillera: Porphyry Copper Deposits from Alaska to Chile. 5.04 1994 10&13 Field Trip 10 and 13 for a conference presented by the Arizona Geological Society, The Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, Inc., and the USGS held in Tucson Oct. 5-7, 1994.
anonymous 1995 Baylor Geological Studies. Bulletin no.56, Theses and Abstracts. 4.062 56 Baylor University, Dept. of Geology, Waco, TX, Fall 1995.
anonymous 1995 Compliance Certification Application for Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, Phase I. 10NM 19.02 Com Chapter 2 of the Draft 40 CFR 194, Jan 31, 1995.
anonymous 1995 Hydrology and Water Resources in Arizona and the Southwest. 10AZ 10.07 Hyd 1995 Proceedings of the 1995 Meetings of the Arizona Section American Water Resource Association and the Hydrology Section Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science. Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Apr. 22, 1995.
anonymous 1996 Australia Tour Guidebook. 5.38 1996 Aus University of Arizona. Department of Geosciences, 1996.
anonymous 1997 Geologic Field Trip to the Pinacate Volcanic Field, Northwest Sonora, MX 5.37 1997 U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff, AZ. 8th Annual Science Teachers Workshop December 2,9,11-14,1997.
anonymous 1997 The Dynamics of Sedimentary Basins 11 10.09 Any National Academy Press 1997
anonymous 1998 Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geologicas. Vol. 15, Number 1, 1998. Special issue dedicated to memory of Emil Bose, Blanca Estela Buitron, editora/editor. 10Mex 10.15 Rev V.15 1 Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Geologia and Sociedad Geologica Mexicana, A.C., 1998.
anonymous 2000 44th Annual Report on Research Under Sponsorship of the Petroleum Research Fund Administered by the American Chemical Society for Year ending August 31, 1999. 11 10.08 Pet The American Chemical Society, 2000.
anonymous 2000 The Hidden Costs of Coastal Hazards: Implications for Risk Assessment and Mitigation. 11 19.03 Kau 1983 The H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment. Island Press, Washington, 2000.
anonymous 2001 Basic Research Opportunities in Earth Science 11 10.01 Ear National Academy of Science, 2001
anonymous 2001 Delorme Map Print Pack, U.S.A. 2 CD-ROM Set. 11 13 Del 2001 Delorme, Yarmouth, ME, 2001.
anonymous 2001 Regional Tectonics and Structural Contril of Ore: The Major Gold Trends of Northern Nevada 10 NV 10.01 Geo Geological Society of Nevada: Special Publication No. 33
anonymous 2001 Review of Earthscop Integrated Science 11 10.01 Ear National Academy of Science, 2001
anonymous 2003 Biographical Memoirs 7.93 National Academy of Sciences Vol. 83
anonymous 2004 Biographical Memoirs 7.93 National Academy of Sciences Vol..84
anonymous 2005 Biographical Memoirs 7.93 National Academy of Sciences Vol..86
anonymous 2005 Biographical Memoirs 7.93 National Academy of Sciences Vol..87
anonymous 2005 Geophysical Invesitgations in the Upper San Pedro River Basin, Benson, Arizona. LASI-06-1, May 7, 2006. 5.371 2006 Uni University of Arizona. Department of Geological Engineering. Laboratory for Advanced Subsurface Imaging.
anonymous 2005 Geophysical Invesitgations near Yuma, Arizona LASI-05-1 May 9, 2005 5.371 2005 Uni University of Arizona. Department of Geological Engineering. Laboratory for Advanced Subsurface Imaging.
anonymous 2009 Geophysical Investigation of Subsidence Fissures Near Willcox, Arizona Gerophysics Field Camp 2009 LASI-09-1 5.371 2009 Uni University of Arizona. Department of Geological Engineering. Laboratory for Advanced Subsurface Imaging.
anonymous n.d. Dinosaurs of the Tetori Group in Japan. 11 10.04 Din From an Unlisted, Undated Source.
anonymous n.d. Geological Guidebook. Highways of Arizona. 5.28. Arizona Bureau of Mines Guidebooks, Highways of Arizona. University of Arizona, Tucson.
anonymous n.d. RIDGE Inter-Disciplinary Global Experiments. Science plan 1993-1997. 11 12 Rid Published and distributed by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution for the RIDGE program under the sponsorship of the National Science Foundation, Woods Hole, MA.
28th International Geological Congress 1989 Carboniferous Geology of the Eastern United States 5.04 9 Field Trip Guidebook T143, St. Louis, Missouri to Washington, D.D. June 28-July 8, 1989
28th International Geological Congress 1989 Early Mesozoic Tectionics of the Western Great Basin, Nevada 5.05 Smi Field Trip Guidebook T122, Battle Mountain to Yerington District, Nevada, July 1-7, 1989
28th International Geological Congress 1989 Guide to Geology of the Cascade Range 5.05 Bla Field Trip Guidebook T306, Portland, Oregon to Seattle, Washington
28th International Geological Congress 1989 Porphyry Copper Deposits of the American Southwest 5.05 Spe Field Trip Guidebook T338, Tucson to Globe-Miami, Arizona July 19-23, 1989
28th International Geological Congress 1989 Snake River Plain-Yellowstone Volcanic Province 5.05 Ham Field Trip Guidebook T305, Jackson, Wyoming to Boise, Idaho July 21-29, 1989
AAPG 1977 Geology of Continental Margins. (AAPG Continuing Education Course Note Series No. 5). 11 10.08 Geo AAPG, Washington, 1977.
AAPG Reprint Series No. 10. 1974 Facies and the Reconstruction of Environments. Selected Papers Reprinted from the AAPG Bulletin. 11 10.15 A AAPG, Tulsa, 1974.
AAPG Reprint Series No. 13 1974 Jurassic of the Gulf Coast I: Regional Stratigraphy. Selected Papers Reprinted from the AAPG Bulletin. 11 10.15 Jur AAPG, Tulsa, 1974.
AAPG Reprint Series No. 15. 1975 Carbonate Rocks III: Organic Reefs. Selected Papers Reprinted from the AAPG Bulletin. 11 10.15 Car AAPG, Tulsa, 1975.
AAPG Reprint Series No. 18 1976 Modern Deltas. Selected Papers Reprinted from : Recent Sediments, Northwest Gulf of Mexico, AAPG bulletin, and Geometry of Sandstone Bodies. 11 10.15 Mod AAPG, Tulsa, 1976
AAPG Reprint Series No. 19 1976 Ancient Deltas: Selected papers from AAPG Bulletin. 11 10.15 Anc AAPG, Tulsa, 1976.
AAPG. Southwest Section. El Paso Geological Society. 1988 Franklin Mountains, Tobosa Basin, Related Sequences. 10NM 10.09 El P El Paso Geological Society and Southwest Section, AAPG. 1988.
Arizona Bureau of Mines 1977 Chemical Analysis of Coal Samples From the Black Mesa Field, Arizona. 4.7627 18 Arizona Bureau of Mines, Geological Survey Branch. Circular 18, Tucson, 1977.
Arizona Deptartment of Water Resources 1992 Rillito Recharge Project Report: An Evaluation of Recharge Techniques. 10AZ 10.07 Ari Prepared for Arizona Dept. of Water Resources in cooperation with Tucson Water and Pima County Flood Control District. Prepared by CH2M Hill, Tucson, July 1992.
Arizona Geological Society 1952 Guidebook for Field Trip Excursions Into Southern Arizona. 5.26 1952 Spr Arizona Geological Society for the Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section Meeting, April 10-14, 1952, Tucson, 1952.
Arizona Geological Society 1973 Poston Butte-Mineral Butte-Sacation. 5.26 1973 Fal Arizona Geological Society. Field Trip, Fall 1973.
Arizona Geological Society 1978 The Anderson Mine Area (Yavapai Co.). 5.26 1978 Spr Arizona Geological Society. Field Trip, Spring, 1978.
Arizona Geological Society 1979 Tucson to Yuma, Wellton to the Marine Corps Gunnery Range, Yuma to the Silver Mining District, Martinez Lake Turnoff to Quartzite, Quartzite to Buckeye. 5.26 1979 Spr Arizona Geological Society Field Trip, Spring , 1979.
Arizona Geological Society 1981 Relations of Tectonics to Ore Deposits in the Southern Cordillera. 5.04 1 AGS/UA Tour and Field Trip Data for Trip #1. Thorton-Live Oak-Pinto Valley-Miami East-Superior Mines, March 17-18, 1981.
Arizona Geological Society 1981 Relations of Tectonics to Ore Deposits in the Southern Cordillera. 5.04 10 AGS/UA Mine Tour and Field Trip Data for Trip #10. Silver Bell-North Silver Bell Deposits, March 21, 1981.
Arizona Geological Society 1981 Relations of Tectonics to Ore Deposits in the Southern Cordillera. 5.04 2 AGS/UA Tour and Field Trip Data for Trip #2. Ray-Poston Butte-Scacton-Lakeshore Mines, March 17-18, 1981.
Arizona Geological Society 1981 Relations of Tectonics to Ore Deposits in the Southern Cordillera. 5.04 4 AGS/UA Tour and Field Trip Data for Trip #4. Copper Creek-Tiger-Kalamazoo Deposits, March 18, 1981.
Arizona Geological Society 1981 Relations of Tectonics to Ore Deposits in the Southern Cordillera. 5.04 5 AGS/UA Mine Tour and Field Trip Data for Trip #5. Twin Buttes-Sierrita Mines, March 18, 1981.
Arizona Geological Society 1981 Relations of Tectonics to Ore Deposits in the Southern Cordillera. 5.04 7 AGS/UA Mine Tour and Field Trip Data for Trip #7. South Mountain-Vulture-Harquahala-Little Harquahala Mountains, March 21-22, 1981.
Arizona Geological Society 1981 Relations of Tectonics to Ore Deposits in the Southern Cordillera. 5.09 1979 Nil AGS/UA Mine Tour and Field Trip Data for Trip #9. Pearce-Tombstone-Bisbee Deposits, March 21, 1981.
Arizona Geological Society 1984 Arizona Geological Society Spring Field Trip, 1984. 5.26 1984 Spr Arizona Geological Society. Field Trip, Spring, 1984.
Arizona Geological Society 1985 Vulture And Congress Mines, Maricopa and Yavapai Counties, Arizona. 5.26 1985 Spr Arizona Geological Society. Field Trip, Spring, 1985.
Arizona Geological Society 1986 Field Trip to Mesquite Mine, American Girl-Padre-Madre Properties, and Picacho Mine, Imperial County, California. 5.26 1986 Fal Arizona Geological Society. Field Trip, Fall, 1986.
Arizona Geological Society 1988 Visit to Tombstone, Bisbee and Commonwealth Districts, Arizona. 5.26 1988 Fal Arizona Geological Society. Field Trip, Fall, 1988.
Arizona Geological Society 1993 Land Subsidence and Piedmont flooding: Geologic Hazards in Maricopa County, Central Arizona. 5.26 1993 Fal Arizona Geological Society Field Trip, Nov. 6-7, 1993. Arizona Geological Society, Tucson, 1993.
Arizona Geological Society 1999 Pinto Creek and Pinal Creek Operations. 5.26 1999 Sponsored by Arizona Geological Society, Arizona Hydrological Society, and American Institute of Professional Geologists, Arizona Section. April 17, 1999. Arizona Geological Society, Tucson, 1999.
Arizona Geological Society 2009 Relations of Tectonics to Ore Deposits in the Southern Cordillera. 5.04 Tucson Moun Chaos Revisited: Guidebook and Road Logs for Arizona Geological Society Spring Field Trip April 18 2009
journal 1927-1999 (gaps) AAPG American Association Of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin. 4.02
journal 2006, Vol. 2 Alpine Karst 4.15
journal 264 - 305 American Journal Of Science 3.01
journal 1965 - 1996 (gaps) American Mineralogist 4.05
journal AMQUA 4.041
journal ANAS Journal 7.76232
journal ANAS Proceedings 7.76233
journal 1974-2005 (gaps) The Antarctican Society Antarctic
journal Antevs Reprint Collection 7.0
journal 1991 - 1993 (gaps) Arizona Fossil Record 4.7605
journal 1971 to date Arizona Geol. Survey Arizona Geology (Formerly Field Notes) 4.7602
journal Nos. 1 - 198 (gaps) Arizona Geol. Survey Bulletins 4.7601
journal Nos. 17 - 28 (gaps) Arizona Geol. Survey Circulars 4.7627
journal 93-C, 94-A Arizona Geol. Survey Contributed Reports 4.76012
journal Nos. 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 Arizona Geol. Survey Down-To-Earth Series 4.76021
journal 1988 - 1998 (gaps) Arizona Geol. Survey Open-File Reports 4.76271
journal Nos. 1 - 7 Arizona Geol. Survey Special Papers 4.76022
journal Vols. 1 - 20 Arizona Geological Society Digest 4.7606
journal 1988 Symposium Arizona Hydrological Society 4.7604
journal Arizona Nevada Academy Of Science Journal 4.7611
journal 1992 to date (gaps) Arizona Water Resource 4.7604
journal 1992 - 1998 Arroyo 4.7611
journal 1969 - Present Artic, Antartic and Alpine Research 7.76230
journal Dec-90 Arctic, Journal of the Arctic Institute of North America Antarctic
journal Bulletin Nos. 51 -56 Baylor Geological Studies 4.062
journal 1988 - 1994 (gaps) Boletin De Geociencias Da Petrobras 4.231
journal 1979 - 1997 (gaps) Boletin Del Departemento De Geologic Uni-Son 4.23
journal Vols. 20 (1989), 21 (1990) Boletin Ig-Usp. Serie Cientifica/Universidat De Sao Paulo. Instituto De Geociencias. 4.232
journal Bureau Econ. Geology Geological Circular 69-2, 79-1, 80-4 & 12, 90-4 & 5 4.06
journal Nos. 53, 57, 102, 105, 107, 193, 195, 198, 214 Bureau Econ. Geology Report Of Investigations 4.061
journal Sp. 1998, Sp. 1999, Fall 2000 College Of Science News (Univ. Of Ariz.) 4.76291
journal 1993 - to date Computing & Communications News (Univ. Of Az) 3.02
journal 1989-1996 (gaps) Current Antarctic Literature Antarctic
journal 1952 to date (gaps) Fieldnotes 4.04
journal Dec-78 El Coronado Ranch of the University of Arizona 4.76212 Row 5
journal 1984 - 1994 Episodes 4.18
journal Fieldnotes 4.7602
journal 1958 - 1993 (gaps) Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 4.74
journal 1896 - 1995 (big gaps) Geological Society Of South Africa, Transactions 4.045
journal 1986 - 1997 (gaps) Geological Survey Of Namibia 4.046
journal 1973 - 1995; 1995 - to date on CD-ROM Geology 4.248
journal 1989 - 1995 (gaps) Geophysical Research Letters 4.49
journal 1989 - 1993 (gaps) Geophysics 4.12
journal Nos. 1 - 4 Geosciences Interim Research Reports 4.7626
journal 1977 - 1995 Geosciences Research Reports 4.7628
journal 1995 - to date Geotimes 4.13
journal 1979 - 2003 (gaps) GSA Abstracts With Programs 4.241
journal GSA Annual Reports 4.242
journal 1910 - 1995; 1995 - to date on CD-ROM GSA Bulletin 4.243
journal 1 - 183 (gaps) GSA Memoirs 4.245
journal 1 - 407 (gaps) GSA Special Papers 4.246
journal 1995 - to date on CD-ROM GSA Today Ref
journal Vol.. 1 - 12 Missing some Holocene 7.76231
journal Vols. 1 - 96 (end of series) Initial Reports Of The Deep Sea Drilling Project 4.19
journal Vols. 32-67 (gaps) INQUA 4.08
journal 1941 - 1994 (gaps) J Paleontology Journal 4.31
journal Vols. 1 - 38 (gaps) J Paleontology Memoirs 4.311
journal 1974 - 1994 (gaps) Journal Of Geophysical Research 4.16
journal Vols. 1 - to end of series (gaps) Journal Of Research Of The USGS 2.07
journal 1985 - 2002 (gaps) Journal Of Sedimentary Research 4.171
journal Vols. 1 - 23 & 41 (gaps) Journal Of The Arizona-Nevada Academy Of Science 4.7603
journal Vol. 31-32, 2007 Kyushu University. Series D Earth and Planetary Sciences Volume XXXII No. 2 4.7629
journal Vols. 1 - 26 Mineralogical Society Of America Reviews In Mineralogy (Formerly Short Course Notes) 4.051
journal past 3 years Nature 4.2
journal Bulletin 72 Nevada Bureau Of Mines & Geology 4.7606
journal Bulletin 53-73 (gaps) New Zealand Geological Survey 4.047
journal Ocean Drilling Program 4.191
journal Vols. 1 - 19 (end of series) Paleo Data Banks 4.312
journal 1970 - 2004 Palynology 7.91
journal 1988 - 1992 Pimeria. Bulletin Of The Map Collection, Univ. Of Az Library 4.7612
journal 2002 - 2007 (gaps) PNAS 7.92
journal 1958-2003 Polar Record Antarctic
journal 1995-2002 (gaps) Polar Times
journal 1974 - Feb. 1996 Precambrian Research 4.03
journal Vol.. 13 - 54 Quaternary Research 7.8
journal 1989 - to date Radiocarbon 4.17
journal Vol.. 93 - 134 Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 7.9
journal 1987-1989 (gaps) Sascar Newsletter Wkan Nuusbrief Antarctic
journal last 4 years Science 4.21
journal Nos. 1 - 18 (gaps) SEPM Core Workshop 4.743
journal 12-Jan SEPM Reprint Series 4.741
journal 4 - 32 (gaps) SEPM Short Course Notes 4.742
journal 2 - 54 (gaps) SEPM Special Publications 4.74
journal 1987-1989 (gaps) South African Journal of Antarctic Research Antarctic
journal 1982 - 1999 (gaps) Tectonics 4.22
journal Nos. 1 - 4 The Paleontological Society Special Publications 4.751
journal 1984, 1989, 1992, 1993 Fieldnotes 4.7621
journal Nos. 3 - 21 (gaps) Univ. Tennessee Dept Geol Sci Studies In Geology 4.7511
journal UofAz Bureau Of Mines Bulletins 4.7601
journal 1971, 1973, 1976, 1995 - to date UofAz Dept Geosciences Alumni News 4.7629
journal UofAz Dept Geosciences Geodaze 4.7620
journal 1 - 15 (end of series) Uofaz Geochronology Interim Research Reports 4.7624
journal UofAz Laboratory Of Tree Ring Research Bulletin 4.7625 Row 8
journal 1911 only one in series USGS The Geology of the Lake Superior Region 2.029 Row 1
journal vol. 639 - 2153 USGS Bulletins 2.03 Row 8
journal vol. 450 - 1213 (gaps) USGS Circulars 2.04 Row 8
journal 80-653 - 93-617 USGS Open-File Reports 2.1 Row 8
journal vol. 1 - 1553A USGS Professional Papers 2.05 Row 8
journal to date USGS Publications & New Publications 2.06 Row 8
journal 490A - 2379 USGS Water-Supply Papers 2.08 Row 8
journal Issue Paper Nos. 9,13,17,20 Water Resources Research Center 4.7611 Row 8
map 1981 Aconchi, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1968 Adelaida Quadrangle, San Luis Obispo County, California (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1990 Adobe Range, Elko County, Nevada box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map Aeromagnetic Overlay/Geologic Map of the Gran Llano Area Region II, Chile box/drawer AN4 1:100,000
map 1990 Agua Caliente, Sinaloa y Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1975 Agua Caliente, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1975 Agua Caliente, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1980 Agua Fria, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1979 Agua Prieta, Sonora, Chihuahua, Texas u Nuevo, Nuevo Mexico, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map 1969 Ajo, Arizona box/drawer 5 1:250,000
map 1963 Ajo, Arizona - Pima Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map Ajo, Arizona - Sonora, Estados unidos Mecicanos & United States (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map 1976 Ajoya, Sinaloa, Estados unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1979 Alamo Lake, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1988 Alaska: Coastal Erosion and Accretion box/drawer F 1:7,500,000 USA
map 1997 Alaska: Digital Shaded-Relief Image box/drawer AN1 1:2,500,000 USA
map 1963 Albuquerque box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1977 Antarctica (Boyd Glacier quadrangle, Marie Byrd Land) box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1959/1977 Antelope Peak, Arizona - Pinal Co. box/drawer 2 1:50,000
map 1985 Appalachian-Caledonian Orogen (stratabound sulfide deposits) box/drawer 1 1:5,000,000
map 1972 Appalachians (metamorphic map) box/drawer 1 1:2,500,000
map 1982 Arbuckle Mountains to the Muenster Arch Southern Oklahoma and Texas box/drawer 2
map 1963 Arch Mesa quadrangle, New Mexico (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1884 Arctic Sea (the channels north of Baffin Bay) box/drawer 1
map 1954 Arivaca, Arizona - Pima Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1982 Arivechi, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1998 Arizona (3-D stereo topographic map) box/drawer 1 1:750,000
map 1995 Arizona (95-2a) (physiographic areas in Arizona…) box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000
map 1995 Arizona (95-2b) (physiographic areas in Arizona…) box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000
map 1973 Arizona (Bouger gravity anomaly map) box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000
map 1975 Arizona (Free-air gravity anomaly map) box/drawer 9 1:1,000,000
map 1962 Arizona (geologic cross-sections and index map) box/drawer 2 1:1,000,000
map 1998 Arizona (geologic highway map) box/drawer 4 1:1,000,000
map 2000 Arizona (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000
map 1988 Arizona (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:1,000,000
map 1969 Arizona (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:500,000
map 1967 Arizona (highway geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000
map 1989 Arizona (highway map) box/drawer 4
map 1981 Arizona (Indian, water and military lands) box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000
map 1984 Arizona (Laramide rocks) box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000
map 1963 Arizona (lost mines & ghost towns, fronteir military forts) box/drawer 1
map 1981 Arizona (National Forest Service lands) box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000
map 1969 Arizona (public lands as of 1964) box/drawer 1 1:500,000
map 1925 Arizona (relief map) box/drawer 1 1:500,000
map 1956 Arizona (relief map) box/drawer 2 1:500,000
map 1978 Arizona (volcanic centers) box/drawer 1 1:500,000
map 1985 Arizona (volcanic outcrops in Arizona) box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000
map 1986 Arizona (volcanic rocks in Arizona) box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000
map 1986 Arizona (volcanic, plutonic & sedimentary rock outcrops in AZ) box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000
map 1978 Arizona (well location map four, state of Arizona) box/drawer 1
map 1990 Arizona Digial Shaded-Relief Map (1 of 2 Set) box/drawer AN3 1:1,000,000 USA
map 1961 Arizona Mining Districts box/drawer 2 1:1,000,000
map 1987 Arizona Soil Conservation Service box/drawer F 1:1,000,000 USA
map 1982 Arizona, New Mexico & The Trans-Pecos Area of West Texas box/drawer 1
map 1980 Arizona, Southeast box/drawer 2 1:125,000
map 1986 Arizona, Southern box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000
map 1987 Arizona: Mjor Land Resource Areas and Subresource Areas box/drawer F 1:1,000,000 USA
map 1970 Arizona: Residiual Aeromagnetic Map box/drawer F 1:1,000,000 USA
map 1955 Arizona: Residual Bouger Gravity Anomaly Map box/drawer AN3 1:1,000,000 USA
map Unknown Arizona: Thematic Mapper Image of Southeastern Arizona box/drawer AN1 unknown USA
map 1993 Arizpe, Sonora, Estados unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1981 Arlington, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1980 Ash Fork, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1971 Asia box/drawer 1 1:13,812,480
map 1959 Asia and The Far East (geological map) box/drawer 1 1:5,000,000
map 1924 Atlantic Coast (Cape Sable to Cape Hatteras) box/drawer 1
map 1922 Atlantic Ocean (from Flemish Cap to New York) box/drawer 1
map 1968 Atlantic Ocean and Ocean Floor box/drawer 1 1:30,412,800
map 1963 Australia box/drawer 1 1:6,969,600
map 1957 Aztec, Arizona - Yuma Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1987 Aztec, Northwestern New Mexico and Sounthern Colorado (geologic map) box/drawer AN 1:250,000
map 1963/1981 Baboquivari Peak, Arizona - Pima Co. box/drawer 2 1:50,000
map 1991 Bacacoragua, Chihuahua, Durango y Sinaloa, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1995 Bacanuchi, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1993 Bacerac, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1975 Bacoachi, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1982 Badesi, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1978 Badiraguato, Sinaloa, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1971 Baja California (reconnaissance geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1976 Baker, Oregon (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:250,000
map 1965 Bakersfield sheet (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1975 Banamichi, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1994 Basin and Range (preliminary reconstruction…) box/drawer 1
map 1980 Basin and Range Province, Arizona (depth-to-bedrock map) box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000
map 1982 Basuchi, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1984 Batacosa, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1981 Baviacora, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1923 Belchertown, MA box/drawer 1 1:62,500
map 1979 Bellemont, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1959 Bellota Ranch, Arizona - Pima Co. box/drawer 5 1:50,000
map 1972 Bellota Ranch, Coronado National Forest quadrangle box/drawer 1
map Bellows Falls Quadrangle (Vermont-New Hampshire) box/drawer 1 1:48,000
map 1936-47 Benson and Pearce quadrangle box/drawer 1 1:62,500
map 1967 Benson quadrangle, Cochise and Pima Counties. box/drawer 1 1:48,000
map 1960 Benson, Arizona - Cochise Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map Benson, Cochise Co, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1964 Big Maria Mountains NE quadrangle, Riverdide Co, CA & Yuma Co, AZ box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map Bitterwell, Arizona N 1/2 box/drawer 1 1:48,000
map Bitterwell, Arizona S 1/2 box/drawer 1 1:48,000
map 1978 Black Canyon quadrangle box/drawer 2 1:62,500
map 1976 Black Mesa (Navajo, Apache & Coconino Co) Arizona box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1974 Black Mountain quadrangle, Pinal Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1963 Black Peak, AZ/CA box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1986 Blythe, California/Arizona box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1983 Boulder City, Nevada/Arizona box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1953 Boxelder Quadrangle, Montana (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:48,000
map 1968 Brandenburg Mountain quadrangle, Pinal Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1966 Bright Angel quadrangle, Coconino Co, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona box/drawer 4 1:48,000
map Bright Angel, Coconino Co, Arizona box/drawer 11 1:48,000
map 1966 Buckboard Mesa quadrangle, Nye Co, Nevada box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1975 Buenavista, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1969 Buffalo Mountain Quadrangle, Pershing and Churchill Counties, Nevada box/drawer 2 1:62,500
map 1982 Bunk Robinson Peak & Whitmire Canyon Roadless Areas, Coronado National Forest, Arizona & New Mexico box/drawer 1 1:62,500
map 1983 Bunk Robinson Peak & Whitmire Canyon Roadless Areas, Hidalgo Co, NM & Cochise Co, AZ box/drawer 1 1:62,500
map 1970 Bylas quadrangle, Graham Co, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:62,000
map Caborca Mexico box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map 1957 Caborca y Sierra Del Tule box/drawer 1 1:500,000
map 1991 Caliente Range, San Luis Obispo County, California box/drawer 2 1:36,000
map 1965 Caliente Range, San Luis Obispo County, California box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1970 Caliente, Nevada - Utah box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1977 California (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:750,000
map 1966 California (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:2,500,000
map 1981 California Northern Coast Ranges to Sierra Nevada, and Lake Pillsbury to Southern Klamath Mountains box/drawer 2 1:250,000
map 1992 Cambrian and Ordovician Rocks in the Central Appalachian Basin from Lake County, Ohio, to Juniata County, Pennsylvania box/drawer 2
map 1962 Cameron quadrangle, Coconino Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:62,000
map Camp Verde, Arizona box/drawer 5 1:125,000
map 1972 Canada box/drawer 1 1:7,460,000
map 1962 Canada (geological map) box/drawer 1 1:7,603,200
map Canada (geological map) box/drawer 1 1:6,336,000
map 1973 Canada (mineral areas) box/drawer 1 1:7,603,200
map 1928 Canada (physical map) box/drawer 1
map 1984 Canada, Atlantic (map number 5) box/drawer 1 1:2,000,000
map 1984 Canada, Atlantic (map number 6) box/drawer 1 1:2,000,000
map 1980 Canada: Columian Icefield box/drawer F 1:50,000 British Columbia-Alberta
map 1984 Canadian Cordillera & Adjacent Parts of the USA box/drawer 2 1:2,000,000
map 2000 Canadian Rockies box/drawer AN1 1:750,000 Canada
map Cananea, Mexico box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map 1980 Cananea, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map 1975 Cananea, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1965 Cane Spring quadrangle, Nye Co, Nevada (geological map) box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1984 Canyon de Chelley, Arizona/New Mexico box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1981 Carbo, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1978 Carlin-Pinon Range Area, Elko and Eureka Counties, Nevada (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:62,500
map 1962 Carlsbad, New Mexico, Texas box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1954 Cashion, Arizona - Maricopa Co. box/drawer 1
map 1994 Castaneda Hills quadrangle, Mohave Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1994 Castaneda Hills SW quadrangle, Mohave & La Paz Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1991 Catalina Core Complex & San Pedro Trough box/drawer 4
map 1992 Catalina Core Complex & San Pedro Trough, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:125,000
map 1987 Catalina Core Complex & San Pedro Trough, Arizona box/drawer 1
map 1992 Catalina Core Complex and San Pedro Trough, Arizona. Dickinson, William R. box/drawer AGS Contributed Map CM-92-C, 1992.
map Cave Creek, Arizona box/drawer 3 1:125,000
map 1961 Cedar City sheet, Utah box/drawer 2 1:250,000
map 1994 Centennial Wash quadrangle, Mohave & La Paz Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1973 Central America (see under Mexico) box/drawer 1 1:2,534,000
map 1999 Central Rocky MTNS Physiographic Map box/drawer AN1 1:175,000 USA
map 1966 Chediski Peak quadrangle, Navajo Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:62,000
map 1981/1989 Chihuahua (carta geologica) box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000
map 1934 Chihuahua, Mexico box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000 mexico
map 1954 Chile (maps) box/drawer AN4 1:50,000
map Chile - various areas (Topographic Maps) box/drawer AN4 1:50,000
map Chile - various areas (Topographic Maps) box/drawer AN4 1:50,000
map 1983 China (marine and continental tectonic map) box/drawer 1 1:5,000,000
map 1997 Chiricahua National Monument and vicinity box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1994 Chiricahua Peak quadrangle, Cochise Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map Chiricahua, Arizona box/drawer 6 1:125,000
map 1927 Chloride, Mohave Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:48,000
map 1983 Christmas, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:50,000
map 1966 Cibecue quadrangle, Navajo Co, Arizona box/drawer 3 1:62,500
map 1965 Cibola, Arizona/California box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1992 Cibuta, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1959 Ciudad De Mexico, Mexico box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000 mexico
map 1958 Ciudad Obergon, Mexico box/drawer 1 1:500,000 mexico
map Ciudad Obergon, Mexico box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map 1984 Ciudad Obergon, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map 1984 Ciudad Obregon (carta geologica) box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1929 Claremont, NH - VT box/drawer 2 1:62,000
map 1971 Clifton, Arizona - New Mexico box/drawer 2 1:250,000
map 1959 Cochise Co, Arizona (geological map) box/drawer 7 1:375,000
map 1964 Cochise Co, Fulton Ranch (geologic map) box/drawer 1
map 1938 Cochise Co, Ninety-One Hills (geologic map) box/drawer 3
map 1959 Cochise Co, Southeastern, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:125,000
map 1982 Cochise Head quadrangle and Adjacent Areas, Southeastern Arizona box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1960 Coconino Co, Arizona (geologic map) box/drawer 4 1:375,000
map 2006 Coconino CO, Arizona (geologic map) box/drawer AN 1:100,000
map 1953 Coconino Co, Arizona (reconaisance geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:150,000
map 1969 Coconino National Forest, Arizona box/drawer 1
map 1954 Cocoraque Butte, Arizona - Pima Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1959 Colima, Mexico box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000 mexico
map 1982 Colonia Oaxaca, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1979 Colorado (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:500,000
map 1999 Colorado Plateau Physiographic Map box/drawer AN1 1:800,000 OSA
map 1963 Comobabi, Arizona - Pima Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map Comobabi, Pima Co, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:48,000
map Congress, Arizona box/drawer 12 1:125,000
map 1983 Coolidge, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1963 Coronado National Forest (recreation map) box/drawer 1
map 1961 Cortaro, Arizona - Pima Co. box/drawer 4 1:50,000
map 1956/1962 Cortez sheet, Colorado, Utah box/drawer 3 1:250,000
map 1980 Costa Rica, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1963 Cotton Center, Arizona - Maricopa Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1931 Crater Lake National Park, Klamath County, Oregon box/drawer 1 1:62,000
map 1974 Crozier Peak quadrangle, Pinal Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1993 Cucurpe, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1985 Culiacan (carta geologica) box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1935 Culiacan, Mexico box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000 mexico
map 1985 Culiacan, Sinaloa y Durango, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map 1981 Cumpas, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1984 Cumuripa, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1993 Cuquiarichi, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1958 Death Valley sheet (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 2002 The Delta, Utah box/drawer AN 1:100,000
map 1972 Delta sheet, Utah box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1917 Deming, New Mexico box/drawer 1 metric
map 1963 Dendora Valley, Arizona - Maricopa Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1950 Denver Mountain Area, Colorado box/drawer 1
map 1924 Denver Mountain Parks quadrangle, Colorado box/drawer 1 1:62,000
map 1953/1963 Denver, Colorado box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1980 Desert Well, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1985 Diablo Range, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Merced Counties, California box/drawer 2 1:62,500
map 1991 Diablo Range, Southern Region, California box/drawer 2 1:62,500
map 1993 Dieciseis de Septiembre, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1984 Divisadero, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1965 Dome Rock Mtns, Arizona/ California box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1964 Dough Mountain quadrangle, New Mexico (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map Douglas, Arizona & Sonora, Mexico box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map 1970 Douglas, Arizona/New Mexico box/drawer 5 1:250,000
map 1983 Dragoon Mountains Roadless Area, Cochise Co box/drawer 5 1:50,000
map 1961 Dragoon, Arizona - Cochise Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1973 Duffer Peak quadrangle, Humbolt Co, Nevada (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:48,000
map 1987 Duncan-Virden Basin, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1974 Durango quadrangle, Colorado (geologic map) box/drawer 1
map 1965 Eagletail Mtns, Arizona - Yuma, Maricopa Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map Eagleton Quadrangle, Montana box/drawer 2 1:48,000
map (none) Earth (physiographic map) box/drawer 1 (no scale)
map 1998 Earth: Canyon Lands box/drawer AN3 1:100,000 Earth
map 1998 Earth: Canyon Lands box/drawer AN3 1:100,000 Earth
map (none) Earth: Face of the Earth box/drawer AN3 (no scale) Earth
map unknwon Earth: Predicted Sea Floor Topography (satalite and ship depth measurse) box/drawer AN1 unknown Earth
map 1982 El Abanico, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1975 El Batanote, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1978 El Capitan Mountain quadrangle, Gila and Pinal Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1961/1969 El Centro sheet, California and Arizona box/drawer 4 1:250,000
map 1992 El Correo, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1981 El Ejemplo, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1984 El Maquipo, Sonora y Sinaloa, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1984 El Rodeo, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1981 El Salto, Durango, Sinaloa, Zacatecas y Nayarit, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map 1990 El Timon Prospect Region III, Chile box/drawer AN4 1:50,000
map 1962 Elgin, Arizona - Santa Cruz Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1990 Elko Hills, Elko County, Nevada box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1972 Elko sheet, Nevada and Utah box/drawer 2 1:250,000
map 1963 Eloy, Arizona - Pinal Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1971 Ely, Nevada, Utah box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1960 Empire Mtns, Arizona - Pima Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1926 Encampment Quadrangle (Wyoming-Colorado) box/drawer 1 1:90,000
map 1994 Enebro Nountain Area, Greenlee Co, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:10,600
map 1956 Escalante, Utah, Arizona box/drawer 3 1:250,000
map 1991 Escuinapa (carta geologica) box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1981 Escuinapa, Nayarit, Durango, Sinaloa, Zacatecas y Jalisco, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map 1990 Esperanza, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1982 Esquda, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1960 Estrella, Arizona - Maricopa Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map Exkursion Der S.G.G. box/drawer 1
map Exploration Map Escondida Area box/drawer AN4 1:100,000
map 1994 Fife Peak quadrangle, Cochise Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1982 Flagstaff, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1970 Flagstaff, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map Flagstaff, Arizona box/drawer 19 1:125,000
map 1980 Florence, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:50,000
map Florence, Arizona box/drawer 6 1:125,000
map 1989 Fort Defiance quadrangle, Apache Co, AZ and McKinley Co, NM box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1953 Fort Defiance, Arizona (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:48,000
map 1994 Fort Huachuca, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1960 Fort Huachuca, Arizona - Cochise Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1955 Fort Sumner, New Mexico box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1968 Fox Mountain Quadrangle, Santa Barbara County, California (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map France box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000
map 1984 Fredonia, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1923 Fremont National Forest, Oregon box/drawer 1
map 1965 Fresno sheet, California box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1982 Fronteras, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1951 Ft. Peck Area, Montana-Showing Structure Contours on Top of the Judith River Formation box/drawer 2
map 1983 Gabriel Leyva, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1962/1970 Gallup, New Mexico, Arizona box/drawer 3 1:250,000
map 1984 Ganado, Arizona/New Mexico box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1985 Geochemical/Exploration Overlay proposed Abra Pampa Massive Sulfide exploration project Area Jujuy Province, Argentina R.C. Baker box/drawer AN4 1:200,000
map Feb, 1985 Generalized Geologic Map of the Granada Volcanic Center Jujuy Province Argentina box/drawer AN4 1:40,000
map 1992 Geologic Map of the Chintos Prospect Region II, Chile box/drawer AN4
map Nov-83 Geologic map - El Bolson Prospect box/drawer AN4
map 1982 Geologic map of the El Tesoro Area, Sierra Gorda Region, Chile box/drawer AN4 1:50,000
map Jun-92 Geologic Map of the Solitario Anomaly Area, Elvira Anomaly Area, Quebrada de los Arrieros Area box/drawer AN4 1:50,000
map Jun-05 Geologic Map of Wyoming box/drawer AN4 1:500,000
map Geologic map of the northern Tortilla Mountains, Pinal County, Arizona E.A. Schmidt box/drawer AN4 1''=1500'
map Geologic Reconnaissance Map and Geologic map of the Carrizalillo Prospect box/drawer AN4
map 11/1/1981 Geologic Reconnaissance Map of the Escondida, Chile Region box/drawer AN4
map Geologic Reconnaisance Map Cerro Colorado - Cambarbala Area, Region IV, Chile box/drawer AN4 1:50,000
map 1982 Geologic Reconnaissance map of the El Tesoro Area box/drawer AN4 1:50000
map Feb, 1985 Geologic Sketch map Showing the Bolivian Tin Belt and Late Tertiary volcanic centers in Bolivia and North Aregentina box/drawer AN4 1:2,500,000
map 1999 Geologic Map and Report for the Theodore Roosevelt Dam Area, Gila and Maricopa Counties, Arizona (map scale: 1:24,000) Spencer, Jon E. box/drawer Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-6, April 1999
map 1920 Georges Bank & Nantucket Shoals, Mass. box/drawer 1
map 1964 Gila Bend, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1976 Gila Butte, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:50,000
map 1959 Gila Co, Arizona (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:375,000
map 1959 Gila River, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:1,000,000
map 1987 Gila Valley, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1980 Gillis Canyon quadrangle, Mineral Co, Nevada (Geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:48,000
map 1984 Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1984 Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1969 Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Utah/Arizona box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map Global Distribution of Gondwana in Pangean Times box/drawer AN1
map 1954 Globe quadrangle, Gila County, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1952 Gold quadrangle, Gillespie Co, Texas (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:31,680
map 1988 Gondwana Reconstructed for their Disposition~ 150 Ma De Wit, Maarten; Jeffery, Margaret; Bergh, Hugh; and Nicolaysen, Louis box/drawer AN1 1:10,000,000
map 1997 Goshute Mountains and Toano Range, Elko County, Nevada box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1958 Graham and Greenlee Co, Arizona box/drawer 4 1:375,000
map 1976 Grand Canyon National Park box/drawer 4 1:62,000
map 1967 Grand Canyon National Park and Vicinity, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:62,500
map 1978 Grand Canyon of the Colorado (landsat image) box/drawer 1 1:289,200
map 1984 Grand Canyon, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1970 Grand Canyon, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1959 Grand Canyon, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:1,000,000
map 1962 Grand Junction, Colorado, Utah box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1979 Grangeville Quadrangle, Baker, Union, Umatilla, and Wallowa Counties, Oregon box/drawer 2 1:250,000
map 1975 Grayback quadrangle, Pinal Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1954/1961 Greeley, Colorado, Wyoming box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1974 Greenland (quarternary map) box/drawer 1 1:500,000
map Greenland (quarternary map) box/drawer 1 1:2,500,000
map 1989 Guadalajara (carta geologica) box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000
map 1940 Guadalajara, Mexico box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000 mexico
map 1991 Guanajuanto and Michoacan, Mexico (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:300,000
map Guaymas, Mexico box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map 1993 Guisamopa, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1980 Gulf of California (bathymetric maps) box/drawer 1 1:1,298,880, 1:649,440
map Guliuro Mts, Pinal Co, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:48,000
map 1956 Gulnare, Cuchara Pass & Stonewall area, Huerfano & Las Animas Co, Colorado (geology & coal resources map) box/drawer 1 1:31,680
map 1924 Hanover, VT - NH box/drawer 1 1:62,000
map 1962 Happy Valley, Arizona - Cochise Co. box/drawer 2 1:50,000
map 1925 Hartford, CN box/drawer 1 1:62,500
map 1982 Hasssyampa Sub-Basin of the Phoenix Active Management Area, Maricopa and Yavapai Counties, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1979 Hat Mountain, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1960 Haunted Canyon quadrangle, Arizona box/drawer 2 1;24,000
map 1977 Hayden quadrangle, Pinal and Gila Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1980 Hearst Mountain, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1983 Hells Gate Roadless Area, Gila Co. Arizona box/drawer 1 1:48,000
map Hereford, Arizona box/drawer 22 1:125,000
map 1952 Hereford, Arizona - Cochise Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map Hermosillo, Mexico box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map 1992 Hermosillo, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map 1958 Hidalgo Del Parral 13R-V, Mexico box/drawer 1 1:500,000 mexico
map 1950 Hobson Area, Central Montana (geologic map) box/drawer 2
map 1963 Hoja San Pedro Del Gallo, Mexico (carta geologica) box/drawer 2 1:100,000
map 1970 Holbrook, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:250,000
map 1968 Holy Joe Peak quadrangle, Pinal Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1982 Huachineras, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1997 Hualapai Indian Reservation and vicinity, Arizona box/drawer 1
map 1982 Huasabas, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1985 Huatabampo, Mexico (carta geologica) box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1980 Huatabampo, Sonora, Sinaloa y Chihuahua, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map 1961 Humboldt County, Nevada (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:200,000
map Humboldt Lopolith and Surrounding Terrane, Nevada (geologic map) box/drawer 2 ``
map 1979 Huntington and Olds Ferry Quadrangles, Oregon (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:62,500
map 1986 Hunters Point quadrangle, Apache Co, AZ and McKinley Co, NM box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1947/1959 Idaho (geologic map) box/drawer 3 1:500,000
map 1987 Illinois, Stack-Unit Mapping of Geologic Materials in Illinois to a Depth of 15 Meters box/drawer 2
map 1967 Imlay Quadrangle, Pershing County, Nevada box/drawer 2 1;62,500
map 1998 Independence Mountains, Elko County, Nevada box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1965 Indian Ocean (physiographic diagram) box/drawer 1
map 1967 Inyo Mountains Region, California (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:125,000
map 1938 Istmo de Tehuantepec, Mexico box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000 mexico
map 1964 Jackass Flats quadrangle, Nye Co, Nevada (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1968 Japan (geological map) box/drawer 1 1:2,000,000
map 1971 Japan (geological map) box/drawer 2 1:2,000,000
map 1979 Japan Southern Sea and Tsushima Straits (geological map) box/drawer 2 1:1,000,000
map 1978 Japan and Kuril Trenches and the Adjacent Areas (geological map) box/drawer 2 1:1,000,000
map 1979 Japan and Okhotsk Seas around Hokkaido (geological map) box/drawer 2 1:1,000,000
map 1977 Japan, Geological Map off Outer Zone of Southwest Japan box/drawer 2 1:1,000,000
map Jerome, Arizona box/drawer 9 1:125,000
map 1985 Johnson quadrangle, Kane Co, UT & Coconino Co, AZ (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:62,500
map 1947 Jordanterna Over Sodra Och Meilersta Sverige box/drawer 3 1:400,000
map Jordanterna Quanternary Deposits box/drawer 2
map 1992 Jose Maria Morales, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map Joseph City, Navajo Co, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:48,000
map 1979 Kaka, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1983 Kanab Creek Roadless Area, Coconino and Mohave Co, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:48,000
map 1987 Kanab quadrangle, Kane Co, UT & Mohave & Coconino Co, AZ (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:62,500
map 1980 Kanab, Utah-Arizona box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1847 Kartenvertriebsstelle: Schrepp'Sche box/drawer 1
map 1975 Kearny quadrangle, Pinal Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1983 Kearny, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1968 Kelseyville Quadrangle, Sonoma, Lake and Mendocino Counties, California box/drawer 2 1:62,500
map 1979 Kendrick Peak, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1980 King Range, Chemise Mtn., California (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:62,500
map Kingman box/drawer 4 1:250,000
map 1961 Kingman sheet, California (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:250,000
map Klondyke, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:48,000
map 1965 Kofa Butte, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1975 Koshikijima Islands, Japan (submarine geological map) box/drawer 1 1:200,000
map 1989 La Bellotosa, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1975 La Dura, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map La Misa, Mexico box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1981 La Paz (carta geologica) box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000
map 1990 La Paz ro Saltillo, Northwestern & Northern Mexico box/drawer 1 1:500,000
map 1981 La Poza, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1973 La Sangre, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1982 La Valenzuela, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1972 Laguna Dam 7.5-minute quadrangle, Arizona & California box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1963 Laguna quadrangle, New Mexico (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1958 Laguna, Arizona-California box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1984 Lampazos, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1973 Lander Area, Fremont County (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1981 Las Barajitas, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1969 Las Vegas, Nevada, Arizona, California box/drawer 2 1:250,000
map 1962 Leupp quadrangle (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:62,000
map Limon Verde Carancoles box/drawer AN4
map 1965 Little Horn Mtns, Arizona - Yuma Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1965 Livingston Hills, Arizona - Yuma Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1981 Llano sheet (geologic atlas of Texas) box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1962 Lochiel, Arizona - Santa Cruz Co. box/drawer 4 1:50,000
map 1961 Lodoga Quadrangle, Glenn and Colusa Counties, California box/drawer 2 1:48,000
map 1994 Long Valley quadrangle, Coconino Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1968 Lookout Mountain quadrangle, Pinal Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1994 Lopez Mountain Quadrangle, San Luis Obispo County, California box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1955 Los Angeles sheet, California (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1952 Los Angeles sheet, California (international map of the world) box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000
map 1959 Los Angeles, California box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1984 Los Mochis (carta geologica) box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1986 Louisiana Continental Shelf, Neogene-Quaternary Deposits box/drawer 2
map 1963/1976 Lukeville box/drawer 5 1:250,000
map 1956/1970 Lund, Nevada, Utah box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map Madera, Mexico box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map 1991 Madera, Sonora y Chihuahua, Estados Unidos Mexi (carta topographica)canos box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map 1980 Magdalena de Kino, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1934 Maine (glacial deposits) box/drawer 1
map 1930 Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky (topographic map) box/drawer 1 1:31,680
map 1987 Manitoba, Canada (geological highway map) box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000
map 1973 Marana quadrangle (map of slopes) box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1956 Marble Canyon box/drawer 3 1:250,000
map 1957 Maricopa County (geologic map) box/drawer 5 1:375,000
map 1978 Maricopa, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1969 Marin Couny, California box/drawer 2
map Marine Maps box/drawer AN4
map 1967 Mariposa, California (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1975 Masiaca, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1972 Mayer quadrangle, Yavapai Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:62,000
map 1983 Mazatlan, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta geologica) box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1983 Mazatlan, Sinola, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map 1983 Mazatzai Wilderness and contiguous roadless areas, Gila, Maricopa & Yavapai Co, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:48,000
map 1932 Medicine Bow, WY - CO box/drawer 1 1:125,000
map 1982 Mediterranea box/drawer 1 1:5,000,000
map Mediterranean Region, Central (structural map) box/drawer 1
map 1979 Melchor Ocampo, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1928 Meriden, CN box/drawer 1 1:62,500
map 1954 Mesa box/drawer 2 1:250,000
map 1963 Mesa Gigante quadrangle, New Mexico (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1982 Mesa Tres Rios, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1994 Mesa, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1980 Mesa, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1963 Mesita quadrangle, New Mexico (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1980 Meteor Crater, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1989 Mexico (carta geologica) box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000
map 1973 Mexico (Central America on reverse side) box/drawer 1 1:3,803,000
map 1992 Mexico (geologica de la Republica Mexicana box/drawer 1 1:2,000,000
map 1961 Mexico (tectonic map) box/drawer 1 1:2,500,000
map 1981 Mexico (tourist road map) box/drawer 1 1:200,000
map 1991 Mexico. Volcanic Belt box/drawer 1 1:300,000
map 1928 Middletown, CN box/drawer 1 1:62,500
map Mineta Ridge & Banco Ridge Area, Pima & Cochise Co, Arizona box/drawer 1
map 1967 Mingus Mountain quadrangle, Yavapai Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:62,000
map 1963 Mobile, Arizona - Maricopa Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1959 Mohave County (geologic map) box/drawer 6 1:375,000
map 1999 Mohave Mountains Area, Arizona (geologic map) box/drawer 6 1:48,000
map 1973 Mono Creek-Pine Mountain Area, California box/drawer 2 1:48,000
map 1966 Montana (base map) box/drawer 1 1:500,000
map 1955 Montana (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:500,000
map 1945 Montana-Graphic Sections of Mesozoic and Paleozoic Rocks that Underlie the Areas in South-Central Montana box/drawer 2
map 1945 Montana-Columnar Sections of Mesozoic and Paleozoic Rocks in the Montains of South-Central Montana box/drawer 2
map 1948 Montana-Marine Jurassic Formations of Montana box/drawer 2
map 1944 Montana-Oil and Gas Investigation (geologic map) box/drawer 2
map 1956 Montana-Map Showing Oil and Gas Fields and Test Wells box/drawer 2 1:500,000
map 1945 Montana-Maps Showing Thickness and General Distribution of Mesozoic and Paleozoic Rocks in South-Central Montana box/drawer 2
map Montana-Subsurface Stratigraphy of Paleozoic Rocks in Southeastern Montana and Adjacent Parts of Wyoming and South Dakota box/drawer 2
map 1937 Monterrey, Mexico box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000 mexico
map 1963 Moquino quadrangle, New Mexico (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1984 Mora County, New Mexico (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map Morenci, Arizona/New Mexico box/drawer 13 1:125,000
map 1968 Morenci-Monticello Area, southeastern AZ & southwestern NM box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1994 Mormon Lake, Coconino Co, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1986 Mormon Gap and Tweedy Wash Quadrangles, Millard County, Utah, and Lincoln and White Pine Counties, Nevada (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 2002 Mount Barcroft Complex, Central White Mountains, Eastern California (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1987 Mount Barcroft-Blanco Mountain Area, Eastern California box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1987 Mountain Home Pass and Miller Wash Quadrangles, Millard and Beaver Counties, Utah, and Lincoln County, Nevada (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1996 Mount Ichabod Area, Elko County, Nevada box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1959 Mount Lemmon, Arizona - Pima Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1972 Mount Lemmon, Coronado National Forest quadrangle box/drawer 1
map 1986 Mount Trumbull, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:100,000 metric
map 1972 Mount Union quadrangle, Yavapai Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:62,000
map 1971 Mount Wrightson quadrangle, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:48,000
map 1984 Movas, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1967 Mt. Ranier National Park, Washington box/drawer 2 1:62,500
map 1982 Mulatos, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1964 Mule Mountains, Southern Part, Cochise County box/drawer 1 1:48,000
map 1993 Nacozari de Garcia, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map Nacozari, Mexico box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map 1980 Nacozari, Sonora y Chihuahua, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map 1982 Natora, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1960 Navajo and Apache Counties (geologic map) box/drawer 6 1:375,000
map 1958 Navajo County (vegetative type map) box/drawer 1
map 1981 Navajo Mountain, Utah/Arizona box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1963 Needles sheet, California (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1956/1963/1969 Needles, California, Arizona (geologic map) box/drawer 4 1:250,000
map 1985 Needles, California/Arizona box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map Needles, Mohave Co, Arizona/California box/drawer 9 1:125,000
map 1978 Nevada (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:500,000
map 1983 Nevada (geothermal resources of Nevada) box/drawer 1 1:500,000
map 1999 Nevada: Earthquakes (1852-1998) box/drawer AN3 1:1,000,000 USA
map 1990 Nevada Test Site, Southern Nevada box/drawer 2 1:100,000
map 1965 New Mexico (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:500,000
map 1982 New Mexico (highway geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000
map 1957 New Mexico (official road map) box/drawer 1
map 1968 New Mexico (relief map) box/drawer 1 1:500,000
map 1999 New Mexico Physiographic Map box/drawer AN1 1:750,000 USA
map 1957 New Mexico, Northwestern part (preliminary geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:380,160
map 1901 New York (geological map) box/drawer 12
map 1983 Ninetysix Hills, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1969 Nogales box/drawer 4 1:250,000
map 1974 Nogales & Lochiel quadrangles, Santa Cruz Co, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:48,000
map 1959 Nogales, Arizona - Santa Cruz Co. box/drawer 4
map Nogales, Arizona and Sonora, Mexico box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map Nogales, Santa Cruz Co, Arizona box/drawer 13 1:125,000
map 1992 Nogales, Sonora y Arizona, Estados Unidos Mexicano (carta topographica)s box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map Noroeste, Baja & Sonora, Mexico (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000 mexico
map North America box/drawer 1 metric
map 1969 North America box/drawer 3 metric
map 1912 North America box/drawer 1 1:5,000,000
map 1936 North America (climatic maps) box/drawer 27
map 1992 North America (geothermal map) box/drawer 1 1:5,000,000
map 1987 North America (gravity anomal map) box/drawer 1 1:5,000,000
map 1987 North America (magnetic anomaly map) box/drawer 1 1:5,000,000
map 1988 North America (seismicity map) box/drawer 1 1:5,000,000
map 1988 North America (seismicity map) Set of Four Maps box/drawer AN1 1:5,000,000
map 1992 North America (stress map) box/drawer 1 1:5,000,000
map 1985 North America Coastal Erosion and Accretion box/drawer AN3 1:7,500,000 USA
map 1925 Northampton, MA box/drawer 1 1:62,5000
map 1981 Nutrioso, Arizona/New Mexico box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1969 Oakland East Quadrangle, California (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1984 Ocean Drilling Program, Atlas 1 box/drawer 1
map 1984 Ocean Drilling Program, Atlas 10 box/drawer 1
map 1985 Ocean Drilling Program, Atlas 11 box/drawer 1
map 1984 Ocean Drilling Program, Atlas 12 box/drawer 1
map 1985 Ocean Drilling Program, Atlas 13 box/drawer 1
map 1984 Ocean Drilling Program, Atlas 2 box/drawer 1
map 1984 Ocean Drilling Program, Atlas 3 box/drawer 1
map 1984 Ocean Drilling Program, Atlas 4 box/drawer 1
map 1984 Ocean Drilling Program, Atlas 5 box/drawer 1
map 1984 Ocean Drilling Program, Atlas 6 box/drawer 1
map 1985 Ocean Drilling Program, Atlas 7 box/drawer 1
map 1985 Ocean Drilling Program, Atlas 8 box/drawer 1
map 1985 Ocean Drilling Program, Atlas 9 box/drawer 1
map Ocean and Mountain Studies Carson City, Nevada box/drawer AN4
map 1954/1966 Ogden, Utah, Wyoming box/drawer 2 1:250,000
map 1957 Olympic National Park and vicinity, Washington box/drawer 1 1:125,000
map 1993 Olympic Peninsula, Washington (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:48,000
map 1980 O'Neill Hills, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map Ontario and Quebec box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1981 Opodepe, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1980 Oregon, Central Continental Margin box/drawer 2 1:250,000
map 1979 Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas box/drawer 2 1:250,000
map 1982 Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas box/drawer 2
map 1993 Pacheco Pass Quadrangle, Central California Coast Ranges box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1927 Palmer, MA - CN box/drawer 1 1:62,500
map 1966 Palo Alto Quadrangle, Santa Clara, San Mateo Counties, California box/drawer 2 1:62,500
map 1963 Palo Alto Ranch, Arizona - Pima Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1996 Panoche Creek-Cantua Area, Fresno, San Benito Counties, California (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:50,000
map 1984 Papago, San Xavier & Gila Bend Indian Reservations, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1989 Paradise Range and Southern Lodi Hills, West-Central Nevada (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1963 Parker Dam, Arizona - California box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1985 Parker, Arizona/California box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map Parker, Lapaz Co, Arizona box/drawer 5 1:125,000
map Patagonia, Arizona box/drawer 3 1:125,000
map 1980 Patton Ridge to the Mojave Desert, across the Los Angeles Basin, Southern California box/drawer 2 1:250,000
map 1981 Payson, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 2006 Peach Springs, Arizona box/drawer AN 1:100,000
map 1986 Peach Springs, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map Pearce, Cochise Co, Arizona box/drawer 15 1:125,000
map Perilla, Arizona box/drawer 15 1:125,000
map 1981 Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map Petrified Forest, Navajo/Appache Co, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:48,000
map 1954/1969 Phoenix box/drawer 2 1:250,000
map 1974 Phoenix-Showing Vegetation in the Phoenix Area, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:250,000
map 1973 Phoenix Area, Arizona (alluvial deposits…) box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1981 Phoenix South, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1978 Phoenix, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1953 Phoenix-Mesa-Tucson-Ajo (3 maps taped together) box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map unknown Phsiographic Map of Unknown Region or Area box/drawer F unknown unknown
map 1951 Picacho, California - Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1960 Pima and Santa Cruz Counties (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:375,000
map 1959 Pinal County (geologic map) box/drawer 3 1:375,000
map 1983 Pinon, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1975 Poche, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1982 Polacca, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1885 Polar Regions, North America (Baffin Bay to Lincoln Sea) box/drawer 1
map 1974 Precambrian Geology of the Black Hills, South Dakota D. Dunnet/J.Raney box/drawer AN4
map 1949/1954 Prescott box/drawer 4 1:250,000
map 1981 Prescott, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1960 Presumido Peak, Arizona - Pima Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1970 Price, Utah box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1976 Pueblo quadrangle, Colorado (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:187,000
map 1982 Pueblo Viejo, Durango y Sinaloa, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1980 Puerto Penasco, Sonora y Arizona, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map 1982 Pusch Ridge Wilderness Area, Pima County box/drawer 1 1:62,500
map 1974 Putnam Wash quadrangle, Pima Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1970 Quartzsite quadrangle, Yuma Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:62,500
map 1951 Quebec, Province de box/drawer 2 1:1,000,000
map 1982 Quiriego, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1981 Rayon, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1958 Red Bluff Mtns, Arizona - Yuma Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1965 Red Hill, Arizona - California box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1963 Red Rock, Arizona - Pinal Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1959 Redington, Arizona - Grahm, Cochise, Pima Counties box/drawer 2 1:50,000
map 1991 Reno 1 by 2 Quadrangle, Nevada and California (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:250,000
map 2003 Richfield, Southeast Millard County, Utah (geologic map) box/drawer AN 1:100,000
map 1982 Ridge Basin, California (geologic map) box/drawer 1
map 1969 Riggins Quadrangle, West-Central Idaho box/drawer 2 1:125,000
map 1977 Rincon Valley Quadrangle, Pima County, AZ box/drawer 1 1:48,000
map 1959 Rincon Valley, Arizona - Pima Co. box/drawer 2 1:50,000
map 1975 Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico (tectonic map) box/drawer 1 1:500,000
map 1982 Roadside Hills Area, Tucson Mountains, Pima County, Arizona box/drawer 1
map 1986 Rock Point, Arizona/New Mexico/Utah/Colorado box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1931 Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado box/drawer 1 1:125,000
map 1974 Rodeo Ceek, NE Quadrangle Eureka County, Nevada box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1959 Roll, Arizona - Yuma Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map Roosevelt, Arizona box/drawer 32 1:125,000
map 1971 Rossland-Trail, British Columbia box/drawer AN 1:50, 000
map 1959 Ruby, Arizona - Santa Cruz Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1979 Ruby Mountains, Nevada box/drawer 2 1:125,000
map 1994 Rustler Park quadrangle, Cochise Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1978 Sacaton, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1966 Sacramento sheet (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1978 Sacramento Valley and Northern Coast Ranges, California box/drawer 2
map 1991 Sacramento Valley Basin, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map Saddle Mountain quadrangle, Pinal Co, Arizona box/drawer
map 1968 Safford and Duncan Basins, Southeast Arizona box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1994 Safford quadrangle, Graham County box/drawer 1
map 1960/1969 Safford, Arizona/New Mexico box/drawer 1 1:62,000
map 1994 Sahuaripa, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1993 Sahuarita, Arizona - Pima Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1971 Sahuarita, Arizona - Southeat of Tucson. Pima County, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:48,000
map 1960 Saint Johns box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1954/1962 Salina quadrangle, Sevier Co, Utah (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:250,000
map 1986 Salt Lake City, Utah, Wyoming box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1970 Salton Sea, California box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1970 San Andreas Fault between Cholame Valley and Tejon Pass, California box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1969 San Andreas Fault between Tejon Pass and Cajon Pass, Southern California box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1970 San Andreas Fault between the Northern Gabilan Range and Cholame Valley, California box/drawer 2 1:62,500
map 1973 San Andreas and Related Faults in Carrizo Plain, Temblor, Caliente, and La Panza Ranges and Vicinity, California box/drawer 2 1:125,000
map 1965 San Benito County, California (geologic map) box/drawer 2
map 1955/1959/1969 San Bernadino sheet, California (geologic map) box/drawer 4 1:250,000
map 1967 San Bernardo, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1986 San Felipe, Sonora y Arizona, Estados Unidos Mexicanos & United States (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map San Francisco de los Lobos, Durango y Sinaloa, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map 1993 San Francisco Mnts, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1979 San Francisco Wilderness Study Area & Contiguous Roadless Area, Greenlee Co, AZ and Catron and Grant Co, NM box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1972 San Jacinto Fault Zone (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1982 San Joaquin Valley, California (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:62,500
map 1983 San Joaquin Valley, Northern, California (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:250,000
map 1985 San Joaquin Valley, Northern, California (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:250,000
map 1984 San Joaquin Valley, Southeastern Margin, California box/drawer 2 1:125,000
map 1979 San Joaquin Valley from Offshore Point Sur to Madera, California box/drawer 2 1:250,000
map 1915 San Jose de Batuc, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:25,000
map 1984 San Jose de Pimas, Mexico box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map San Jose sheet, California (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1966 San Luis Obispo sheet, California (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1975 San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara Counties, California box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1978 San Luis Obispo Continental Margin, the Southern Coast Ranges, and the San Joaquin Valley, California box/drawer 2 1:1,000,000
map 1955 San Luis Potosi, Mexico box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1959 San Luisito, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000 mexico
map 1993 San Manuel Copper Deposit and vicinity of Old Hat Mining District, Pinal County box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1944/1945 San Mateo quadrangle, California box/drawer 1
map 1913/1914 San Miguel de Horcasitas, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 2 1:62,500
map 1975 San Pedro Valley, near St. David - Benson box/drawer 1 1:50:000 mexico
map San Rafael Group & underlying strata in UT & part of CO (block diagram) box/drawer 1
map 1963 San Rafael, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1
map 1987 Sam Simom Sub-Basin, Graham, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1980 San Simon, Graham Co, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map San Vicente, Arizona - Pima Co. box/drawer 16 1:125,000
map 1954 San Xavier Mission, Arizona - Pima Co. box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1959 Sanders, Arizona/New Mexico box/drawer 4 1:50,000
map 1982 Santa Ana sheet, California (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1955 Santa Ana, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 2 1:250,000
map 1993 Santa Ana, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1975 Santa Catalina Mountains (trail and recreation map) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1977 Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona (Geologic map, cross sections, and other geologic features) box/drawer 1 1:62,500
map 1989 Santa Cruz County, California box/drawer 2 1:62,500
map 1997 Santa Cruz, Sinaloa, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:48,000
map 1993 Santa Cruz, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1980 Santa Monica Mountains, Los Angeles County, California box/drawer 2 1;24,000
map 1993 Santa Rita Mountains (north end)Rosemont-Helvetia Area box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1967/1968 Santa Rita, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:12,000
map 1982 Santa Rosa, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1975 Santa Teresa, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1984 Santa Teresa, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1993 Saracachi, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1993 Saybrook, CN box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1929 Seboyeta quadrangle, New Mexico (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:62,500
map 1963 Sells, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1994 Sells, Arizona - Pima Co. box/drawer 2 1:100,000 metric
map 1963/1981 Sentinel, Arizona - Maricopa Co. box/drawer 2 1:50,000
map 1974 Shandon and Orchard Peak Quadrangles, San Luis Obispo and Kern Counties, California box/drawer 2
map 1953 Shinumo, Coconino Co, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map Shiprock, New Mexico, Arizona box/drawer 6 1:48,000
map 1954/1963/1969 Show Low quadrangle Navajo County, Arizona box/drawer 6 1:250,000
map 1972 Show Low, Arizona box/drawer 3 1:62,500
map 1981 Sierra Ancha Wilderness & Aalome Study Area, Gila Co, AZ (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1981 Sierra Ancha Wilderness & Aalome Study Area, Gila Co, AZ (mineral resource map) box/drawer 1 1:48,000
map 1982 Sierra Libre, Mexico box/drawer 1 1:48,000
map Sierra Libre, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map 1992 Sierra Nevada, California box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map 1979 Silent Butte quadrangle, Nye Co, Nevada (geologic map) box/drawer 1
map 1966 Silver City, New Mexico, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1954/1970 Silver Reef Mtns, Arizona - Pinal, Pima Counties box/drawer 2 1:250,000
map 1964 Sinaloa, Mexico box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1987 Skull Mountain quadrangle, at the Nevada Test Site, Nye Co, Nevada (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1962 Smoky Mountain, Utah/Arizona box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1974 Snake River Canyon, Oregon and Idaho (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:125,000
map 1985 Sonora quadrangle, Pinal and Gila Co, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1971 Sonora, Mexico box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1937 Sonora, Mexico (carta geologica) box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000 mexico
map 1993 Sonoyta, Mexico box/drawer 3 1:500,000
map Sonoyta, Mexico, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map South America box/drawer AN4
map 1951 South America box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1972 South America box/drawer 1 1:10,700,000
map 1950 South America (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:5,000,000
map 1977 South America (tectonic map) box/drawer 1 1:15,000,000
map South America (Mineral Geology) box/drawer AN4 1:50,000
map 1978 South Butte quadrangle, Valencia Co, New Mexico box/drawer 1 1:5,000,000
map 1964 South West Africa (Bismarkberge geological map) box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1988 South West Africa/Nambia (Cape Cross geological map) box/drawer 1 1:150,000
map 1988 Southeast Arizona box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1980 Southwestern North America: Seismicity 1984-1994 box/drawer 1 1:125,000
map Unknown Springerville, Arizona/New Mexico box/drawer F Unknown USA
map 1999 Springerville Volcanic Field, East-Central Arizona box/drawer 2 1:100,000
map 1981 Springfield, MA - CN box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1924 St. David, Arizona - Cochise Co. box/drawer 1 1:62,500
map 1960/1977 St. George, Utah/Arizona box/drawer 2 1:50,000
map 1954 Stanford Area-Judith Basin and Fergus Counties, Montana box/drawer 2
map 1980 Stanford Canyon quadrangle, Cochise Co, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1994 Star Flat - Willow Springs Area, Pinal Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1994 Star Flat - Willow Springs Area, Pinal County, Arizona. box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1994 Stawberry Crater Roadless Area, Coconino County box/drawer Arizona Geological Survey Contributed Map CM-94-B, Arizona Geological Survey, Tucson, 1994.
map 1964 Stonyford Quadrangle, Glenn Colusa, and Lake Counties, California box/drawer 2 1:48,000
map 1982 Stoval, Arizona - Yuma Co. box/drawer 3 1:24,000
map 1956 Suaqui Grande, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1984 Sunnyside, Arizona - Santa Cruz, Cochise Counties box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1960 Superior Mining Area, Arizona (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1942 Superior quadrangle, Pinal Co, Arizona (geologic map) box/drawer 2
map 1969 Superior, Arizona - Maricopa, Pinal, Gila Counties box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1964 Superstition Mtns, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1978 Teapot Mountain quadrangle, Pinal Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:50,000
map 1983 Teapot Mountain, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1978 Tecoriname, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1982 Tecoripa, Sonora y Chihuahua, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1980 Tecoripa, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map 1984 Tecoripa, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1973 Tempe quadrangle, Maricopa Co, Arizona (caliche map) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1986 Tempe quadrangle, Maricopa Co, Arizona (depth to river gravel map) box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1986 Tempe quadrangle, Maricopa Co, Arizona (flooding map) box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1986 Tempe quadrangle, Maricopa Co, Arizona (geologic maps) box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1986 Tempe quadrangle, Maricopa Co, Arizona (ground water map) box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1986 Tempe quadrangle, Maricopa Co, Arizona (landforms map) box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1986 Tepahui, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1982 Tepic (carta geologica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1988 Terachi, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1982 Texas (geological highway map) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1973 Texas (geological map) box/drawer 1
map 1916 Thatcher quadrangle, Graham County box/drawer 1 1:1,500,000
map 1969 Thatcher, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:62,500
map 1981 The Central North Atlantic Ocean Basin & Continental Margins box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1980 The Geology of Chiricahua National Monument box/drawer 1
map 1974 Theba, Arizona - Maricopa Co. Yeman, Richard P. box/drawer Unpublished Manuscript
map 1963 Theodore Roosevelt Dam, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1999 Theodore Roosevelt lake, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1994 Thirsty Canyon quadrangle, Nye Co, Nevada (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:100,000 metric
map 1993 Timber Mountain quadrangle, Nye Co, Nevada (geologic map) box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1966 Timber Mountain quadrangle, Nye Co, Nevada (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1964 Tinajas Atlas Mountains, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1995 Tohono O'Odham Indian Nation, Southern Arizona (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:125,000
map 1980 Tohono O'Odham Indian Nation, Southern Arizona box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1995 Toiyabe National Forest, Nevada box/drawer 1 1:125,000
map 1968 Tombstone Mining District, Cochise County box/drawer 1
map 1938 Tombstone, Arizona - Cochise Co. box/drawer 1 1:6,000
map 1952 Tonibabi, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1975 Tonichi, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1975 Topock, Arizona - California box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1963 Topopah Spring, SW quadrangle, Nevada (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1964 Trigo Mts, Arizona/California box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1986 Trigo Peaks, Arizona - Yuma Co. box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1965 Trinidad, Colorado box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1959 Trona sheet, California (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1962 Tuape, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1994 Tuba City, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1983 Tucson box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1956 Tucson (components in the water budget) box/drawer 4 1:250,000
map 1976 Tucson Basin Line 2 Intermediate Stack box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map unknown Tucson Metropolitan Area box/drawer F unknown USA
map 1988 Tucson Metropolitan Area. Surficial geologic maps of the Tucson Metropolitan Area. box/drawer 1 1:24,000
map 1988 Tucson Mountains Caldera, southern Arizona McKittrick, M. A. box/drawer Geolgical Survey Open-File Report 88-18, Tucson, 1988.
map 1993 Tucson, Arizona - Pinal Co. box/drawer 4 1:24,000
map 1962 Tucson, Arizona (ease of excavation & potential erodability) box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1975 Tucson, Arizona (geologic map) box/drawer 1
map 1988 Tucson, Arizona (metropolitan area maps) box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map Tucson, Arizona (slope-relief of the western half) box/drawer 1 (text only)
map Tucson, Arizona (soil association map) box/drawer 1
map Tucson, Arizona (vegetation) box/drawer 1 1:120,000
map Tucson Line Basin 2 Intermediate Stack box/drawer AN4
map 1974 Tucson-Map Showing Vegetation in the Tucson Area, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1974 Tule Valley, Utah (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 2002 Turret Peak, Arizona box/drawer AN 1:100,000
map Twin Buttes, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:125,000
map 1983 Twin Buttes, Pima Co, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1978 Twitchell Dam, Santa Barbara County, California box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map Unfaulted Geologic Map of the Ricardo Prospect Area box/drawer AN4 1:50,000
map 1962 Unionsville Quadrangle, Nevada box/drawer 2 1:48,000
map 1969 Unionsville Quadrangle, Nevada box/drawer 2 1:62,500
map United States box/drawer 1 1:48,000
map 1977 United States (status of horozontal control) box/drawer 1 1:5,000,000
map 1982 United States (status of vertical control) box/drawer 1 1:5,000,000
map 1982 United States (structural features) box/drawer 1 1:5,000,000
map 1960 United States (topographic map) box/drawer 1
map 1914 United States, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:2,500,000
map 1925 United States, Utah box/drawer 1 1:500,000
map 1947 United States, Western Half box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000
map United States--East Coast box/drawer 2
map 1916 Ures, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 1
map 1981 Utah (base map) box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map 1959 Utah (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000
map 1980 Utah (relief map) box/drawer 1 1:500,000
map 1947 Valentine Southeast quadrangle, Mohave Co, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:1,000,000
map 1993 Valentine, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1984 Valle Chico, Baja California, Mexico (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1993 Valle, Arizona box/drawer 2
map 1983 Vamori, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1981 Vekol Mtns, Arizona - Maricopa, Pinal, Pima Counties box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1954 Vicksburg quadrangle, La Paz Co, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1990 Villa Hidalgo, Sonora, Estados Unidos Mexicanos (carta topographica) box/drawer 2 1:62,500
map 1991 Virgin River Basin, Mohave Co., Arizona box/drawer 2 1:250,000
map 1982 Vishnu, Coconino Co, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000 mexico
map Wah Wah Mountains, Southwest Millard County , Beaver County, Utah (geologic map) box/drawer 21 1:48,000
map 2002 Walker Lake sheet, California (geologic map) box/drawer AN 1:100,000
map 1963 Walker Lake, Nevada, California box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1991 Washakie Basin to the East Flank of the Rock Springs Uplift, Wyoming box/drawer 2
map 1957 Waterbury, CN box/drawer 1 1:250,000
map 1928 Waterman Wash Area, Maricopa & Pinal Co, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:62,500
map 1950 Waubaunsee Co., Kansas-Map Showing Construction Materials and Geology of Waubaunsee Co. box/drawer 2
map 1975 Wells, Nevada, Utah, Idaho box/drawer 1 1:125,000
map 1955/1970 West Clear Creek Roadless Area, Yavapai & Coconino Co, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:250,000
map 1991-1992 West Fissure Fault Zone, Chile Airborne Geophysical Survey: Calama to Escondida box/drawer AN4 1:100,000
map 1970 Wells Ranch, Elkhorn Hills Quadrangles, San Luis Obispo and Kern Counties, California box/drawer 2 1:62,500
map 1983 Whetstone Mountains, Cochise & Pima Co, Arizona box/drawer 4 1:24,000
map Whipple Mtns, California box/drawer 1
map 1975 Whitlock Mountains and vicinity, Graham Co, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1981 Wickenburg, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:48,000
map 1971 Wilbur Springs Quadrangle Colusa and Lake Counties, Calfornia box/drawer 2 1:48,000
map 1981 Williams, Arizona box/drawer 3 1:50,000
map 1983 Williams, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1980 Williams, Arizona box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1956/1961 Winchester Mtns, Arizona - Graham, Cochise Counties box/drawer 3 1:250,000
map 1962 Window Rock quadrangle, Apache Co, AZ & McKinley Co, NM box/drawer 4 1:50,000
map 1990 Winkleman, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map Winklman quadrangle, Pinal and Gila Co, Arizona box/drawer 45 1:125,000
map 1974 Winslow, Arizona box/drawer 2 1:24,000
map 1982 Woolsey Peak, Arizona - Maricopa Co. box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1952 World (physical map. Political on reverse side) box/drawer 1 1:50,000
map 1975 World (stereographic map) box/drawer 1 1:48,140,000
map Wrangell-Saint Elias National Park, Alaska box/drawer 1
map 2006 Wyoming (geologic map) box/drawer AN 1:350,000
map 1985 Yavapai County (geologic map) box/drawer 1 1:500,000
map 1958 Yecora, Mexico box/drawer 5 1:375,000
map Yellowstone National Park North, Wyoming/Montana box/drawer 1 1:250,000 mexico
map 1983 Yosemite National Park, California (topographic map) box/drawer 1 1:100,000 metric
map 1948 Yosemite, CA box/drawer 1 1:125,000
map 1929 Yuma County (fence diagram) box/drawer 1 1:125,000
map 1956 Yuma County (geologic map) box/drawer 2 (no scale)
map 1960 Yuma, Arizona box/drawer 5 1:375,000
map 1984 Yuma, Arizona box/drawer 3 1:50,000
map box/drawer 9 1:125,000
map 1990 Sonora, Mexico (political map) box/drawer AN1 1:500,000 4-Jun
map 1976 Placilla de Caracoles No. 142 box/drawer AN3 1:50000 4-Jun
map 1976 Placilla de Caracoles No. 144 box/drawer AN3 1:50000 4-Jun
map 1976 Sierra de Dona Ines Chica No. 70 box/drawer AN3 1:50000 4-Jun
map 1993 West Fissure Fault Zone (Calama-Escondida Chile) R.C. Baker box/drawer AN1 1:250000 4-Jun
map 1977 Mt. Hopkins, Arizona Thorburn box/drawer AN3 9-Jun
map 1995 El Abra Area, Chile R.C. Baker box/drawer AN1 4-Jun
map 1993 West Fissure Fault Zone (Calama-Escondida Chile)(Overlay) R.C. Baker box/drawer AN3 1:250000 4-Jun
map 1953 Nipple Butte Quadrangle, Utah-Arizona box/drawer 21 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1951 Picacho Quadrangle, Arizona-California box/drawer 22 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1949 Winkelman Quadrangle, Arizona box/drawer 22 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1965 Cabez Prieta Peak Quadrangle, Yuma AZ box/drawer 20 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1963 Ajo Quadrangle, Arizona box/drawer 20 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1953 Palo Verde Mts. Quadrangle, California box/drawer 26 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1952 Sidewinder Well Quadrangle, California-Riverside box/drawer 26 1:62500 9-Jun
map n.d. Little Picacho Peak Quadrangle, California-Imperial box/drawer 26 1:24000 9-Jun
map 1963 Ogilby Quadrangle, California-Imperial box/drawer 26 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1953 Quartz Peak Quadrangle, California-Imperial box/drawer 26 1:62500 9-Jun
map n.d. Picacho Peak Quadrangle, California-Imperial box/drawer 26 1:24000 16-Jun
map n.d. Cibola Quadrangle, Arizona-California box/drawer 26 1:62500 16-Jun
map 1958 Sahuarita Quadrangle, Arizona, Pima box/drawer 22 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1965 Castle Dome Mts. Quadrangle, Arizona, Yuma box/drawer 20 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1941 Cocoraque Butte Quadrangle, Arizona box/drawer 20 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1965 Childs Valley Quadrangle, Arizona box/drawer 20 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1958 Chiricahua Peak Quadrangle, Arizona, Cochise box/drawer 20 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1963 Cimarron Peak Quadrangle, Arizona, Pima box/drawer 20 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1954 Red Hill Quadrangle, Arizona, Yuma box/drawer 22 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1955 Red Bluff Mtn Quadrangle, Arizona, Yuma box/drawer 22 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1962 Quartzsite Quadrangle, Arizona, Yuma box/drawer 22 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1963 Sikort Chuapo Mts Quadrangle, Arizona, Pima box/drawer 22 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1966 Swansea Quadrangle box/drawer 22 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1965 Sierra Arida Quadrangle, Arizona, Yuma box/drawer 22 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1958 Squaretop Hills Quadrangle, Arizona, Cochise box/drawer 22 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1962 Kofa Butte, Arizona, Yuma box/drawer 21 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1958 Elgin Quadrangle, Arizona box/drawer 20 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1958 Empire Mountains Quadrangle, Arizona, Pima box/drawer 20 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1962 Eagletail Mts. Quadrangle, Arizona box/drawer 20 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1951 Dendora Valley Quadrangle, Arizona, Maricopa box/drawer 20 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1964 Growler Peak Quadrangle, Arizona, Pima box/drawer 21 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1962 Little Horn Mts. Quadrangle, Arizona, Yuma box/drawer 21 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1961 Lone Mountain Quadrangle, Arizona box/drawer 21 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1962 Livingston Hills Quadrangle, Arizona, Yuma box/drawer 21 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1955 Laguna Quadrangle, Arizona-California box/drawer 21 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1964 Big Horn Mts Quadrangle, Arizona, Maricopa box/drawer 20 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1958 St. David Quadrangle, Arizona, Cochise box/drawer 22 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1958 Benson Quadrangle, Arizona box/drawer 20 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1957 Cortaro Quadrangle, Arizona, Pima box/drawer 20 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1965 Tule Mountains Quadrangle, Arizona box/drawer 22 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1954 Trigo Peak Quadrangle, Arizona, Yuma box/drawer 22 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1958 Nogales Quadrangle, Arizona, Santa Cruz box/drawer 21 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1958 Mount Wrightson Quadrangle, Arizona box/drawer 21 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1958 Lochiel Quadrangle, Arizona, Santa Cruz box/drawer 21 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1958 Elgin Quadrangle, Arizona box/drawer 20 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1965 Isla Pinta Quadrangle, Arizona, Yuma box/drawer 21 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1959 Black Peak Quadrangle, Arizona-California box/drawer 20 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1966 Castaneda Hills Quadrangle, Arizona-California box/drawer 20 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1962 Cortez Peak Quadrangle, Arizona, Maricopa box/drawer 20 1:62500 9-Jun
map 1965 Kofa Quadrangle, Arizona, Yuma box/drawer 4 1:24000 10-Jun
map 1972 Klondyke Quadrangle, Arizona, Graham box/drawer 4 1:24000 10-Jun
map 1955 Laguna Dam Quadrangle, Arizona-California box/drawer 4 1:24000 10-Jun
map 1972 Cobre Grande Mtn Quadrangle, Arizona, Graham box/drawer 2 1:24000 10-Jun
map 1966 Chiricahua Butte Quadrangle, Arizona, Gila box/drawer 2 1:24000 10-Jun
map 1979 Cochise Head Quadrangle, Arizona, Cochise box/drawer 2 1:24000 10-Jun
map 1968 Avra Quadrangle, Arizona, Pima box/drawer 1 1:24000 11-Jun
map 1968 Cat Mountain Quadrangle, Arizona, Pima box/drawer 2 1:24000 11-Jun
map 1968 Jaynes Quadrangle, Arizona, Pima box/drawer 4 1:24000 11-Jun
map 1968 Jaynes Quadrangle, Arizona, Pima box/drawer 4 1:24000 11-Jun
map 1955 Imperial Reservoir Quadrangle, Arizona-California box/drawer 4 1:24000 11-Jun
map 1945 Inspiration Quadrangle, Arizona box/drawer 4 1:24000 11-Jun
map 1964 Hayden Quadrangle, Arizona box/drawer 4 1:24000 11-Jun
map 1948 Haunted Canyon Quadrangle, Arizona box/drawer 4 1:24000 11-Jun
map 1968 Brown Mountain Quadrangle, Arizona, Pima box/drawer 1 1:24000 11-Jun
map 1965 Hyder Se Qudrangle, Arizona box/drawer 4 1:24000 11-Jun
map 1965 Hidden Valley Quadrangle, Arizona, Yuma box/drawer 4 1:24000 11-Jun
map 1967 Malpais Mesa SW Quadrangle, Arizona, Yavapai box/drawer 4 1:24000 11-Jun
map 1978 Dos Cabezas Quadrangle, Arizona, Cochise box/drawer 3 1:24000 11-Jun
map 1958 Duquesne Quadrangle, Arizona, Santa Cruz box/drawer 3 1:24000 11-Jun
map 1948 Pinal Ranch Quadrangle, Arizona box/drawer 5 1:24000 11-Jun
map 1958 Harshaw Quadrangle, Arizona, Santa Cruz box/drawer 4 1:24000 11-Jun
map 1965 Wickenburg SW Quadrangle box/drawer 8 1:24000 11-Jun
map 1964 Wickenburg Quadrangle, Arizona box/drawer 8 1:24000 11-Jun
map 1961 Vulture Mountains Quadrangle box/drawer 8 1:62500 11-Jun
map 1952 Tombstone Quadrangle, Arizona, Cochise box/drawer 7 1:62500 11-Jun
map 1965 Picacho NW Quadrangle, California-Arizona box/drawer 5 1:24000 11-Jun
map 1965 Picacho SW Quadrangle, California-Arizona box/drawer 5 1:24000 11-Jun
map 1957 Tucson Quadrangle, Arizona, Pima box/drawer 7 1:24000 11-Jun
map 1949 Black Mountain Quadrangle, Arizona, Pinal box/drawer 1 1:24000 11-Jun
map 1949 Lookout Mtn. Quadrangle, Arizona, Pinal box/drawer 4 1:24000 11-Jun
map 1968 San Xavier Mission Quadrangle, Arizona, Pima box/drawer 6 1:24000 11-Jun
map 1965 Palo Verde Quadrangle, California-Arizona box/drawer 5 1:24000 11-Jun
map 1977 Cross Roads Quadrangle (California-Arizona) box/drawer 2 1:24000 4-Jun
map 1964 Picacho Quadrangle, Arizona-California box/drawer 5 1:24000 9-Jun
map 1964 Picacho Quadrangle, Arizona-California box/drawer 5 1:24000 9-Jun
map 1954 Jamestown Quadrangle, Tennessee, Fentress box/drawer 30 1:24000 14-Jun
map 1953 Cookeville West, Tennessee box/drawer 30 1:24000 18-Jun
map 1968 Dodson Branch Quadrangle, Tennessee box/drawer 30 1:24000 14-Jun
map 1968 Gainesboro Quadrangle, Tennessee, Jackson box/drawer 30 1:24000 14-Jun
map 1955 Baxter, Tennessee box/drawer 30 1:24000 14-Jun
map 1970 Residual Aeromagnetic Map of Arizona box/drawer AN3 1:1000000 17-Jun
map n.d. Geologic Map of Alaska box/drawer AN3 1:2500000 18-Jun
map 1979 Map of Tucson and Vicinity box/drawer AN3 18-Jun
map 1977 Tucson, Arizona box/drawer AN3 1:250000 18-Jun
map 1987 Major Land Resource Areas and Subresource Areas, Arizona box/drawer AN3 1:1000000 18-Jun
map 1985 North America Coastal Erosion and Accretion box/drawer AN3 1:7,500,000 18-Jun
map n.d. Southwestern North America Seismicity 1984-1994 Dohrenwend box/drawer AN1 18-Jun
map 2000 Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Dohrenwend box/drawer AN1 1:200000 18-Jun
map 2000 Pinacate, Puerto Penasco Dohrenwend box/drawer AN1 1:125000 18-Jun
map 1998 Tucson 1984 Dohrenwend box/drawer AN1 1:100000 18-Jun
map 2000 Rincon Moutains, Saguaro National Park Dohrenwend box/drawer AN1 1:50000 18-Jun
map 2000 Southeast Arizona Dohrenwend box/drawer AN1 1:170000 18-Jun
map 2000 San Rafael Swell Dohrenwend box/drawer AN1 1:150000 18-Jun
map 2000 Petrified Forest National Park Dohrenwend box/drawer AN1 1:100000 18-Jun
map 2001 Grand Canyon National Park Dohrenwend box/drawer AN1 1:250000 18-Jun
map 2000 Flagstaff, Arizona Dohrenwend box/drawer AN1 1:100000 18-Jun
map 2000 Organ Pipe Cactus, and surrounding areas Dohrenwend box/drawer AN1 1:100000 18-Jun
map 1966 West Central, Geologic Map of Tennessee Hardeman box/drawer AN1 1:250000 18-Jun
map 1966 West, Geologic Map of Tennessee Hardeman box/drawer AN1 1:250000 18-Jun
map 1966 East Central, Geologic Map of Tennessee Hardeman box/drawer AN1 1:250000 18-Jun
map 1966 East, Geologic Map of Tennessee Hardeman box/drawer AN1 1:250000 18-Jun
map 1966 Quimby Ranch Area, Arizona, Cochise Dirks box/drawer AN1 18-Jun
map 1982 Landsat Image Mosaic of Wyoming box/drawer AN1 1:500000 18-Jun
map 1992 Geologic Reconnaissance Map of the Chuquicamata-Caracoles Area, Chile R. C. Baker box/drawer AN1 21-Jun
map 1992 Geologic Map of the Gran Llano Area, Region II, Chile R. C. Baker box/drawer AN1 21-Jun
map 1994 Geologic Map of the Vaquillas-Sandon Area, Chile (set of 2) R. C. Baker box/drawer AN1 21-Jun
map 1978 Punta del Cobre Mine, Atacama Province, Chile R. C. Baker box/drawer AN3 21-Jun
map 1993 Exploration Overlay, West Fissure Fault Zone (Calama-Escondida Segment), Chile R. C. Baker box/drawer AN3 21-Jun
map 1985 Generalized Geologic Map of the Republic of Ecuador R. C. Baker box/drawer AN1 21-Jun
map 1981 Geologic Reconnaissance Map of the Escondida Region, Chile- Plate 1 R. C. Baker box/drawer AN1 21-Jun
map 1990 Unfaulted Reconstruction of the Chuquicamata-Sierra Limon Verde Area, Chile R. C. Baker box/drawer AN1 21-Jun
map 1995 Geologic Map of the Vaquillas-Sandon Area, Chile (set of 2) Region 2 R. C. Baker box/drawer AN1 21-Jun
map 1967 Geologic Reconnaissance Map of the Sierrita Mountains, Arizona, Pima R. C. Baker box/drawer AN1 21-Jun
map n.d. Intrusive Igneous Rocks, Alteration and Mineralization box/drawer AN3 21-Jun
map 1978 Geologic Map of Nevada box/drawer AN3 1:500000 21-Jun
map n.d. Geologic Map of Nevada box/drawer AN3 21-Jun
map n.d. Geologic Map of Alaska box/drawer AN1 1:2500000 23-Jun
map n.d. Gneiss box/drawer AN3 23-Jun
map 1970 Residual Aeromagnetic Map of Arizona box/drawer AN3 1:1000000 23-Jun
map 1934 Areal Geologic Map of Cretaceous Rocks, Black Mesa, Arizona box/drawer AN1 1:62500 23-Jun
map 1963 Golfo de California (set of 3) box/drawer AN1 1:639400 23-Jun
map 1981 Structure Cross Section B-B' Across Coyanosa Field Bruce T. Ijirigho box/drawer AN3 23-Jun
map 1975 Barren Hills Mary Dallof box/drawer AN1 23-Jun
map 1934 Areal Geologic Map of Cretaceous Rocks, Black Mesa, Arizona (2) box/drawer AN1 1:62500 23-Jun
map 1981 Northwest Southeast D-D' Structure Cross Section Across Brown Bassett Field Bruce T. Ijirigho box/drawer AN3 23-Jun
map 1980 Geologic Map of Alaska box/drawer AN1 1:250000 23-Jun
map n.d. San Pedro Valley, Near St. David, Benson Arizona box/drawer AN1 23-Jun
map 1963 Golfo de California (set of 2) box/drawer AN1 1:639400 23-Jun
map 1981 Metallogenic Map of North America box/drawer AN1 23-Jun
map n.d. Mineral Report San Bernadino National Forest box/drawer AN3 23-Jun
map 1992 Geologic Reconnaissance Map of the Chuquicamata-Caracoles Area, Chile (2) R. C. Baker box/drawer AN1 21-Jun
map 1968 Mapa Geologico de Chile (set of 5) box/drawer AN3 1:1000000 24-Jun
map 1991 Geologic Reconnaissance Map of the West Fissure Fault Zone, El Abra South Sector box/drawer AN3 1:50000 24-Jun
map 1993 Geologic Map of the West Fissure Fault Zone, Calama-Escondida Segment, Chile R. C. Baker box/drawer AN3 1:250000 24-Jun
map 1982 Geologic Map of the West Fissure Fault Zone, Calama-Escondida Segment, Chile R. C. Baker box/drawer AN3 1:250000 24-Jun
map n.d. Chile box/drawer AN3 24-Jun
map n.d. Washington Mining Camp, Arizona, Santa Cruz box/drawer AN3 24-Jun
map 1995 Casado-Salar Elvira Area, Regon II, Chile R. C. Baker box/drawer AN3 24-Jun
map 1990 Southern Part of the Copiapo Mining District R. C. Baker box/drawer AN3 24-Jun
map 1981 Geologic Reconnaissance Map of the Escondida Region, Chile R. C. Baker box/drawer AN3 24-Jun
map n.d. Airborne Magnetic Survey, RTP- Escondida box/drawer AN2 1:250000 24-Jun
map n.d. Teniente South Base Map box/drawer AN2 24-Jun
map n.d. Gran Llano R. C. Baker box/drawer AN2 24-Jun
map 1995 Chuiquicamata Region, Chile, with overlay map R. C. Baker box/drawer AN2 24-Jun
map 1991 Sagasca Madre Area, Chile R. C. Baker box/drawer AN2 1:100000 24-Jun
map n.d. Mendana Fracture Zone, Chile Fracture Zone, ect. box/drawer AN2 25-Jun
map 1992 Quebrada de los Arrieros Area, Region II, Chile R. C. Baker box/drawer AN2 1:100000 25-Jun
map n.d. Calama-Escondida box/drawer AN2 1:250000 25-Jun
map n.d. Calama-Escondida box/drawer AN2 1:250000 25-Jun
map 1964-1966 Arkansas Louisiana Gas Co. (set of 3) box/drawer AN2 25-Jun
map 1982 Sierra Vaquillas Altas box/drawer AN2 1:50000 25-Jun
map 1976 Rio Frio box/drawer AN2 1:50000 25-Jun
map 1976 Sierra Candeleros box/drawer AN2 1:50000 25-Jun
map 1976 Cerro Tres Puntas box/drawer AN2 1:50000 25-Jun
map 1982 Republica Argentina box/drawer AN1 1:250000 25-Jun
map 1978 Republica Argentina box/drawer AN1 1:250000 25-Jun
map n.d. Rocardo Project box/drawer AN1 1:25000 25-Jun
map 1972 Moctezuma box/drawer AN2 1:50000 25-Jun
map 1972 Calama box/drawer AN2 1:50000 25-Jun
map n.d. Chuiquicamata Sierra Limon Verde Region, Chile, with overlay map box/drawer AN1 25-Jun
map n.d. Chuiquicamata-Caracoles Area (3) box/drawer AN1 25-Jun
map 1993 Codelco/Freeport Data, Calama Area, Chile box/drawer AN2 1:50000 25-Jun
map n.d. Chuiquicamata Sierra Limon Verde Region, Chile, box/drawer AN2 25-Jun
map 1993 Geologic Map of the West Fissure Fault Zone, Calama-Escondida Segment, Chile R. C. Baker box/drawer AN2 1:250000 25-Jun
map 1982 West Fissure Fault Zone. El Salvador-Copiapo Region, Chile box/drawer AN2 1:250000 25-Jun
map 1994 Sierra Gorda District, Chile R. C. Baker box/drawer AN2 25-Jun
map 1994 West Fissure Zone, Escondida-El Salvador Region, Chile R. C. Baker box/drawer AN2 25-Jun
map 1977 Sierra Gorda box/drawer AN2 1:50000 25-Jun
map 1977 Pampa Catorce De Febrero box/drawer AN2 1:50000 25-Jun
map 1981 Unfaulted Reconstruction of the Escondida Area R. C. Baker box/drawer AN2 25-Jun
map 1994 Reconnaissance Map of the Sierra Gorda District, Chile (set of 3) R. C. Baker box/drawer AN2 25-Jun
map 1995 Catastro Preliminar Calama-Seguna Region, Ricardo Project Silvia Collao C. Perito box/drawer AN2 1:50000 25-Jun
map 1990 Exploration map of the Vaqullas Oxide Copper Prospect, Chile R. C. Baker box/drawer AN2 25-Jun
map n.d. Ricardo Target Exploration Area box/drawer AN2 25-Jun
map 1987 Geologia y Yacimientos Metaliferos De la Region de Antofagasta box/drawer AN2 1:500000 25-Jun
map n.d. Cerro Jaspeado Ines box/drawer AN2 1:500000 25-Jun
map n.d. Pampa Elvira Ines box/drawer AN2 1:500000 25-Jun
map n.d. Distribution of Andean intrusive-related belts of Mineralization box/drawer AN2 25-Jun
map 1995 Geologic Map Co-Casado-Salar Elvira Area, Region II, Chile R. C. Baker box/drawer AN2 25-Jun
map 1990 Chuiquicamata Sierra Limon Verde Region, Chile, (2) R. C. Baker box/drawer AN2 25-Jun
map 1995 El Abra Area, Chile R. C. Baker box/drawer AN2 25-Jun
map n.d. Ricardo Base Map box/drawer AN2 25-Jun
map n.d. El Abra box/drawer AN2 25-Jun
map n.d. Ricardo Project (2) box/drawer AN1 1:25000 25-Jun
map n.d. Patagonia Mountains, Arizona, Santa Cruz box/drawer AN1 25-Jun
map n.d. Ricardo Property Map box/drawer AN2 25-Jun
map n.d. Patagonia Mountains, Arizona, Santa Cruz box/drawer AN1 25-Jun
map n.d. Montana Geology box/drawer AN1 25-Jun
map n.d. Ricardo Project Property Maps box/drawer AN2 25-Jun
map 1993 West Fissure Fault Zone. Calama-Escondida Segment, Chile (set with overlays) R. C. Baker box/drawer AN2 1:250000 25-Jun
3.5 Floppy Disk n.d. TJ Catalog.xls Media 001
3.5 Floppy Disk n.d. Continuation of TJ's Catalog Media 002
3.5 Floppy Disk n.d. Continuation of TJ's Catalog Media 003
3.5 Floppy Disk n.d. Map Collection Media 004
3.5 Floppy Disk n.d. Mayo, Lily Catalog.xls (x2) Media 005
3.5 Floppy Disk n.d. Lily Catalog Media 006
3.5 Floppy Disk n.d. Antevs Collection.xls, Library Codes.wrd, Topo Maps except AZ Media 007
3.5 Floppy Disk n.d. Not Labeled Media 008
3.5 Floppy Disk n.d. Not Labeled Media 009
3.5 Floppy Disk n.d. Not Labeled Media 010
3.5 Floppy Disk n.d. Mexico Maps.xls, Antevs Work Maps.xls, Metric Topographic Maps.xls, Ocean Drilling Program Maps.xls, AZ Army Map Service Maps.xls, Old Edition USGS Topomaps.xls, AZ Maps.xls, Non AZ Maps.xls Media 011
CD n.d. Martin, Paul S. Reprint Collection
CD n.d. Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Introduction to New Zealand's Mineral Resources
CD n.d. Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Epithermal Gold in New Zealand: GIS Data Package and Prospectivity Modelling
CD n.d. Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Mesothermal Gold in New Zealand: GIS Data Package and Prospectivity Modelling
CD n.d. ASGMT American School of Gas Measurement Technology
CD n.d. Keck Geology Consortium- Structural Geology Slide Set Media 012
CD n.d. American School of Gas Measurement Technology Media 013
CD n.d. Mineral Report BLM Serial No. CACA 42172 Media 014
CD n.d. Geologic Assessment of Coal in the Colorado Plateau: Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah Media 015
CD n.d. Deep Sea Drilling Project- Index and Reference Files Media 016
CD n.d. GSA Journals on CD Media 017
CD n.d. GIS Solutions for Education Media 018
CD n.d. Volcanoes Of Mexico Media 019
CD n.d. Volcanoes of Central America Media 020
CD n.d. The Dynamic Earth: NASA Observes Our Ever-Changing Planet Media 021
CD n.d. The Mountain Geologist 1964-2005 (Volumes 1-42) Media 022
CD n.d. The RMAG Library 1937-2001 Media 023
CD 1971 Greaterville UA M.S. Media 024
CD 1968 Granite Mountain Greaterville Media 025
VHS n.d. 1902 Eruption of Mt. Pelee Michigan Tech. Univ.
VHS n.d. 777: First Flight Flying
VHS 1995 A Convocation in Celebration of the Life of Laurence McKinley Gould Carleton College
VHS n.d. ABC World of Discovery: Earthquakes, the terrifying truth Earthquakes
VHS n.d. Aftershocks of the Loma Prieta Earthquake U.S. Dept. of the Interior
VHS 1998 Antarctica Ice Climate NOVA
VHS n.d. Beyond the Ocean Frontier: The Juan de Fuca Ridge 8 min
VHS n.d. Birth of Sea-Floor Ocean
VHS n.d. Chromavision International Inc. Energy, Mines and Resources Canada Lithoprobe: Probing the Earth 5 hrs
VHS n.d. Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics Tectonics
VHS n.d. Debris Flow Dynamics
VHS n.d. Debris flow Dynamics
VHS n.d. Debris Flow Dynamics
VHS n.d. Discovering the Earth: Geology of the Belize Barrier Reef Ocean
VHS n.d. Discovering the Earth: Mexico Earthquake, September 19, 1985 Earthquakes
VHS n.d. Discovering the Earth: The 1989 San Francisco Bay Area Earthquake Earthquakes
VHS n.d. Discovering the Earth: The Universe
VHS n.d. Discovering the Earth: To Fill the Gap
VHS n.d. Discovering the Earth: Tsunami Ocean
VHS n.d. Downhold Camera Video + West Viginia Oil & Gas Assoc. Video
VHS n.d. Earth Revealed: Mountain Building & Earth's Structures
VHS n.d. Earth Revealed: Weathering and Soils & Mass Wasting
VHS n.d. Earth Revealed: The Birth of a Theory & Plate Dynamics
VHS n.d. Earth Revealed: Earthquakes & Geologic Time
VHS n.d. Earth Revealed: Evolution Through Time & Minerals: the Materials of Earth
VHS n.d. Earth Revealed: Down to Earth & Earth Becoming Alive
VHS n.d. Earth Revealed: Ground Water & Wind, Dust and Deserts
VHS n.d. Earthquake! NOVA
VHS n.d. Earthquakes Earthquakes
VHS 1994 Earthquakes in L.A. Nova Earthquakes
VHS n.d. Energy, Mines and Resources Canada Geology
VHS n.d. Eruption at the Sea Volcanoes
VHS n.d. Evolution of the 1997 - 1998 El Nino: A view from Space Weather
VHS 1997 Excerpts from World's Peodliess Volcanoes CBS
VHS n.d. Flood Control Weather
VHS n.d. Gilbane Gold -- Engineering Ethics 24 min
VHS n.d. Good Landslide Video 1st 5 min
VHS n.d. Ground water Remediation Project TCE/HUGHS
VHS n.d. Ground water Remediation Project
VHS n.d. How Water Moves Through Soil. 30 min
VHS n.d. Hurricane Iniki Weather
VHS n.d. Land of Plenty (Groceries in, Garbage out)
VHS n.d. Laurence M. Gould Journey in Antartica Antartica
VHS n.d. Lawrence Gould
VHS n.d. Mars Movie Simulation of Planetary Images
VHS n.d. National Project WET Ground Water Flow Model Video 22 min
VHS n.d. North Ridge Scalif Earthquake - News Clips Earthquakes
VHS n.d. Paleomap Project #8 Proterozaic Plate Recon.
VHS n.d. Pele's March to the Pacific Volcanoes
VHS n.d. People and Volcanoes in Guatemala Volcanoes
VHS n.d. Planet Earth
VHS n.d. Planet Earth The Blue Planet
VHS n.d. Planet Earth The Living Machine
VHS n.d. Planet Earth
VHS n.d. Planet Earth Gifts from the Earth
VHS n.d. Planet Earth
VHS n.d. Planet Earth: Tales from Other Worlds
VHS n.d. Powers of Ten 9 min
VHS n.d. Rise and Fall of the Great Lakes
VHS n.d. Surging Flow
VHS n.d. The Death of the Dinosaur PBS
VHS n.d. The Dinosaurs: Flesh on the Bones PBS
VHS n.d. The Dinosaurs: The Monsters Emerge PBS
VHS n.d. The Dinosaurs: The Nature of the Beast PBS
VHS n.d. The Earth Has a History GSA
VHS n.d. The Eruption of Mt. St. Helens Otto Sieber's
VHS 1980 The Eruption of Mt. St. Helens P. Kresan
VHS n.d. The Ocean Drilling Program NTSC
VHS n.d. The Prize: Parts 1 & 2
VHS n.d. The Prize: Parts 3 & 4
VHS n.d. The Prize: Parts 5 & 6
VHS n.d. The Prize: Parts 7 & 8
VHS 1992 Thinking Together Harvard
VHS n.d. Traces of the Future: Lessons from Nature for Waste Disposal
VHS n.d. Video Simulaitons of Satellite Images 1) Los Angeles; 2) Miranda; 3)Clouds on Earth; 4) Mars Movie
VHS n.d. Visualizatino of ERBE Data : Clouds NASA Lngley Research Center - Atmo. Sci Div. NASA
VHS n.d. Volcanoe Experiment -- NATS 101 Volcanoes
VHS n.d. Water Transfers: A Western Civil War
VHS n.d. What's up with the Weather? Frontline
VHS n.d. When the Bay Area Quakes Earthquakes
VHS n.d. WIPP - Freedom and Responsibility U.S. Dept. of Energy
VHS n.d. Your Future at Unocal 1988